whats up with face scanning in games and the models often looking uncanny or nothing like the original source
Whats up with face scanning in games and the models often looking uncanny or nothing like the original source
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Right is a massive improvement, and it's still ugly.
Because developers are retarded. Having a engine build the faces for you is more reliable
>nothing like the original source
What if... The scans are what those women ACTUALLY look like *without* digital touchup?
Sometimes it’s a mapping/engine problem that keeps a proper 1:1. Sometimes the animators have to tweak the face to get the animations to work. Sometimes it’s because the model looks very different with/out makeup and you didn’t notice.
The head shape isn't even right
its easier than creating at times, so why spend hours on sculpting a face when you could just scan some random nobody in?
Personally I'm a fan of it
Creative laziness and MUH REALISM.
Good thing there’s a mod to fix this
Son, I'm afraid you like men.
this guy likes men
la goblina de cuidad mapache...
Why the fuck did they expand her head shape
The best examples of face scanning are DMC5 / RE2make. The main reason they look good are because of the excellent lip sync, though. Realistic faces in games usually look stiff because the lips and cheeks don't move enough. Look at 1:36 in this video. youtu.be
The way the cheek creases and everything. It all looks very good. The models in MK11 don't necessarily look bad, but the real secret to good face scanning is mocap.
This might sound like I'm fanboying, but I really haven't seen any other games with faces that look and move as realistically as RE Engine titles.
Even the faces that people say "look bad", like Trish and Claire in certain shots, still look "good" in the sense that they're high-quality. They animate and emote smoothly.
Oh yeah? then show us left without the 50 pounds of make up. Even then she still looks like a retarded alien.
Because the suits pick an attractive model but then the sjws come in and say they have to adjust the face to be less attractive.
Who is that girl, she's cute
She’s so wholesome and cute!
This user knows what's up. Having a perfect realistic face scan doesn't mean a single god damn thing if you can't get facial motions of equal quality, no matter how pretty it may look in a still shot
Cameras and scanners always have trouble picking up darker colors, the giant man head may be a consequence of the software legit mistaking some parts of her hair for parts of her face.
Even the fucking blink in this looks fantastic. Look at all the subtle motions around the eye when he blinks.
You call that beautiful user? What the hell is wrong with the West and it's perception of beauty in the last 10 years?
Her mocap actress is 10 times more beautiful than she is. And Claire is supposed to be a fantasy character....
thats what we get when we have SJW's running western gaming
This. It took 40 years until film based cameras could properly capture black people skin in color
Get that disgusting shit off her face, and stop posting compressed mobile images
I’m a zoomer who has never played a devil may cry game but I wanna play DMC5, what do you say?
looks like a generic mega thot, shit taste faggot
The love for the goblin RE engine faces is the biggest case of "it's okay when japan does it" I've seen in awhile.
I would say its this and a combination of the fact that western devs are terrible at modeling humans, the face scan shit in this case being more of a crutch.
I don't think you know what "uncanny" means.
>nigger nose
Why? Because she takes pictures of her self with her phone because she is not an uggo?
Chicks do that faggot, get with the times.
left a qt
not liking claire is the biggest case of "I'm gay" I've seen in a while
You're gonna be lost on the story and it likely won't hit for you, but stort is second fiddle to gameplay in DMC anyway.
I would personally suggest playing the rest of the series first as none of the games are particularly long for a single playthrough but if you just wanna go head first into 5 then go ahead.
Just keep in mind that all DMC games are built with multiple playthroughs in mind.
It's my GOTY without a doubt. One of my favorite games of all time. Good from start to finish. Can't think of any real flaws outside of clunky pre-mission menus. As an action game, I think it's as close to perfection as you can get within a specific genre.
It has little history movie you can watch on the main menu to get you acquainted with the lore. Even then, it's not necessary to understand it - although 5 is easily the most self-referential of all the games, and you'll enjoy it a lot more if you know the story. It has a lot of callbacks and emotional payoffs that might not click for you if you're unfamiliar.
I highly recommend it if you're at all interested. I have about 150 hours played, and I'm still playing it every three days or so. Some people don't like the way V plays, but I personally enjoy him; even then, he only has four out of the game's twenty missions.
Go for it. I would check out 3 and 4 too
What this guy said
Westerners have no idea what makes a woman attractive.
Airplanes drawn by children would not fly well if built to that design, because children have no idea how aircraft work.
The same is true of women designed by people with no awareness of how beauty works.
she does look like a generic thot tho
Based DBry avoiding getting #metooed while fucking his 7/10 mutt wife.
It’s very comfy as a spic
A bunch of white beta males literally decided the pretty black girl didn't look black enough.
Fucking pleb
>ruins her cute chubby face and gives her malnourished roastie model cheeks
She would suck my dick for rent
For western devs, it's often a case of "she's too pretty, let's make it more feminist-friendly" kind of retardation
It's called SJW agenda
I also like that Capcom hired models that fit what they want their characters to look like, even if they're no names, instead of trying to get as many super expensive high profile celebrities for easy advertisement and then building the characters around that.
Just compare the "worst" model in 5, Trish, to Sonya Blade in MK11 who's supposed to be a frontrunner of the roster but looks (and sounds) like dogshit because they wanted meme girl Ronda Rousey
I think it’s an improvement
>Property Sex shill
The real answer is because of forced diversity.
Corporations have been hiring more women to avoid bad PR. well the only women working in the game industry are tumblr girls, who are typically ugly.
When forced to use attractive face models, it seems likely that women are intentionally uglifying the ingame women to make themselves feel better. 95% of these face models are infinitely more attractive out of game than in game.
Anyway that's the fully articulated volcel answer.
Left is a qt. Wtf happened?
@ Kojima
Whoa there cowboy. Do your parents know that you talk like that?
One of the key reasons is fucking makeup.
When doing face scanning you can't have the models wearing any makeup or it fucks things up, but because the model they choose has 99% of their portfolio pics as them caked in makeup, you end up with a face unlike that which you chose for the character despite literally being the same person
Soul vs soulless
Diversity representation isn't to help minorities feel good, it's to make white women feel good.
They want to feel generous for letting minorities into society.
But white women don't want to feel threatened, so only ugly to mediocre asian/black women get roles in films.
Showing attractive minorities would be fetishization! Showing ugly minorities is empowering!
Remember how all the white women threw a hissy fit when the cute japanese developer was at e3?
That's pretty much the issue in a nutshell.
Addendum; this is also why male characters with scanned faces turn out leagues better than female characters majority of the time, because even though male models also use makeup, it's almost never to the point of significantly altering the appearance of the face and is usually used to accentuate what features are already there.