I did not care for Undertale.
I did not care for Undertale
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I do not care for your choice of memes.
Undertale insisted upon itself.
>Five guys should fuck dead strippers
Your loss :3
>I did not care for Undertale.
No one did, unless of course u have an undiagnosed mental illness
What does that even mean
I just dont care for 2D games in general.
Why is Chris' hair blond?
>Did not care for Undertale.
>How can you even say that, user?
>It's so good! It's like the perfect game!
>This is what everyone always said. Whenever they say...
>Toby Fox, Toby Fox, I mean, you never see- Toby Fox!
>Fine. Fine. Fine composer, did not like the games.
>Why not?
>Did not...couldn't get into it.
>Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?
>It insists upon itself.
>It insists upon itself.
>What does that even mean?
>Because it has a valid point to make, it's insisted!
>It takes forever to get going; you spend like 4 hours...you know, I can't get through, I've never even finished it. I've never seen any of the endings.
>You've never never seen the endings or beaten them?!
>Well how can you say you didn't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?
>I agree with Stewie. It's not even fair.
>I have tried on three separate occasions to get into Undertale, and I get to the 3rd or 4th enemy and I pacify them and then I get bored.
>Yeah, but it's great writing. I love the writing.
>I have no idea what I'm suppose to do. It's like I'm playing a different... You know, that's where I lose interest in it.
>You know wh-
>You're playing a quirky indie game!
>The game is conveying the themes of isolation, mystery and adventure; something you don't understand!
>I love Cave Story. That is my answer to that statement.
>Well, there you go.
>I like that game too.
Yes you did. Everyone loved undertale and anyone saying otherwise is just baiting for attention.
Real talk the Godfather is overrated and a mediocre film. It's an hour too long, the pacing sucks, and character development makes little sense. Having famous actors doesn't make it great.
I found hotline miami too difficult.
I'm sure if I cared enough I could git gud but I couldn't even bother to put more than an hour or so into it. Music was good tho.
Actually true
I play online chess while using a grandmaster a.i for my moves.
I do not care for Kingdom Hearts.
The premise is stupid and disney characters feel out of place.
Whenever Donald speaks about the plot I want to shut the game down. The gameplay mechanics are good but not enough I can stand repetitive fights.
You're on the wrong site if you think this is a hot take
Is this one of the few times the meme isn't a meme?
>I found hotline miami too difficult.
You can't mash R or Space Bar repeatedly?
i have never played undertale.
go away tumblerire