ITT: Games so good you played them through twice (or thrice)

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>twice or thrice
Is that supposed to be impressive? To play a game only two or three times? Is that what you call replayability?

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I cannot even imagine how anyone would want to play through The Witcher 3 twice let alone playing through it once.

uh, yes?

why are the quests and minimap blurred?
is it a "survival" mod?

I lost track since I hit double digits

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4 times for me. Play through it yearly since it came out

you posted it
>tfw 300 hours in but only 2 playthroughs
i'm 100%ing everything and its taking so long. game is so fucking loaded with stuff and it absolutely doesn't get boring. i'm so afraid of the day i'm gonna be jaded from TW3 and be unable to jump back into it and have the same old fun.

where the actual blithering fuck is this? I have 330 hours on the clock and I never seen this guy.

Every few years

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I lost respect for this board finding out people actually like this shit game.

Maybe OP means back-to-back times?? I remember playing Bioshock 3 times in a row when I got it. First on normal, then veteran, then easy. Same thing with Mass Effect: did a playthrough on veteran, then hardcore as soon as the credits finished.

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first game I ever wanted to attempt to speedrun

the average TW3 playthrough is more than 100 hours.

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This would be more understandable, but it seems like that's not what he meant.
I've replayed long games too, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's remarkable to play such a long game only two or three times.

RDR2 in that case

It's a little boring.
But its getting better. On my first playthrough.

thps2 maybe

Is that Subnautica? I dropped it because I couldn't figure out how the fuck to progress. Didn't bother to look it up, and now I feel like I'm missing out on good stuff.

I've played it 5 times now. i've got one more playthrough for death march to 100% on steam.

From the hearts of stone expansion. He sells some offieri shit and the guy next to him makes special gear enhancements.

shit I play this game every few weeks. It's my go to when I'm too drunk to handle anything else.

yes, perhaps the comfiest game I've ever played.

I finished TW3 on the Sword and Story difficulty level a little while ago. By the end, I was so high leveled that the fights weren't that fun anymore because all the monsters were too weak by comparison, and by the time I'd finally gotten the best gear, the story was over. Currently playing through it on Death March and having fun skipping around the map to find monsters still way above my level. I plan to go after the Grandmaster gear before finishing the main story, if the game lets me.

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I always hated how dirty the leather/hunter gloves got.
I hope someone makes a mod soon with the mod kit that removes all the getting dirty stuff from not just your character but all characters. I really don't like seeing everyone covered in shit all the time.

Bought a second copy just to play through it again.

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Imagine a world where all the automobiles were replaced by horses. Think about how much horses shit. That's how things used to be.

>I was so high leveled that the fights weren't that fun anymore because all the monsters were too weak by comparison
enable enemy scaling

If I ever get a phone good enough to play this I will buy it.

>enable enemy scaling
brb, just got killed by a wolf

Mga TANGINA nyo.

My only grip was that clothes would get shat at just by walking 30m


I played through this game at least a dozen times. It perfectly balanced the psychological horror elements of the first game and the intense combat of the third.

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The novigrad part gotta be my most favorite urban part in any RPG game

I have honestly lost track of how many times I have started over and completed this game, and how many full-retard deck strategies I have found. I can honestly say that if there was anything resembling a competitive scene for this game, I would devote my life to promoting it and spreading the word.

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>returning to the Ishimura

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>New Vegas
>Kotor 1 and 2
>Witcher 1 and 3
>All Halos

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I completed this game at least eight times.And still managed to get a single fucking Toadstoolshed in all of those playthroughs.

Good taste.

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>New Vegas
>Saints Row 2
>All of the Total War games basically
>CoD: WaW

>twice or thrice
this is your brain on zoomzoom

This game is a fucking masterpiece. Why did EA killed it with 3?
Hell 3 wasn't even that bad.

Yeah it’s 7 times for me. I gotta do another playthrough modded with all the DLC.

>To play a game only two or three times?
>Is that what you call replayability?
Are you fucking serious?
Is this some Yea Forums bullshit NEET mentality?
You're goddamn right it's impressive if a game is so good that you want to enjoy the exact same experience again.
Considering a vast majority of games aren't even good enough to get people to play all the way through them once, you'd have to be retarded to think otherwise.

