What exactly was the "bonus" or plus of not having a LFG or instant teleport to dungeon system?

What exactly was the "bonus" or plus of not having a LFG or instant teleport to dungeon system?

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Taking your time, and immersing yourself in the world. Not that it matters streamers and zoomers will rush content no matter what.


>cant participate in the community unless you play one of the predefined metas
>solo fetch quest grinding for 3/4th the game
>instance dungeons and raids, zero open world content
C'mon lad.

I have been leveling this entire time with friends. We have been taking our time and focusing on more than just leveling. Been having a lot of fun, taking on sidegrade quests and leveling up professions. We also helped a random pally finish his hammer quest. Sounds like you need to learn how to make your own fun.

That's what I'm seeing.

>Groups constantly gets impatient because taking too long for 2 members to run to SM, all leave
>Elitist attitude
>not meta spec? gtfo

I have seen no positive community interactions via dungeons so far. It has all been in open world working together against elite quests and in guilds. Which is how it works in retail too.

even retail is downplaying the finders, it's undeniably cancerous

Ibreases time commitment which allso increases the chance of people staying to finish the dungeon. The more work the dungeon takes the better it feels to complete it.

This is a good reason

the world will be completely empty if there's a dungeon teleporter, might as well just have a menu-screen and a dungeon tab button and no "world" of warcraft at all

>cant participate in the community unless you play one of the predefined metas
You only think this because you yourself are a meta cuck. If you stop trying to play with the autists, you'll soon realize most of the people that play classic don't give a shit what spec you are, as long as you at least try to play your class.

>If you stop trying to play with the autists
I don't think I'll ever find a group then

It takes away the "World" part of the game. Imagine if in Oblivion whenever you accepted a quest from a NPC it instantly teleported you to where you needed to do the quest and when you're done it teleports you back.
This, at that point the game stops being a MMO and becomes a dungeon run game.


the highlight of classic is that the lvl 50 dungeons: sunken temple, black rock depths and spires, scholomance, stratholme, and dire maul are all either relatively or horrifyingly long. So not only do you have to wait to find a group to do these end game dungeons, you will be discouraged from leaving early and start all over.

I can't remember which x-pac or patch it was, but I wanna say late BC early WotLK had it where there was LFG queue system for 5 mans, but all it did was dump you in a group and tell you where to go. So you still had to hoof it out to the instance, and hearth/mageport back to town at the end. And I feel like that was the right balance of automation versus interacting with players. Retail you can chainrun 5mans without ever talking to anyone. Having a 5 or so minute chat with groupmates as you flew out to the instance was the right balance.

You're being selectively ignorant. Considering everything about the game is known and can be learned quickly through google. You can safely play however you want. Everything can be anticipated. The people that care about meta spec's are the guilds that rush content to compete with other guilds. They're already premade and go into the game knowing that the fastest routes and highest dps spec's. You don't have to play like that.

>nobody sends friend requests or even talks
>nobody wants to party up for quests
>most responses ive gotten is "I'm playing solo"
>/2 is literally just spam about farming scarlet monestary over and over
>layering making every city and even the world feel empty even on full servers

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Yeah honestly that's totally acceptable, I have no idea why everyone was so butthurt about the LFG addon since it was basically just this, it gets rid of the annoying aspect of spamming trade and other channels

Maybe you're an unlikable cunt? My friends list is brimming with people I added just meeting through doing elite quests and dungeons. Still run dungeons with most of them too.

it'll get better you really gotta wait for the hypetrain to die down a little tho, it's still early and you gotta let time weed out all the normies. Neckbeards actually care about community, if you played private servers you'd know this

I'm just running around the world questing, maybe it's just an EU problem

If there is a LFG you press a button, get into a queue, get placed in a dungeon, do it, then leave. If someone disconnects they instantly get replaced with another player in the game. There is no reason to talk or communicate ever.

If you dont have LFG finder then you have to ask people to invite you, its hard to find a balanced group which means you usually have an unbalanced party (which is a good thing because its more fun to play with the challenge) and if someone leaves you basically have to restart so people very rarely ever leave, meaning its a big commitment to do a dungeon. There is a shitton of other things as well but thats the basic point.

No ways to LFG apart from chat is bad, but so is a magic UI element that does everything for you. Instead of meeting stones there should be a bullitin board for each dungeon which lets you put up a party which players can join, then from there you run to the dungeon together. The party should vanish from the board once it hits 5/5 people as well, and if you fall to 4/5 you have to go put your party back up on the board or invite someone through chat.

I don't think he's wrong. I usually make a lot of friends playing online games but right now there's way too many normies treating this like a singleplayer game. I think as time goes on we'll see this improve

I guess its a subjective experience, it probably differs on servers. I got lucky and chose a wholesome server i guess.

Literally all it takes to participate is to walk up to someone and /say "Hey are you doing this quest too?" and inviting them to group you anti-social sperg.

This might be a server thing, but idk. I picked one of the RPPVP servers because I figured RP fags would be the ones to stick around and enjoy the game and make it immersive. Every single experience I've had so far running dungeons has been great except for one BFD run where all the casters got stuck in combat so we drowned ourselves and then the Pally just left before rezzing us.

This is the exact opposite of what my experience has been minus the LFG spam in city chat, which you know, you can just turn off if you aren't using it.

This was right around when BC came out. You talked to local innkeepers or used the meeting stones and it would put you in a group, then you could use the meeting stone like a warlock summon.

I don't think so. I started playing in BC and I remember having to spam chat to find group members. They added the actual Group finder in wotlk, but I remember there being a period when the group finder would put you in a group without teleporting you, I think early wrath?

Agreed. Was just talking to my friend about a week ago, how retail should go back to that, and mixing classic with modern would make the game much better.

Classic is fun but it ain't going to last more than a year. I won't be surprised if the drop off in a month is 70 percent of the player-base.

None of those dungeons serve any purpose in classic. You immediately start raiding MC before you even hit 60, there's no reason to fuck around with any of those dungeons, especially once ZG comes out.

>None of those dungeons serve any purpose in classic
Except the fact more people run them than MC since raids are boring and shit

>This was right around when BC came out.

>You talked to local innkeepers

I think that a lot of people didn't use it at the time because it was kind of shit. I don't think it took into account what your class was, so you could end up with a party with no tank or healer. I could be wrong though. It's been a long time though. I definitely remember using the innkeeper an the meeting stones for finding groups for dungeons though.

looks like the game's busted mages too OP, blizz fucked up

>people are so shit at games they need to metagame to beat WoW PVE content
holy shit, unless there's a DPS check that full wipes your group you can roll almost anything with whatever retarded gear you want.
WoW dungeons have always been piss easy

You're right, it was about a year before BC, but you still could talk to the innkeepers for dungeons.

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90% of the dungeon runs have been fun for me, and I think the only bad ones happened in SM. Nowhere else has anyone said anything about xp/hour or damage meters. I'm playing on an RPPVP realm though, but often the dungeons feel like a lighthearted D&D game with people joking and having fun.

going RPPVP even though I have no intention of RPing was the best choice I think i made in regards to classic.

