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Great. Will be excellent on PC.
Great game. Ill never play it again though. Not even on pc.
Greatest game of the generation along with Nier Automata and The Last Guardian
I just made it to Chapter III and have enjoyed it, though maybe a little bit less than RDR1.
I skipped snoy this Gen partly because tlg never came out, was it actually worth the weight?
Remember how rdr sort of felt like a cheap knockoff of a good game until you get to Mexico and everything goes off the rails? Have fun :)
Enjoyed it, less then the first one but still enjoyed it. No replay value IMO tho.
I really like it but I'm never replaying it.
good game, but not something i have any interest in replaying for at least another few years
>I skipped snoy this Gen partly because tlg never came out
The pinnacle of cinematic games
I think it's the best Ueda game. PS4 is a worthless system though.
To those who say they'll never repay it, did you 100% it?
An open world game with contempt for the player doing anything other than performing scripted actions.
lol sick to fortnite
Just got around to playing, it's not bad.
They overdo it with the amount of killing Arthur does. Game's trying to be realistic but you can wipe out half a town and then some, and people carry on as normal.
Also they got horse cocks but no horse vagoos, 0/10.
No. Reason I won't replay it is because of the depressing story though, not because I didn't enjoy it. I'm and I'll never replay N:A and TLG ever again probably. But they're still 3 of my fav games of all time.
not even close, but i got my fill in the 60 hours i put in, another 200 of grinding hunts and shit and i'd probably hate the game (and myself)
Or, is that what you were trying to do?
Cool. For me, it's the latter events that makes playing the start extra comfy, but I can see how one playthrough can bring burnout
it's a video game, half the fun is the power fantasy aspect. GTA wouldn't have gotten as popular if you couldn't run over 100 people and then fight the police/military on your own. individual scenes/events do have too much killing though, i don't need every shootout dragged into a 10 minute affair of killing a bunch of guys in one spot, it gets tedious.
Yeah I know what you mean, there's a certain emptiness to rockstar game design that can make it intolerable to play after a bit.
It's more that the framework for really satisfying gunplay and shootouts is there with euphoria and everything, but they crank it way past 11. Like when you rescue Sean and kill like 50 bounty hunters in the ravine and their camp, or when you smoke everybody in Valentine.
Actually shooting people is satisfying as fuck but it gets drowned out by the fact that you have to kill so many assholes in so little time. You never get a chance to "enjoy" it during missions especially.
my favourite game of all time, but it has a lot of missed potential that will be fixed by mods when it comes to pc
Have to agree at how satisfying the shooting feels, there's a degree to the enemy interaction and overall feel to how everything shoots that makes it a fantastic shooter emulator.
Ludo dissonance has always been a thing in rockstar games so it didn't bother me too much, but that massacre mission really doesn't make much sense and undercuts the story's drama that is true. My biggest issue with the story though is how is sort of ramrods you into playing a low Honor turned good honour later on and it contests badly if you don't follow that.
agreed, the quest where you attack that plantation house because the lady had jack kidnapped sticks out in my memory as being pretty over the top too, you must kill over 100 guys in that fight
Assuming they don't make it unmoddable like a bunch of cucks
the last guardian is such a great game. its the reason I have a dog now.
That was literally the best mission in the game though.
>yfw 1:35
honestly along with nier has some of the best writing and charachters i've seen in a videogame
i kinda love how it deconstructs the romantic nature of the cowboy, especially since i grew up loving that stuff
Good to know, if DS truly does end up being a ps4 exclusive next year then Ill probably get it as well, thanks.
Solid 9/10 for me.
Oh fuck, I recognize one of the movements from the early trailers. Gotta be a good mission then.
The writing is also vrvr trash at times.
>white man constructs beauty into the world
>jew deconstructs it for vulgarity surplus value
The eternal cycle
Excellent movie and heartwarming script. Two thumbs way up from this cinema-goer. Would watch again while anxiously waiting the 3rd film.
Why would I ever do that? You're a fucking idiot for thinking that a dev telling you on how "to get the most out of the game" is how you should get enjoyment out of a game.
Five bags of popcorn and five sheriff stars so ah-Arthur can run out the cops!
I didn't watch any of the trailers. It's an awesome mission, don't deny it.
I think you misunderstand me. I'm the same guy who posted . I haven't done this mission yet, but it sounds great.
Oh I see. I guess if you were really trying to bait me you would have posted a soijak with that or something.
Lulz yeah.
Shit single player
Even shittier online
Rockstar will never make a good game ever again.
>mommy won’t buy me shark cards, all the other boys have flying motorcycles it’s not fair
>mommy won’t buy me gold bars and all the other boys have nice bounty hunter jackets it’s not fair
>fuck you Rockstarofdavid your games were always shit