Blasphemous is out in a day!

Excited Yea Forums? Or are you going to stick to anime SOTN clone made by a hack?

Attached: 3575653-blasphemouspreview-1559608803964.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Or do you not want to play an anti-Christian game?

Demo was very good too.


anti christian in what way? everything that people are against is the modern day church and its blind followers. Jesus himself would weep if he saw what a state its in currently. To be ani christian is to be anti good. anti church is anti corruption.

I thought the release date was 10/9?

I don't care about religion.
This game is just too edgy for me.

Anti-catolicism you dumb fucking mutt.

Christians support paedophilia. This game is surely against them.

This is right. It's out in a day and a half, not a day.

God isn't real. Get over it.

No. Not even a little. pedos support pedos and they use the umbrella of christendom to corrupt and twist the perception of christians.

It's sad that people still think they aren't enabling priests raping children by going to church and donating.

Fuck the Church.

>believe god isn't real
>have to tell constantly tell other people just to convince yourself
If you really had conviction in your belief you wouldn't be wasting your time here. And if you did you are a moron.

not all priests rape kids. not even half. If it were just one it would still be to many. These people aren't really christian, they just use it as a facade to prey on children.

Hopefully it won't disappoint like Bloodstained

Christianity is evil prove me wrong.

inshallah this is now islam thread

Attached: quran.jpg (768x507, 60K)

no jews are the evil ones

Fuck Jews. Fuck ISlam

I played the demo.
The concept and aesthetic are decent but the gameplay left a lot to be desired. Fees like a game that needs another six months to a year in the oven, not one coming out tomorrow.

More like, BlasFAMOUS!

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