These are your voice actresses for River City Girls

These are your voice actresses for River City Girls.
Say something nice about them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Actually kinda cute tbqhfam


I'd worship all their feet

The one in purple caught my attention

>Google her
>First result is a video of her and some other grill pretending to be Harry Potter characters
>Close tab in seven seconds
How in the fuck do people find this entertaining?

I have actually gotten to the point where I don't like real women anymore. Like, yeah, they're fuckable but I only ever think romantically about video game characters. Is this the final step? Preferring stylized art over real life? Even realistic art is better. I like girls in old paintings better than real ones too. I have actually accepted that I'll always be alone because of this.

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2nd from left looks good but the sunglasses could be hiding some uggo eyes and brows.

2nd from the left also voices Shantae.

Then how come she doesn't have her insta in the pic?
Is this from her page?

She's embarrassed that her fiance dumped her and she's hitting wall despite her various implants.

At least one of them is cosplaying

Who's the semen summoner that didn't post insta?

You're dying alone, user.

Cristina Vee

>River City Lesbians.

Holy fuck when did she go thot mode? I remember when she was still doing anime dubs in 2012ish she was pretending to be girly and pure.

Most likely the moment she got implants.


Yikes kinda wish I didn't look at her Instagram.
Totally looks better in OP's pic than the pics she actually has on her page.

I wish the playable characters werent so fucking tiny they look like middle school characters.
Where's my thicc fem brawler characters?

>tfw kay looks like ex gf
hurts bros

2 > 3 > 4 > 1
Would still smash all of them

>I only ever think romantically about video game characters.
Yikeseroni. You need to have some sex my man.

I can't


do you guys like mudkips

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>runkachunks gotten even fatter
lol you're never going to lose that name now.

None of these ladies will ever be your gf

How does it feel?

Pretty good Christina Vee is super fuckable but she looks like an old crack addict here.


Why yes, how do you know.

Was the game good?

Is there a single picture of Kira where she doesn't look like a drug addict?

When that SC2 caster died.

It was ok but has a bunch of dumb flaws that made it way worse than it should've been and really shouldn't have been there. The writing and voice acting were unbearably bad though.

Middle left clearly has a boob job, nudes leaked yet?

the voice acting is fine.
youre just a dumb anime faggot.

Why does Rina-chan look so fat here?

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Is there a japanese dub?

if you look up japanese gameplay you'll notice that no, there is no japanese voices

>The one in the black top reminds me of a girl I use to mess around with and should of wifed up.
It hurts.

>Anything with Runkachunk and Vee in it

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No thanks.

>Holy fuck when did she go thot mode?
When her fiancee dumped her hard. Well at least she has Marie Cabanos who lives with her and keep her shit straight.

>should of
Human genetics dodged a bullet there, buddy

cause she is.

Shallow whores


Meanwhile japanese voice actors.

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Middle left> Middle right> Far right>Far left

lol what the fuck is going on here?

Were you live my friend?
Move out, go to southamerica, Czech republic, etc. I left burgerland for switzerland. Woman are a lot more beautiful here than goblinos in America.

All fine except the fat one. Fat is irredeemable.

This just raise further questions!

Trying to make them pull an odd face for the photo?

Cute girls doing cute things

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More like abusing the fact that she can't get away.

The second and third one i would fuck

Every single day I am less disappointed that I didn't pick this up.

At least they aren't Egoraptor.

Why do they do that? The seiyuus of Aqours also had their episodes of someone touching Anchan's ass when tthey were doing livestreams. Then during actual concerts they also sometimes slap each others asses. I wonder if this is something that the producers tell them to do, or if its real? It can be either one.

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Reminds me of when I saw some idol girl basically motorboat some older woman singer.

You know that idols get Harvey'd just like every other major industry in the world right?

I require context

Are those dudes gay

What year is this


Maybe. Thats probably how all the im@s sluts got their gigs.
Whats thats supposed to mean? They aint even done yet, and theyre still going strong. Aqours has surpassed every metric set by µ's, and their schedule for 2020 was expanded as far were aware. Thats also probably why theyve been taking it slower with the NijiGaku girls.

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Yeah it's been obvious for a long time. Didn't Kpop have some recent deaths and controversy? Did it actually change anything?

Girl on the right is a gravure model and the other girl couldnt believe her boobs were real since she never seen them up close, and then she asked the model if she could touch them

More japanese woman being sluts.

>Well at least she has Marie Cabanos who lives with her and keep her shit straight.


>Aqours has surpassed every metric set by µ's
Except quality.

I asked what year it was since current year isn't 2015

It's the normalfag/roastie idea of "edgy media," just like capeshit and Star Wars.