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same with 1 and 3

play more games, replaying a game twice is not impressive. Games used have to be that good or they're shit zoomzoom

fucking hyped for bloodlines 2

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play the mgs series every other summer

Sleeping Dogs, most comfy game to play in fall, replay it every October.

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Man i would love another dead space game thats basically dead space 2 with the gun customizing of 3 and its co-op (that shit where each player had their own hallucinations was fucking cool)

I only have a few games I've replayed completely, I haven't been super interested in a game in almost a decade now, none that I would ever replay.

Resident Evil 2
Ogre Battle
River City Ransom
Abe's Oddysee

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I have a couple of games that I usually replay every year.
Megaman Battle Network 3
Persona 3-5

lol, nobody's saying it's impressive to beat a game twice you goon, replaying a game is a reflection on the quality of the product. Especially one with a large time investment, or conversely enough depth in a short game to warrant replaying, is worth commending

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Red Rescue Team as well.

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3 had a massive sales decline compared to DS2. It needed to sell about 5 million copies for the series to continue as well, ignoring that the DLC ending didnt really give them much to work with.

>read tale of desperaux when I was a wee lad
>learn the word “thrice”
>use it in conversation, older brother calls me a faggot and says it’s not a real word
>never read again

Thanks for bringing up that trauma, user.

Good taste
I also played that multiple times
and Persons of Lordly Caliber

Xcom 2
Genealogy of the holy war
Langrisser(Warsong) 2
Eternal Darkness. all 3 routes
Bayonetta 2
Paper Mario 64
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones

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What a beta you are. End your life.

get rekt fagoot

diablo 2 I think, I dont even remember what games I beat

I'll never pretend for a moment the story or writing is any good. But god damn it that some fun as fuck gameplay. Especially hyped for 2 now that I know they have a New Vegas writer on it.

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Persona 5, fallout new Vegas, chrono trigger, silent hill 1 and 2, metal gear solid , super metroid, metroid prime 1, 2 and 3, and motherfucking Skies of Arcadia.

>hur 100 hours
I've played my favourite rpgs like 5-6 times a piece each with around 60-200 hours a play through especially considering I get autistic about completion. That's a minimum of 300 hours a game. That's not including open ended autism like Mountainblade but basic shit like Dragons Dogma or DAO.
Witcher truly is for a casual audience. I only got into it because I was living with a normalfag friend who was playing it on console.
The fucking state of Yea Forums where 100 hours is a long play

>game as been out for 5, 10 or even 20 years
>only play it twice
Fucking zoomer.

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>deep silver

I can't replay games like I used to, I don't know why, for example, I platinumed Witcher 3 with around 350 hours of gameplay but I would never go back to replay it, never

Maybe the age fatigue?

Give me another black isle fallout

some people work, unlike you

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I was working or studying for almost all of that user. I also had a social life. The trick was I didn't sit around shit posting instead of actually playing.
Also it's not hard to rack up some solid hours especially if you got into rpgs in highschool.

In fact I never play games less often than when I'm looking for work. NEET life saps your zest and enthusiasm really hard.

Runescape and Digimon World 2

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I wish I still into games like I used to when I was younger. I remember when all I had was this Xbox 360 with a few games and a PC with Return To Castle Wolfenstein and a bunch of snes games installed. I never had internet or access to other games back then so I always replayed those games. Played Fallout 3 in every way I could hundreds of times and always discovered something new. Don't think I'll ever be able to replay any game as much as I replayed Fallout 3 and Wolfenstein ever again. literally spent years playing those.

I didn’t know they had Jnco jeans back then, damn...

MGS 1-3 (yearly, around Christmas)
Okami (3rd playthrough atm)
REmake (Every October)
Metro 2033
Half-Life (entire series)
to name a few i guess

I feel you on FO3. You can though, just be more discerning with games. I play very few new games a year because I'm not a content glutton and I actually want things I like rather than time wasting trash.
Get back in touch with what you used to enjoy and stop getting sucked into the steam sale meme.
I'm planning on running DDDA again for the nth time right now. Purely because I like it and there's nothing else to scratch the itch that isn't worse.

I've replayed GTA 4 at least a dozen times, I replay a lot of fucking games though

You can play 100 hour games even if you have a job or school.
According to Steam I play around 40-60 hours every 2 weeks so 100 hours would take me a month on average.

