Your dream switch port

Your dream switch port

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Why would you want a game ported to a bad console?

Pretty much got all of them

Honestly TES IV Oblivion

I just wanna be comfy this winter, exploring Tamriel in bed as it snows

Call of Duty Black Op with gyro aiming

Magic carpet 2 please

Xenoblade Chronicles X or a Mega Man Battlenetwork Collection

Super Mario 3D World
Yoshi's Woolley World
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101

Nier Automata or Samurai Shodown

I don't really care for Yoshi, but I'd be very happy with this list.

Fallout classic collection.
1,2 and tactics

Xenoblade X
Fire Emblem Fates and Awakening
Collection of GBA FE games
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

Either a Cave shmup collection, or a classic Tomb Raider collection with a TRLE level browser. Not sure how the rights are with Sony, but they were all on PC so it should be technically possible.

>No Sawyer mod
What's the point?

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For the kids

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>no mods
boring as fuck

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
I was recently playing this and jesus christ is X an underrated game

I want Megaman Powered Up to have another chance. Genuinely my favorite in the franchise.

considering dmc1 and dmc2 are on there, it's bound to happen but i need it sooner rather than later

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this game has issues running on the xbox one x without crashes, that frail engine being held together with duct tape and string will not run well on the switch. you seen how bad the ps3 port of NV is? think like that but with a worse controller

I hope one day.

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It really is. It has it's flaws, but the mech gameplay is super satisfying.

X is easily better than 2.

>X is easily the best Xenoblade game

>New Vegas without mods

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Am I the only one who has thought of just making my own console? It really wouldnt be that hard OR that expensive, though it definitely wouldn't be cheap either. Like just use a raspberrypi, screen, speaker, button inputs and boom you have a handheld. Then you could emulate every game worth playing.

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Spelunky is the only one I'm really still waiting on.

someone post the pic of spongebob sniffing ports off the ground

I agree, we should limit our options solely based on our biases.

Speaking of WiiU ports, how does Bayo2 run on the switch?

>Bethesda makes Fallout 3
>Obsidian makes a glorified mod using all the assets that Bethesda created
>still ends up unfinished, railroad-y, and unplayable due to bugs and glitches
>obsidishit gets all the credit


Why? So it can run even more like garbage?

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sounds like a pc m8ty

Id likes things like Xcom, Mount and Blade or Total War games, things where you do alot of waiting and downtime where you can walk around or something instead of sitting at a desk. But a problem there is that there will be no mods.

Ill be dead by the time they get handheld PC level gaming but its something I was always interested in, handheld consoles are fantastic.

tiny emulation machines arent that hard to make. you can find tutorials all over on how to do stuff like that, as long as you can solder and own tiny screwdrivers it shouldnt be hard. reddit is for the most part an awful fucking place, but i will admit there are some good console modding guides to be found

Sounds like the GPD WIN 2 if you ask me
look it up, it might be what you're looking for

fallout does not work on consoles
you might be able to get the isometric ones to work, but the menus would need to be modernized
>bethesda overuses their rebranded 90s engine
>obsidian is forced to deal with it
>fuck obsidian all of these bugs what the hell were they thinking bethesda is so much better
>skyrim releases
>fallout 4 releases
>both now in VR
>fallout 76 releases
>These aren't glitchy at all!
you got no place to talk

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>thinking Skyrim or Fallout 4 had anywhere near as many gamebreaking bugs or on the same level as jew vegas

The Master Chief Collection.
You know why, also because Halo CEA on the go sounds neat.

>trusting the switch alone to handle the gambryo engine

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they literally did and to this day are equally as buggy

Pretty much every Wii game exclusive to Japan which on its own is about 10 games including Fatal Frame.

Peace Walker HD. I love that game on PSP.

No they're not. they run very smoothly. Maybe try not jampacking them with mods?

hahahaha good one todd

Also the N64 games as well

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Bethesda would never ever ever ever let this happen.

MgsV dx

This is the only thing I've ever wanted on the Switch, it would be perfect

Scott Pilgrim vs The world the game
KI: Uprising

Same, I want the Switch to become the new Zelda machine now that the Wii U is dead

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The ps360 were able to run it.