Why did people dislike her back in the day? Was it just because she made that shitty street fighter flash?

Because she is fat?

because faggots can't understand sarcasm from spazkid

What’s her name?

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Yeah, I'm thinking they fuck black guys

They literally do.

I love µ's too, but why cant you eternally assmad µ'sfags just let it go already? Aqours did nothing wrong. They are simply far younger, and more powerful idols.
Its current year +4.

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That is, it was edgy for them in middle school, and they have been out of touch with entertainment since then.

Except for the one in red, they're not that bad looking

Didn't Rina Chan date a nigger once?

>Aqours did nothing wrong.
There would be little reason to be mad if Aqours was even a tenth as good as muse was, but they aren't, and that's why people hate them so much. Of course if they hadn't simultaneously killed muse people wouldn't care at all how bad they are because muse would still be around, so Aqours is a fuckup from two directions.

They're Japanese. They have no sex drive.

Reminder Christina Vee is living with Christina Marie Cabanos and rumored they are in a relationship.


That jap guy. Holy shot.

Stupid ugly old cunts trying to relive their youth, sorry hags but you need to beg for this cock you cunts!

That's KMR, he's the producer of the game. He fucking sucks, but good on him avoiding those sexual harassment charges.

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Why are female American voice actors attractive?

Only you user, only you.


>tfw you’ll never marry the goddess in the shades

Aquors are soulless

If he even taps her there are rabid fanboys that will FLIP THE FUCK OUT and his job is over. Idols get some next level psychos

>tfw you'll never have such low self esteem that you go on anonymous imageboards and post about wanting to marry yourself so you'll feel better

A woman will never ever beg for your cock, incel.

Holy fucking based

This is code for: I couldn’t get any girls where I’m from because I’m a gross retard. So I had to go abroad to trick poor, uneducated girls to get sex.


If this were two white women you yellow fever retards would be calling them thots I stead of cute and quirky and funnyYellow fever is a mental illness.

Would waifu second from the right though

Not that user, but Czech women are some of the absolute most beautiful women on this planet.
t. Mexican

Peak projection

your mom did the night before last you NIGGER

This post is based.

>that's why people hate them so much
But they really dont. Its just you, and a few other insignificant spergs like that continue to chimp out over Aqours on a daily basis, insisting theyre flops. This is despite the massive evidence to the contrary. The sooner you get over it, the better. So remember to buy Aqours 4th single 'Mitaiken Horizon' with Zuramaru as center this 15th I think!
Btw, just in case you dont know, µ's is going to reunite in some capacity in 2020. Stop crying about it already.

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>Girl on the right is a gravure model

Can all idolfags kill themselves please?

>Anime girl poster
Glad that I don’t have to even bother reading your post since you’re clearly retarded.

They have similar voices, it's only natural they fuck.

What's River City Girls?

Rina-chan... looks like time heals everything or at least made everything forgot. If /r/ cringe had a picture, it would be her. People really forget her newground stuff or were probably too young. At least she made it as a real VA. Christina Vee went the way of fandubbing anime songs in English route to getting hired.

*hits pipe*

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Ever heard of Google?

Why did they change River City into a fan service game?

Misako sounds like shit


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I still never understood why people on Newgrounds hated her?

you're shit

>Make game about four Japanese schoolgirls
>Instead of getting Asians or even asian Americans to do the voice work get four middle aged white women
This is taking jobs from minority women

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That's not really how it works since at the end of the day the more prosperous grandfather of the family acts as the head of all major decisions. Moreover, so long as she produces a grandson he still carries on your legacy and can be molded in your image so long as you are again the more prosperous grandfather. The onus is really on you to not be a fuck up since any daughter that is raised properly will force her husband to show you due deference.

have sex

>China had the same method of thinking
>all their "men" are a bunch of virgins with no wives

Because her writing was terrible & her voice work is obnoxious. she was a 'lol so random' gril with a bunch of beta orbiters even tho she was a 5/10 at best.
in short her and her fans were just annoying.

>the farthest to the left is trying to hide her chin

Man you footfags are everywhere

Based. 3D women are not important.

Thanks doc

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.

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>REAL River city girls
Vidya characters are fictional.
What the fuck are these 3DPD talking about?

Even more hilarious is the fact that now the minority of parents that treated daughters equally and raised them with a degree of self respect are now guaranteed asset transfers in any marriage, incl. million dollar apartments, midtier cars, etc. Families with an even mix of both will always be the ideal since it gives the children a leg up on intersex socialization.

>Takes a girl to ihop on their first date.

