Thoughts on Steve in Smash Bros?

Honestly idk why people think steve would be a bad inclusion. I mean Minecraft is on 3 Nintendo consoles, Minecraft is iconic, moveset potential is insane, alts arent a problem, sakurai said he loved minecraft, plus XBOX and Nintendo are really close.

What are your thoughts

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It’s not like Minecraft is a bad game or anything, but it works better as a stage, steve is just a skin and nothing else
>inb4 villager
Villager at least has some kind of personality and you see him for most of the game, while in Minecraft you will play 99% of the game in first person

I don't even care who gets in. I just like to watch the drama that the DLCs bring.

smash is ultimately a franchise based in celebrating nintendo and japanese gaming and I don't think steve has a lasting impact in that market, these DLC slots have even furthermore porved that point with terry, hero and joker, banjo's gimmick for being added was that he was the west chracter and I don't think we will see that again and if we do, it's going to be another more requested character, but hey if he gets in will be pretty cool

I wouldn’t mind him being in. The only downside is that if he were to get announced, Yea Forums would be unusable for days

I'd take steve in smash over sans any day of the week

You must be joking. Minecraft has been a bestseller on the Japanese console market since it started coming out on consoles.

I've wanted him in since DLC was a thing in Sm4sh

My biggest gripe with Steve would be his animations. His blocky nature is the only thing that makes him distinguishible, but that doesn't makes a very flexible character with distinct animations, which are two important things for a platform-based fighting game. I actually think he has a decent potential for a moveset, but his animations would feel... weird and disjointed in motion.

Steve undoubtedly deserves to be in to represent Minecraft.

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Retard spotted

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I think his in-game animations would be fine for smash. Mr. Game and Watch has pretty stiff animation and it works well.
I think this fan-made video does it pretty well.

I honestly wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd say Minecraft is more than deserving of representation in Smash, however that looks. Knowing how much care Sakurai puts into developing 3rd party characters, I have no doubt he would be able to make Steve work if he decided he could.

The big downside would be the endless Steveposting, which is already bad.

Was going to post this, perfectly shows how he would animate in Smash, and still honor the Minecraft movements. I like the quirkyness of it like Game and Watch skipping frames

>The big downside would be the endless steveposting

That's never an actual problem. KRool and Ridley faggotry died down within weeks and doesn't exist anymore outside of memeing in Smash threads, like Geno

I mean minecraft sold well in a lot of places and that does not mean it has a legacy factor I'm not saying it can't happen I just don't think it's most likely

Not like it was going away anytime soon. If he gets in it will get worse, if he doesn't it just keeps going on. Someone has a hate boner or something for steve.

If they found a way to make it look good I don't think I'd mind at all, new characters are new characters so far as I'm concerned. The people spamming that one model I think have done more damage to the idea than anything.

It definitely has a legacy factor, even apart from it being the most successful video game in history.

It will only go away once the character gets in. This is why i'm happy Banjo and Kazooie/Ridley/K Rool are finally in, because you never see threads about them anymore. The people who wanted them are happy and done posting about it

Attached: Minecraft Steve Palette Swaps.jpg (1000x1286, 566K)

Posting stuff from my Steve in Smash folder. Wanted him in since 2015 after Lucas was revealed, confirming DLC would be a thing

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Stage idea

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Ooh, these will make fine additions to my collection.

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how would mc music work in smash?

I don't know man, Steve posting has gotten a bit crazier. I don't remember k rool or ridley having those freaky finger pictures and long ass paragraphs of "Gooood morning it's a wonderful day for Steve".

>implying Steve/Alex’s alts wouldn’t be the alternate skins from the default 360 skin pack

that's very cute, user

Only because they're salty that Banjo got in before him, but it's not a race.

>symphonic remix of Cat
might be cool

Check this user maybe he could have animations like that, they don't look bad at all.

Thanks user, I'm sure an official one would be a lot more in depth, and probably travel to the end and nether dimensions

I would support Steve as a Mii Swordfighter costume

>no herobrine

Symphonic remixes with a fast percussion in the background. Like in the Atomic themes from Civ 6.

Sakurai directly acknowledged in the Banjo showcase that his home game's music is too 'country' and had to be remixed. It would be the same deal with Minecraft.

Here's a sample if you need an idea
Also, this is an official Minecraft song

I want him in because I think he'd be a fun character mechanically. There's a lot you could do with Steve. I also like Minecraft unironically. But haven't played it in a long time.

I just don't like Steve fags on this board

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How would you differentiate it from the base color when only 2 pixels change for Herobrine?