Just play Fallout 3 again on PC using the GoG version, which, as far as I've tested, never suffers random crashes.

I think the game Ive been replaying the most these years would have to be Bloodborne. I still hop on Fallout every once in a while though. I just get bored of games quicker now. I try to enjoy them but sometimes I just can't.

Best $4 I ever spent.

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That's pretty normal. Besides you can't play the same game forever. Longevity is good but there's no game immune to getting stale.

More like play TTW 3/NV

Mirror's Edge and Max Payne 3
both at least 5 playthroughs

Most recent would be sekiro played throught it 5~6 times when it came out, was fun while it lasted

I beat the campaign with like 5 different builds a total of at least 10 times across all 4 of these fuckers, hunted down every obscure secret you can possibly imagine in a game, and even completed the 100% item completion event three fuckin times.

I remember seeing .hack//INFECTION for the first time on cinematech and then watching SIGN when I was a kid, picked up AI BUSTER at Border's (before they went out of business) and holy FUCK this series is kino. Its unbelievable how perfect the continuity is, to the point where I can break the story by going to places in the novels or tv series that happen in the future, and the fact that the final boss of the 1st game in the sequel series is named after my protagonist from QUARANTINE gave me goosebumps. The first series didn't age as well but these games are still my jam, what a kickass story and kickass gameplay. Also music was GOAT, loved how they used Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen so subtely and thematically, shit was fucking great.

Personally I have an evergrowing collection of various covers/versions of this song:

Some are real good, like these:

And my grindan song for fragment (an orpg based on these games)

Love these games, haters kiss my hairy ass

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TTW doesn't have the dogshit Bethesda balance that 3 does though, so it doesn't capture the essence of soul that base F3 has. In TTW it's actually possible to die even if your build is optimal, F3 you become a god by midgame so it's a joke even on Very Hard.

silent hill 2
devil may cry 3
resident evil 2 (original)
RE 4
pokemon fire red, heart gold
bayonetta 2

I've played through KH2 Critical mode at least 20 times

Fallout 1&2
Baldur's Gate 2
KotOR 1

Dead Space
Mass Effect
Honestly there are lots of games that I've liked recently but there's not too much replay value, except maybe to try out other builds.

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Based. Game knows game and I can't help but be impressed with your autism.

For longer games, I've played FFIV and SaGa Frontier tons of times. Lots of platformers that I beat multiple times a year, I've been playing the Mario and Sonic games since they came out so who knows how many times I've gone through them.

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Superb taste especially if you played these originally as well

max payne
max payne 2
witcher 3 blood and wine especially

beat me to it, bravo

A lot of games user. What's with your picture, why's it doing the japanese porn thing on the minimap

Now you got me thinking about it, why would you blur that out?

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>You're goddamn right it's impressive if a game is so good that you want to enjoy the exact same experience again.
This is one thing that's changed from the 90s and earlier. Everybody I know has a huge backlog nowadays. In the past, people had much smaller collections of games and replaying them was common unless they were super long.

I fully expected to be called a fag or be shouted down by a gufag but thanks user I'm glad someone approves

you're a fucking fag
there. can't have you miss out on the full Yea Forums experience

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All the Metro games

Spoilers maybe?

Currently on my second Witcher 3 playthrough lol
I religiously play MGSV
I play Oblivion and Fallout 3 every Autumn/Winter season a little
I still occasionaly play Minecraft
I replayed Deus Ex HR like 24 times

>liking a game enough to play it more than once
It's almost like games have NG+, or more difficulty modes, story stuff you may have missed on the first go around or, God McFucking forbid, you just like the game enough to give it another go. I play most games only once, but I like doing hard mode/challenge runs if I can if I like the game. My best friend plays Shadow of the Colossus as a yearly tradition. It's a matter of taste, and the only objectively bad taste here is yours for not even trying to appreciate replayability in any way.

My games are La-Mulana 1and 2, about 2 times now (just once for the first game, I'll replay it soon). I just wait a few months to forget the puzzles, get really drunk so I REALLY forget the puzzles, then feel like a fucking golden god genius when I get the solution 2 hours later.