Sense of community

What the fuck, 1.5? So this should technically exist in classic wow?


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Classic is built in the legion client with the 1.12 version of vanilla.

Dunno about that, every dungeon i was in was a silence rush through so far, except one time when i got pissed at our tank and hunter and told them to go afk and leave the pulling to me

Yeah, I guess technically it should exist. Meeting stones are at all the dungeons (they weren't at launch) and you can talk to innkeepers about dungeons, but you can't actually use them to form parties. BC 2.0.1 was when they added the summoning feature to the stones.

Yes and 1.12 comes after 1.5. The meeting stones and the innkeeper dialog are there, just the group forming functionality isn't.

Face it. You will never be 14 playing WoW and doing Wailing caverns at 10am with all English speakers while your family watched Roseannne on TV on the weekend again. Nobody will cook those pancakes like your dad did and you will be forced to que with retards who only want higher numbers.

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My dad never cooked pancakes though because cooking is a woman's job

Except literally no one used this

Why do people in classic actually communicate with each other while in retail they don't give a shit about one another act like silent robots?

Sitcoms are garbage and my parents don’t care for me

It's this crazy thing called "talking to other people to work together"

I remember using it a bunch. Maybe people just didn't know it existed because it required reading the dialog in game instead of just opening a LFG tab.

It's so easy to find a group, holy shit get gud fucking gaylord

Retail solo content is piss easy. You literally have to try to die while questing.

dont play on streamer servers

Get real, Classic has been nothing but a hyper optimized shitfest where the meta is god and everyone who isn't leveling the most robotic and optimized way can go fuck themselves. I agree that teleporting to the dungeon is a stupid choice that reduces a lot of bigger decisions players have to make, but Classic isn't immersive, it's a fucking farm simulator. And LFG wasn't the problem.

>imagine playing on this guy's server
>imagine not playing on Grobbulus
>imagine not being part of an ethno nationalist dwarven guild
>imagine missing on all this WoW RP Kino

It's funny when classic fanboys that never played classic before try to pretend their game was hard though

No, it was more inconvenient and slow than spamming trade or lfg.

It's funny when retail cucks gaslight

I disagree and I surmise you are a faggot. However I still enjoy playing Everquest on P99 servers cuz I find it immersive. Perhaps what is immersive to one, might not be to another user.

I got the feeling a lot of the actual metagamers were retail players.

>Perhaps what is immersive to one, might not be to another user.
That type of thinking is too complicated for this place

I made a wonky holy/disc dps spec and seem to top damage every time and people never went against giving me a chance. It's vanilla, the pve isn't hard or anything and most people understand that. Stop making the game unfun for yourself and experiment.

Classic is an extremely easy and simple game it just takes significantly longer to kill anything, both are shit but I hope you don't actually think classic being slow and non interactive is a good thing.

I'm playing Classic because I want to play a Hunter and I can't do so in current retail.

What's "non interactive" about it?

>spamming chat is immersive

The people that don't get why Classic/Vanilla is good never played MMO's before WoW came out.


Completely destroys the world and any resemblance of socialization. This is all anyone would do to avoid time losses associated with world travel. Meta would also become even more enforced because the meta removes the need for communication, which is a waste of effort with people you didn't want to group with and don't want to see again.

nah, you start telling them to squad up, misspelling it a new way every time, progressing into caps and /y
it is custom

turn up the music, hit alt-z, run to where you need to go between quests, immersive as fuck.

>hunter and warlock still limited to one pet only
It's amazing how WoW continues to be the least fun RPG possible.




Puts people in the world, rather than just having people sit in cities then teleport to the dungeon instantly. In particular for me as a warlock, it makes me more desirable for groups because of summoning.

Matchmaking is a fast route to lazy incompetent retards who you can't replace.

You got a point there. Today i invited a warlock out of 12 dd replies just because he can port people that are literally to stupid to understand that you can teleport to gnomeregan with 1 click.

teleporting straight to the dungeon takes the world out of the equation.

There is alot of interaction that can happen when alliance decides to walk over to SM for runs.

shoulda played a pvp server pussy

The is slow and at best you're slowly using 2 buttons, imagine playing some bad shooter like destiny or division where instead of trying to create fun mechanics to allow players to push their skill and enjoy fun gameplay they just give everything more hp so it takes longer to kill without adding anything else to the experience. Classic is just mashing whatever your classes spam button is, e.g. mage frostbolt, until you kill X amount of reskinned boars and it's extremely repetitive and the player base will drastically suffer unless the community can agree to add 'new content' while keeping the classic setting.

Your argument is "it's bad because you have to press buttons"? Like all video games?

There's a reason every mmo prior to wow is dead

How are the queues for RPVP (US)? Is there much snowflake make believe autism? or light RP with actually playing the damn game?

Waiting on the opening shitshow to end so I can sub, I want RPVP for the non-meme names mostly.

Which means the devs will have to balance dungeons to compensate for those retards, leading to an overall decrease in difficulty. Since they made content easier, normal dungeons are now cleared too fast, so they slow you down by adding unnecessary filler and bloating enemy HP values while lowering the DPS.
Matchmaking is cancer

like a bunch of horde complaining that mages are too powerful as their barbarian brains can't just stun and kill like everything else.

Not him, but no, it's bad because there is nothing to showcase your skill.

All you can do is showcase how you can do the things "faster".

IE: I can get to 60 faster than you, by spamming frostbolt.

>there is nothing to showcase your skill
Like what?

pretty sure I had more fun and social trashtalking in one run and questing of Wailing Caverns at 5 am with 4 random assholes than I did all the dungeon grinding I did in TERA and ARR combined. Good times. Can't wait to get back to SFK, BFD and the later stuff.

TBC's LFG system had it right. WotLK with it warping you into the instance from anywhere went too far.

No it's bad because there's a huge lack of pressing buttons. You spam one spell instead of many for different scenarios because every scenario in classic wow combat is exactly the same.

And in retail it's not?

Imagine playing PvE.
Let me guess, you don't want asshole gankers clearing out all the salty casuals?

No I just want to play the game

i play on a pvp server you fucking retards, did I say that i played on a faggot pve server?

Id give retail a slight benefit of the doubt for trying because current raids and moreso m+ specifically have mechanics where you have to adapt your playstyle to succeed. But as it stands MMOs as a genre need some kind of innovation.

Spamming in trade chat, so much better

>But as it stands MMOs as a genre need some kind of innovation.
No I think you just don't like RPGs






That's you. Fucking loser EKEKEKEKEK

Don't forget to dilate, user.

