Any old gamers here? I don't get excited for new releases anymore

Any old gamers here? I don't get excited for new releases anymore

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Im 33. I played rdr2 last october. It was pretty good.

31, enjoy life while you still can

>TFW turning 25 in a month.
I'm still in college, but I already have an AS. Am I doing good?

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>become 30
>yeah I feel better than ever!, wtf I'm in better shape than when I was 20
>suddenly fucked up back, maybe an hernia on my spine or something


you trash boi, i dont even play games anymore, just shitpost on Yea Forums.

also if you don't yearn for a quick death you're not old, just a zoomer

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I'm in college too

32 here. I don't get excited about anything really. I think there's a point where the novelty youth brings wears off.

are you me? i lost half the mobility in my neck listening to fucking /fit/fags and i dont know who to even see about it

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32, playing wow classic
i rarely get excited for new games now though, maybe once a year

>25 in December

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>26 this year
Not super excited, but just mildly excited for Death Stranding.

I just turned 24 last month, but nah. I have lots of games I'm looking at and currently playing. I have a huge backlog and I play tons of FFXIV.
Always have something to do.

26 in a month. Same, only really a few games. Nier automata, VA-11 HALL-A, and a couple others have been the only ones I really like recently. Just pretty much go to work, then dick around on the internet on the weekends.

30, I still love playing games. I'm also getting ripped.

why do you guys act old at 25? that's like 1/3 of your life. lmao

>being 25+
>working 50+hours a week
This is the true struggle

Did you fall for the lifting meme?

Most of the posters on this site are 15-19 so the ones in this thread are pretty old

>26 in a few weeks
One step closer to glory. I'm hyped for Kojimbles wild ride.

>25 in a month and a half

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Low testosterone DESU
just got prescribed some T at 24 hopefully I'll feel 16 again

I think technology warps our sense of time passage.

based mentally ill poster

>tfw 26

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>26 next week
I'm mildy stoked for Death Stranding as well.
and pretty fuckin STOKED for Elden Ring. I've literally had dreams I was playing an open world Souls game with ridable horses for years now.

because male pattern balding be in full swing

25 is the age when everyone is asking about your wife and kids and reality smacks you upside the head.

Because 25 is the point in everyone's life where they actually have a past that they can reflect on making you feel way older than you are it's one of those things you gotta experience. Also like the other user mentioned it's the age that the novelty of life really starts to fade.

>realize if I don't get married in the next 5 to ten years I will never be able to start a family and do my parents proud
I have to go back to school and get a cushy job first..
don't want to support my kids mowing lawns


What if we weren't meant for this life?
What if we instead should be dead but technology got in the way?

This. 25 is when your almonds truly become activated

>reddit memes
This place is dead.

I thought about this too, user.
When I search about some study or thesis about the subject, I found nothing.
But it's a really interesting line of thought.

maybe you could participate in the discussion instead of getting hung up on OP's shitty pic

I can't wait for the inevitable hostilities towards bachelors later on down the road. Going to be fun times.

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it's been dead for a long time

Fuck yeah it was

I haven't been to the movies in 10 years

Yeah no. You redditors have fun.

>tfw video games ruined my youth and now im 25 with no friends, girlfriend and no life experience

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I was bald at 22, user.
Started shaving and I am happy as fuck now, at 29.
As a friend told me when I was in doubt:
>This way you are bald, it's not good. Shaved head it's just normal, standard. People will find it strange in the beggining but after that, it's just that, a shaved head.
And he was right. To every person I knew after I started shaving my head, it's just a shaved head.
But if you're tryin to hide or some shit, then it's problematic.

holy shit that fucking headline. women are broke too. it's equality, snooty ass bitches....

19 years old, nothing seems fun anymore, and Ive emulated my favorite games far too often

Thats for women user. Men can still have kids with no problems till they are old and grey and, usually, gain more money as they age letting them have a larger pick of the ever growing desperate female crop.

The time of the shota is long gone and your vanilla days are about to leave you, but the age of the faceless ntrman is about to be open to you.

Your brain could be not even fully developed since it can possibly keep going until 30.

This tbqh
Men can father children up to age 65

so death is not something that scares me
there's worse things than death here

>>suddenly fucked up back, maybe an hernia on my spine or something
Do push ups every other day. strengthen your core. very important for back health. We all sit so much that back muscles atrophy and become very easy to pull and cause crazy amounts of pain.

Thank god. I don't want this to be my final form

>Thats for women user. Men can still have kids with no problems till they are old and grey and, usually, gain more money as they age letting them have a larger pick of the ever growing desperate female crop.
This. Hang in there, bros. The game flips for men between the 25-35 range.

Harvey weinstein has a 6 year old child. The guy is like

>haven't really left the house since 14

>turning 25 in 11 days
god, why does time move so fast after high school?

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Play indie games that don't get a lot of press. Not being a hipster, AAA corporate game media has genuinely all started looking the same with a few exceptions. We are in a game development golden age right now we just don't usually see it because big companies are sucking up our attention.

Ross from Accursed Farms has a games list that might be a good place to start.

accurs edfarms. com/games/

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What? Is your dick broke already?

29 in December

I have been playing nothing but Planetside 2 for the last decade. Hardly any new releases interest me and the few games that I have gotten into I don't finish.

I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, I have been more productive with my free time, and on the other, I still play video games, but really just one.

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if you think 25 is old please KYS

because every day is the same

It works fine. I'm just surprised

I don't get excited for anything anymore.

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Honestly, when I think about it, that's perfectly fine. If you're older of course you're going to feel less excited over a videogame. Nothing strange at all, kids are tiny dopamine factories.

I was saddened to find out this article was read.

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No, you're just a plain old idiot.

real* not read.

It is when you've done nothing with your life

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Are you seriously that surprised? Women expect men to do everything for them. They are "queens" and "princesses" after all.

I only get excited for co-op games now. The only joy I can get from games now is playing with a friend. So it's stupid but I'm actually excited for gears 5.

I'm 35 and in kind of a rut so I'm not gaming atm. When they added SNES games to the Switch I barely played an hour of SMW even though there was a power outage so I had nothing else to do... :/
But this has happened before so I know it will pass. Before I hit a gaming wall recently I'd racked up about 20hrs on Hunter Call of the Wild on PC which was awesome. Apart from that I played and finished Bayonetta for the first time a few months ago. I'm also up to the final boss fight in XBC2 but I'll wait til I'm back in my gaming mood to finish it.
I've also bought a Wii and started playing Skyward Sword but stopped early in due to said gaming wall. My plan is to play through every Zelda game according to the official timeline, playing each timeline through once they split.

thaks, user. Im gonna shave mine after i get married. So at least when people look at me in photos in the future theyll say "huh at least you had hair before"

I will be 28 soon dicknuts.