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More than 5 times

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I replay a few games from time to time, my favorite games.
>Vagrant Story
for grinding weapons and that boss rush area
became a kind of Die Hard christmas tradition for me
trying out new broken builds, and trying to break the game
only if there's a Yea Forums multiplayer game, or if it's like holy week or some long vacation
usually only during christmas if the kids want to play

>Best game
Chrono Trigger

>Guilty pleasure
Fable 1

There is one already.

>First on normal, then veteran, then easy.

skies of Arcadia
tales of symponia

as poorly written as Crane was, the 180 on his character from "stoic agent" to "jaded, tired survivor" toward the end was fucking hilarious

Playing W3 three times would be like 300 hours.

of course i did. pokemon red was my very first video game and silver blew my mind.

pokemon black and White two
advance wars two and duel strike

Nah nigga, that was halfway. They just then forgot and then remembered and forced it hard to remind you lmao.
God I hope the writing will be better in 2. The gameplay more than makes up for it but I wouldn't mind an ok story too.

muh nigga. its a pity my ps2 dont work any more since emulating this game just not good.

star wars Knight of the old rebulic 2. always fun trying new builds.

That and the quest is blurred. I think OP is based and avoiding spoilers for people. Unironically a hero

>Hell 3 wasn't even that bad.
it was. it was absolutely HATED on release. people shat on it instantly.

became a kind of Die Hard christmas tradition for me
same but D__ark__ Souls

All four souls games
Castlevania AoS
Diablo 2
Mega Man X
Terraria but it's a sandbox so it's kinda cheating
Pokemon gen 1-6
Those are all games I've beaten a trillion times

I always find myself going back to PMD2 and Super Mario Galaxy. They both just have charming worlds that bring you back and never seem old.

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>all four souls games
this definition changes wildly depending on who you ask

I replay silent storm every few years. Probably my favourite game.

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One of the best single player shooter experiences I’ve had in a while.

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Final Fantasy IV to IX.
Zelda OoT, MM, WW and Twilight Princess.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

I've also leveled a lot of World of Warcraft characters over the years.

Undvik... home.

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Only game I remember loving so much that I immediately replayed it was Xenoblade Chronicles. As soon as the credits rolled I immediately started a new file, I couldn't get enough of it. Then I saw the new game + gives you a ridiculously op weapon at the beginning so I started a brand new file instead.

my younger self aparently played through mgs4 like 20+ times according to the little star on the save file
back when half of the time spent playing was being stuck in act 3's long interactive cutscene bullshit, or waiting for the next episode to fucking install
i had really shit taste back then

When you work hard, you get better!
I played through this game so many times after I first picked it up, my favourite run was as an Axis scout with stupidly high stealth and melee, one man army
Recently started up a sniper + scout spotter playthrough and it's reminding me of what a good turn based game is like
it frustrates me how dated it is, if they just remastered this shit it would put shit like firaxcom and xenonauts out of business

why is fable 1 a guilty pleasure? its objectively great

Is it though?
I want to replay it again sometime but everytime i try i just don't see the point.
On the first playthrough it's fun exploring and figuring everything out but once you know where to go and what to do it seems so pointless.

So let's see:
Baldur's Gate 2 should be around 9 times
XCOM EU around 7 times
Jagged Alliance 2 also around 7 times
Witcher 2 is at 4,99 times (I count the insane run, where I dead at last dragon fight. Stupid magic built. Did finish insane with alchemy a while later)
Many SNES titles are around 2 - 4 times
Super Mario Galaxy i finished twice also Sakura dungeon and probably a few I can't remember right now
If we count freeplay games I finished HOMM 3, SMAC, Civ2 and the guild dozen of times

tl;dr withered boomercore experience here

How the fuck can you play Witcher 3 even twice? It has literally no variety.

uh, no? Fucking zoomer nigger get the fuck out.

i did but a drop it once i reach skelia only to pick it up again after half a year. went for the alchemy build once i got high level enough and it was very fun but made Death march into a fucking joke. would kill monsters way above my level like its nothing.

Fallout 3, 3 characters for 300 hours, New Vegas 15 character, 600 hours

>completing games with shitty combat even once
Fuck your visual novel OP

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> objectively

I have played through KOTOR 2 several times.