Met a bunch of people I wouldn't have if LFG existed, my friends started playing with another IRL group around our levels and we merged, now we have enough for raids and we will clear next week easily. retail is shit, stop wining you don't play it anyway and just want no one to be happy faggot

Welcome to a high pop. server. People dont choose to join a full server with long queue time because they want to make friends playing together, they choose it because they are minmaxing faggots wanting to rush endcontent and find groups (or pvpers that dont want to play with anyone that drags them down)

Most people I'm seeing are already past the tedious phase. The starting levels when you have jack shit abilities is the most boring tedious part. Once you get past 20 or 30 the game is a lot more fun to play because you have more options.

Thank fuck, my family are casuals with shit taste.

Beats me, same thing as why are all hybrids just outright shit and why tanks have no real tools for tanking other than asking the party to wait for you to sunder every mob 3 times before touching them.

TBC servers can't come soon enough. Vanilla was shit.

It must suck to be retarded huh user? Everquest still gets expansions, still has live progression servers, and still has private servers. Better luck next time.

On US herod, I've made tons of friends, I even have a group I hop on discord with every day

Grobbulus I just logged on while it was full and I had a 5 minute queue. Most people are playing the game normally until they max out a character and then they focus on RP/Alts to RP with. You still see meme names on the RP server but the general chat is way better than what I saw during the stress test.

unfortunately all of my irl friends had already chosen Gehennas which is probably the most populated server on EU, can only play at midnight when the queue is done.. christ

Truly an expert argument




Utter fucking loser

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Have you played the game? Mage is literally the only class I can think of that comes close to having a two button rotation, and even then calling it a two button rotation is kind of retarded because of all their situational abilities. If you are spamming one spell you are literally playing the game poorly. People saying it's a no skill game because they literally have no skill. I love killing faggots like you in BGs and Wpvp

>There's no reason to run them
Guess who hasn't cleared MC yet

You need those dungeons for the gear, the mats and the receipts that drop.

PvP is a core component to WoW especially within the context of the story and the lore of the game. Playing non-pvp is literally playing a gimped easymode non-lore friendly version of the game.

it's bad because you have to press buttons"? Like all video games?
You forget that the Wii exists!
Waggle to pet doggo! Bend your knees to ski!

ST and BRD aren't that long. For BRD it depends on which clear you're doing, and obviously DM Trib runs are super short.

>PvP is a core component to WoW

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Community culture

Not him but rogue rotation is literally sinister strike + slice and dice

You only bend your knees in two different variations though. What a fucking ripoff

>Not meta spec
I have literally not seen a single person even ask what spec someone was.

It's just zoomers ironically creating a fictional world within a fictional world

I was 24 so yeah...

>solo fetch quest
Soloing is bad. The higher you get, the more dangerous the world becomes. If you don't make friends you are going to have a very monotonous time of pulling 1-2 mobs at a time and repeated corpse walks from getting ganked. You have to make friends in this game.

>warrior main spends hour spamming lfg
>mage alt gets insta dungeon invites

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The story of the game is literally the collapse of the tactical cooperation between the Horde and Alliance after the events of Warcraft 3. Imagine having a war between two factions be your setting for a game and then playing in a mode where you can't fight the opposing faction. I can't believe I have to explain this shit.

Wait till you get to 60, our party leader literally made us stand in line and he went from one person to the next inspecting our gear and asking us about our builds. Felt like some boot camp full metal jacket shit

Oh okay.
Don't imagine playing PvE then.

i'm playing a feral druid (dps) and i've gotten into plenty of groups. I suspect that it's the people that are spamming the most efficient shit who are the bfa/newer wow players

But non-loreful names are reportable correct? Looks like my kind of server.

It really is. That should have been obvious from the world design. You're pretty much pushed into PVP territory as soon as you hit lvl 20.

>with all English speakers
i miss this part. fuck these south american taco niggers.

You can report them, but I doubt Blizz will do anything about player names unless they would violate the rules on a normal server, same with guild names.

Just don't play on his server

Never played WoW before and have no friends, but so far in Classic ive had no problem asking for help in general chat with whatever quest I need. Does that transfer into late game stuff? Im trying to look for a guild bit a lot of them have really dumb names or are way too big.

Wow so you're saying the people that got to max level within 2 weeks of the fucking game being out are hardcore poopsocking tryhards? Who would have fucking known.

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The idea is the LFG or Instant Teleport to Dungeon System is that is ruined community. The problem is, removing these things isn't going to restore the community, and classic fags are either delusional, or unwilling to admit that removing these things in an of themselves will not restore said community. If anything, it will lead to a quick death for Classic. But whatever, it was dead on arrival anyway.

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Lmao, pve baby.

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No you dont lmao

>>imagine not playing on Grobbulus
what's so great about this? isn't it just better to rp on a normal pvp server?

What does MC stand for...

Yeah I'm asking about RPvP only, I only played in a normal PVP server back then and hated that shit.

Imagine actually falling for the race to 60 meme and now you found out you have to blow a dude while everyone else is having a comfy time leveling. You deserve all the dick you have to suck zoomer.

I ask spec sometimes. Some specs have good utility and knowing what you have can help.

I've come to the conclusion that in multiplayer games, especially where cooperation is necessary, convenience is an extreme detriment. The more unintuitive and complex basic mechanics are, the bigger the filter is to keep out retards. This is why pre-WoW MMOs had a special kind of magic. They were a safe haven for autistic nerds, which subjected the digital world to their will and turned it into their own personal paradise.

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How is this dead on arrival. Theres like 20 servers all with large pops.

Yeah I'm talking about the RPPVP servers. I don't think blizz is being super strict about naming, but I'd say that the majority of people stick to world friendly naming.

people who play on rp-pvp generally have fun with the game and dont fixate on metagaming or twitch cultism

Personally I'm enjoying learning about the game don't give a fuck about the story but this is a comfy MMO can't wait to try retail once I hit 60 on classic

Alright, think gonna wait at least a couple of weeks more though.

Guess you also haven't done your Ony preQ tardboy

Classic in it's origin provided something that no other game provided. A unique experience. Today, every MMO is basically WoW. Now, WoW Classic is advertising that it's like it was originally. No one who is playing it today is playing it because they loved WoW classic. WoW Classic is outdated, and will not stand on it's own, because other than a hardcore minority, no one wants to play WoW in it's original form.

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>The is slow and at best you're slowly using 2 buttons
Alright, I'm taking this bait
That is a complete lie and you know it. To do top DPS as a warrior or rouge you will at the very least be using 3-4 skills and every class in the game has something else going on during combat that they can help the party with outside of dmg. Yes, even in raids where the entire ''lol 1 button rotation'' meme was born.
>inb4 ''pro'' raid guide rotation is posted
A player can only follow that rotation if NOTHING goes wrong during the encounter which will rarely happened unless you have a full premade 20-40 group. And in every other form of content the game has, the player will have to use 80% of their abillities to survive/win.

WoW wasn't unique. It was an Everquest clone with a Warcraft 3 skin.

Are you a """"DPS warrior""""?
Any warrior can use a shield and def stance for sunken temple.

