So which is it, Yea Forums? X or Cross?
So which is it, Yea Forums? X or Cross?
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Ive never heard a cross is a shape, only a Christian symbol
This one is the wrong direction of the cross I know of
That has been "x" my whole life just like on the Nintendo and xbox systems
I bet y'all plebs don't even call it the Oh button.
X. But technically cross is right since all four buttons are shapes, and X is a letter.
X is a shape as well as a letter you faglord. Do you call the X button on an Xbox or GameCube controller a cross despite the other buttons also being letters?
I'd rather call it EX. even though I am technically wrong
da chinese button
>Not calling it the blue button
Who gives a sideways fuck? You aren't confused about what button people mean when they say either, so it's entirely a pedantic issue.
I call the cross an x and the circle an o
The cross is not a traditional geometrical shape so it's often dismissed as it and gets called an 'X'
Why can't it be both?
Why do we have to autistically give a shit about nomenclature. so people call it X. So what? Language changes. names change. brand names become generic.
pointy, box, ex, oh.
People want something to argue about, that's about it
Good point. You also wouldn't say "cross marks the spot", you'd say ex
A cross is typically not angled to the side, that's an X. It's dumb because it's all about your angle of virwing but still, a + and an × are different in mathematics.
That's just a christfag mindset. It's the reason Japanese crossover games usually use an x like Streetfighter X Tekken. You are supposed to read it as cross as in it's a cross over.
>inb4 but X marks the spot!!!
It's blue, pink, green and salmon
>A cross is typically not angled to the side
Do you even naughts and crosses nigger?
We should just call it “multiply” then
It was intended to be O = Accept, X = Back like in the other platforms, and it was like that for Japanese games on the PS1 and PS2, somehow they decided to change it for the west and stuck to it.
Imagine how much could be changed if people argued for their beliefs instead of what to call a button on a controller.
Amen to proud of you Obi-Wan
A cross isn’t a shape it’s a symbol
Why not plus sign
In Ultima Online, before the overwhelming majority of you faggots were born, a crossbow was an xbow. Heavy crossbow was heavy xbow or hvyxbow.
There is no reason for a westerner to think the X on a PS controller is a "cross" except to be a turboweeb. Call it an X, no one gives a shit. Anyone who does is a faggot turboweeb who probably smells bad.
games call it the x button
anything else is sub 100 IQ
this is the only correct things to call them
On gook ps4s circle and x work opposite ways though which completely undermines that image's argument. a friend had one and using circle to confirm always fucked me over
>press the X button
We'd have a shitload more wars and rioting. People want to argue about stupid shit they can forget about in 10 minutes instead of arguing about things that matter and feeling forced to literally fight for their beliefs, so let them.
Because it's tilted. It would be a multiplication sign, or an X
"χ"... A most ancient letter. Some say "kye," but the meaning is the same. Death... A letter that spells endings.
>explains other examples of x being used to mean cross
>There is no reason for a westerner to think the X on a PS controller is a "cross" except to be a turboweeb.
I don't know what the fuck you are trying to say. Fuck Ultima Wizardry is better
circle is 1 line
This shit pissed me off
Ex, square, triangle, circle. I don't care what's technically right or wrong, this is always what I've called them.
>Ive never heard a cross is a shape, only a Christian symbol
I'm calling bullshit on you if you say you didn't have to sing and/or play hot cross buns in elementary school.
It really should be an option. Going from PS2 to 4 confused me so much. Why the fuck did they change it
amen bro
Look to the left and right of the X button on your controller. You see anything? If you do, you might want to check yourself into a facility. There's no reason to call it a cross because there's nothing to cross.
It's cross.
None of you people have ever heard of the game "noughts and crosses?"
Tic Tak Toe
It doesn't matter. They are both the same thing.
two lines crossing into each other isn't a "shape"
Jesus Christ wasn't white christcucks BTFO.
It's /gz/
I pronounce it Xi
he wasn't real either so it dont matter
This is OP's controller
Do you say "cross marks the spot"? No you don't. It's fucking ECKS.
