You did pick best girl, right Yea Forums?

You did pick best girl, right Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:!HIAHUYjC!92SVo4U_HKH1euQl3LJz6A

I'm so glad I got to impregnate Hilda.


Why yes, I did pick Popo. How could you tell?

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Time > Fire > Wind > Water > Earth

You cannot dispute this.

ummmmm, yikes. Like, just oof my dude, get help

In terms of songs?

But the queen died.
I'm still mad

Just got the game , should I use the english voice or japanese anons?

Just go english, they're all pretty good beside a couple

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game does not come with dual audio, so if you wanna play in jap at all you gotta get the undub

>You can save everyone!
>It turns out you can't in fact, save everyone.
I really wanted to save her and moon loli

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>choosing one of the two canon love interests

Why would I pick vanilla instead of trying the other flavors?

Did they release the OST for this? vgmdb doesn't list it, only the Song Magic album.
>tfw no full version of the 2nd songs.

A dev lying to my face is one thing, but the game itself?

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>>You can save everyone!
>>It turns out you can't in fact, save everyone.

You fell for his ruse cruise.

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Takes a moment to get used to Popo, but english was fine from what I remember excluding those rare generic background characters

Sure did. Hell, the game doesn't point towards him at all until right at the pivotal moment when he quickly tells the queen to pay Hilda no mind

>tfw you married the batshit crazy loli
no regrets

>below some shitty tsundere and an annoying dumbass

I didn't even finish the game. The gameplay is too goddamn slow.

The only girl to get impregnated with your child. Must be wierd for Lisette to be in the same room.

You'd be surprised in LA3 if it actually got translated. If I remember it right, certain choices can lead to some characters dying.
Guess they take a note from there.

>get to the desert where the earth witch is
>"earth witch" allahu akbars

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She was Honoka of Madoka. Normal girl gone crazy trying to save people with time shenanigans only to fail each time. She deserved a good ending.

what game

That isn't Cardboard Box

Stellar Bright

Astral Brilliance


Star Shine

Depends, because in some regards she does some really dumb things.

>mission is to save the "Earth Witch"
>you get a game over if she dies
>she dies immediately in the cutscene after the battle

I hate it when games do this shit.

Serious, non-meme answer: Stella Glow.

>Still only on chapter 5
I shouldn't have come to this thread.

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Celestial Glimmer

i was talking about the chainsaw loli

Alright I'll bite. What the name of this shit game?
>Inb4 game

Empyrean Shimmer

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>yeah lemme join this thread about this 3 year old game with a spoiler OP, surely I won't be spoiled
The fuck were you thinking

>T for teen

shitposting aside, is it good?

It's alright, but a NG+ run might make you angry

>You did pick best girl, right Yea Forums?
How is this a spoiler it's just best girl posting isn't it?

Why would that be?

Because in chapter 5 she's still antagonizing the main party
She only joins in chapter 8 or 9 or so
So even if everyone and their mother could see it coming, it's still a spoiler


I just got to Popo and honestly I just don't think the game is very fun. I'd like to impregnate Hilda's delicious flat chest but I have the feeling the ending is just a single scene and I doubt powering through 30+ hours of a rather boring SRPG is worth it.

It's pretty good, yeah. Can feel slow at times though.
If you can, grab a NG+ save and start with that to save you some trouble.

Does that mean the story is different in NG+ then?

Top tier
>Titty Ninja
>Time Witch
>powered up Alto
Mid tier
>Fire Witch
>All ranged units
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>power gap
>oh shit nigger what are you doing tier

Better question: Whens the Switch port coming out?


I kinda liked the game but I wish she wore more clothes

There are deaths in the story. The game tells you that New Game + allows you to prevent these deaths.

In actuality, you only save the lives of a fairly minor enemy (whose presence doesn't even change the plot from this point onwards) and the normal game's final boss.