Seeing all the love the game still gets from nostalgic players or otherwise, it really makes you lament how low Blizzard has sunk has a company and how little hope there is for the future; not only that but all the classicfags are still putting money into Activision's pockets to further drive Blizzard's name into the ground

It’s harder than retail. You literally can’t prove me wrong

Although the chances of it happening are next to nothing since the old guard of Blizzard has moved on, I'm really hoping they pull a Bungie and eventually decide to separate themselves from Activision. Doesn't seem likely though.

"Casual" Everquest thank you very much. And ironic considering that people *now* consider WoW classic to be "hardcore."

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Masheron's call
Marmored core
Mace combat
Mair conditioning
Marmour class
Malternating current

>imagine not playing on Grobbulus
glad i left that spergfest for DD. some people were cool, most people were fucking asmonsperg rejects. horde fags were the absolute worst, constantly trying to one up each others cringeshit names. fuck that server and its ping.

lmao there are no original Everquest players on this website.

Also Ultima online >>>>>>>>>>the rest

my cock
people advertising to LFM MC is just autists trying to form erp orgies

NO QUEUES at 3pm Saturday
Server's dead
Game's dead

Damn this response is autistic

You're not wrong on either point, but why even mention Ultima? No one will know what you're talking about...

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It's a complicated situation. I played EQ for almost a decade, and I played WoW for 5 years from launch to Cata. Depending on your stance on the way the MMO genre developed you could argue the things that made EQ or Vanilla WoW hard would now be considered "bad game design". I feel that the design choices that people complain about the most and associate with being hard are what make those games extremely immersive and rewarding. Most modern gamers do not have the patience for those mechanics though. However if you remove those elements from a game like EQ or WoW then they become trivial to play and not rewarding or immersive in the slightest.

Regardless, I never played PvP

Roleplaying game

Have you even played the game user?
That is only one out of 3 sub rotations for a sword specced rouge. A sword rouge uses atleast 4 spells in their rotation and this is if they never pull aggro, never have to reposition, never have to kite mobs or use consumables which every type of rouge does during combat.

And yet I still played PvE. Not some trying to prove anything on an annoymous image board like every other faggot that commented. Still had fun. Guess I lost

>Ah, another wretched day in Tarren Mill. All of this clean air puts me in such a foul mood

>. . .the flowers are blooming in Hillsbrad and the air is so fresh and brisk. I can't help but to wallow in the misery of it all. I look out my grimy window and long for the day when our New Plague brings this world the death it deserves.

>Another day, another elixir to be made. If it were up to me, I'd just let the pathetic humans and Scourge fight it out. They seem bent on killing each other as is.

I forgot the writing in vanilla WoW was actually pretty goofy and charming.

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Ah cool, have you started transitioning yet or are you still in the curiosity phase?

And I bet every 50 of you enjoy it thoroughly.

>cant participate in the community unless you play one of the predefined metas
This is completely wrong. People who play non-meta specs are treated as heroes, and none of the content is too difficult for non-meta roles.

And you stayed there like a retard? But you are lvl 60, of course you're a retard. You're one of the retards that raced to lvl 60 and is probably going to try-hard a 15 year old game.

So what's the answer? I am not opposed to "classic" WoW on paper, but implemented I believe it's dead on arrival, because people are now used to the "quality of life" improvements made by retail. So what's the answer? And do we really believe Blizz will do what it takes to cater to the "hardcore" crowd?

Thank you! You're not so default yourself.

>That's great kids, but now it's time for Grandpa to tell you about the time he spent months doing his Ranger and Cleric epic quests.
>Grandpa we already heard the one about Swiftwind and Earthcaller.

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But the servers are full all the fucking time now, how is it DOA?

FFXI > Everquest > Everquest 2 > WoW

That's fine I guess, but if you refuse someone for not being the "correct" spec you're a retard. Every single piece of content in this game can be cleared by people playing sub-optimal specs.

So about 10 servers are full all the time, big fucking deal. That's the "classic" experience, and it isn't the numbers WoW was pulling in it's heyday, much less what investors are going to be expecting. Just saying.

I think the answer is to not be so strict about MMO conventions. Everyone was copying elements of UO and EQ for years until WoW came out and then everyone was just trying to copy WoW which itself was a copy. I think it's fine for there to be different games in the MMO genre that cater to both hardcore and casual audiences, but they need to be deliberate with their design choices. I don't think Blizz has what it takes to make another MMO that will hit like WoW did, unless another game comes out in the near future that they can copy like they did with EQ.

enjoy your sperg containment server with Undeadkillax, Korpzclown, and Dedtoritez

>World PvP in the game since early beta
>Abilities being balanced around both PvE and PvP
>No other content than 3 endgame dungeons, two raids and WPvP at release and all the way up to 1.4 I think
>The game forces players into WPvP around lvl 20-25 with contested zones
>Some classes/specs being seemingly built for PvP and nothing else by the developers
>Not a PvP game
user I'm sorry... You seem to have cought a bad case of retardedness.

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>big fucking deal
Compared to no full servers at all?

They completely ruined this guy in Cata. I really hate nu-blizz.

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Pass an English class before you address me again fagnon.

Yet I played the entire time on PvE. Are you upset? Could it be that you're a lemming bandwagonning on a post?

>Edgy McEdge

Please stop being so weird, it's making me uncomfortable

playing the fucking game lol

Pretty sure there are more people playing classic than there were playing Vanilla within the first year. WoW didn't take off in sub numbers until TBC and LK.

>point out you're wrong about a key feature and one of the selling points of the game

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The biggest one is it forces you to work with your party members (helping, teaching, bonding) because replacing them, or re-queuing yourself, isn't an option.
It also keeps you immersed in the world of travel, adventure, and comradery. Rather than afk-queuing like a zombie.

>MMOs as a genre need some kind of innovation.
They need a reversion, not an innovation. Holy Trinity was a mistake and needs to be removed. You cannot have ANY innovation so long as you use Holy Trinity balance design, holy trinity is so focused and linear that there is nothing you can do with it other than raise and lower numbers.
Remove holy trinity

Who else /waiting on Archeage Unchained/ here?

Less entitled players getting angry and kicking people or leaving because there's no instant gratification

tell them the truth brother

I miss true support and utility classes. RIP Bard and Enchanter, and all the utility spells wizards, druids and shamans got in EQ.

This. I've been thinking about it and I feel like the biggest downfalls of online gaming in general was the removal of a need for an in game community to exist. Matchmaking is nice, but most matchmaking systems just promote picking up randoms with the intent of never seeing them again after content is cleared, and because of this content also has to be balanced so random teams with terrible chemistry or players that solo everything but forced team content can still clear content without the need of strong cooperative skills.

You must not play on stalagg. Most groups want mage lock cleave only dps

Back when I first my brother and sister were moving away with the respective fiancées, we were living in a shitty, dark and humid apartment and my parents vented on me all their frustration about getting old. I don't miss those years, WoW was a pretty sweet escapism.