Both are trash, lol. Fuck this world

>literally who
wow real allstar cast you got there

I feel the same, but only because I had a really bad experience with my girlfriend of 3 years. After I broke up with her, I realized that I have more fun without worrying about an extra person. It's so stressful, time consuming, and annoying. When I was with her I couldn't play vidya, watch television that I wanted to watch, or even spend time with friends. The thought of being tied down even further with kids makes my head spin, it's just not for me.

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Holy shit you people really don’t see women as people

Yeah, I would have taken her to Mcdonalds.

>Gravure model
Damn cocktease

This cant be real, the right looks like a man.

Is it common for dates to just end up with both just on their phones?

>couldnt believe her boobs were real
she's clearly right


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You're brainwashed and don't actually understand reality nor do you actually date. I feel sorry for you.

Vee is so stupidly attractive, I wish she wasn't such a hysterical cunt these days.

That's pretty based

How hard is it? I'm affluent enough to expat, but maybe just barely. I'd kill for a petite loyal blondie Finn or Swiss maid.

Southamerica seems like a wasteland but I knew some based Czechs including a qt coworker.

No one said they're a flop, retard. We just said they're shit. You're either illiterate or deluded enough to warp any complaint about them into something totally different.

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>Vee is so stupidly attractive
if you find a coat rack with rocks taped to it attractive, sure

It doesnt matter where you take them retard. It just matters if they like you enough. I've taken cunts to In n Out or Denny's, and I still got some. And btw, I didnt pay for her shit at Denny's.

Why do think she's called Runkachunk?

Should've swapped Kyouko's band-aids for used condoms.

god I would creepshot the shit out of the second from left one.

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Keep posting Japanese women!!!!

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She isn't called Runkachunk for nothing

Man, why do you think that in our ancient times we were carving and painting nude girls on statues and walls. 3D girls are inferior to 2D, our ancestors knew this too.

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>This cant be real
Clever angles, my man.

"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction."

- Oscar Wilde

She's deleted the posts, but it seems like half of her going crazy was because of Nate breaking the engagement for Anna Prosser, and the other half being her boyfriend/fling, Geoff, Anna's ex-husband, kicking the bucket. Though banging the ex-husband of the woman who helped break up your engagement probably isn't the most mentally stable thing to do in the first place.

>3D girls are inferior
>posts 3d girl

Based pervert

I've done similar, and it's fine if you just want to fuck them, but it's really unsatisfying and sets the tone for the rest of the relationship to be bland and uninspired if you're trying to keep one. Not the previous user btw.

You can have fun anywhere but you kinda want initial shit to be memorable so you both have a bar to meet later and something to talk about when you're at denny's for the 10th time.

A win for me was natural history museum where they let you drink in a special event over the weekend with city bars making specialty drinks etc, made out in the jewelry case under black lights away from the main drinking area, feel like a king surrounded by a few hundred grand in jewelry and a hot girl all over you, didn't cost much but an entry fee and the drinks.

One biggest flaws with the way the game is designed is that all of the entrances require you to press X to use them, but that also happens to be the game's basic attack button. So anytime you zone in, if you start pressing X to combo an enemy who spawns right next to the door you'll find yourself being sent to the area you were just at. This is a very, very, very basic game design element that I'm surprised wasn't fixed in even the alpha. Even something as simple as mapping the command to another button would make combat less of a problem as you now have to run away from the area's entrance before you can start fighting every time.

Really gives the impression that the game's playtesters were asleep at the wheel while the VA's were being sucked off.
>6 levels
>only 2 hours long
>garbage spritework
>garbage artwork
>SJW devs
>gay forced dabbing shit
>paying vtubers to shill the same too
>garbage voice acting
>turned riki into kpop stan bait
>arin hanson is voicing billy from double dragon
>$30 for digital, $35 (probably $40 or $45 with shipping) for physical
>requires gtx 950 or higher
>Haha Misako is really angry lol
>Haha Kyoko is retarded lol
There you go, that's 100% of this game's dialogue.
>I'm waiting so I can buy this new chapter of this manga I'm reading
>K: Is blocked number someone you don't like?
>Misako's VA also can't say Riki's name right either,
> wayforward spent more money on the marketing (including shills on Yea Forums) and e-celeb faggotry than actual development on this game
>cuckqueens the game
also see

this game was contract work, the contract is finished, so the game is done. They aren't coming back to it.
river city shills cucks BTFO
>gay shill general

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I modified my son's baby shark cap with a spycam so I could creepshot girls on the move. Sadly moving around with a little kid makes me miss so many good shots. By the time we got down to creep on pic related, she was already gone.