We dont have that in the US
As if we needed more proof that frogposters are newfags.
No, we don't, that doesn't stop music programs here from teaching the song.
Hot cross buns are linked to Easter.
You should have said noughts and crosses
Never heard of it
I just call the circle one "ball". "Press the ball"
It has to be cross. Look how angry everyone is getting.
USA calls them exes because the Tic Tac Toe shapes are thought of exes and ohs.
And if you put an X through something, people might say "crossed out", but they'd never say "it has a cross over it", they'd say "it has an x over it".
In the US, X shapes are referred to as X. Not just in gaming, it's pretty universal. When somebody says "cross" here as a noun, it's almost always specifically referring to the religious symbol. We don't use cross as a noun to refer to anything else.
What are you, retarded? Of course you would call it a cross when it's a shape and call it a letter when it's a letter. That's why we call four-way intersections "crossroads" instead of "X-roads," because in that context, it's a shape and not a letter. That's why it's a Cross on a Dualshock and an X on a Duke. Are you autistic enough to not understand what context is?
What is this then you dense mother fucker.
Box Ball
>he says XBox and not CrossBox
>expects me to suddenly call it the Cross button
legitimately just pronounced that as "Deer Ex-ing"
amen man
>not calling it the EmptyBox
>every other button has a shape on it
>surely this must be ecks and not cross
Ecksfags confirmed retards who can't extrapolate.
cross isn't a shape, and crosses aren't angled like that. it's obviously X.
circle to confirm and x to deny is in no way consistent in Playstation games. A lot of them use X to confirm just because it's in the same position as Xbox's A.
X and O's Eurofag
You mean that's how they localized games from Japan, since there are several games where they changed the confirm button just for the West.
X as a shape is elongated at the top and bottom, it creates a rectangle.
Cross as a shape is the same length and width, it makes a perfect box.
In other words it's cross not X.
Be honest, was your first console a 360? I'm probably being generous here, it was probably an xbox one.
It's a fabricated meme by playstation to get you talking about the brand and PS5, remember: memes are no longer about fun, they're about making money and free advertising to companies, only underage retards gobble them up like hot chips
If you call them anything different you're a retard and the people who encultured you to say it the way you do are even bigger retards.
It would also makes sense with the layout.
O being where A would be.
And X located where B is placed normaly
amen? more like I want lots of men
>Who gives a sideways fuck? You aren't confused about what button people mean when they say either, so it's entirely a pedantic issue.
You're in the wrong place if you wanted to avoid inane, pedantic, or generally retarded arguments
A cross is not a shape in the traditional sense, and more often than not will have an elongated segment like the religious cross. Never has anyone referred to X as "cross" until this stupid meme debate
>slice of 'za
>pizza box
>pizza pie
>pizza cutter
retards ITT
I sang that song but never saw a hot cross bun until now.
Controller board proves its X not cross.
>Ah, yes. That's "Cross" from the Megaman Cross series.
amen? more like gay men
Thats not a PS1 controller board is
>they're all shapes
Wrong. Two intersecting lines is not a shape
Amen jesus
but that doesnt designate the name of the shapes like first pic, SW= switch, X= transducer on circuit boards
I've heard it called x's and o's and tic tac toe, literally never heard of it referred to as that.
It's Cross, Box, Hole, Pyramid
>playstation controller
its a screen cap from spawnwaves recent video
the x is the button designation, go watch yourself
>dabs sticker
My brothers called the dpad "cross" so I used X to avoid confusion and it stuck.
And this is Recross from Crossenoblade 2
What are you, retards? It's obviously an x
oh, my mistake. But even there they are still designated by the same symbols so it doesnt give any new information about what theyre called
>O means A
>unless you're in a game then X means A
A line is a linear set of points, so either a circle is made of infinite lines or no lines at all
a line can be curved or did you not finish school?
Low IQ
"Cross" is for Brits who call tic tac toe "knots and crosses", in which case they should also call the O button the "knot button". The X shape is not a cross in general, crosses are straight up and down, not turned on their side by 45 degrees, and even then I'd call it a plus. An X shape is still a recognizable shape.