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>Yet I played the entire time on PvE.
And I've never touched the singleplayer portion of GTA5 yet that does not mean that rockstar didn't consider it a core part of the game (at one point in time atleast)
>Are you upset? Could it be that you're a lemming bandwagonning on a post?
No? I wrote what I thought about your post at the time and that was that. The fact that you are so overly offended about being wrong about something on fucking Yea Forums just makes you look like a massive faggot.

>Edgy McEdge
More clinically depressed than edgy. The whole town is full of interesting characters with unique personalities. The forsaken generally run the full spectrum from morose to mischievous and upbeat. Tarren Mill especially. It was a great little spot, one of the best questing zones. If you really want edgy, nearby there's a bored deathguard that wants you to go out and gather up human skulls for his trophy collection lol

All of this slowly declined with each expac. By Cata it was completely gone. NPCs were just quest dispensers with the occasional le wacky cartoonish humor, usually written like retarded marvel comic book characters.

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The only thing i'm not enjoying is certain quests are hard to complete when so many people are farming them to death. Raptor hearts is a real cunt.
Sometimes I get a pack to myself and 5 minutes later there are 5 other people competing, is it just bad luck or is the game putting me into a layer with people near me so I don't feel lonely?


This is why I picked UD zones. Less people and harder quests that require genuine cooperation. The main faction questing areas are loaded with obnoxious retards.

Just bad luck, you can't just change layers. You have to deliberately find someone that's in another one on your server and ask for a group invite.

>can someone invite me I need to switch layer???

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Did another bird poop on that bird?

It's the layering. Was at hillsbrad for quite some days.
Sometimes i would meet not a single alli to gank, sometimes there was only allies and i stood no chance.

Why would someone go on the internet and just lie?

That is not poop user.

What else would it be?

>it's still early and you gotta let time weed out all the normies. Neckbeards actually care about community
No. It's the neckbeards that dont care about community.


Sounds like coping, go farm gold for your respec wagie.

Man tears

>Be level 30 in STV and not a solo class I.E Mage, Hunter, Warlock.
>God forbid you’re a class that can’t heal.
>Ask a person a few levels higher for some help.
>They target you, presumably inspecting you as you wait for them to accept your invite.
>Declined as they decided that they get better xp and all the loot to themselves not worth helping some random scrub.
>”Sorry bro we’re full.”

Bfa sucks because it's too big. Every leveling brackett is completely separated from eachother. and noone is in those lower zones. They turned it into pixar shit as well.

What server do you play on? That has never happened to me and I play a huntard.

Does an experimental build help me when get ganked by 2 allies 1vs2?
I kind of rek them both with HEMO/pvp oriented combat build, and its really fun to shit on 2 allies at once. Seriously, alliance players are so fucking horrible.
I just just instavanish strangle combo, bleedingshit, disteltee, throw a grenade to the other one for a temporary stun. Let the target bleed out and spring to the next one, interupting everything he does.
Can i do that with experimental build?
Can an experimental build give me the feeling of jumping on the corpse of 2 dead allies while spamming /lol ?

>why yes, I LOVE playing on alliance, how could you tell?

Attached: tranny.jpg (700x700, 64K)

Literally happens to any server and you didn’t even read my post like the huntard you are.

Imagine thinking Alliance is the tranny faction

Imagine being a Horde nigger

As a warlock, my experience is usually having random people run up to me and ask for help, then blowing me kisses and friend requesting once I've aided them.

Attached: 1353330912286.png (733x733, 589K)

>female humans
>female night elves
>not tranny

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Well you’re certainly the 1/10 Warlocks that would care to do that.

Same but without the faggy anime pic.

>be undead rogue
>sneaking myself through a mine, trying to get a questmob
>theres a group of 4 people waiting for the respawn
>ask them for an invite
>they dont replay
>activate stealth and camp the spawnpoint
>tag the mob the moment he respawns
>they invite me, i decline

Just fuck'em

Of all the things that never happened in this thread this one never happened the most.

Have you fucking seen the Horde females? They're way trannier. Extremely ugly.

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how much is wow classic? thinking about giving it a go

Same as retail. You pay for both.

My pet chain pulls everything while I multi shot it all to death usually

It's just the subscription. Game is for free, and once you reach lvl 60 you get a free 110 boost and bfa

Soloing is only bad if you don't play as a solo class. Also the game literally marks quests for you that are intended to be done as a group.

>implying trannies want to play the ugly races when they envision themselves as attractive women

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>Literally happens to any server
This thread is the first time I've ever seen anyone complain about it and I've seen plenty of groups that were nothing but mages running around and AOE farming everything. And I've been in groups of 1-4 mages + some random assortment of classes.
>you didn’t even read my post like the huntard you are.
Hey man, just becuase I have the mind of a 10yr old, that does not mean that I can't read.

This might sound insane to you but I actually like when the dungeons exist in the world of warcraft. I like going to the dungeon entrance and walking into that portal. I don’t like Dungeons existing as a magical fantasy world I can just teleport to at any time

That's how you know real females play them. They pick the race they like and just play as a girl. Only trannies are obsessed with being attractive women.

To be fair there's a lot of quests either very hard or straight up impossible to solo at level. That one where you have to get the heart of a gorilla in STV comes to mind. 3 gorillas come in a wave, next 5, next 8 and you have no time to drink/eat in between.

Not him but right now the go to is just spamming AOE/slows/CC with 1 healer no tank. 4 Mages 1 Priest is optimal and cancerous. Its just a fault of everyone being better at the game and learning to min/max.

That harpy quest in thousand needles aswell. Guess a huntard could, also depends on class/equipment

Oh no a quest that is hard! what are we gonna do? I thought this game only had boring easy fetch quests! Was Yea Forums lying to me??

No. The quests arent hard. They just require multiple people.

>4 Mages 1 Priest
This is actually kind of funny. If there are enough mages that does this there will be a huge imbalance of mages vs every other class on the servers. This will just end up fucking them at endgame when there are way to many mages and too few groups,

I wasn't saying it's a bad thing. I was only saying some quests aren't marked as needing a group and they def need a group.

>Imagine thinking Alliance is the tranny faction
Easy, Alliance have crossdresser class

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Grobbulus is amazing community wise. Dunno about the other servers but I have been having a fucking blast.

The spellcleave guys seems to be retail faggots, I only stick to normal groups and been having fun, even got some people on my friends list from it.

Also remember to make a retard list so you know who to avoide in the future

"WoW", what a shame. I actually predicted 1 month, yet its 2 weeks till its dead

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That's an accurate portrayal of what to expect.

As a result I go out of my way to kill any horde mage I see as I imagine they do the same in their faction.
>tfw warrior that can't fight 8 things at once

Alright fake ass eurofag. Pic related taken 3 seconds ago.

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Atleast ffxiv still have that

>6:43am in Germany

Ree! WoW Classic isn't dead! reee it'll be full reeeee

That what you wanted?