>"nobody talks about jesus's miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s"
--some fag on the internet

"We're known as the old breed. Old? We're not even out of our 20s."

I'll probably have 4 if I'm lucky
Good enough for me

Lately I've been asking myself, when will I actually start living every day as its own? Surely that must be the goal, that every day matters.
Am I alone on this? When does the irony stops, when does it stop being sustainable?
All I do nowadays is mock others, it never stops, I compare myself to others a lot too, sometimes just as habit.
But then everything looks so bleak and superficial it bores you to literal death just thinking about it.
Is this it? Imagine how many have died on the internet never answering that question.

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I hadn't played any games in over a month until Astral Chain came out. Haven't played too much of that. Playing games feels like a complete waste of time to me these days. Zoomers may deny it but there comes a point where childish things like vidya should be put aside. There is a serious manchild epidemic going on.

its actually kind of true though. "economically unattractive men", there have been dozens of studies about this stuff. men are becoming more poor on average and don't have good jobs as well as needing more money to go the same amount. basically the standards of women remained the same but men became more unattractive, just like how Americans are also getting fatter, but at least with that, they are trying to change the lower the bar when it comes to beauty. girls still want a guy with more income potential and girls still don't really want to be the main bread winners, plus girls (and guys too) also do something called "marrying up", I think it was called hypergamy.
although nobody is perfect and my picture is on the extreme/exaggerating side in what it takes to get a date, it is still kind of true. girls are practically the ones who decide the dates now, just look at all those tinder graphs and all that "20% of men get 80% of the women" shit

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>30 in a month
>Iceborne came out
>play it for 2 days
>motivation killed

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>"People arent getting married these days, sir"
>"It must be those fucking male millenials!"
Oh so its my fault houses and paying for a wedding are fucking expensive

It's just the same old grind. Why would it have kept your interest?

I still get interested in new games but I usually end up not buying them because I feel like I won't have time for it so I just play old games instead.

Anyone here feel like they got fucked over in their youth and deserve some kind of second chance?
I'm around the age of 25 but feel like the status-quo fucking hates the notion of anyone being happy, jolly and full of life. I think I aged quicker in the worst ways because of shit like that.
I wouldn't mind getting older if boomers and cunt millenials just stopped trying so hard to cut me down everytime I show enthusiasm for something, even if it's for the smaller things.
It's like, let me try to love living and breathing on a Spring morning or during Christmas without you being a fucking asshole anytime I want to smile.

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>all of my exes (from back when i was actually a real human bean in my teens) have children
>i don't even have any friends or a job or qualification or anything

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28 already, hope you enjoy your birthday user

Theyre not wrong. If youre an adult and you still think its all about love then youre lucky enough to not have the majority of your family, both extended and close, wrapped in some sort of divorce shit like child support or alimony payments.

Keep a secret bank account from your girlfriend thats associated with your dads address, dont put any faith into a prenup, and dont live in a state/country with common law marriage bullshit.

I'm playing mass effect series again on a Lenovo meant for at home work. Being able to play such a perfectly average series without the limitations of console is the best I've felt about games in years.

27. feel better than I did at 17
imagine not getting better with age

i look at how old my parents are i and i just feel really bad for them, then i get the fear of me getting that old as well
what the fuck is wrong with life

i just think "when will i sort my life out?" or "when will i start life in earnest?"

That's pretty good.

how do you not get bored of the same maps, also it got really tiring how people would prioritize cert farming over objective play. flying a mosquito was fun as hell, though fighting air autists is hopeless

It's true. No matter how shit you may become, no one will ever be worth less than the waste of oxygen they were at ages 14-18.

I know it's true, women are snooty bitches.
I qualify for everything on your left pic except I live with my 60 year old father, and I'm not as sociable as I used to be in high school and college.

>almost 25
>spent entire youth sick getting surgeries
>now almost a "healthy" adult and crippled by medical debt
>and regular crippled
it could always be worse
you could have never had a chance

Children aren't the definition of success. There's no rush. With proper training for any respective job you can do fine

Nobody wants to marry a bum, male or female. But you'd think that going beyond that would be pretty easy and find someone you are interested in rather than just economic advantage.

that sounds like a you problem.

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im only 21 lol

lol, yoiu're akin to a smear on the wall.

endless trash

Im 23!!

yeah it is your fault for not having enough money to afford these things in your 20s, just don't be poor. what, most men are poor now and actually can't do these things, wow no wonder they aren't getting married. for houses, tha is why mortgages exist.
but i just dont wanna marry a single mom or a fat girl, and from where i am "ranked", those are my only choices for American girls...

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my point is that they are able to take on responsibility whereas i'm unable to cope with even the tiniest thing

also it's a little window into the romantic opportunity of someone my age


what server fren
if emerald theres like a 100% chance ive bumped into you

I'll try, and hope that every birthday you have will be better than the one before.

I'm 30 right now, and while I didn't like, actually make a plan to kill myself, I never actually could see anything past 30 for myself. I couldn't see myself growing old, doing middle age shit, etc. because none of that seems like me. I kind of just assumed I'd stop, or wander off and disappear or just die by now.

But I'm not. I moved my parents into their retirement community as we sold the house I grew up in, and now I just kind of have nothing to look forwards to. I'm not going to magically have a career and settle down with some chick like my brother, I'm basically broke and moving job to job, and just hoping to pay for a tiny closet apartment away from everyone so I can die eventually and not have anyone around to care.

I'm not bitter or sad about it or anything, I guess this makes sense, it's just how it's gonna be.

I’m 27. The last “recent” game I bought was SMT IV and the 3DS is the only console I own past the ps2 era.

I started going to college at 25, it’s late but not too late.


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>married 10 years
>3 kids
>4th on the way
>workout every day
>feel like i'm 20 tops

you zoomers and boomers need to hit the gym. no test will kill you.

Turned 26 earlier this year. I hardly ever care for any new games except for a couple of new releases per year. And when I'm done with them, I always go back to the same handful of games I have played for years.


to anybody under 30 it's not too late to to back to college stop asking. I went back at 21. Hopefully I graduate next spring.

I'm 41 and still enjoying games very much. Been playing since I was 4.

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because you've just been posting you're boypussy at this shit hole since then

Don't do nothing with your life then.

I actually am starting to get a bit bored of the bases, but there are so many different ways to attack a base and so many different ways to defend a base that the constant variety in tactics and player skill level is what keeps things interesting for me.