Sorta, and it's not necessarily NG+ exclusive, just less of a hassle to unlock in NG+
Basically, to get True End you gotta raise points with this one dude until you can't no more and then make a decision in the final battle that is so fucking obvious it's dumb it wasn't there in the first place
And since the time you can spend with your party is limited as fuck in a first playthrough, you're better off doing it in NG+

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>pirated the game with the normal release
>forgot to look and see if there was an undub, there is
>in too deep to change now
I won't even look up what the jap voices sound like.

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Early on the game's skills are a bit weak, but just wait. You'll be Mega Falcon Thundercock in no time.

If it does, we better save everyone in it
And I do mean EVERYONE.

Oh, so it's just a pointless troll that means nothing. What a weird choice by the devs, but it was their last game so I guess it wouldn't matter.

Once you get more witches and Alto powers up it can get pretty wild. You can cheese most fights with Rusty and Nonoka.
Each character has a paired ending with Alto that are pretty different.
The game turns into SMT midway through.

nah, it's more like the Eclipse from Berserk happens midway through, there's no Law or Chaos in it

>Fire better than anything except water
No. I liked Sakuya at the start and I expected her to end up being the best girl, but then it turned out there wasn't actually anything behind her being a bitch, she's just a bitch, her events are all about her being a bitch, and she never has any reason for being a bitch nor does she stop being a bitch. Her only merit is that she isn't as boring as Water.

inshallah brother these whores need to be stoned for their sins Muhammad (PBUH) demands it

The Eclipse is one of my favorite shit completely hits the fan moments in video games. The complete and utter chaos is amazing.

>Not getting that in NG because the party member in question is a cool dude and worth spending time with over the hoes in the party at that point
I didn't even realise there was a normal end to get.

It's an incredibly derivative mashup of other works that pulls it off decently. Gameplay is slow and braindead though.

Sometimes a bitch is just a bitch.

Yeah, that was pretty wild.

If you mean low friendship Archi then yes but max he's Top tier.

The normal end really reads like a bad end since the true end choice is the most obvious shit in the world
It's like they planned for the True End to be the Normal End and didn't have time to actually write a Good/True End
Like jesus fuck, how did Alto not figure out he could just tune the fucking final boss, also what the fuck does raising points with Klaus have to do with this

The game is so agonizingly slow already, I don't have time for archibald and his shit mov and turn priority slowing me down even more.

>shit mov
Just max his friendship to fix this.

Low IQ brainlet who never raised Archie's affection.
With everybody maxed out, Archibald is higher tier than everyone other than possibly Nonoka.
Lisette is shit tier, Popo is somewhere between Dante and Sakuya
He gets one of the best movements out of your party and can straight up solo entire maps due to his combination of defense, sustainability, and damage. Best candidate for the warp ring by far.

Then max friendship with him first, he goes from low tier to almost broken.

I chose Lissete.

Man was this Imageepoch's swansong. I enjoyed their various junk food SPRG and this was probably their best game that they put out. Solid 8/10.

Also featuring the stupidly OP powers of Jpop.

It's a damn pity there never was an official soundtrack.

>Based Archadbald at bottom tier

This is why you dick the bitch out of her

Even in her ending she's still a bitch.

>Lisette is shit tier
>When Keith the blind exists

Pretty much the best destruction of your hubworld moment in gaming if you ask me.

I liked BRS the game more.

>Sakuya's ending
>she holds one last concert
Her ending was pretty great but not the best
That title belongs to Popo

>thought today that I wanna replay this
>this thread shows up
is it possible to start out from NG+ on the undub or do I have to go through Rusty and Nonoka's bizarre adventure again?

>just max his affection bro and ignore all the cute girls
>oh and remember to max out certain party member before certain chapter if you want the true ending :^)
literally imposible without NG+

As Hilda points out, it's strange that just some Knight Commander would have the knowledge he does.

>Hilda is close to giving birth just a year after the ending
Alto and her probably went at it non-stop right after the ending.

>Implying Alto didn't score the first time

She said she's a purityfag, you're not going to be able to do that

You can max out like 1/3 of the cast in one playthrough.