I love taking him for creepshots in toy aisles because it's full of milfies and big sisters like the first girl I posted.

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They're professionals doing something a lot of us wish we were good enough at to make a living on.

They do a job and do it well regardless if you shitflingers say you don't like it.

This is deeply intriguing. Tell us more, teacher.

The barneyfag of RCG appears.

Based and redpilled.
Real women are sinful and disgusting looking. This is common knowledge ever since the the time of ancient Greek.

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Just join TheCandidZone. It's full of bros that are helping me improve my techniques and also told me where to get a decent spycam for cheap.

You're legit fucking sad. I don't believe you ever procreated.

>Its just you, and a few OTHER insignificant spergs
I wasnt talking about just the pair of you anti Aqours spergs presently in this thread. I was talking broadly about all 17 of you insufferable cunts.

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Either that or he's an amazingly talented shitposter.

Oh, he's back. Note that he keeps adding in bits of other people's posts to devalue them by association.

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>if you're trying to keep one.
Well theres the problem. I aint trying to do any of that shit. Tried in HS, but didnt work out. The other method has been far more reliable.

>see distracted dumb slut
>not taking a photo for a quick fap later

Talk about imbeciles.

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Pretty good, what if he's actually hired by qt game devs to promote based game?

I'm kinda jealous bros.

Went to this today lol, met the completionist and got some free stickers

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what in the fuck is wrong with you? the internet is full of porn why would you want to take the shitiest photos ever. you retarded boomer.

Going by their paintings and statues women back then were all lumpy and gross, we've definitely seen strides taken since.

>romantically about video game characters
serious question. did your parents not show you enough love as a kid?

The money they spent on this could have gone to a Japanese dub.

Porn gets boring pretty fast. And the world is full of sluts.

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can someone give me the tldr on just chirstina vee? how crazy is she?

This is just bad taste, sluts that don't look like sluts are way hotter than blatant sluts.

I haven't heard anything about her being crazy, she's just a shit VA and shit voice director.
Oh wait, I think some people said something about her becoming a cat lady after her breakup, but it wasn't very notable.

blatant sluts are easier to find and also cost less

To be fair it gets pretty hot in Arizona so you can easily find a lot of average girls wearing short shorts.

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I'm sure their voices are nice.

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u misspelled butholes

I wasn't ways this way

Its been a steady slide downhill and at this point I'm just desperate for any kind of intimacy

Thanks i'm going to find this shopping center in Arizona and hand over these photos to them. hopefully they find you on the security tapes.

Yeah? And what are they going to do? Ban him from the mall?

You sound pretty butt blasted.

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You're not going to do shit, tranny.

yes. as he's a creep shotter police will also have a talk with him and search his computer for any photos of under age girls.

but I live in Mexico and the age of consent of my state is 14.

I'm also whiter than the average /pol/ user. In fact I was the one who pushed the rapist meme by spamming rape jokes in /pol/ since day one.

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Kill, fuck, fuck, fuck

>not keeping the chubby cupcake for cold winter nights.


Holly fuck stop browsing /pol/ 24/7

Creeping on girls is completely legal as long as you don't take upskirt photos.

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I want a footjob, with the socks on, from the chick with green socks.

What is he even taking the photo for? He can't get it up anymore.

Poor Vee, I hope she finds a better and getting herself better before she gets much worse.

I normally don't say retarded shit, but I can't help it.

#2 looks like my friends sister circa 2002 or so when she was in late highschool. #4 looks like a school friend of mine when she was 16-20 before she gained weight.

Not just kind of similar. But so similar if this didn't have RCG marketing on it I would think it was them.


Okay now show me the Japanese ones.

I started on that level my lad.

Not only are you a nerd, you are also wrong.

I think Kira actually does a real good job voicing cute anime girls, despite her appearance and what Yea Forumsinc*ls think. Far better than the old guard like Amanda Winn Lee and Michelle Ruff, who are still getting cast into younger roles somehow.
They shouldn't give her serious roles like 2B though.

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It's Toukyou.

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literally how tokyo is spelled

This is why I want a scar on my face.
But I won't go out of my way to get one.

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Because that's not her.
The pic in the OP isn't the VAs, it's just some random cosplayers. And you all ate it up without questioning.

>Czech Republic
>uneducated girls
American girls only have gender studies user

Here’s a (you) for your blogpost. Crybaby.

Sounds like denial tbdesu. There's plenty of good girls out there but relationships are too much effort for most people.