I can't get the same challenge in other games. Single player AI just doesn't stack up and death isn't as punishing as other games, especially BR games. You easily get a second chance to kill an annoying fucker.

Every fucking time.

lol hey gramps!! Hey old man!! 23 here!! Lara croft STINKS!! Lol

time for your meds, grandpa

Its never too late to owe student loans.

>I never actually could see anything past 30 for myself
I have that problem from being raised by a mentally unstable alcoholic

somewhere in the 30's
Limit your vidya to only an hour or two a day, max.

Pick up studying language as a hobby. Trust me.

more trash.
more remakes.
it's starting to mirror the movie industry too much.

>some chick like my brother

What fitness program for beginner kind sir.

Nah bro, i advise everyone to get a job.
I felt so good when i got mine, gets u back on track and in a normal life.

I turned 25 in April. Can't say it's really been much different from 24, or 23. 22 was sorta okay but too similar to 21. 20 and 19 were fucking trash, and 18 was amazing.

Nothing compares to the good ol' 10 though... my parents bought me every single Toa Metru, it was absolutely fucking based.

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Could be worse. You could have been a dumb fuck who has done the following
>married young
>married without/skills education
>married someone else without skills/education
>married someone with no financial security
>married someone who has no concept of financial security/plan for financial security
>married someone who think leisure comes before responsibility
>married someone who you barely have a relationship with i.e. less than 3-5 years of dating
These retards, fuck have akids and then have the gall to act like others owe them a more than a second's thought or damn penny.

My dad paid.
Disagree. Enjoy ur shit warehouse job.

>tfw 30 in 5.5 hours

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>I moved my parents into their retirement community as we sold the house I grew up in
what the fuck

why did you sell your birthright

>25 and senior mechanical engineer student with an AS
>Mfw internships pay $20/hr
>It only gets better from here

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Nice to see you here Majordope

Turned 25 in June, have started cleaning up my life more than before, the time really gets to you

Getting back into it at 24 and I already feel like I'm drowning with it and a part time job. Fuck the expectation to sacrifice your social life for 8 years so you can be in debt until you're 40.

Most people don't even own half of their home

>maybe if i mass reply ill get (You)s! this will be epic!

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Even if he insists otherwise. you owe him more than he ever owed you. That's not even on a personal, subjective level. That's a lifelong commitment. Even if you disagree, you'll grow and get there someday buddy.

33 bomber here. the only game im "hyped" for is borderlands 3 and i dont even know why anymore. maybe because it the type of game i can just turn my brain off and play while watching a movie on the second monitor

>master's degree
>50K job
>house and car
>free time spent on vidya and dog

>almost no friends
>single for the past 9 years
>not interested in one, would have to change many aspects of my life
>don't want any commitments or responsibilities holding me back
>probably won't get married
>will never want kids
It's for the best. I don't like being held accountable for others.

>turning 25 in november
>also just enrolled in uni
it's just a bunch of cringe 18 year olds RRRREEEEEEEEEEEE

I feel so old man

29, finished Ion Fury recently and looking forward to Doom Eternal. I hope the helmet fits my head.

what isn't "trash" to you?

thanks I forgot to take my viagra

I have the same feel user. It's not the same anymore. Five years ago, I'd be reading as much as I could about RDR2 when that was coming out. Ten years ago, I would be pissing my pants in excitement. But really I was surprised when it came in the mail because I had forgotten it was coming. I enjoyed it but once I got maybe into the middle of it, I just wanted it to be done so I could do other things. The only game that I would conceivably be genuinely excited for is Bully 2. Feels bad man. I'd like to relax and play my games. I have a great job, and have bought every single game I had ever wanted. But it feels so empty. I scroll past dozens of games I had always wanted to play for years and just think "sounds like too much work." It's hard to just come home and relax. There's always something to do, or my wife is being needy, or I am just completely fucking brain fried from work. Or I'm doing family functions and can't do it. Or, worse of all, I feel incredibly guilty and just can't keep focused because I feel like a lazy lardass just sitting there. It is truly awful, Yea Forumsros. My hope is to make enough money I can retire early and move away from the in laws, and have no big stressors, and I can do the things I actually want to do like evangelism/theology writing and playing my fucking rpgs that have been sitting there for years collecting dust. It's truly dreadful

why not go for a trade instead

>master's degree
lol why do americans love debt do much

>college drop out
>45k a year in rural America
>No debt
>6+ weeks off a year
feels good man

My parents are great, it's a personal thing. Like when you've got no track laid in front of you and everything has broken down and you try and extrapolate what your future could be like. All I saw for years was just blank, I couldn't even fathom what a broke, unemployable loser with no prospects socially, financially, or anything else would do with his life. Just work a shitty McJob forever I guess? That's really all there was.

And in reality, yeah it's not much better than that. I had a brief blip of bright moments when I started streaming randomly, and kind of became a big-ish thing for a few minutes, but that broke down due to me being fucked in the head, and crashed and burned almost a year ago.

So now I just sorta have nothing, and that seems like the way it was always going to be.

>mfw i survived divorced

no face

my old man really wanted me to get into uni
he let me be neet for 3 years so it's the least I can do for him

James' early passion for filmmaking going to waste for a throwaway internet series was depressing

i'd be better off as a heroin addict than in this fucking situation

Debts were fully paid 2 years ago.
30 year mortgage but at this rate I'm paying it off in 15.

not him, but my dad's life insurance policy will pay off the rest of his house in the case of his death. and I will inherit his 401k.
I'm not banking on any of that I'm just aware as he has sat me down and talked about it before. I'm a working man, but property tax and utilities will be brutal by myself.

It's the american dream that has been spoonfed to us since the fifties where they wanted everyone to live in the suburbs and drive into the city for work to feed their nuclear family.

>25 is the age when everyone is asking about your wife and kids
>tfw my parents didn't have me until they were 29
Not sure why so many people I know want to waste their twenties taking care of kids.

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I understand the point you're trying to make. But not all degrees are equal. It's like someone complaining that a master's in whatever field of education doesn't earn as much as someone who worked harder to get a CPA.

Aayyy that's my major as well.

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>why did you sell your birthright
Because it was a 5-bedroom house in New York and the mortgage alone on it was like $3000 a month. They didn't want to keep paying for it, and there's no fucking way I could ever make that much to keep the fucking thing.

I don't know if you know this, but most people don't own their homes, unless it's a tiny, tiny house.

>debts fully paid
>30 year mortgage

>parents had me at 35
No reason you can't wait, the biological wall for the woman is really the only ticking time bomb

If you go at 25 (or 26 can’t remember) you can get FAFSA. I did that and paid nothing for school for two years.