I was doing WPvP with my guild the other day, most of us in our high 30s or 40s. Had a single skull leveled Mage blink in and almost wipe out our whole raid group with AOE. Felt so good as a Lock to finally cut through the resists and land a fear that locked him up and resulted in his death. He got 2 of his skull leveled friends to help him, a priest and another mage. We took them all out. Felt good man.

>if you don't play as a solo class
I do play a solo class and its better to not play solo. Not only in terms of speed, but I appreciate the company as well. Its less boring and I can really let loose and pull everything when someone is watching my back.


>Its just a fault of everyone being better at the game
That existed in vanilla. I specifically remember people doing this with frost mages in vanilla. Hell, I did it.

It objectively factually is the tranny faction in vanilla. It evens out in BC with belfs

I can't even be bothered doing quests anymore, I just find a nice level-appropriate area and kill mobs for a few hours, it's strangely hypnotic.

What do you later even to?
I've been listening to some rogan podcasts and Biosphere/Thom Brennan/Black Mountain Transmitter

How as a mage can I kill a sham in the 20/30 lvl range?
I got hard fucked and I hate it
The kick on 6 sec, the fucking melee that hit like a truck, no fuckin mana cost and can heal himself, not forgetting the fucking dispell
It seem like i'm no match at this lvl but I want to know if I'm just a shitter and how to improve in this case
So tell me, mage VS sham, how to win?

Ya'll never farmed mobs for days to level and it shows.

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This is a more optimal way to level honestly. By the time TBC came out I was botting with Glider and I was leveling alts to max level without ever completing quests except for a few class related ones. Fuck I miss Glider. I have more nostalgia for configuring and scripting the bot and watching it play than I do for the original game at this point. Wish I could use it again for Classic.

>whats a MMORPG?
>the fuck would i know, lulz
c'mon lad

Metagaming and min maxing are literally the most cancerous forms of playing.

My pic is not fake, it literally shows the time its made.
Everything low is absurd even if its 07:04 am

>I suffered through bad game design and therefore I am superior

Real gamers are going to bed at 7am user.

>sleeping at all
Real gamers pass out when their body can't stay awake any longer

Then this so called gamers shall finally join my gnomeregan group. The dungeon literally drops 3 fuckign weapons for rogue, and i need a dagger for hemo

Sheep and run, it's your only chance until you get gear and can burst down. I've yet to die to a mage, even when they try to gank me while I have zero mana.

>servers dead
>eurobabbies play retail

yes and?

Only reason amerifats servers are still populated is because of the streamers, and you know it.

>literally one server has streamers on it
It's the streamer boogieman, I swear! Americans are so dumb, excuse me while I go back to watching my wife get railed by a turkish immigrant

>alliance sjws
>larping as ethnostate autocratic fascists

dont you have an intense goldshire inn ERP session with your NE dickgirls to get too you fucking degenerate

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ah innocentanon, how I wish I could be like you again

That's what I thought well I just swallow ly pride and carry on then, thanks

zoomers finna get schooled in basic supply/demand theory

>Taking your time, and immersing yourself in the world. Not that it matters streamers and zoomers will rush content no matter what.

You classicfags sound unironically brainwashed, like a cult.

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You have to bait out his interrupt user, which is his earth shock. You do this by starting a spell cast then stopping it by moving about a quarter or half way through its cast time. The idiot shaman will earth shock you regardless. Which leaves you free to frost nova, blink, and eat his health with Frostbolts

>playing dogshit spriest
>bottom every dps meter in every run
>still manage to full clear every dungeon
Just bee yourself bro

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Talking to people

Must suck to be a jaded teenager that can't enjoy anything in life.

>tfw lv 36 Rogue with only Daggers and all talent points in Subtlety
who here /comfy/?

If it can help, here's a few tricks I've yet to see anyone do on me for when you have no other choice.

Use rank 1 fast casts to bait ES. Don't waste your time casting self-buffs, they'll only be purged again. If they use frost shock to slow you down, now's your window to attack you got 6s. Try not to do the whole frost nova, frost bolt + fire blast. It's so predictable I always cast grounding last second and it eats both the frost bolt and fire blast.

Nostalgia faggotry

Any shaman worth his salt shocks only at the last second. There's also grounding totem and frost resist to deal with. If you beat a shaman as a mage you played a legit retard.

I was 40 when WoW first came out. I will probably die before I hit max in WoW Classic, I would rather continue playing LoL instead.

Except grounding or any of the resist totems aren't a problem in fresh server releases. As most players won't pick up those spells until a much higher level, when gold isn't sparse.
Even with grounding, that only absorbs 1 spell cast. At most, it'll give the shaman another chance to interrupt. which is just baited out again. It's not an easy fight, but definitely winnable as a mage with engineering

Anyone having trouble getting groups as a rogue? I kept getting asked what class I am when LFG as a DPS and they say theyre looking for mage/lock only in 99% of groups.

Quit trying to join cleave groups. You're ruining your own fun anyway by trying to farm experience.

I'm not trying to join cleave groups, just any group doing the dungeon...and as Alliance on a horribly horde infested server (Stalagg) good luck doing any questing at normal peak hours. About 15 horde in every hub with zero alliance who are all farming on mage/lock and tank/heal classes.

why is your game in nazi?

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Never played as an engineer before, loving all these little buddies

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>instant teleport to dungeon system

so people actually leave the fucking hub cities for once for something. this is easily one of the worst things about ffxiv, the zones are fucking EMPTY as there is literally no fucking reason to ever go back into them once you move past.

>they're not following my cult of celebrity
>they must be in a cult
>posts npc image
how more NPC can you get

I have not seen any of this even once desu. What server you on?

>immersing yourself in a world that we've already had for 15 years

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you forget a lot of shit as you get old, you'll understand one day.

I'm using the reichs-mod

This guy is a fucking retard who has never actually gone to an actual MC raid in the original classic. Not even a "for fun" guild would ever allow you a raid spot if you hadn't done any of these dungeons for the prereq gear you need to not be a liability.

You'll understand when you get older.

and you'll understand to stop looking back at the past like a colossal faggot one day too, hopefully
that ship has sailed, find new things to enjoy for fuck sake lol

>find new things to enjoy

dude, the screenshot is from monday 6:00 am and its germany so people actually go to work there...

use your brain dude!

You realize it's possible to enjoy new things as well as old things right? Just cuz I'm playing Classic doesn't mean I forgot new video games exist dipshit.

i absolutely hate all these warriors tanking w 2hand. yea run 2h you faggot , youll do 50 extra damage each swing instead of making the dungeon 2 times easier and smoother because healer dont need to drink after every pull. gj retards

its not about looking bad, its more like nu-wow is so incredibly shit, that old wow completely blows it out of the water, even though its old content.

let that sink in for a minute.

What about the NEET's, hartz4 people, shoolkids on holidays and all the other disabled bros?
Shouldnt there atleast be anyone?