What if it's supposed to be balance of shapes and letters y'know? 2 Letters and 2 shapes.
Ah yes, the old pirate saying "Cross marks the spot".
That explains why it was playstation europe who tweeted this dumb shit.
It's not "cross marks the spot."
i thought people were spelling knot wrong but i had to look up nought
and it means nothing, like its all for nought
a circle is empty/nothing
An X is an X, you can't say it's a cross.
Always grew up knowing you cross out the wrong answers and circle the correct ones. You don't "ecks" out the wrong answers, you cross them out. Also an X isn't perfectly even, it's narrow and tall. People arguing about this are just baiting.
counter to that is skull and cross bones
but even still using the word cross is incredibly uncommon unless theres context to it
hence why eveyone calls x, ex
amen nigger
"Amen to proud of me"?
Its a fucking X
Bicycle Motorcross
BMX bikes dont have motors
In germany, the in-game tutorials always refer to it as ''Die Kreuz'' button, which means ''the cross'' button. But everyone irl says X to it.
You are the motor you idiot. just...
so many fools around
I wasn't aware cross was a shape? The word "cross" has different forms. A christian cross doesn't look like an X shaped "cross" so I'd rather just call it X over "cross"
Im not wrong.
altho some remove the r from the word
its mainly motor bikes you fool
And yet such a sperg.
why did u people start this.
playstayion started it on twitter. Dumb euros
Fuck both of ya. I won't type the word and I won't ignore.
>Yes, I do call it the "saltire" button, how did you know?
That's there as the same fucking Christian symbol retard.
oh i saw it on here like 3 days ago. when was the tweet?
Amen my nigga
It's fork.
Do you call "RR X-ing" a Railroad Exing?
You fucking retard.
And yet you say "skull and cross bones" not "skull and x bones"
>being this hostile over a button
kill yourself
>Amen to proud of me
Good English
>being this new
>X (ecks)
>O (oh)
>ロ (ro)
>Δ (delta)
People are typically more hostile over less, newfriend. You'll get used to it.
amen to the homie
Based, fuck orderfags and chaosfags
Pfffttt...., how are you supposed to crucify anyone on that?
Intelligence is knowing it’s a cross. Wisdom is knowing to call it x anyways
>using dualshit
Symbols can also be shapes though.
an X is a shape
On an iq test it would be a cross
depending on how they word the question id prolly assume it was a roman numeral and say 10
Yeah I was vague. If the other shapes were shown an named then the answer would be cross.
It's X, it has always been X, everyone across the planet has called it X. This "cross" shit is retarded.
That's the funny thing about the English language, and the reason it's the language of science: It's good at describing things. We can get around hangups like this by simply switching from nouns to adjectives, to describe the differences between the Xs. Clockwise from top:
Speaking of which, have they released the full Megaman Cross collection for the Crossbox One Cross yet?
I'm pretty sure that a xing is a Chinese word for something.
Ive always pronounced it exing
It's an X. A cross is rotated 90 degrees.
Cross your heart and hope to die?
Cross out a spelling mistake?
Cross paths?
Did you guys know "Project X Zone" is actually said as "Project Cross Zone" because it is a cross over?
Dumbass, the christian cross has one of the lines higher up and smaller, not two even lines.
but a square is a rectangle.
In America our crosses are the Crosses Jesus died on.
The “Cross” looks more like the letter X ergo it’s an X to us
You can do that in every language retard
Amen Motherfucker
>to proud of me
Amen, but I just say O and X for those two.
Apparently, you have never taken geometry either. Which means you are too young to be browsing this board.
Amen to that Brother.
I call it the X button but if I was writing a guide then I'd call it cross, because listing off the buttons as square, circle, triangle and X is kind of silly looking.
Why are americans so dumb?
All the smart burgers get shot user
Based Elite Beat Agents taught me how to into gook shapes
I knew this day would come
It's square and triangle and X and O dumbasses
>all these replies
I sure hope you all are being ironic
What's it like being wrong? Must feel pretty bad I imagine.
amen and fuck niggers