>29 years old
>Nearing 30
>Only care about Japanese and Indie releases
>But play them a few hours a day then go on this site to be bored.
My energy is much lower nowadays than it use to be.

Any other fellas still jack off to zone porn, or have you grown out of it?

just turned 30 and im ready to stop playing new games

im ready to become the gamer that only reinstalls old games because all the news ones are trash

I live in the suburbs but drive a reverse commute away from the cities. But I don't partake in any of that nuclear family raising nonsense.

>turned 25 a few months ago
>still feel like a teenager mentally

Please don't ever be a NEET it will ruin you

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>living in New York
Why do people do this to themselves when there are places that are much, much, MUCH cheaper with all the same shit they buy just no neon lights, assholes, and trannies?

>of retirement age
>haven't paid off the mortgage to pass it down to kids
they made a silly choice somewhere, much like my grandparents

Age and dying terrify me please don't give me an existential crisis in the middle of the night.

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Anyone who still doesn't, or never has doesn't belong on any board, and has opinions of zero worth.

College debts yes
Not house mortgage debt. That I still have to pay off some 150K

Consumerist culture combined with telling children they could have and become anything instead of appreciating what they have.

24, finally getting around to finishing my bachelors. Looks like I’ll be graduating in the spring. Gonna apply to the JET program cause why the hell not, if that doesn’t work out I’ll probably take a year off anyways and explore japan and east asia.

yeah i'm 28 and i feel like i'm still 15 and i find adults intimidating and adult shit is foreign to me


Use that fear to live the best life you can

>Please don't ever be a NEET it will ruin you
should've told me that two years ago.
When does my Misaki turn up

not fucking starting strength, that's the worst meme. go watch athlean-x, buff dudes, and alan thrall. start with arnold's golden six. if you have no weights, start doing proper push ups and bodyweight squats. as for a diet, don't eat nonstop, eat a lot of broccoli and spinach, chicken, whole grain rice, and avoid lots of sugar. sugar is fine, tons isn't.

Eight years? Wtf.

you got any?

>not living with a constant existential crisis about death 24/7
good luck

>Gonna apply to the JET program
Your degree is probably completely worthless if you're even thinking about this

I mean, that fear's the only thing keeping me alive since I don't really like life, so I guess I am technically.

>Last online: 4782 days ago

Im glad im not the only one. Although it seems like more something my edgy middle school self would be into, but i still give it a look once in a while

Because easier to deal with little shit toddler when you're spry and young. People who wait till they're 30 to have kids are doing themselves a physical disservice

masters program? 2 for associates 4 for bach then another 2 for masters? I guess it's different if you aren't american but post-secondary education sucks assflap here.

>Why do people do this to themselves
My parents were born in Queens, I was born and raised on Long Island. It's just where my family happened to live.

My brother has a great job and still has to share an apartment in Brooklyn with 5 other people. I can't afford that, so I'm out of NY. Currently in Florida but who the hell knows where I'll end up, as long as it's cheap.

Long story short, my parents refinanced and took a second mortgage so they could help my sister buy a house for her family. They got paid back in full what they gave her, but instead of taking it and putting it right back into my house, they decided to invest it in their business at the time, which was a horrible idea. So yeah, that's why they're still paying for it 33 years after buying it. My dad is a nice guy, and likes to pretend he's great at finances and stuff just because he's a meticulous note-taker, but he's actually not very good with money outside of paying off credit cards and bills on time.

Well, not anymore, they sold it for like 450k so whatever.

Restocked my drink of choice. Ready for the week!

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I turned 29 about 3½ months ago. I feel the exact same, mentally, as I did when I was 18 in high school. Maybe a bit more mature, but still into the same hobbies and have the same sense of humor. I worked full-time right out of high school because I thought to myself, "What suckers! Everyone is going to college and putting themselves into debt while I'm earning cash!" But now I'm going to college (a semester away from a BS in Biology, 3.57 GPA so job prospects look decent) and broke, putting myself into debt, while those "suckers" are working with a Masters or Doctorate. I guess I'm a bit bitter about that, but I'm a strong believer in the idea that you can find positive pieces in every decision.

I'm only 29 but I feel like I'm going through a mid-life crisis already. I have so many threads reaching out in all directions, and I'm not sure which one to grasp onto and follow to the end. They're all wildly different, too. I wanted to get a career in biology as a lab tech, become a police officer (nobody wants to be a cop anymore so the job market is great), join the US Navy, or become a merchant mariner. They're all so different, and I'm hesitant to commit to any because if I end up choosing the "wrong" choice then I'll become even more bitter. But that indecisiveness is just causing me to become older, and causing me to fall behind everyone else that made up their minds earlier.

I use a freeway analogy to describe it to people. I'm in traffic with everyone else, and people are getting off on their exits to go do what they want to do. I'm still on the freeway, and I see an exit coming up, but do I take it? I can pass it and take the next one, but what if it leads me somewhere I don't want to be? I'd have to turn around to go back to that first exit, but then I'd be far behind everyone else that would have gotten off with me in the first place, but with less gasoline than everyone else and more wear-and-tear on my car. It's a lame analogy but it helps visualize it.

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You are correct about that. I usually watch 2-3 episodes of anime, Study 1 hr 30 minutes and play Vidya 1-2 hrs a day. Leaves me with a ton of time to go on this site and to interact a bit online. And I also finish many games and anime within a month or two easily.

Every now and then.

God, I hate zoomers.

If you actually read the book/manga/watched the anime, you'd know that Misaki didn't actually save Satou from being a NEET and was only trying to make herself feel better by finding someone more pathetic than her.

In that regards, I'm the Misaki for most of the guys here. Sure my life is terrible, but nothing like going to the chans and seeing how others somehow manage to have even worse lives.

>Although it seems like more something my edgy middle school
Well no shit Sherlock, but it's a common bond. Through Dick, Unity.

Those arnt zoomers user

>still feel like a teenager mentally
I will tell you a not so secret secret: that’s how everyone feels.

This is a popular myth that only hurts young men. Young women only want older men if they can fully provide for them and future children. You need a lucrative career for this, especially now. Even then, male fertility takes a hit starting at 30. Sperm quality starts to nosedive at 35 which puts offspring at risk for many health and behavioral problems. The reality is that both men and women produce healthier offspring in their 20s and early 30s. Unfortunately you young men are being sold this lie and will either end up lower middle class and alone or partnered with an incredibly low value woman and autistic offspring you made with stale sperm.

at least you have threads

We were born well before the 97 cutoff for zoomies

Sounds like me

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I watched the anime a few times but been told the novel and manga are lacking.
Misaki thing was mostly a joke, anyway.