I wouldn't hate it, as long as he got a unique model like Sans, but he would work so much better as an actual character

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Minecraft being successful and iconic is not enough, nobody likes Steve. He is a non-character, he doesn't interact with anyone, you never see him, you always change your avatar. Why would anyone want something like that in the game?

If he Steve is a non-character, why is he in most of Minecraft's promotional material? Why does he have merchandise?
Even Nintendo refers to them as characters.

Those Pillager running animations were actually really charming. I can't find this other video, but it's of Steve and Alex flying with Elytras, idk if it was minecon or something

>Nobody likes the generic villager, you never see him, you always change the appearance of your villager to look like you. Why would anyone want something like that in the game?

Game and Watch still has strong silhouettes for his moves, even moreso after they started having him turn into other Game and Watch sprites.

Steve is a bunch of boxes swiveling around.

You surprisingly do a lot with Steve's 10 points of articulation, as plenty of fan animators have managed to do. Simply checkout this
Literally breathes a ton of life into the character and fits accordingly. Now just imagine that x10, since Sakurai is a god with this stuff

ITT: Zoomers that shitted on based Terry for being "boring", but want a character that is a litteral avatar from just one game.

mr game and watch is a dumb argument, ignore that guy

Terry is boring, it should have been Marco.

Get that hostile shit out of here, nobody was even talking about Terry

but we're not talking about terry, fuck off

I think a lot of those moves are uninspired and simply retarded, but the animation is top notch

I liked the way they used pistons.


I liked the piston usage for throws, but the forward air just seems weird

>mr game and watch is a dumb argument, ignore that guy
G&W is a character in the game with an intentional lack of “realistic” animation, ergo Steve can also work similarly

I think you're referring to this

but the main argument against steve's animations is his lack of articulation. that doesn't apply to g&w at all

Ah yes, couldn't find it, thanks user.

Minecraft doesn't work as DLC because it's lacking in music. Other than being vaguely able to recognize the theme I couldn't tell you what Minecraft music is.

The point is that G&W shows that a character with strange animation could work just fine in smash, you nonce. There’s no reason to exclude Steve on the basis of his weird animations

because the music that could actually work is stuck behind the minigames in the dead console versions

How would you incorporate building into the moveset?
I just think Minecraft should be a stage with Steve and Alex fighting the monsters in the background or building a house

Steve can place solid blocks on the stage or in the air. Good for utility.

I always wonder who is making these sorts of comments. Because clearly if you played the game you'd notice that Steve is literally on the inventory screen every time you open it. He's easily the most popular skin online, so it's not like no one has ever seen the fucking thing. Where do you people come from?

Probably chieffags.

If you actually played the game you would recognize the music, and it is far from lacking. All it would require is some remixes, like Sakurai said Banjo's music was too 'country' and needed remixes

place one block at a time for specials, like a crafting table, chest, dispenser, etc.

Tbh I'm pretty indifferent to Steve. I don't even like Minecraft, but I don't hate it. It just exist.
I kinda don't want him in because it'll just fuel the "MINECRAFT BAD FORTNITE GOOD" circlejerk everyone keeps pushing. Like We get it you like MC more than Fortnite shut the fuck up
But I really won't be bothered if Steve does get in, I can live with it.

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Either 3 blocks of colored wool (corresponds with player slot) that you can place anywhere, or an inventory system where you can place between a TNT Block, Dispenser, and Furnace. The latter two would shoot arrows / fire out of them respectively. I think six blocks would be overkill though

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I don't think the color of the block matters, because Steve or other players would be able to break the placed blocks like in Minecraft

I just thought it would be a bit of stylistic flair compared to the idea of uglier dirt / cobblestone being littered around the stage. A lot easier to imagine it being able to be broken than stone / brick too.

My idea was that the block placed would be random, and depending on that blocks strength, the more hits it could take before breaking

RNG is rarely fun to play against, and I don't think anyone wants anymore of it after Hero. I can see a system where spamming blocks leads you to only being able to place weaker ones (wool), while waiting allows you to have stronger ones (obsidian). RNG really isn't a mechanic in Minecraft to begin with, so I think that suits your idea better.

Steve's gotta have a crafting mechanic, upgrading the tools he attacks with seems like a good way to do that. He starts with wood and can upgrade to diamond.

I actually like this idea. Basically you have to put your resources towards a tool which move you use the most. Would be similar to Arsene building up and Joker doing more damage

>piranha plant

Huh, that's even better than my original idea. Neat.

Are you retarded or

Pretty much the same vein of your idea

Goodnight Steve bros, hope we can count on him mining his way into Smash next year

Legit question, now that it's pretty much a given that Monster Hunter moved to consoles that aren't handhelds, is there a decent chance to see a Monster Hunter rep/stage introduced in Smash?

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No, you got Rathalos boss