If something seems out of reach/to steep, you start to make excuses and justify that it can never be gotten. In your case, you probably see real gfs as a massive commitment, gamble, takes to much energy/resources, youre not at your best shape etc. For some reason or another, there is a barrier between you and real girls. Now to prevent suicidal thoughts and to attempt feeling complete still, your brain is making you think you will be fine with fictional girls. Im not praising or insulting you, just giving an idea. Ive been in your situation but when i started going to bars and banging depressed 45 year olds, my views changed a bit. Some of us...just werent meant to be fully compatible with others and well always have this lens blinding us

Mutt spotted.

>unfiltered and not selective angled runka
she actually looks better here than her instagram

That's slav's biochemical faculty graduation.

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Where the fuck is jap dub? Ir rather jup dab.

>Czech republic
>poor, uneducated
The average incoming and health system is far better than yours, burgerfat.

>the only unattractive one caught his attention
What shit taste

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>only unattractive one
You think this creature is attractive?

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Isn't that the one user was referring to?

It's clearly the closest to purple out of any of those hair colors

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oh shit why the fuck did I think he said "the one with purple hair"
guess I'm an idiot

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For work I was sent to Chile, later Czech republic and then to Switzerland. Not hard, sometimes is an odd experience because of cultural diferences, but girls are usually a lot more patient and less complicated.

Shall we teleport you to this retirement home?
Or no?

This post enrages roasties and the wannabe Chads but in the end women only have themselves to blame if they're being surpassed by cartoons.

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Yea Forums is truly dead now that fags like this post here.

A real cute girl is 100x better than these troglodytes in OPs picture. Anime girls are great when you're lonely and sad, but a real cute girl can give you many things that an anime girl can't.

But user, I thought you didn't play dubs because you respect the creators decision. And the creators of this game are American and went with American VAs. Surely you're not going to go against the creators decision.

Aqours is just a copy of Muse. It's obvious. Their music, anime, movies, personalities, and even designs aren't as good as Muse's. There's a reason why despite being older, Muse is still the most beloved.

You're retarded. Many people hate Aqours, you just like living in your delusions. I'm thinking that your brain is likely underdeveloped and that's why you like Aqours which have no personality or soul. HEHE PRETTY ANIME GIRLS ME LIKE XD!!

This has been an ongoing trend and more as the years go by. Roasties have themselves to blame. The tinder phenomenon does not help too. If you are not a megachad your chances of meeting someone is exponentially lower. And the megachads just want to fuck. And it's not conjecture. There has been studies saying that 20% of men get 80% of women on tinder. The rest are probably prostitutes or just want a free lunch.

Just look at Japan. It's kinda crazy how their girls got stereotyped as demure or quiet when a lot of them probably had more cocks in them before they reach 25 than your typical gloryhole but somehow it's the men's fault they don't want to do anything with women. Literally common for Japan to fuck their coworkers. Literally common in Japan to sell yourself and ask foreigners in Japan that has lived their for 25+ years and more and in tokyo not some rural area. It's common for Jap women to fuck every gaijin they can find and when they turn around 25, they'll find a jap to marry and turn themselves into the perfect mom/wife in the outside even if they aren't. Jap wives also cheat a lot and it's common too.

So if you find a farm girl somewhere marry her quick.

>My daughter's pussy belongs to ME!

He's right you dumb faggot, I was engaged and in multiple long term relationships, people are shit in general but women are the niggers of gender, go whiteknight somewhere else

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more like river city trannies.

Women of today
>age 18 to 25: I'm hot and young. I don't want to be tied down to just one man.
>age 26 to 28: I'm still hot and young enough. I'll just fuck around and maybe meet my partner that way
>age 29+: Oh no. I need to find someone.
>Setup a man-trap or get one of her orbiter to marry her or be long time partner. Orbiter thinks he landed a jackpot. Orbiter online: "have sex", "I have a wife", "you're an incel" "i'm not an incel"
Can't find someone
>become angry feminist
>become crazy cat lady
>become village whore

Truth, also women hate each other with a passion, while in a relationship I was constantly hit on by colleagues that knew I wasn't single, the partners friends, best friends, even a sister at some stage, absolutely shameless. Modern women are a cancer, there may be some good left but it's such a small percentage, the rest follow the path you outlined.

Attached: female athleticism .webm (860x480, 2.86M)

imagine the smell

They look like terrible cunts.

Attached: 1542461820249.gif (500x288, 1.8M)

You've taken the ultinate and final redpill, user. Disregard 3DPD.

They all look like they fuck niggers

Was romance ever actually real?

Attached: 1566548735926.gif (800x1162, 782K)

i just want to cuddle with runka chunk!

Are you guys really acting like the girl on the far left isn't fucking vile? That fatass face of hers could make a man's dick invert.

faggot can't take a little chunk