26, my tastes have evolved significantly. I grew up playing slow games i.e. JRPGs but with my current age their slow starts literally make me fall asleep. I can only play more mentally engaging games and those that need constant attention, specifically ARPGs.

ill jsut have the woman taste test my sperm to see if its gonna make a strong baby

32, my interest in games comes and goes, right now it's hard to muster any because deep down I know I should be getting out and trying to find a boyfriend

Damn straight

There's no going back, user. You're never getting any more time on the clock than you already have.

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Its all part of a process user. Facing the reality that you will die frees you because you recognise the limitation on life. Enjoy what makes you happy as time is too short to waste on things that make life miserable. Conquering nihilism and existentialism is a step everyone takes in their life.

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Ironically zoomers are the most medicated youth in history

I've been saying this shit for years.
Women are now only just admitting it.

Don't kid yourself. There are NO benefits to getting married for a man.
The only benefit is for your kids, because creating a family is what marriage should be about.

Oh, it absolutely is. I’m a digital media production major with a minor in japanese. Literally, adobe + camera shit + language elective for shits and giggles. But I did teach at a school while getting this degree and I have some job experience and security to fall back on so it’s not too bad I guess.

I just want a woman to fart on my face and then I can die

The anime is more of a dark-tinged story about a guy finding his way to adulthood.

The book is actually a really depressing read and is about a man who's socially crippled and not very stable mentally, and a girl who pretends to like him.

You will not die you will just return as you once were when you came into this world.

More like

You will see a male bachelor tax in the future. Not a bachelor(ette) tax because women won't tolerate that but there will 100% be a male bachelor tax.

There's some people pushing for theories and studies suggesting male sperm degrades with age. They may be right to an extent though it reeks of coping with a reality that impacts women worse than men, but the truth is even if there is some causation of higher 'tism rates with older male sperm it pales in comparison to the veritable cliffdrop women have with fertility and health of the egg with age. It declines gradually to about 35, then after 35 it plummets like a rock.

Probably up to 80 years old. I think it's a bit selfish to have a kid past ~45 just because it'd mean you'd be almost or 70 when they are 20, but it'd not be the end of the world. I see my father's age when he had me (37) up to 40 being my end goal, which gives me 7-10 years. I'm not about to not have a kid even if I was 45 or whatever as unless society has a sudden downfall we're tending to live longer.

I would recommend Singapore for business.

>they actually give a fuck about how people see them


this is your brain on socializing. grow the fuck up, you may be 25 physically but you're 15 mentally.

>decent job in the trades
>brand new truck
>had a long term 5 year gf but she cheated on me so i dumped her a year ago
>every SINGLE date since then has been some variation of lying/no interest/insert reason here
>just been playing vidya in the mean time

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Guys...y'all are scaring me.
I dont know whats worse that will happen in the future. A low intensity civil war, or this forever going on without stop

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>TFW energy is so low you have to consume this almost daily.

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What trade?

I'm 40 and play regularly. Just bought River City Girls and had fun playing with my 47 year old cousin today.

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Well tech, basically a specialized plumber

t. landwhale who goes into gamestops and smash tournaments smelling like a dumpster and wearing cargo shorts, trenchcoat, and socks with sandals.

I'm 27 and still in college, dropping college was my biggest mistake, that and picking a 6 years career

Care to extrapolate?

>I never actually could see anything past 30 for myself
>I kind of just assumed I'd stop, or wander off and disappear or just die by now.
I'm heading that way.
Had no real plan for anything my entire life, couldn't really imagine myself doing anything.
Especially not getting old, I figured I'd be long dead by then.
Not by suicide, but like I just can't imagine living even to 30. It doesn't seem real.
That, and I don't think I've mentally changed at all since I was 16.
I'm basically still a teenager.

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Tedium and banality until you're too old to do anything and you start looking back instead of forward.

Is there any point in me going back to school? Already know computer programming and have a career in technology. I make as much as my coworkers who do have degrees. I keep thinking it is just going to be a waste of time and money at this point due to having a lot of experience.

I'm not sure what else to say, I dropped college when my father died, depression took over and I just settled for a simple job.
I spent like 4 years living like a hollow man, now all I do is regret all that time I waste doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself

In england there practically is a bachelor tax.

You retards probably tried to lift too much too fast. Fucking hell you should always start with just the 40lb bar and slowly add more each day. Just add like 5 or 10lb each day. Adding too much too fast is just going to hurt you and won't even give you more gains faster.

>mfw not even 22 yet and have 2/5th of a 4 year degree done and another 2 year degree done
>mfw said degree is in one of the fastest growing tech fields
>mfw had my fun travelling around and playing video games too
Thanks for making me feel like I'm in less of a hole than I actually am, Yea Forums.

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26, WoW Classic is the first game I've really played in months.
Other than Dokkan and Fist of the North Star on my phone.

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I get excited for them but I rarely play them because I feel like I don't have time when I get home during the week and then on the weekends I feel constant anxiety that the weekend will end soon and it will be back to work again

t. skin-tight red chinos that show off ankle

Huh what you mean?

>haven't had a job in 4 years
>Don't talk to any of my old friends

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Well, no. You just explained it yourself

25 is like barely a quarter of the way there.

Kids have a very ill defined notion of aging. You think old people just spring out of the ground or something, like they were born that way. It's not something you become. There's not a ritual for becoming 30 where suddenly you're it and everything is different. It's just an arbitrary number for the amount of times the Earth has gone around the Sun since you were born. People make plans and build a life for themselves, others don't, but that number has nothing to do with it

You're still a teenager because you haven't taken responsibility for your life and decided to do something with it. It's up to no one but you

>have literally zero (0) friends

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>31 next week

Only game that can hold my attention for more than 30 minutes is Guilty Gear and some kinds of management games I spiral into then never play again.

At what age will I regret not getting married?

I have no dating experience (because ugly, short, and poor) and don't plan to get married, but is there a "wall" that men hit where you face an existential crisis of not having a family?

>Young women only want older men if they can fully provide for them and future children.
Not true. You only need to be stable and set the power dynamic that she is below you and you are in charge of her and you do not take her arguments seriously. Females especially teenage females are attracted to much older men. Only because they have experience and stability even if it's small and it makes them not worry about men in their own age bracket.
> Even then, male fertility takes a hit starting at 30. Sperm quality starts to nosedive at 35 which puts offspring at risk for many health and behavioral problems.
That is a myth. TFM and various Mgtow have debunked this due to the fact it is often females that have this issue not men. I have not heard men being sterile unless they are vegan and have a non meat diet.


