After 15 years, the PCSX2 devs were finally able to fix the Jak and Daxter bugs making the entire series fully playable. I just completed Jak 1 and I'm moving on to Jak 2 now.
Emulation thread
tfw graphics have stagnated
back in ps2 days there were huge upgrades like this
Have they fixed Ratchet yet?
Years ago.
What about Ape Escape 2 and 3?
>greatest console ever
>emulation still sucks
Why the fuck is this allowed?
It's 99.99% perfect now.
Except it's still shit
inb4 your computer is shit and you are shit
big if true
It probably is shit, I have played quite a bit of the first game and it works perfectly.
Where are they updating the builds? The page has the latest from years ago
2 questions:
>How do you get rid of the huge fucking input lag on Win10?
>Does it stutter every 5-10 or so seconds?
Look at an early AAA PS3 game and compare it to a AAA PS4 game. There has been huge advancements in graphical fidelity. It's only stagnant on the same hardware because devs max it out immediately now. The moment devs work on the next generation, there's a big leap. It was true for the all the previous generations and it will continue to be that way.
>one of the best cuties from ps2 era
>sequel makes her a little soulless visually but shes still pretty good
>third one throws her out the window, replaces her VA with someone cheaper, and gives Jak to Ashelin
Im not one to care about story in a game but im glad they fixed it in the fucking racing game
works for me. someone on emugen was talking about exclusive fullscreen which might help with input lag
PCSX2 is a garbage heap. I bet the HD collection plays better on RPCS3 than the original game does on PCSX2.
Looks blurry as fuck
You lost your bet.
Nope. Virtually every game has some minor or major emulation flaws, and the entire emulator is held together by a band-aid. It's on-par with N64 emulation, I.E, shit compared to virtually everything else. Even the PS3 emulator with the notoriously difficult to deal with Cell CPU is shaping up much better rapidly.
They've been playable
Name 10 minor and major flaws
Game specific, dumb dumb. Look up any random game on the wiki and behold. Most games have UI garbage issues that require offset hacks to deal with, I.E, whole thing is garbage.
You name 10 augmented and diminished flaws
>start xenosaga 1
>finish prologue
>go to save at the save point in the ship
>game resets and emulator crashes
>persist through it by avoiding the save spot
>think the worst is over
>it happens a billion more times throughout the game
>literally have to use save states because the emulation is shit
>also visual artifacts in every character's hair and the ui as well
>one hack that fixes one issue introduces another where certain characters change hair colors constantly based on the previous character on screen, I.E, blue hair if it was kos-mos, orange if it was shion
>runs like absolute ass on a i7 7700k
You just don't know what you're whining about. You have autism...
Not an argument. You haven't used PCSX2 enough if you think it's 99.99% perfect, casual.
the vita version also got fixed
kino to play this in bed like I always dreamed of as a kid
You haven't used it at all. It's really obvious.
>play persona 3
>pixelated rainbow textures follow the characters instead of shadows
>font is full of garbage pixels above native resolution
>audio is low quality as fuck
Wrong. You've either only played a few specific games that run with minimal issues, or you're too stupid to see them. Just look at the above issues for two random games. Feel free to check out the compatibility wiki, by the way. It's full of shit like this for the vast majority of the game, and we're not even talking performance or emulation speed.
>dragon quest 8
>no shadows above native res
>countless visual artifacts, including ui and character outlines
>text is riddled with garbage
>flashback scenes are broken
>have to use software mode, I.E, 480p to have anything remotely resembling accurac
>one of the most demanding games to emulate
why would you samefag and lie like this
>being this delusional
It's what you call autism. Even if he was using a build from 5 years ago those issues don't exist.
>play shadow hearts 1 on gtx 1080 ti
>slowdown above 1080p native res
on a handheld? I'm fine with it.
It used to be locked at 20 kek
Proving my point. That's achieved using a hack, and they're at incredibly low transparency and also introduce new visual artifacts. Now go look at what the shadows actually look like in the game. I replayed the game on PCSX2 in 2018 and all these issues were still there.
>Check the wiki
>None of these issues have been reported
>Check the wiki
>Most of these outright fixed in newer builds, all have workarounds
>only thing that requires software mode is two black lines
>play baldur's gate: dark alliance
>game barely works in hardware mode
>software mode runs at 20 fps
>meanwhile on dolphin the same game runs at 4k/60 without any issues
Take your meds.
>fixed in newer builds
Wrong. The only thing that was "fixed" is the shadows, and it requires a hack that introduces other issues. You either play without shadows, or you play in software mode at 480p.
What's the matter, can't hold a conversation and need a safe space? You're clearly delusional if you think PCSX2 is"99.99% perfect."
>Everyone who documents these issues is wrong because it doesn't suit my narrative!