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It should have gotten more attention.

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Paper mario 64/ttyd

Why the fuck would I want anything ported to switch? What are the benefits of having it on switch opposed to PC?

i dont see how anyone plays shooters with those shitty ass joysticks

Metroid Prime Trilogy

>Yea Forums is okay with ports as long it's nintendo

never going to happen

Isn't wooly world on the switch?

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This thread should of died with 0 replies. You could have stopped this.

No, its successor, Yoshi's Crafted World is. Woolly World was ported to 3DS

man I love when stupid people don't know they are stupid

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why would i want something ported to the least powerful console?

>i-its handheld!

yeah so is an ipad and that's for faggots

Nintendo owns the IP right?
Honestly Nintendo should have an entire division dedicated to porting shit from Wii and WiiU on switch. Many games from WiiU especially could sell better just because Switch is a more popular platform. And the games are already made, just port them, release digitally. Shouldn't be that expensive

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That'd be cool

The big issue with ps3 and those games is ram, the Switch has six times as much.

I remember seeing gameplay for it before it came out and thought it looked great. I'm sad I never picked it up and played it though. It was on the Wii right? Or the Wii U? I didn't own a Wii U though.

All I want is a Battle Network collection, RE5 Switch release date and maybe a New Monster Hunter Switch with styles back
That’s it Crapcom and won’t ask you for anything else for at least 2 years

Isn't The Outer Worlds what your asking for in everything but it's name?

I’m still thinking?
Why bother porting 2?
Literally everyone would be happier with it just ceasing to exist

And obviously they’d have to be the originals

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You actually don’t know anything about the dealings between bethesda and obsidian, so stop spouting half-truths and plain lies.
Bethesda did a lot to minimize how good NV would be. It still ending up being far better than 3 though.

MGS1-4, 5 Demon Edition, and PW
Tactics Ogre and the FFT games
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario and TTYD
Burnout games

Could happen, Total War has already been ported to ARM, and Firaxis ported Civ 6.

>literal reddit screenshot
Jesus fucking christ dude.

Why the fuck Xcom isn’t on Switch yet?
Also GTA S.A. and Bully

All of these games are on fucking phones but not on Switch
The fuck

Nigga Skyrim is on Switch

Dude yes
Switch is the new RPG Mecca
This needs a Switch port


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online multiplayer

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Still reddit so; I 1/2 hate you and want you to die 1/2 Agree and I need more horror games on Switch


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with my luck, a modern sequel would likely sell weapons as microtransactions and endlessly rebalance items with hotfixes
better to go out in dignity

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user, RE5 Switch is coming out on October 29th. That was announced a while ago.

Boy now I want this

>Samurai Shodown
Isn't that coming?

Both Sonic Adventures would be a good time. Sega AGES supposedly will get to the Dreamcast eventually, but it's been a year and they're still working on fucking Genesis ports again.

Harvest Moon DS

60fps 720p in both handheld and docked
plays like a dream m8

Oh shit lol
Thanks dude

Pretty much everything I missed out on from the WiiU. Zelda HD games, Metroid trilogy, TW101, Xenoblade, an extensive virtual console, etc...
The switch is such a better console but fuck I'm still tempted to pick up a Wii U to hack it.

Thanks user
I wasn’t thinking about killing myself this evening but I am now

I’m unironically buying the Genesis mini so I can put it next to my SNES mini and remember what it’s like to be an only child again

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They’d be better off lifting literally every game from WiiU and throwing it on Switch
Even if it’s nothing more than monthly filler

If it makes you feel any better, nintendo will likely not jump into that stupid shit on the same level as EA or Activison would for several years, as well as likely being the last console to go streaming only. Games like Underrail, Atom: RPG and STALKER make me think we will see lots of interesting games from eastern europe before the collapse. Theres a few classics left in this industry before its all over.

legend of the dragoon remaster. a boy can dream

With gyro controls, it would be peak ludo.

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The updated versions of Devil Survivor 1 and 2 in one package

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If we're wishing for miracles here, I think I'd prefer DeSu 3.

