Let's talk about the best RPG for the PS1

Let's talk about the best RPG for the PS1.
Pic related.

Attached: Suikoden2_NA.jpg (319x312, 32K)

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this game stinky

I mean, you’re right, but I wanna talk about Grandia instead.

Shut up, Neclord. You're just salty we beat you like a bitch that you are.

Too bad III and IV were a shitshow.

Xtreme has my favorite battles of any RPG and my least favorite everything else (except eggs. those are dope). Holy shit the acting, pacing, locations, music, storyline is the worst garbage ever.

No more true runes left and the team is gone too.

That's not the re-release of Lunar.

God damn it we still haven't gone to Harmonia yet
Those fuckers need to pay

>No more true runes left
Shit, really? I must have forgotten, I thought a few still weren't accounted for

They did a good job of making the politics not completely boring. Somehow pulled off the whole having 108 characters to raise an army thing too. Something Chrono Cross totally fucked up.

The best RPG for the PS1 was great but it had its flaws, like Cait Sith

Hows the story on this? I'm able to sink 50 hours on a rpg, but I gotta be like 'what Do I do with my life' after I beat it (vide mother 3 and mass effect trilogy)
Is thjs game that good?

It's pretty solid, dude. Starts out a little slow, but as it progresses, you build your own army and castle, which is pretty neat. There's about 70-80 playable characters and 108 total. Battles are actually fun for turn based.

Power of friendship story, the ending of which changes depending on if you recruit everyone in the game.

If you like JRPGs at all, it's a classic. It's on PS3 if you have it, but not PS4 because Snoy hates money.

Why don't you play it and find out? If we say yes and you're not satisfied you'll just come back here with "fuck you faggots you lied to me threads"

FF7 sucks. Bad characters and dialogue. Overuse of ellipses. Entry-level pleb shit.

The chad Jowy

Compared to Riou who is not even a character and Jowy who is the single most poorly written character in the history of fiction

>Implying FF7 has good characters

Cloud's whole backstory is a joke. He's a moody bitch for like 90% of the game. Vincent is even worse. Sephiroth is one of the shittiest villains in video games.

Square has done vastly superior games to 7. Hell, they've done vastly superior games on the PSX.

Neclords theme song in 2 is overrated and completely out of tone with the rest of the music, aside from some of the silly minigame music and stuff.

Play 1 and 2 for added effect. You can bring over your save file to get 1 or 2 new characters and a lot of characters from 1 carry over regardless, so its cool to see where they came from.

What's the best City-State and why is it Greenhill?

Attached: Flag_of_Greenhill.png (160x145, 10K)

If you insist.

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It's Jowston. Definitely Jowston.

Cloud's a total bro most of the came, he's quiet but he makes jokes, ribs his companions, and does extreme sports
it's only the second disk and only for part of it that he's a salty bitch, and he's got a pretty good reason for it

Name 5 jrpgs that are of this quality.
I'm waiting!!!

>need a clear save from previous game to unlock every character
Immediately discarded, fuck off with this Jewish bullshit.

Nocturne and Xenoblade are the only ones.

You mean Muse? Jowston was an Alliance of City-States, not one itself.

Attached: Flag_of_Muse.png (120x200, 12K)

Entry-level, but good:
>Chrono Trigger
>Lunar Silver Star
>Mario RPG
>Final Fantasy 6

None of them quite have all of the mechanics and side shit that Suikoden 2 has but are all very good in their own way. I liked Persona 5 too. That was probably the most recent JRPG I liked.

My b, it's been ages.

So a friend and I made eachother play our favorite rpgs, I made my friend play Suikoden 2 and friend made me play Oblivion.

I just finished Oblivion's main quest and I realize the draw of the game is it being open but holy fucking shit. It's a dearth of character and story. Lore, oh yeah there's fucking lore if you want to find it, but the main quest of Oblivion was about as much content as you get from beginning to the North Window Neclord encounter. It's kind of crazy to think about.

This is the best one.


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Game is too slow.

>best RPG
>characters look like turbo faggots
yeah no way fag

Oblivion? Is that some niche game?

Increase emulator speed

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Yeah, Elder Scrolls is really more about character customization and doing quests. Some quests are cool and long and have multiple parts and you see cool shit, but some of them are retarded fetch quests.

I actually prefer Baldur's Gate 2 for PC RPG's. Same idea: character customization and roleplay, but with an actual good main quest.

But then the music is all garbled and it becomes uncomfy

What was a better PSX rpg?

I've heard nothing but good things about BG2, really need to get around to it. Is there a preferred version to play or just grab the original on GOG?



Fair enough

Oh man. Dude... It's really solid. D&D based. You can play in real time or pause battles for tactics. Good story. Lots of actually interesting quests. I have only played the original with Throne of Baal which adds some stuff. Enhanced edition is supposed to be good too though.

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Jowy is a bitch and is name is retarded.

My dude...

I thought Jowy was a girl for nearly half the game.

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Play the first Suikoden before you play II. I is only like 18 hours, max.

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>I is only like 18 hours
14 of those 18 hourse could've been shortened to 7 hours if they only allowed you to run or gave you that special ability to run early in the game.

I can't remember, was it a particular Rune that let you run, or did you have to recruit someone?

I remember recruiting Windows whose entire purpose was changing the color of the game windows.

I think you had to recruit that one fast guy, and every time he's in your party you are able to run in Suikoden 1. Suikoden 2 otoh, allows you to run, but if you recruit the same guy, you run a lot faster if he's in your party.

It's the rune. The guy who runs fast has it equipped when he joins you like says but I'm pretty sure you can remove it and put it on other people instead to keep the effect.

flik is a pussy magnet

Attached: flik.png (1163x895, 742K)