Don't know abou you, but Daily Stormwind is based af

finally 60 bros

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>and suddenly, for no reason at all, everyone wanted Classic

Attached: Wow.webm (711x400, 1.09M)

>about to drop my zoomer server, yet hesitate because my friends will still stay on this server
>/leave world
>game suddenly becomes way better
Anyway, i feel like private servers were unironically superiour to Blizzard ones. Less bugs, better geodata, better community. Chinks will ruin both games, but yeah, there is small chances that server corruption will ruin something to you.

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wait is this in the actual game? I haven't played since Cata came out, but I do remember the peggle addon.

tank cant keep aggro at that level using a 1h/shield

they cant get rage or do damage, and their 1h is always levels behind

you better get used to it til around lvl 50 dude

they can if people would let the tank sunder mobs first before going all out with damage. but this game is being played by faggots that cannot understand anything else but shit instant aggro tank mmo formula.

Yes, there's a WQ in Naz'jatar to play Candy Crush

Wish i would have a decent /world. On my server its just an alternate lfg channel

Fuck DPS for being dicks.

I've been doing some ZF runs with my warrior and I literally do three times more damage with a twohander. Extra damage taken won't matter because things will die so fast. A group with two warriors will run through that shit so fast.

I like them, in my guild we allready stopped using tanks and run the dungeons with 4 dd's

you also take three times more damage and have three times more downtime while waiting for healer to regain mana.

Grobbulus, good man

grobmob for life

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Seriously, the only reason tanks still exist is because people cant think of anything excet their meta and so they dont delete their characters, since they are vital in raids.
I allready cleared some dungeons wiht 5 dds

i like my gifs longer than the extended edition.

cant do that with pure dps classes. hybrids are really strong in classic because they can do whatever the fuck they want on the fly.

I play on fucking herod and you are 100% wrong, I did parties with a shit ton of people on every map I quested.

Enjoy your eternal Final Boss drama while I chill on Deviate Delight enjoying the good life.

>not playing on alliance and killing final reddit

Except Classic dungeons are all piss easy, so it's never satisfying regardless of how long it takes

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guys was swolebenji based the whole time?

Golemagg eu queue hell.
Anydesk is your friend.

>why yes, i love fishing, how could you tell?

Attached: image.png (590x324, 181K)

a fucking phone game

Attached: 1567691888850.gif (229x176, 987K)

>claims to love fishing
>no Arcanite Fishing Pole

I respectfully disagree

I use Big iron right now, i believe there is still no fishing tournament yet.

This faggot also got given all the cloth required to level Darnassus to exalted

I play on Atiesh and I haven't seen anyone talking about this at all since release. Is this a PvP server thing where you feel an absolute need to spell cleave in dungeons because leveling on PvP servers sucks balls but no one wants to admit it?

Dont we have to move to dungeons in M+ and raids too? i usually get summoned when doing dungeons in classic so i dont see the difference, inmmersion isnt the game's meta its created by the user, i still thin this is a nostalgia hype that will die after 2 months and not what wow needed

>can't fight the opposing faction
Just flag yourself, dumbass.

same here, almost every group ive played with has been pretty chill on my EU RP server, whether for dungeons or elite quests
>play balance drood because im bored of feral
>get whispered asking to tank RFD
>tell them im wearing cloth
>np you can oomkin instead
>proceed to have a blast clearing it with 3 pallies

Attached: hqdefault_0.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Reminder to kick, bully and leave groups that has a warrior """""""""dps"""""""" in it

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I like how when people ninja loot or otherwise offend each other, people rarely straight out leave because it's still not worth it. That kind of latent vitriol and tension is true soul.

It’s an NA pvp thing.

>Staff with 5 int and 15 spirit drops
>Level 24 priest is overjoyed at how huge upgrade it is for him, needs it
>Level 30 warlock also needs it
>Warlock wins it
>Warlock: "Spirit is my second most important stat guys! Stop complaining!"

For leveling any class can make use of spirit

>Life taps and expects the priest to heal him
>Spirit is my second most important stat guys
>notin personnell kidd

I usually tell healers who constantly heal me while life tapping that they don't have to heal when i'm standing right next to them. Most of them just ignore what i say and click their healbot tabs. I don't care if they wanna play mana battery.

The absolute amount of cope from you bfa cucks these past few weeks has been top notch. Keep it up you guys.

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because vanilla is a cult


you may only reply to this post if you've personally seen an epic world drop

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Fiery Axe during SM quest run(almost rolled it, tied with winner)
And this, still don't know sell it or use i want to buy Crest of SW for roleplay purpose, but its priced same as this shield, and it's sucks.

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Also this.

Attached: image.png (439x171, 144K)

I'm like the user you replied to, but on EU as well. Made lots of new friends through dungeons or questing, and i even met 2 dudes that read the malazan books and had a blast chatting with them about it.

>want to enjoy fishing
>no time cause my rl mates lvl up so damn fast and i have to keep up

>lvl 13 rogue deals almost as much dmg in dungeons as me, a lvl 18 warlock and some times even more

what am i doing wrong lads?

You're not being a obnoxious retail-playing warlock who thinks multidots is okay threatwise and makes threat a bitch to handle for tanks

I'm nit renewing my sub after everything is said and done for my current play time. The game is honestly a very very visible treadmill under your feet when you play and although the world has been pretty immersive i'm not dedicating 8 hours a day to stay relevant. And the game ends at 60 anyway unless you wanna farm consumables for fucking ever for "prep"

I'm having fun. Remember that thing guys? Fun?

warlocks deal less damage than rogue mages warriors and sometimes hunters

>Roll up a Mage figuring once I hit 22 I can just AoE farm to suppliment my questing
>Chain resists and blizzard costing 1/3 my mana pool means I'm failing every 3rd pull at least

I did this in BC, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing wrong this time, gather up mobs roughly around my level, ensure no ranged in there, aoe them down with improved blizzard. Any other mages having issues or am I just a retard?

>tfw this hasn't happened even once to me
Have you tried taking a shower? They can probably smell your BO through your screen.

>alliance warrior
It all makes sense now, you joined the designated retard faction. No shit you're going to be grouped with the shitters like you belong for being in the shitter faction.

>currently level 30 with 4 friends made, all of which are taking it slow like me so have been progressing around my level range, they hit me up for dungeons and group quests if we're in the same zones
Just like, be yourself retard.

Attached: faggot_bat.jpg (1457x1080, 130K)

>I have seen no positive community interactions via dungeons so far.
That's probably because you're in all of your groups

>level 40 duo leveling all the way through questing
>tons of irl friends playing
>made tons of online friends through my adventure
I love this

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i'm having it on retail but i can't help but feel bad about the future of our games

Never played WoW in it's hayday, I picked Warlock. It's been fun so far, I haven't looked up a guide and have just been exploring the map. I've had my skull caved in by Alliance players that always tend to be too high level for me to do shit about on my own. It's great, though. You're definitely encouraged to group up more for those elite quests. I've only ran through RFC once and even that basic dungeon was alright. I hope the game doesn't die off.

I got the First Mate Hat and the Hyacinth parrot cage an hour apart. Good thing I'm on a server where no one has any money right now.