I don't feel excitement or joy about anything anymore.
My mom say that I don't smile like I use to do. I don't know what broke in me for that to happen.
I'm in my last year of a master's degree and I'm scared as fuck about working. I don't want to spend the next 40 years of my life doing a meaningless job, 5 days a week with a few weeks off every year.
Adult life is garbage.

turned 27 a week ago. feels strange. I can remember being an underage fag pretty well.

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what you're telling me is that 1950s norms still haven't died and are ruining a generation because the current socioeconomic environment can't support a system that was designed for a time when you could buy a house with a factory job and corporations were taxed at 90% instead of the reagan/clinton crap tax rate we have right now

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>All the money for games
>50-60 hour work week means no time for games

Kill me.

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Not specific but it's usually around when everyone you know/grew up with has wives and/or kids

>no friends
>won't have a job after september
>will have to move back in because low on money
Beat that 4chin

I know that feeling user. I dropped out in 2014 when my grandfather died, and I lived with him. I got back into it in 2016 after being a NEET for 2 years.

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The entitlement really galls me given I have no love for the same entitlement in the neckbeard who expects a 1950s subservient wife while he's a current-year jackass. "Where have all the real men gone" is answered by "They went where the real women are". I'm not a woman hater, I just find the entitlement to be absolutely stunning in its insolence. Everything is men's fault. It's downright solipsistic how they cannot stop and ask what might be wrong with women today.

Thankfully I have no incelism because I know I am trash, I don't want romance or expect it until I have fixed myself. I just don't get the entitlement and viewing men like such an object.

I'm frozen in fear of failure or of fucking up even though what I want to do is something I have already done (graduate level coursework) and did stellar. I just am so scared I'll get a masters and then be right where I am where nobody'll hire me. Hell I'd be fine with a niche in academia if it pays enough for me to survive on my own but I have such a chronic fear of starting something new.

People mostly die at ages

when i was a teenager adults seemed to not give a fuck, seemed to not have the same anxieties and insecurities i had, so i thought confidence and self esteem would come with age

BOY was i wrong

Ayyyyyy same major

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I'm 26 and I got that "so excited I won't even look up info and just go into it blind" kinda hype for Astral Chain pretty hard. Haven't had much of a chance to play it but I just finished chapter 7 and I love the game so far. Also looking forward to the Link's Awakening remake but that's mostly nostalgia. Might pick up Daemon x Machina (haven't looked into it much either but mechs are rad so fuck it why not)

It comes and goes. Some years are packed to burst with interesting games and some are like this year where up until this recent burst I hadn't played fucking anything outside of Travis Strikes Again and two or three smaller titles that I mostly just picked up on a whim. Whenever I'm having the lull between new titles I'll either play older games that slipped through the cracks or just return to an old standby.

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growing up is realizing there's no such thing as "adults"
there's just older people and younger people, no one has it figured out except me

It won't ever hit you if you don't give a fuck.
I personally don't give a shit about marriage because of my shitty upbringing.
That might change soon, but there's some things I have to deal with personally before I even start trying.
But if I had to guess based on what I've seen, mid 40's.
Between seeing people have multiple marriages, and getting straight up divorced, that age tends to fuck with people the most. Not videogames

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Shit dead end job
No friends
Can't enjoy games anymore

I'm only holding off on suicide to see how Undergrads ends. After that it's helium tank time.

The wall for men varies. Thewall hits for women since theyre the ones that have a biological time bomb that their older peers start to bring into reality for them after awhile.

time to go to bed you old wagies

It's too expensive to live alone (because as a single male you can't get any welfare) but it's also too expensive to live with your parents (because both you and your parents get disqualified from housing benefit if you live together). So basically a "fuck you, die" to bachelors.

This of course wouldn't be a problem if the cost of living were not so expensive as to require subsidization.

What do I do if I know I want more out of life than this horse shit I've got but I literally do not know WHAT I want? I just know I want something better. High school diploma and 12 years of soul sucking retail equals an unfulfilled life.

I did

>I feel the exact same, mentally, as I did when I was 18 in high school.

my mother is 62. She told me she feels the same mentally as when she was in her 20s, just more experienced. She said her mother (died a few years back, 90 something) said the same thing. My step-father (Dad died) is 64 or 65. He will play the guitar and play quintessential boomercore music so loud the floor shakes. He still watches star trek. The notion that as you get older you culturally transform is a fallacy. For at least us millennials I think we saw our grandparents who were Silent generation or greatest generation and assumed that is what a +60 year old would be. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the Vietnam generation, the hippies and people who were teens or 20s or 30s in the 70s (and 20s/30s in the 80s) are the grandparents now. Sinatra and bingo isnt' geriatric now - Rolling stones and pool is. There are some features of older age that are adopted, my folks swear by auctions to get furniture or yardstuff. But they still do the stuff they loved as teenagers and 20 somethings, same music, same general thinking/behavior.

When we are their age we are going to internet shitpost, watch anime, play video games. As to the rest

Ooof. Get a fade.

How are your backs Anons?

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I know about quite a lot of people marrying at 45 so that's probaby when the panic sets in and you just marry whoever is in the same crisis as you

>take anti suicide pills
>things going better, able to at least be in a relaxed state, not so worried about father barging into my room telling me about getting a job
>depressed again because of father guilting me, being passive aggressive, double speaking on everything he says, causing me to basically be a mute or think extremely carefully about what words I use during what is basically small talk as to avoid having to hear the spiel again
>repeat ad infinitum
Just leave me alone.

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Fuck me user. This wageslave meme is really starting to hit me. Maybe i should just join the military. It strangely sounds better

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Just turned 39. Second marriage, just had a baby with my current wife. I still love vidya even though I probably get 5-10 hours a week to play. I’ve been playing Astral Chain and before that I finally beat Mario Odyssey.

I was a complete fuckup in my 20s, and I hated my life every day up until I met my first wife. I did a lot of growing up in my 30s, but I don’t think you have to necessarily discard gaming as a hobby unless you truly don’t enjoy it anymore. You don’t have to chase some fantasy of living a “grown-up” life where you don’t play vidya anymore because society thinks you should.

i turned 28 today. been playing some xenoblade chronicles in dolphin.

Having a shit job is still better than not having a job!
Sex means dick user. You will be miserable either way

>tfw I don't even remember what it's feels to sleep well and have a good night
living in a society was a mistake.

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still have fun playing video games

A shame that no one else my age really does anymore, they just say video games suck and are a waste of time now

I am an old neet.

>my mom says that i don’t smile like i used to

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25 isn't old lol!