Steambot Chronicles

No problem, my man, I'm looking forward to it as well and RE6 for mercs

I'm fucking amazed this hasn't happened yet. It's like SEGA hates money.

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I prefer they actually make Pikmin 4.

>Bethesda did a lot to minimize how good NV would be
>B-b-b-but it's never Obsidian's fault!

That's funny, user. You should do stand-up

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Fuck Sony and just give me a Patapon:Rythrio or whatever
Its not like Sony is using those spherical fuckos for something.

Now are we at Alus going to combine the moody and serious atmospheres of FE and SMT into a focused crossover game, or are we going to produce a product focused around campy idols? What's the difference?

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give tablets a little bit more time. The Microsoft Surface Pro 6 is comfortably running Skyrim now.

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Nintendies are bigger fags asking for ports than PC betas.

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Give me these with a fast forward button

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>ninties still begging for ports
I mean that's fucking pathetic you chose the playskool toddler tablet deal with it
lmaoing @ ur lives

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Hack your switch. You can literally play every Zelda game on it now

These are people of tastes, respect them.

You still got it, Seinfeld

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Fuck man, makes me wish I actually was funny or atlus would give us smt5 footage

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skyrim switch has tons of mods and cross save with PC

>Or Atlus would give us smt5 footage
Sorry user but for every 100th comment wishing to see smtv Atlus announces another P5 spin-off, so enjoy Persona 5 Shibuya Arena

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>new Vegas but without the ability to mod it for less crashes
Unless Nintendo themselves bugfix it I ain't interested.

This. For what it's worth reddit sucks but they're at least resourceful

Nice try buddy, I like fighting games despite being really bad at them

It really should have 12 times as much but Nintendo were retards about the ram.
I believe at one point it was only going to have 2 gig

I wonder if it would be possible to port the gameplay updates from agony unrated to the censored version and chuck it on the switch.
Probably not enough ram.

maybe if we got a remastered version that runs better on pc as well

You're not alone there, I'll play with you so we can be really bad at them together

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Its definitely going to happen
im just wondering if 4 and DmC will
also if DmC does get ported i hope its the Definitive edition

>imagine they just don't port DmC

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its not bad its WOKE story and theme are dumb ass hell but it has decent enough gameplay and cool looking levels
im just saying if they port dmc 2 they better give us a good bad dmc

Nintendo please.

Buggy trash game that is only half viable with mods
Same here
Why would anybody play an old part of Cod if a new release is coming soon
No thanks
This woulkd be cool
This would be rad
No thanks
I would support this
Same here
Metroid Prime trilogy on Switch would be my favorite remake of a fame series

If i had the chance for a HD remake i would ask Ubisoft if they were able to port the Prince of Persia Series ( Sands of Time).
This were the last good Prince of persia games after the disaster that followeed and the disaster after the disaster

It was simpler, slower and easier than DMC4 for basically no reason. PC niggas don't even have the definitive edition, so I'm still mad about color-coded enemies and no lock-on.

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blessed taste

Thats why im saying they should do the definitive edition since it fixes most of that

I just want it forgotten honestly

no games kek

well forget it yourself
its not the worst devil may cry has to offer and if anything deserves to be forgotten its 2

MGS 1-5
Persona 5
Skyward Sword HD
Max Payne 2 & 3
Silent Hill 2
Sim City 4

The reviews were written by different people you gargantuan retard

Nintendo would never do this when they could sell each individual game at full price instead.

Twisted Metal Collection

>there actually is a JRPG called The Last Story
Whats next? A game called Concluding Narrative VII?


all of this shit would be objectively better on pc you brand loyalist cucks

no fucking thank you i'm not gay

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looks like fucking shit

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Only gays use NMC, NephyV.

I own New Vegas on PC. It's great. I'd like a portable version too.

Please explain what part of this is "brand loyalty".

Ojo Beuno is shit fuck you, and fuck your mother with a tire iron

Fucking day 1
But Atlus rather pander to ironic normie weebs

If they add gyro yes
Otherwise fuck off

Never said otherwise, NephyV. The only good texture mod for NV is that one guns pack.