Dark Souls 3
Borderlands 2
Mass Effect 2

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My nigga

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MGR - 9 times
Halo 3 - 5 times
DaS1 - probably around the high 30s
Morrowind - 3 times, twice to 100%

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>Halo 3 - 5 times
>mfw I'm still fucking waiting for Halo on PC

soon brother

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Yeah it's been "soon" for a fucking year

Ah and also warband a fair few times.

I'm honestly just happy we are getting it, I can wait a year or two. I've already waited 8 after all.

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That screenshot looks the opposite of comfy.

>Jet set radio future
>no more heroes 2
>megaman legends 1&2
>Dead Rising 2

I play these games yearly

3 and THUG for me

along with a bunch of game from 6th generation.


I went through this game at least 6+ times last two runs I didn't bother fight Kos(Some say Kosm) since they were purely PvP builds.

Lol this after my 6th i finally met boone

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>mirrors edge

Underrated af

Dis one is mine senpai no bully me

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this and dmc5

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kill yourself

I'm in double digits already and I still find out something new on each playthrough. It's also not that long making it a great game to replay. Witcher 3 is way too long for that.

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I play it every now and again

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Calm down, spaz.

exactly, and retarded b*omers like think it's because of the games' quality, lmfao.

all the max payne games
does it count if you replayed a game to get a different ending? since i did that with dishonored and i was thinking of replaying it anyway

God I wish the map was semi-randomized.
Even mirrored would make a new playthrough pretty interesting.

CE: around 30-40 times
Crysis 1:(only korean sections, aliens are trash): roughly 20 times
FEAR: 10-20 times

not pictured:
Doom 1 and 2: about 5 times not counting mods
Jedi Outcast and Academy: 5-10 times both
DoW:Dark Crusade: did campaign with every race at least once. Some races did two times on different difficulties.
Max Payne 1 and 2: both about 3-4 times.
There are probably some more that I don't remember.

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I play red candle games' games every once in a while. They're very short but they are a ton of fun every time, especially when you know the solution to the autistic mirror puzzle from beforehand

>took me like 7 playthroughs to find the ghost brahmin farm
Every time I replay this game I find something new.

>Gothic 1/2
>Risen 1
>Prince of Persia (all of them)
>Dark Messiah of might and magic
I know those games by heart and yet I still replay them from time to time

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>tfw my yeeyee ass laptop can't run this game above 5fps on lowest

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I liked CE But I can't imagine playing it more than once a year like you have. I beat it in 2001, then 2004 leading into H2. Then again in 2011 for the remaster. Then on MCC in 2015 or so.

All coop with the same friend. Except on MCC it was my fiancee since he didn't have an X1.

Some people have good memory and when it comes to RPGs in my case I don't feel like replaying it more than once after the initial playthrough because I still remember most quests and how they end.

need all those borgs

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Anytime a bred like this comes out I realize something. The only games I have really replayed are SNES or similar aged. Maybe 20-30 games from 1999+ I have ever replayed, and it usually has to do with me wanting to keep playing new shit.

Even with how much I praised something like Red Dead Redemption, that shit was a long ride and I am just fine calling it an outstanding game without ever wanting to replay it.

>play 100 hour long game or extremely one way to do it short game
>Hmm why yes even though I know all the cutscenes, know exactly how each encounter is gonna go and have learnt how to make 60% boringly easy I do want to play this game 30 more times this week
Jesus christ no wonder you genuine losers are so burnt out on video games, calling it all shit.

It makes sense for back in the day when it was literally a hour long time waster which was all you got but people actually got the luxury of having more than two games to play a year.

You start.

Fire Emblem Awakening
The Max Payne trilogy
All of Half Life
Doom 1 & 4
Pikmin 2

Luigi's Mansion literally every Halloween.

Played through these literally countless times. I could play just this list of games for the rest of my life and be happy.

>Thief 1 & 2
Annually since launch.

>Dungeon Keeper 2
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Jedi Knight Outcast & Academy
Every 3-4 years.

>Hitman: Blood Money
>Fallout: NV
>Diablo 2
4 times.

