How do we fix Fate?

How do we fix Fate?

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I love Stay Night Illya more than Prisma Illya

you gay or something

Kill FGO.

By letting Narita take over and make the rest of the franchise as stylish and fun as Strange Fake

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By removing Fate's funding and redistributing it to Drifters.

Destroy the gacha and all of the animes

I’m with you, I finished the VN and 100% it last week. HF is fucking amazing and Illya/Kotomine made it 1000x better, kind of sucks when you don’t feel anything for any of the heroines but the moment illya acts as the big sister you fall in love with her only to see her sacrifice herself.

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edgy garbage and not even in a fun way, it's just dumb

Gib Illya Route.

You don't

now read HA

you don't want that

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Get Nasu to write edgy shit again
Kill all gacha and all the stupid coombrains addicted to it
Expand the extraverse beyond shitty musou, it has genuine potential
Make stories about the masters again

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Give Chacha a microbikini

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I-I’ll be your servant

we need more nasu passion not cheap gacha garbage

I am more interested in the interplay between Servants and Masters honestly. I think focus can be placed on both but we can't go full retard like Apocrypha and stretch a story across like 30 characters

unironically get rid of fgo

More waifus

if there was another set of GW's in mainline what would it even be about?

This, and make a dating sim.

>ywn hold hands with Francis Drake at a farmers market

It’s a balancing act and right now masters are little more than self inserts for obligatory doujins

There are no more Grail Wars post F/SN if I remember correctly, so it'd have to be a prequel. The only other option is Extra style alternate universe, or some kind of bait and switch.

yeah i know i'm just saying if some other set of families decide to make a grail if that's possible (i'm not fully caught up on my lore and haven't read the novel in like a year)

Needs a caster route

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There's hundreds of holy grails owned by the Church alone, Fuyuki isn't that special and the mages who made the ritual readily admit that they're mostly shit fucking maguses, their houses are in decline and they fuck up constantly

Strange Fake involves American mages copying the basic elements of the fuyuki system and cranking it up to 11, building an entire city as a living magic circle to perform a war so batshit it gets Zelretch and Dead Apostles involved, featuring ridiculous shit including full power Enkidu+Gil and Rider being one of the goddamn four horsemen of the apocalypse

Baka gaijins at it again

is it essentially an extension of mainline? I heard Heracles is in it in full force

There is room for cool things here that's being squandered. I really fucking liked Mordred and Kairi but they had no screentime.

Also Vlad was fucking robbed.

dis to be quite honest familia


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With more illya

considering who medea is and how Jason abused her
yeah this could work out but it works just fine with coll snake teacher as well
saber best girl

With a prisma dating simulator

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Use billions of phone game money to make an actual RPG.
More emphasis on mage fuckery and secret society schemes, rather then servant powerlevels. That's cool and all, but I want to see people making demons and pacts and forbidden magitech rituals in the modern age and shiiet.

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Why does gigachad watch this show about magical little girls?

It's in the same continuity as Zero and Case Files at the very least because grown-up waver cameos and one of his idiot savant students participates as a master

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Its a weird timeline that has elements from Tsukihime and Fate and has a bunch of things "that shouldn't happen"

Also on the subject of Heracles, it is not the perfect Archer Herc that has been teased since FSN. He is a weird offshoot not quite Alter form of him that is basically "FUCK ALL GODS" all the time even when he gets his ass saved by one

do we get to see more gil fights like when he fought rider in Zero

I wanna Nobunaga bf/gf maybe with a little Okita on the side

How about about destroy the source: Smartphones

Granblue is a browser game

you're the faggot who replied to my post on Yea Forums
hf fags deserve the rope

go back in time and kill Nasu before carnival phantasm

Seihai-kun, Seihai-kun!
The FGO fags are ruining the nasuverse
how do we get a new nasu series?

Good job, you're not a jizzbrain.

Carnival phantasm is literally the best part of the nasuverse, what the fuck are you talking about.

Oh, user-kun. You're so hopeless. Go kill yourself with this. (FGO is the future)

Go back in time and kill the anime.

Gil fights like he always should have, pinpoint sword shooting and treating GoB like a magical Batman utility belt pulling weird magical shit out

I'm pretty sure everyone who read the VN does

fuck Fate.

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Axe everything after the first sequel and let it rot in the mid-2000s where it belongs.

Why do we hate FGO again?

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it has no soul

Make Requiem part of the main route

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