>Why would anybody play an old part of Cod if a new release is coming soon
>stop liking old things reee

I have it. WRP, but the best mod is the realistic dismemberment mod, and basically you can decapitate someone's limb, and they keep moving. If it hits their leg they crawl, and if they get hit in the arm they lose their weapon. They slowly bleed out. It's a really good mod, and they have it on fo4 nexus, but fo4 is shit

I mean their literal PS2 games
I’m sure the could handle it


>No mods

has potential

>no mods
>it's on switch
>wait goys
>PAID mods don't you like that?!
phew only todd could bring such chaos

>Persona 5
but its already coming to switch

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>>PAID mods don't you like that?!
>Implying i have bought a single mod
>implying there isn't tons of mods on nexus
>implying i haven't pirated gun network garbage.

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>lock on
It's like only good for stinger and enemy health. That's it

Honestly I wish they’d just secretly use poorfag performance mods with the base game on Switch
Removing shit like underwater grass and other garbage we won’t notice in exchange for a better more stable game would be awesome
Too bad that never happens

>okay listen goy on the arrival of starfield we are announcing no mod support, except for official mod support you can buy on our new page domain
>okay so you buy your DLC, and you then get a submission code through your email
>once delivered WHICH may take a while you will be given a re-direct link which SHOULD activate in your account
I have some hope for Outer-Worlds. It's being made by Obsidian.

As long as it’s not Fallout 76 tier fucked up I think they’ll be ok

mother trilogy

My fucking giga nigga

Stare-field already looks like fallout-far cry edition. it's fucked, and same progression style as 76;while Outer-worlds has already fucked up taking away 3rd person immersion, and leaving the player in "generated" worlds. It's sketch.

Too bad Konami lost the source code and would never invest in the Silent Hill franchise to make them actually good.

I'm pretty sure only Panic Button would be competent enough to take the scrap code and rebuild the games properly.

That being said I would like this, but maybe 1+2 then 3+4 so I'm not getting totally jewd.


Kingdom hearts collection

Skywind,Fallout:Capital Wasteland(yes it's still in development;they're working with the team of F4nv, and are re-doing all the voices), and F4nv are our true vidya goats.

Twilight Princess HD and Fatal Frame 5. I don't ask for much.

would be reasonable, but kh is fucking awful
both good games

yeah i wish
nintendo is not based enough they're estrogen enriched

Fucking really?
I just want Fallout NW2 now with decent loading times, less jank, and maybe a bicycle or two.
Stop trying to reinvent the wheel you fucking retards

Fallout 4 New Vegas, and Skywind will be lit my nigger. Especially Capital Wasteland now that they're working with the same team as F4NV. Maybe with mod support thing can be a lot less gay for Outer-Worlds, but it's not BAD per se, but it's not looking better than FNV.

I love joe in less than 2 years panic button has gone from a literal who to the Best port company
I unironically hope they put out their own original game someday

Only if 358 1/2 got a playable remaster

Their drip feeding the games from HD it seems, if DMC2 of all things is being ported to switch it's bound to follow.

Skies of Arcadia, NMH1 and 2, KH2, .hack//IMOQ and GU, Custom Robo, Shenmue 1 and 2
Other shit thatd be cool: MH4U, God Hand, Fable 1 LC

I certainly hope so

it looks meh almost has a border lands feel to it, and it's kinda off-putting

Gradia HD is on Switch and I love it
Some people complain about graphics being a bit bad but I’m over here happy as fuck

It would cost 60 bucks. Fuck that.

Damn it Square Enix
1 step foward and 3 big hops back

only 59.99 goy

>44 minutes long
Fuck that

It will happen when they remake final fantasy 6

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elder-ring is going to be amazing, but fuck kikes

Nah. Maybe better than 1 tho


Both Nier games, i guess. TMS was my big one, since i didn't play it on Wii U. P4G would be nice, but there's zero chance of that happening.
Samurai Shodown is coming in Winter.

>Liking fates and awakening


Banjo Kazooie
Alan Wake

Awakening and Fates need remakes. Fix the writing, keep the gameplay the same. If they did get Switch ports, it'd be the opposite.

The CG in that game has aged as well as milk in a hot car.