Just off the top of my head
MGS 2, 3
DMC1, 3, 4
Majora's mask
Fatal frame 1, 2, 3
Resident Evil Remake
Splinter cell: Chaos theory, conviction
Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie

Played through Bastion at least 5 times. Pokemon White 2 twice, New Vegas, Oblivion, and FO3 at least a half dozen times each. Skyrim maybe 3 times, Baldur's Gate twice, starting my third Planescape run.

muh nigga. replayed the game like 12 times and still did not get Everything.

SIlent Hill 2
Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
DOOM 1&2
Fallout NV
Jedi Knight Trilogy
Splinter Cell Trilogy
Max Payne Trilogy
Resident Evil 1-4
Sonic Genesis Trilogy
Sonic Adventure 1-2
Jurassic Park Trespasser

I forgot to specify with CE that I play only up to guilty spark most of the times. So full playthroughs would be closer to 10.

I find out that flood missions are in general very tiring. Only flood mission I enjoy is Two Betrayals because it has nice variety. I replay those games so often because I don't like modern games since they are stuffed with cutscenes, microtransactions and other trash that makes them not fun to play (on top of being mostly design for normies). Also replaing same games is very chill since I can usually breeze through them (althought with Halo im still not good enough for legendary despite playing it for more than 13 years).

>twice (or thrice)
I'll narrow it down to "at least 5 times"
Operation Flashpoint CWC
Earth 2150
Gothic 1, 2
Freelancer (easily 10+ times)
Diablo 2 (easily 20+ times)
Turok 2
Civilization 3, 4, 5
Warcraft 3
Doom 1, 2
GTA Vice City, San Andreas
Red Faction
Hitman Silent Assassin (2002)
Fallout 2, New Vegas
Call of Duty 1 to 5
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (still hate Forest level)
Max Payne 1, 2
Delta Force BHD
Postal 2
Serious Sam TFE/TSE

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*Alpha Protocol

portal. i play atleast every other year

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Recently found a mint condition prima guide for this at a garage sale, bought it, don't even have the game anymore, remaster when?

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Fable lost chapters idk how many times
mass effect series (especially 2)

2 is much better

I'm seeing a fuckton of love for the Max Payne games. I wonder why the fanbase for it feels so small if they're so beloved.

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Unironically Far Cry 2. Going into my fourth playthrough, this time without buying any gun
I admit there are a lot of flaws with the game, but it's an experience that no other game can create.

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I play most of my games all the way through multiple times despite having a huge backlog so the odd games out are usually the ones I play only once. But Dragon's Dogma was the only game where I blitzed through repeated playthroughs back to back.

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Played it 4 times

Finished maybe 3 or 4 times, but i like to boot up the game now and then and redo the first levels

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I wish more games had guns that misfired if you don't take care of them.

30+ times for me by now. Played it on every system it's come out for except for Switch, but I'm getting around to it

yeah but 1 is so short. so playing it before 2 makes sense

boy you'd love Misery mods for stalker

I play the Max Payne trilogy on a yearly basis, sometimes during a boring summer.

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what if the game forces you to play it again
like nier

before? he (or you) said he plays it at least every other year and he didn't mention playing portal 2. I'd rather replay portal 2 than 1

i wasn't specific, but i meant both. idk how anyone could be satisfied with skipping over 1 while revisiting the series

> vtmb (5 times)
> witcher 3 - 2
> deus ex hr md - 3 times
> yakuza 3 - 2
> judge eyes - 2
> sleeping dogs - 2
> gta 4 - 3
> vice city - 3
> SA - 3
> new vegas - 2

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you should have said portal 1-2 then

I've played through MMX like 10 times on various platforms and I got 242 stars in Super Mario Galaxy twice (and I wouldn't consider doing it a 3rd out of the question)

> re2 remake - 4-5 times
> sekiro - 3 times
>blyadsukaborne - 3 times
> dark suuls 1-3 - 3 times
> gothic 1-2 - 3 times

There's too many to list them all, but this year I've replayed The Age of Decadence, STALKER SOC and Deus Ex.

Halo 1 and 2
I hope your pic is Witcher 3 and not 2 because 2 was a pile of dogshit.

this. I still really like it.


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So when does this game get good? I played it through a bunch of times already, tried all possible choices, got all possible endings, did all quests and activities and set up a yt account where I analyzed the design aspects of the game and shared trivia and different play strategies. Now I'm just travelling through the world looking up places I haven't been to and trying unconventional tactics. I still haven't had any fun.