>tfw 29
>still in grad school
>lifes no different than when i was not in grad school
i still just work and come home and shit the day away watching anime and/or playing vidya and drink to fall asleep. its not much different than when i was in undergrad, only now theres less stress and i for some reason get paid way more for it
just yesterday i played diablo 2 single player for 6 hours and it was great. finna boutta dab on nightmare soon

25 is considered old now? damn...

same except I'm a year younger
>dude go to college you'll have a cushy job lmao
>mfw I'm on my way there but my cushy job still involves 8 hours of sitting in an office
I'm genuinely thinking about doing porn comissions and living off patreon

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depending on your current progress of balding. I suggest minoxidil and finasteride. My bald spot was between nickel and quarter sized,takin both fixed me up within a year. Dutasteride is also a big one that has a higher chance of growing back the hair but also has a higher risk of the bad side effects you can get on the finasteride

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I don't know about England, but in America you can share a home and partial expenses with others as long as you live generally unincorporated lives. You can have multiple "households" under the same roof provided things like "we don't eat meals together and we have separate household bills and expenses."

Real shit, buzz it all off and grow a big beard, then start wearing fitted suits. You'll look like a 19th-century professor and will find new enjoyment in life.

Everything bores me unless I'm drunk
Problem is I'm a recovering alcoholic after losing my last relationship due to alcohol, so I'm just desperately hoping the spark will come back with a great new game or anime

I wish I could say I was depressed, but I'm generally happy with the direction my life is now going, and I enjoy lifting a ton after I started back up a couple months ago. I'm just so fucking bored 90% of the time when I'm not lifting or at work and games don't do shit for me anymore

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fuck off boomer

>they just say video games suck and are a waste of time now

Probably because that's what the normie NPC hivemind thinks and their tiny brains just tag along. What are they doing instead of playing video games? Wageslaving, watching TV shows or going to the movies.

Everything we do is a waste of time. We pass the time and then we die. There's no right or wrong way to pass the time and only a fucking BRAINLET will tell you otherwise.

32 here. Iceborne and WoW Classic just came out and Im having a blast. Maybe youre jaded or play too much vidya?

He used to smile?

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>27, gonna be 28 in February
>Not very good at my field or occupation,even though i try my hardest.
>Fat and nerdy as fuck, literally no self stem at all
>Don't even feel like going after women because i've been rejected too many times, still a virgin.
>Had to been let go from my job a week ago because of how awful it was to work there and with my coworker.

Life is sucking right now, vidya is the only thing that keeps me going honestly. I lost all my drive to follow my dreams and i seeing all my friends doing well in life is painful. I really fucking tried but i am almost thirty without a solid career. One of my last resorts is to study like a motherfucker to get a job with the government. It probably wont be on my field but i suck at it anyways and i can't be fired from it.

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younger than you, but spent the last 3 years trying to recover from a back injury. I was trying to improve my form since I have poor ankle mobility and plateaued on squats, tried stuff on /fit/ and to no avail and google led me to a random reddit post that said bracing your core was dangerous. idk why I listened to it, probably out of frustration from years of struggling, but 2 weeks later I fucked up my back. been getting a lot better the past year because I could see a proper PT. most likely you will have to do a lot of core exercises and move frequently for a long time, seems like wearing a retainer after braces essentially. also if there's inflammation you probably need to take ibuprofen and make sure to sleep on your back for a couple weeks when you start to let the healing process initiate, but really try to get a PT appointment if you can. godspeed user, the one good way to spin it is as a reminder to take care of yourself and not succumb to unhealthy habits.

not him, not balding much but I'd rather shave than take that

25 year old NEET. Graduated from college in May but I still haven’t found a job yet. Feel guilty and embarrassed that I’m still living with my parents. Been playing WoW Classic with my gf while I wait for callbacks from companies.

Just started playing MediEvil for the first time. I’m really enjoying it so far but I’m having trouble finding time to play between applying for jobs, helping around the house/yard, and spending time with gf.

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>workin on your masters at 25.
fug i'm still in community at 26

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>Having a shit job is still better than not having a job!
I suppose. I hate that shit but realistically I can't quit because of bills & shit.
>Sex means dick user. You will be miserable either way
It's more about the fact that literally no one in my nearly 30 years on Earth has ever felt affection towards me. That's way more of a dagger to my heart than getting my dick wet.

Just recently started doing yoga.
That shit works wonders for my back.
Ten minutes a day is all it takes.

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>enjoy keeping up with games news
>work in social media at a games company
>just follow and play what I want at this point in my life
You learn to balance over time in life, not sure about my job though, don't hate it but even having an industry job, which I wanted, I still feel this immense dissatisfaction with work and life in general, i just want a job I can show up to, work my 8 hours/40 a week and then live comfortably. I just don't care anymore

>graduated a year ago but still in minimum wage job.

Hurts and sounds like firecrackers when I move too quick.
I'm 23.

living with your parents worked for hundreds of thousands of years

don't let (((them))) bully you into a life of debt

27 and my back hurts every now and then. i need a better chair.

balding isn't even that bad if you're not fat you fuckers
you're not fat, are you?

to the rest, I hear your concern. I have the same indecisiveness, the same fear. I want to go back for a masters because I fucked up and didn't get an internship during college or go military to get a security clearance because if you don't have one already nobody will hire you for a national security kind of job - even some basic bitch entry level one. I don't have a solution for you, I am in the same situation. What I have realized is I need to go back to get a masters, I want to go back to get a masters, the debt scares me and the choice of college scares me ("What if I choose the wrong one?") but I have realized in my heart of hearts and indecisive wishy washiness that yes, I do want to go. The debt is just what scares me. You are in a better spot than I am as you are still in college, I am a NEET since I finished a graduate certification program last year.

Try and figure out what your heart of hearts wants. You will always regret the road not traveled because you think of only the positive what if, not the negative what if. But try and decide which of those you want to do. The good news for you (and for me, if I can get fit) is that the age limits for much of the military is generous. Air force is 39, Navy appears to be 39 (or 42 for officer). Marines is 29 so that's out, Army I think is 34-35. But they can be pretty picky with health options.

At least with the job path I went with (and did not get anything in lel) a lot of job stuff is recent graduate based. So don't loaf around after you get your BS. To be honest, it would have been ideal to intern during your academics but I imagine STEM stuff isn't so strict with being a current student to get an internship like the international affairs stuff I looked at was.

Cut out Sodium and Sugar. That helps a lot.

