Where can I find some fellow Christian gamers?

Where can I find some fellow Christian gamers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 13&version=KJV&interface=amp

Quaker Bros WW@

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wow nosleeptv only epic oldfags remember tip xD

Make friends in real life. Remember that Christianity needs to be more warlike to defend the believers.

Warmongering is the antithesis of Christian teaching you disgusting agent provocateur.

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You tell them, brother.

I do muslim prayers before playing T side

Go to fucking church like you should've this morning next week and meet some hard core Christian gamers.

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I live in a pretty old part of town. I don't think many, if any of my church are gamers, let alone on PC.

Mordhau and chivalry if you play regular lobbies, but prepare for monarchist LARP



>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Why is this streamer's premise deeply unnerving?

OP blown the absolute fuck out as per usual

Yer both still on an image board for the discussion of video games. You blew yourselves out, too.

Didn't Jesus chase all the jews out of the local temple with a whip, beating them in the process? Just saying, the image on the left isn't any more accurate than what's on the right

I’m not christian though. It’s OP who should be reflecting on what the Bible says about his childish hobbies, not me :^)

No, he only chased off the money changers and merchants. The rest of the Jews, including himself, got to stay.

Those were money changers. They would make a profit by only allowing certain coins to be offered to God and they charged a premium for them.

Jebus didn't want people making obscene profit on religion (hmmmmm) and nigger-rigged a whip out of leather straps and kinda fucked up the place by himself.

This is not war though, as is in the image. Jebus just doesn't want people to profit off religion (lol tithes). He even beat the shit out of merchants trying to sell shit during service. Kinda like those assholes who rent an alley in a mall and heckle everyone who walks by. Except in church.

Honestly all this shit could've been avoided by saying you can just worship Jebus in your house, but whatever. I didn't get the chance to be Jebus.

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This is a quote relaying how when the author grew up, he stopped being obsessed with what was "for kids" or "for adults" and lived his life free of such arbitrary constraints.

I have no idea how you pulled that bullshit interpretation out of “when I became a man I put away childish things.” Even the wider context of the passage has nothing to do with what you said
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 13&version=KJV&interface=amp

Here bro. Assyrian catholic from Iran. Join me on wow classic. Assyriantief

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I wholeheartedly wish I could play with religious folk like this in games. I may be a sinner in every way shape and form but, I just wish for something different ya know? I'm tired of helping the guy who says niggerfaggot because xd edgy lmao bullshit. I want to hear pleasant proverbs while putting a chainsaw through some alien.

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>heard 12 year old kids talking about christian minecraft servers the other day

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>Render unto God what is God's
Isn't everything God's?

No. What is Caesar's is Caesars.

ave true to Caesar

Where did he mention warmongering you fucking pleb? If Christendom is not prepared for war then they are weak and easily taken advantage of. You have been brainwashed to believe that Christianity is a religion for spineless yes-men.

>Remember that Christianity needs to be more warlike

Oh geeze I don't know. Seems pretty evident to me.