I usually do a play through of FFX every year/year and a half

First final fantasy and all that

Aria of Sorrow
Curse of Darkness
and of course: Symphony of the Night.

I usually try most ports of RE4, and end up playing all the way through because that game is untouchable

OG Dead Rising and the recent Resident Evil 2 remake are probably the only games I immediately replayed on completion

Same here for 3, NV, And even 4.

It depends on the game. I played through Dishonored countless times, because you can finish it in a few days, but I still haven't finished the Witcher 3, even though I like it and have owned it for over a year

>It perfectly balanced the psychological horror elements of the first game
love this fucking game, but it never was scary

>double digits
>not triple
Maybe r/games is more your speed, hmm?


None. I have life.

haven´t played same game through more than once in over 15 years

Definitely mass effect trilogy. Replay this bad boy from the very beginning with a brand new (male default) Shepard every.
Fuck yeah, where my mass effect bros at??!

Came here to post this.

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mirrors edge is just relaxing, fun, and so full of soul. I even replay catalyst every so often.

Not even OP but this is nitpicking at its finest.

This is the only one I keep getting back to every now and then. I've played it through atleast 7 or 8 times.

Every Year, since release. Sometime 100%, sometimes a speedrun, sometimes with skipping items

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Undvik is the opposite of comfy

Spikeroog and An Skellig on the other hand...

trying out new broken builds, and trying to break the game
use hasten and stun with every build

>It perfectly balanced the psychological horror elements of the first game and the intense combat of the third
are you kidding me? it had almost none of the psychological horror, just over the top action.
ds1 hit the balance between horror and action

>Twice or thrice
I've done more solo Beatrix runs than that OP you casual

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As a huge Metroidfag, I really need to make this more of a habit. I'll probably start with Super Metroid though.

fuck that game and fuck dice for knowingly fucking it up
>perfectly polished core mechanics
>throw out tightly designed linear maps in exchange for half assed open world
>retarded upgrade system
>even more shitty combat that you can't even skip anymore
>even more item collection
>even worse story than the clusterfuck of me1
>realistic city design exchanged for muh futuristic glass faggotry
>still no fucking level editor

> want to play the witcher
>GPU sounds like an helicopter when i do

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Yeah. Not sure why the word comfy would be used. The game is full of terror both in physical forms (see screenshot), and psychological (the dark blue void under you at certain places).
I was sweating playing an underwater game.

Playing it right now as a matter of fact.

Dem digits

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the noises many of the creatures make combined with how squishy your character is makes for true fear throughout much of the game until you acquire a mech suit later down the line. there is a section of the world where multiple of those serpents like to roam in open water, and its absolutely terrifying to be out in that area at night with the knowledge that you're in their territory. i once got separated from my little sea buggy while trying to grab some resources that far out and lost track of where it was. i looked up from above the water to try and figure out where i was and heard a rather loud roar from behind me. i somehow managed to swim to safety but never went back to that area again

jesus christ

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I can't wait until black mesa finally releases. im going to do a full half life playthrough and it'll be glorious

Nice knife.

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I play FFVII every other year. I don't get tired of the music and the gameplay is so confy I don't care if it's repetitive.
I also played Parasite Eve I and II like 4 times now.

>Max Payne 1,2,3
The only linear games I've ever played through more than once or twice. There are a lot of non linear games, like M&B, that I've reinstalled over the years, but I don't think that counts.

those soundtracks still play in my head

Fite me!
River of Time and Phileaon's Secret too.

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I have never played a game twice over. If i EVER had it was a very rare instance and i never got very far. Once i beat a game and i see all the secrets and story and elements a game has to offer it loses its WoW factor for me.

Very nice

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havent finished it once, the buffing is really annoying and time consuming. i hope the ui isnt that shit for cyberpunk.

Based FROM. I can still play through DaS1 to this day, and I have put countless hours into BB and beat Sekino 4 times in a row and still not bored. Even Das2 got a few playthroughs from me.

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too bad the gameplay in the witcher is dogshit
if it had actual monster hunting mechanics like monhun and a good combat system it would literally be the best game ever made

you know what, fuck it. I'm getting the game.

super probotector
super mario world
fight n rage
yokus island express