Everyone with shitty backs should start doing hyperextensions. You'll be sore for an hour or two after but your back will thank you later

It's not a race, don't worry about it

stop drinking retard, get help

>I suggest minoxidil and finasteride
Been on both for 3 years and no luck (but no sides at least). I'm thinking of upgrading to Dutasteride and Loniten.
Wait until you're visibly balding and you'll think differently.
Most workplaces forbid ZZ-Top beards, besides I have a terrible head shape and shaved heads look bad on most men.

it's fucking awful but there are a select few who look fine with it

it's not for everyone for sure. But i've been happy seeing my crown grow back from that spot. Also my head is too big for baldness

Bro, just get a cert in IT or any field for that matter. Went from wage slave to 60k a year within studying my ass of for two months for my Net+ cert. All I do is smoke weed and do piss easy calls.

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I'm not balding but this post is 100% cope. How dumb are you, that you think you can tell people how to feel about losing their hair? What if someone loves their hair? Judging by how mentally crippled people are over losing their hair, I'm guessing the average person loves their hair.

Of course I am. I'm on Yea Forums.
Oddly enough, I kind of LOOK muscular, but I'm still just fat. Not obese like I used to be unironically thanks to Wii Fit U but still fat enough to have no self worth.
6"0" 210lbs, down from 250lbs but up from 190lbs

>Broke Nervous system from vitamin deficiency
>Bum leg from bad back
>Still got married
>Working my dream job as an artist
>Own a house and a car

Bros, I believe in you. If my gross ass can make it, so can you!

26 year old boomer here
I'm married with 2 kids, have a nice house in a good neighborhood, and an okay job that pays well. I have a bit of free time to play video games, but I mostly spend it in this shithole.

This was a meme back when I was in high school.

Attached: 4f9.jpg (200x165, 7K)

i only use that weird ass pink Himalayan salt. I need sugar whenever i drink coffe, it is a must for me.

27. I finished school (and law school), then I spent the last three years sleeping around, drinking, and generally wasting time. Feel like I should make some kind of progress in life, but I have no motivation to change anything. I haven't been genuinely excited for a game to come out in at least 5 years.

You niggers have to chill the fuck out. It's not a race. Who are you competing against? What are these milestones you are in such a rush to get through? Everybody does things in their own time, yourself included. You're not special for doing things "late" or "early" or "on time", and neither is anybody else. If you spend your life progression off of other people's, then you will have a very bad time. You aren't them, and they aren't you.

Learn to read dumbass
>Recovering alcoholic
I stopped drinking already. It's just that the impact of how badly it has fucked up my pleasure centers is creeping in because I'm sitting here, 10pm on a night where tomorrow's shift is a late as fuck 12pm, and I have zero motivation to watch the dozens of anime I'm behind or play one of the 4 games I've recently purchased, because it's just hard to enjoy it. I'm staying off the bottle because I know it will be good for my health and my future, but my god I'm just so fucking bored

>Wait until you're visibly balding and you'll think differently.
I'll shave when that happens, made peace with that years ago when my hairline moved up a bit in my late teens

How tall? How rich?

>reading comprehension
check yourself before you wreck yourself

Attached: brainlet 3.png (403x448, 53K)

>Broke Nervous system from vitamin deficiency
what vitamin?

Attached: 1560302661036.jpg (750x911, 44K)

>It's more about the fact that literally no one in my nearly 30 years on Earth has ever felt affection towards me. That's way more of a dagger to my heart than getting my dick wet.
Most people don't love anyway.

may i also suggest adding a dermaroller then? they apparently help out increase the potency of minox. And like i said,it depends on how far you've balded.For me, i snatched that shit at the begginningish,like my front hair is thicc but my crown had a visible spot

Keep telling yourself that. I told myself that ~10 years ago yet I ended up throwing the entire kitchen sink at trying to get my hair back.

b-but that one kid is a millionare from fortnite

I turned 25 today. ;(

Jesus fuck
You are exactly right.
As stupid as it sounds, a lot of people say you can "stumble" into your ideal life. There's no secret to getting there. Sure, some things might help, but a lot of shit just happens randomly. Making the most of it is the important part.
>Last 3 years
Start pirating stuff, you might have missed out on some great stuff.

Attached: 1514652080097.png (1600x1600, 14K)

>I need sugar whenever i drink coffe, it is a must for me.
i used to too, but i trained myself to only drink black coffee.


You could go the energy drink route usually those have Zero Sugars but high energy. Salt is good in small quantities but too much makes you eat a lot which causes fat. If you can try to avoid candy or high fructose corn syrup.

do you need any kind of degree?

my bad i sped read that, keep off the alc and you will recover. How long have you been off? Give it a year atleast.
t. sober 8 years

My dad married my mom at 33 and they had 5 children. Granted one of them is posting this on Yea Forums so you may be right about the autism part.
1 out of 5 ain't bad though, I would take those odds.
Also as you may infer from my post my mom is much younger than my father.

guess ill do that then. gonna have to work on the other issues to somehow.

and im fucking shitposting you shit you didn't have to go all tryhard with that capital A we get it ok?

Probably B12 and Vitamin D3.

I'm trying to get to the point of writing erotica and publishing it. My delusional arrogance is that I wanted to become an intelligence analyst but fate is pushing me to becoming a big-as-fuck erotica writer because my ability to get people off with written porn is fucking obscene. Yet I would be happy as an intel analyst. The graduate certification I had involved an EX CIA running us through what we'd do, an example was of a whodunit for an assassination of a local notable cooperating with the US. I fucking loved having to analyze it all and back in academia give me some obscure durkadurka subject to process and I'd check out all the books and find all the articles and data and just be happy as a clam processing it all. But I fucked up and didn't go military when I was younger and now I am worried if I did get in shape there'd be some trivial disqualification with my internals. My cousin got denied for the navy because of some ridiculous thing.

I've been wondering what the fuck cybersecurity involves. I know what coders do, I know what IT often does where you problem solve PC issues, but it's like what the fuck do you do as a cybersecurity expert/certification. Are you coding? Does it involve math? Is it basically just IT except instead of google and Wifi it's plugging security holes?

nah I already went through my crisis, I thought I'd go bald at 20 but my hairline thankfully stayed put, but nevertheless it made me ready to shave if needed
already thought about doing that several times actually for practical reasons in the summer

Give me one good reason not to order an inert gas tank right this instant.

>Working my dream job as an artist
So you're lucky? Yeah, I can't art for shit, and every idea I have to circumvent that fact is outdone by someone else. I mean just look at this shit. I will NEVER have a spark of creativity this grand and it fucking kills me.

Attached: Recycled Keyboard Art.jpg (1080x1349, 198K)

>another shit blog thread where twenty-something zoomers wallow in self-pity about how """""old"""""" they are