You put the middle part in your ass then your hands go on the left and right side
This thing screwed me up now I can only play with controls backwards
t. handlet
Meant for Vortigaunts
I keep one of these on me at all times as zoomer repellant.
A controller design that allows for d-pad input as well as joystick inputs. The Z trigger was incredible. People who meme about this controller being bad are literal brainlets
What amazes me is they had 6 face buttons but never put a Street Fighter game on it.
A lot of people say this controller sucks because
>3 hands lol
But the real problem is that the d-pad and stick suck ass. Good idea, bad execution
for games with mainly stick movement you hold the dick, for games with mainly d-pad movement you hold it's left leg
>not having three hands
Nintendo paved the way for modern gaming with this analogue stick controller and you have the balls to make a bait thread about it.
>modern gamers like op are dumber than 90s video game journalists
Sad, isn't it?
It just works!™
Why does that amaze you?
Street Fighter uses 6 buttons. N64 and Saturn/32X are the only controllers with 6 face buttons, every other Street Fighter port had to map something to shoulder buttons.
It's a 6 button controller with an analog stick and a Z trigger
What exactly is the issue here?
Right and left are the only objectively correct ways to use it. Anything else and you look like a faggot. Including the fags who put their palm on the stick to rotate as fast as possible.
What IS this abomination?
why would you ever need to use the middle
why is this millennials.jpg, millennials were the exact generation n64 was created for
wdym the n64 controllers were awesome you all are just big fucking babys waaaaaaaa
Official story is that Nintendo wasn't sure if the joystick would catch on and would have the familiar "Dpad and face buttons" layout built in, in case people didn't like the control stick.
My intial thought was for a twin-stick sort of shooter like Robotron, but it turns out Robotron 64 doesn't use it at all.
My initial thought was that it would be good for first person shooters, but I can't recall any FPS games that actually used the controller this way
Sony perfected it with for PS2 dual sticks (by default), which paved way for bigger and better genres out there.
That you could play three different ways depending on which handles you were holding. This would solve the problem of allowing for different control schemes as different companies approached 3D for the first time. The only problem was that the marketing materials were shit at communicating this.