You don't need to play "metas".

Skill is infinitely more valuable than talent spec.

As long as you aren't a total fucking retard, you can spec how you want and no-one will even notice unless they ask you to use a talent ability you don't have.

For the typical fucktarded spastic, though, it helps to have someone spell out a basic spec and playstyle, because these types are completely incapable of handling anything requiring even a modicum of abstract or creative thinking themselves.

People then like to sell the narrative that you need a "meta" spec so that mud-brained dementors assume it isn't just them having their downie hands held all the way through the game.

imagine being this guy

Attached: 1566780536413.png (1280x720, 1.79M)

you are indeed my nigro
UO > all other mmos ever released

Grob Mob baby

Herod is like 70% horde
As an ally, I'm having the time of my life in STV

>Herod is like 70% horde

Of course it is, it's an anagram.

>streamers and zoomers
As far as I can tell, the folks power-levelling and clearing everything in five minutes are all old people who want the vapid server-fame that they failed to acquire the first time round. Go suck a fat one, grandpa.

Did WC last night as a cow.

I didn't know my way at all as a tank so I just wandered around and we killed stuff. Eventually found everything and killed it all.

No deaths, had a level 16 to a level 25, and we bullshitted the whole time. Was a good run.

LFG is not problem. Teleportation is.
You probably can't imagine how horrible playing game with not giant population without LFG system. Community? Works when you can spam LFM for 5 minutes and get what you want. But with low population not enough new players for raid tier for example you can spam LFM for day without any success. LFG system should not teleport you to dungeon but to town.

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There was addon for this shit back in BC. Nothing new

>meanwhile alliance trannies chowing down on rat kebobs

>Nightfin soup going for 50 silver each on my server
Epic mount here I come!

thats your best shot after thought?

>Participate in the meta
I literally did deadmines the other day with a 3 person group all at lvl 20; a mage, hunter and priest. We cleared it with no wipes

You unironically fucking suck at the game if you need to follow a "meta"

Yes, an addon. Not official mechanics to open a chest. You didn't need to light up all the begs to complete a quest

I was busy playing the game instead of ERP-ing at Goldmane, sorry bud.

Isn't it underpriced?
It's like 20g/hour in nightfin hours, and less during mid day.
I'm keeping mine soups at least for better moment.

>Yes and 1.12 comes after 1.5.
God, I hate Blizzard

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>thistle tea and engineering
>calls others horrible

You'll never be as good at retail as I am. Chill. Even with cutting edge achievements and getting high rating every season, the game is still boring.

Of course a poltard would think the "advanced" society that breeds the most degeneracy is the best one.

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A lot is underpriced right now because nobody has any real money yet. Ive been buying up twink gear at single digit gold prices and Ill just be keeping them in the bank for when they release battlegrounds. I picked up an assassins blade from SFK for 8 gold last night

I've won a few 1v2s so far as meme spec. It seems like a lot of you are forgetting to have fun. You're dying in a video game, not real life.

Streamers are the fucking worst at this.
It's not even them most of the time, it's the fucking social rejects that follow them.

>Giving someone hours upon hours of work and then also tip them for graciously accepting your toil to only forget about it immediately
>And this happens 100+ times per day
I remember when Cr1tikal jumped on Warframe and was immediately power-leveled to MR 13 by sitting in groups where he could do nothing except run and hide because the enemy would kill him in one shot.
He got every single Prime he could ever want, and more platinum, endo, and credits than any player could ever spend.
Then he dropped it after two weeks because he wasn't having fun.
No fucking shit, he hasn't actually been playing the game he's been streaming for two weeks. You dumb shits are playing it for him!

I expected some people to be upset that they collectively gave him well over 1000 dollars worth of platinum.
>thx for trying it charlies warframes a shit game hah hah have some bits and say my name on stream hah hah monka monkas pepehands

I just don't get it.

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TBC/WotLK initial LFG system is fine, list of groups recruiting and people looking for groups.
In fact, none of relevant content in retail is done through teleportation system for long time. You have to join/gather groups through similar lfg system, walk to raid or dungeon entrance, summon people with stone/warlock and go. And no, normal dungeons are not relevant content, heroics are literally useless and noone sane does lfr


Yeah, ive been tanking every dungeon i've been in so far(everything up to 50) and have met a few mages that kept whining about bigger pulls. Had to kick a couple because they just didn't shut up.

Actually using the open world instead sitting in a city teleporting around

>Wave at tauren druid
>he waves back
>wave at undead mage
>Frost nova blinks and frostbolts me for 480 damage

undead are the niggers of horde

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I like the Jewelcraft toy. It was clearly one dev's passion project of "can I get bejeweled working in our scripting engine," and that experimentation is what leads to retail quests being more than just "go kill 10 x."

>class that is good at PvP opts to PvP
>class that sucks ass avoids it

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Isn't Falstad dead?

That would be trolls.

>I think some random sheboon intern wanting to port her Candy Crush to WoW is a good thing
>why is everyone wanting Classic all of a sudden?!

Software versioning doesn't work like counting. You don't get up to 9 then roll back over to 0, you keep going.

I guarantee you that was done by a man. No woman is going to look at WoW's spaghetti code and say "I wonder if I could implement X in this mess?" Meanwhile plenty of men look at that sort of thing as a challenge.

Heboon or sheboon doesn't matter to me, it's phone-game shit no different than garrisons which eventually hollow out and bloat the game at the same time

stupid computer illiterate pokefag

no he survived

Andvwhat do you do if you anticipate that you'll have more than 9 patches? Do you:

a. Prepend the patch number with a 0 like a competent developer?
b. Durrrr what are decimals and how do they work?

>Ubuntu 18.04
>Ubuntu 18.10
Wow, so hard

If you don't play like a poopsocker and just like to log on for a few hours a day, they are absolutely one of the highlights of the game. You fucking faggot.

You should always keep a steady hand ready on a way to counter someone.
Usually what I do is look away with my character, then if I saw the mage prep a spell at me I'd silence and mindblast his bitch low hp ass.

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Name one other big software project that doesn't use leading zeros for minor versions

>join dungeon run
>nobody says anything
>mobs are so painfully easy you can just aoe them in silence with no cc just like people bitched about in wotlk (but someone its ok now????)
>people just leave at the end
what the fuck happened it wasnt even like this on private servers a year ago

Take a screenshot from in game

I never gank anyone unless they're undead

what why i did this hours ago
am i supposed to take screenshots for every single thing i do in the game just to protect your ego?


>Do guild groups for dungeons with people I've been playing wow with for 10 years
>Comfy VC and gaming until the break of dawn

>Want to RP on Grobb
>Have no clue on how to do so outside of speaking normally

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Walk everywhere, make a schedule

>Grouding not being picked up
Grounding totem is one of the best spells in the entire game. Even for leveling, you should pick it up ASAP as it saves a ton of downtime on caster mobs(grounding + ES rank 1 makes the fight almost zero mana cost and zero damage)