>her ending is all about telling all the purityfags to go fuck themselves and then she throws herself on Alto
My dude, at least play the game

He literally is like 1-2 talks away from getting it since he was the only guy since the beginning of the game in that timeslot

I forget, isn't that like RIGHT before shit hits the fan?

yes, literally the cutscene before shit hits the fan

Its too bad really, it reminds me of AT when it comes to the soundtrack.

I forgot what is this but I got it from a Stella Glow thread years ago. I guess the OST ripped from the game itself?!HIAHUYjC!92SVo4U_HKH1euQl3LJz6A

Yeah I thought so. No way we could have prevented things from getting out of hand at that point

I think I still enjoyed the Luminous Arc games more but Stella Glow was fun. I think the thing really holding it back was just that it's so slow to playthrough.

>Its too bad really, it reminds me of AT when it comes to the soundtrack.
Well yeah, the whole game is a knockoff of Ar tonelico.
>I guess the OST ripped from the game itself?
Yeah, there was no official soundtrack release for some reason.

>Bottom Tier
Sounds like someone wasn't a very good wingman to based Archi.

So you didn't play the game, I take it?


tfw bought the game day one but waited for the the undub.

Best girl gets best ending too.

>whole game is a knockoff of Ar tonelico.
Luminous Arc doesn't exist?

Just having vocals doesn't make you EXA_PICO inspired.

Yeah, back when she had tits.

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Did Luminous Arc have song magic and involve strengthening that song magic by going into the heroines' minds and dealing with their self esteem problems? If the answer is yes then it's Luminous Arc that's the knockoff since Ar tonelico still came first.

I fucking wish. This time let us save Ana.

Hilda doesn't sound like a grandma.

Is Ar tonelico about witches and god/angel being evil? Because this game is literally SMT x Luminous Arc.

no, but Ar tonelico 2 was.

Hilda has a sweet voice like her song
Popo sounds infinitely better

>God/Angel being evil
Not exactly 'evil' but this is part of the series plot, more or less.

Luminous Arc did it first then
and SMT
and Galaga.
Also power of song to change people/touch hearts is the oldest fucking thing man. That being said fuck Gust.


>God is evil so it's SMT

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>game lets you marry the villainess and pump her full of children
We need more games like this.

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>save Ana.
Fuck that. Let me impregnate her.

>Also power of song to change people/touch hearts is the oldest fucking thing man.
Sure, but we're talking about a pretty specific implementation of it in terms of a Japanese video game's story and mechanics.

>CG with two kids running around and a baby in her arms.

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>kizuna ai poster
SMT's god exists because humans made him/them and is evil as a result. Same thing.

>two kids
lol no 5 kids minimum

2 kids running around
baby in arms
pregnant with twins

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Can you romance that slut? Don't answer that, i already know it's not possible.

She has an ending user

Is she from LA1 or LA2?

SG and LA2 are incredibly similar

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Water > Wind = Time = Nin! Nin! > Earth >>> Power Gap >>> Fire.

Mordi is better than Hilda, so no

Mordi > Hilda > Lisette > Sakuya > Popo

Luminous Arc 3 had the most chad protagonist. LA4 when?

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Is it gonna get more open ended? It's so linear at the start I can't even bring myself to play it more.

Too many people have shit taste in this world for that.

Somehow the overall tone of this artstyle completely clashes with that ridiculously small bottom that barely covers her cunny
Normally the point of an outfit like that is to draw attention to her crotch but instead it's like the design is doing everything humanly possible to draw your attention to literally anything else

Not really

The game didn't allow me.

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it stops being hot and just becomes dumb when she's wearing so much and so little at the same time

It actually looks way better in-game because the dialog box cuts off that awkward part and you're left with most of the top half


He has some gay end though so I'm miffed about it.

That sucks.