I'm just curious user, how well does Skygunner emulate, in your opinion?
Is it worth it for me to redo the ps2 emulator or is it fine? I've seen both arguments so much I can't tell and don't play enough emulated games to know.
Xenosaga 3 is equally broken in Hardware mode. I remember a massive black shadow following you and covering half the screen, as well as the performance tanking to single digits whenever the mechs were on-screen. Fighting Margulis at the end of the game took like 90 minutes when I played the game because of the insane slowdown. 2 was the same, especially against Pilum and that other fag.
What kind of CPU do I need to run this at 1080p 60fps? I have a FX-8350 atm
>Everyone who documents these issues is wrong because it doesn't suit my narrative!
You must be quoting the wrong person, because that is literally what the 99.99% perfect guy is saying. Most games clearly have issues like these with few exceptions.
What about Ratchet & Clank ?
Yeah except all of those "issues" have workarounds that are as simple as checking a fucking box
It runs good, no issues.
Are you sure? Those games also inherently run at 60 fps on the PS3 with an actual HD UI.
Those games work
Not true. It introduces other issues in almost every single case. Have you actually tried playing these games with the "fixes?" PCSX2 is a fucking disaster, and virtually every single multiplat from that era runs better on Dolphin.
imagine being an autist emulation war retard who has never even used the emulators he shitposts about
Yeah, I've played a lot of games. The workarounds generally don't introduce any new problems. The only game I've emulated where I've actually had to swap between software and hardware was Steambot Chronicles, which is pretty notoriously the worst PS2 game to emulate.
>last updated in april 2019
>recent build already shows most of these issues being resolved
Also, 4:3 cutscenes listed as a bug is low IQ as fuck. Those are pre-rendered 4:3 cutscenes from the original game. It was like that in the fucking port.
Imagine being so uninformed and content with poor emulation that you call something 99.99% perfect when it's clearly not even close.
I encounter issues like the ones listed above constantly. You can call noticing these things autism if you want, but it doesn't make it any less true. It's a really shoddy emulator.
Why should I ever take your word for the fact that you're encountering issues no one else has documented?
You won't take my word or the words of the wiki curators that they don't typically exist.
Literally everything above has been documented, nerd. The Persona 3 stuff was admittedly in 2012, but the rest is still relevant today. Refer back to the DQ8 post. All of those issues are listed, and the hack that reintroduces shadows does so at decreased transparency in a washed out grey, and also introduces other 3D glitches. Finding a perfect balance of between 3D and UI glitches is a chore, even today. Feel free to play Xenosaga 3 and tell me it doesn't have an absurd amount of visual glitches, or play Dark Alliance at all for that matter.
You sound like a nightly dev on the defensive.
The port is shit is what I was getitng at. Not to mention the PS3 emulator being buggy as fuck.
you sound like one of the devs fucked your mother, why are you acting like this?
Acting like what? Pointing out legitimate issues and disputing the claim that PCSX2 is "99.99% perfect?" Gee, I don't know, maybe because that's so stupid that it has to be argued against.
why did you leave me dad?
No, not a single on of these supposed "issues caused by enabling workarounds" has been documented. The only issue you've mentioned that hasn't been solved and doesn't have a workaround is the save point crash in Xenosaga.
Holy shit it is not that much work to read a wiki page and check a checkbox
RPCS3 has been able to play commercial games for less than 2 years. The emulator itself is built in a much more cohesive and consistent manner. PCSX2 should've been rewritten a decade ago, but they've instead introduced hacks upon hacks to mitigate issues.
Also, the port isn't that bad. I've gotten Platinum trophies in each game on the actual hardware. It's just low effort, like the Jak and Daxter ones.
If it's not documented, then the information on the wiki is inadequate, or the people reporting on the pages are oblivious. Try playing Xenosaga 1 with all of those hacks enabled, or DQ8 for that matter. You'll just have to live with one issue or another if you don't play in software mode. Xenosaga 3 is a perfect example of this, where various renderers "fix" certain issues individually and you pick your poison if you want to play above native res.
>The emulator itself is built in a much more cohesive and consistent manner.
eh not really, every game I've tried to play has crashed
>What's essentially a PC is easier to emulate
No shit dude
Jak 2 is a lot more performance heavy than 1, can't play it at 4k without drops during vehicle sections.
does ace combat 4 still have fucked up cut scenes? do the xenosaga games still have fucked up everything? those are the only ps2 games I want to play that had issues last time I tried.
Klonoa 2 is a bitch to play because it appears it demands totally different settings for everything than with other games.
>Needing to wait 15yrs for emulation
I've been replaying the Jak quantilogy once every 3yrs and it's been golden all the way through.
I even invested in a crtv for my latest playthrough.