While the plot doesn't really get any interesting until Earth witch, I still enjoyed the hell out of it once the half-way point is crossed over. The fights are too slow for me to try and grind too much so I just always go for story stuff anyway

>Didn't believe til I looked it up

Everyone always reeeeees about Ana but forgets about Eve.

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Only Eruru end is canon. the others are there for completion sake

I definitely care way more about Ana who we got to know than Eve

I wanted to save her too, it's not fair that she's now stuck on the moon forever singing to keep some eldritch entity at bay

Is this by the same people that made Legend of Legacy? That game was a load of shit.

Nah, this is Imageepoch

God I tried to like that game, but I just couldn't stand the battle system after a while.

I wish I can simply ignore it but considering I 100% both LA1 and LA2, not completing LA3 is feels odd now.

>that time when klaus say chase the harbinders but on your second run you realize he is not talking to you but giselle and the angels

>game lets you impregnate and save the villainess

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>tfw you'll never impregnate time-locked 17 year old witch yukarin

Is this somehow related to Luminous Arc? Because that game was a piece of junk.

Same developer.
Stella Glow is basically a better Luminous Arc 2

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It's too bad that you can't start things while she's still the villain.

I never finished this game but didn't she murder everyone you love at some point?

Is this game decent? Been wondering if I should grab it.

So is Stella Glow any good?

Hilda? No
It has some unbearably slow combat and the tropes it plays off of are generic but it is actually pretty entertaining, especially the second half of the game. Just make sure you have something playing in your ears in the back when the fighting starts

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>hero wifes and breeds the villain

Unironically the best fetish.

>That game was a load of shit.

Yes it was. But this is a different company and a wholly unrelated game.

Archibald best boy

what we’re your favorite Witch songs, Yea Forums? Mine was Levia

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>Mine was Levia


Really like To the Sea and Volt Shower

Rusty Key is hard to forget.
Drug bust and all

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Ice World
Damn, it was not release officially right? Same with the other 2nd set of songs?
Well, I've seen Sakuya's second song from the released album of the one who sings it.

Volt shower is a close second. It’s catchy in all the right ways.

What genre would it fall under? That accordion or whatever it is really gives it that right kind of flair

There was always something I loved about that "walking back home" CG they always used and updated each chapter

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Especially when everyone leaves Alto, and he just goes alone

>yfw Fire Witch's idol culture existed because Kaede (the loli Fire Witch) never stopped loving Xeno

Hot take
Rusty Key > To the Sea > Ice World > Cherry Blossom > Reddened Galaxy

Levia > Volt Shower > Fiery Night > Dark Labyrinth > Blazing Light

Cherry Blossom and Volt Shower are my favorite to just listen to, but nothing will ever give me chills like Ice World, every time I hear it it just makes me feel

Not a bad list. I'd put Reddened Galaxy above Cherry Blossom, thanks to the first time you hear it and how it's really fitting for the situation

It’s some kind of experimental pop song. Really fits Popo’s character

Also this was the top-tier kino shit

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Not a witch song but I always loved the OP and final boss theme

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People are still forgetting about Eve.

>That filename

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This was my jam
Every time it played it felt so fucking good.

>That flourish at 0:49
Good shit

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I was expecting this guy to betray me, instead he was just the best.

Which one's better between LA1 and LA2?

IIRC 2 was a lot more polished. I barely remember 1 though.
If anything, 2 gets my vote solely for letting you romance the "villainess" and pissing off the main heroine to the point where she tries to kill you at some point, and still being mad by the end of the game after you fix everything cause you chose the big tiddied witch.

Does it emulate well?

Only problem I had was low framerates on some maps.

>just a few points away from getting max affinity with her before last chapter
>couldn't get her ending first playthrough
I fell for her immediately when I first heard her song. Really love it.

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>First playthrough, didn't max anyone
felt kinda bad.

Too bad the ceo is just doing disgusting mobashit now.

To this day, I wonder if they were gonna make a sequel, since we never find out who that blue-haired woman is, or if people can even sing anymore.