Be me

>Be me
>Join cuz I'm lonely
>Find girl who goes to the same campus I do
>She's cute so I message her
>We have a nice conversation
>She asks if I have any hobbies
>I tell her I play video games
>She says "Oh cool, me too what games are you into rn"
>Tell her I'm replaying Just Cause 3
>She says "I love that game"
>We start talking about it
>Go on a date the next day
>Was a good date
>Nice yet affordable restaurant and she seems really nice
>get in the car to dive her home
>Use her phone for map, cuz thus is unfamiliar territory and my phone died
>While looking up directions, i see in her recently searched "What is Just Cause 3", "Just cause 3 story", what systems was just cause 3 on" stuff along that lines
>Don't bring it up
>Legitimately unsure if I should be upset she lied about liking that game or glad she's trying to learn about my interests

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
Go back.

Lick her feet

I'd invite her to play Just Cause 3

she is using you for money to pay for her meal

she liked you enough to look up some shitty AA game a fake caring about it op. stop trying sink your own boat

Why do girls do this? Been seeing this girl for about a month and I ask her if she's ever seen The Princess Bride and she tried to pretend like she had. I could tell that she had never seen it and was just trying to impress me but I didn't say anything.

Did you pay for the meal?

or this, keep your wits about you

Unless she gave you a BJ after the meal, this is the right answer.

paying for a meal is a small price to pay to worship her feet

Are you literally autistic? People who are dating try to make good impressions on each other.

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did he died?

but she had to lie about it is the problem.

i'm a bigger liar than most, OP. this whole thing stinks. tread lightly

This, but be careful what else she might be lying about.

you either got ripped off or hit a homerun

And you know what leaves the best impression? Honesty.

"Be me" has been a starter for greentext since before you where born little zoom zoom.

So? That's what dating is, people trying to seem more interesting than they really are to get the other one to fuck them. It's all harmless. If it gets serious, THEN you can be honest.

Okay? Christ I like the girl, she's nice, but what is the point of pretending you've seen a stupid movie when you haven't? If anything it would give an excuse for us to watch it together.

You are incredibly naive and probably have never had a girlfriend

that nuqqA dead ass

lying about something that insignificant dosent matter. as long as hes not just being used as a meal ticket ANY effort is good.

just leaving this here
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

You're autistic. I've lied about seeing things to keep a conversation going before. It's what normal people do. You incels are fucking obsessed with honestly, it has to be a projection of insecurity over dishonesty, like how every woman is a "lying roastie slut" in your eyes.

Get your head checked.






>be me

"Be me" is a Reddit thing. Original greentexting didn't have it because it's entirely redundant.

disgusting newfags

>Getting knocked out by a kid wearing a pink shirt and skin tight jeans.

I guess real men do wear pink. Damn.

whats purpose of loneliness and do only humans feel it?

.....i don't get it user

other mammals feel it too. it's to promote socializing which leads to sex which leads to passing on genes.

But it's not insignificant, it's OP's hobby. He didn't say he was into gardening or cars, he said he liked video games, and if she had a real interest in his hobby she would've asked him to teach her more about it instead of lying. The reason she lied is probably because she is using him for a meal ticket. We just haven't heard back from OP if he paid for the full meal or not yet.

I have had girlfriends. That's how I know about their bullshit first hand.

Honestly, of all the shit she could have pulled- this is pretty minor. Just be glad you know someone who's interested in you, and what you do.
Maybe try to get the relationship on better footing though.

This, it's either just bs about it and hear them say interesting things about the thing or they start just saying "oh you gotta it's so good" while giving no real good details.

im like 80% certain this thread is just a blatant advertisement for match lol

Tell her to go spout her falsehoods elsewhere and that you dont tolerate relationships built on lies.

kill yourself

who needs match when facebook has dating now

>be me
Was constantly called out upon whenever someone used it.

the fucking irony, go back to your cesspool fucko

I've tried using this a few times, but I always end up removing it. The problem is that it actually censors ~75% of the discussion on Yea Forums and a good portion of that is actually on-topic and non-shitposts.

I've been on Yea Forums since 2010, it has not you fucking newfag shitter.

have at it if that's how you like your partners. everyone i've been with's no-nonsense and straight-up

if, down the line, OP and femanon take things further, and he finds that femanon would constantly sperg out over him being on his ass just playing video games, he'll only have you guys to blame

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lurk more

I'm 29 and only started coming to Yea Forums after neogaf got shut down 2 years ago for a while as I needed someplace else to get my games news. I never had a neogaf account I just used to read the threads. I'm stuck around here since then as its more up to date with games news than other places.

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Not necessarily, she may play other vidya and be cool with it and simply didnt know anything about just cause, then didnt want to look stupid after BSing about if it came up at the actual date.

Yea Forums has gone full Cosmo in this arc

Is this the Yea Forums bad end?

You don't understand females if you're considering getting upset over that.

It's seriously fascinating to me how day to day emotions and habits we do subconsciously exist just to promote our reptilian urge to breed

For example, if there's a mirror, women will literally always turn around and look back and see how their butt looks. It is a subconscious thing she has always done, she wants to make sure she seems as appealing as possible and attract potential mates. Or for men, we are literally programmed to be more courageous when an attractive female is present. This is why at gyms retards will try and 2pl8 because they see a cardio bunny even though they can barely lift the bar. Nature is fucking weird, bro.

No we split the bill

You're not OP

Because its a stupid movie thats not even that good i woulda said "nope..." great we can watch it "...nope"

never forget that weare animals. we have social systems in place to keep the peace and keep as many of us alive to breed

Yes I am, is there a way to prove it, I'm relatively new to Yea Forums

What the fuck is this?

Fuck, if a girl I'm dating told me shes seen The Princess Bride, her expected quality would rise in my eyes a lot, but it would all disappear is it turns out she's lied about it. I mean, cmon, I appreciate that she's trying to appeal to me by having something in common, but at least watch the fucking film asap if you do that. Same for a game. Googling what it's about is some low effort shit, we can talk about something else out place the game together, there's no shame in admitting this. I once invited a girl for a movie whose title I didn't even remember correctly and I told her at the theater I had no fucking idea what the film was going to be about, and it turned out perfectly fine, we were together for years.

You should be happy she lied, if she was really into gaming shed have stopped talking to you when you revealed you play shit games

Ask her if she wants cummies


I've been on Yea Forums since 2007 and it has been a thing on here since at least then.

blog on

this is wrong, it was done on Yea Forums before reddit existed. early reddit stole everything from Yea Forums, now it is the opposite.

I had a similar experience with some retard I used to be friends with, except they would pretend to see things just to try saying they're bad
>Long time ago, so I can't remember what show I was watching, but I recommended it to my friend because it seemed like he'd like it
>"Nah I tried it, was shit"
>'Really, I thought you'd like it. What exactly didn't you like?'
>"It was just shit"
>'Okay, but specifically what did you think was bad?'
>He keeps giving me vague responses until I flat out ask him if he watched it or not
>"I didn't watch it, but it sounds bad"
Glad I stopped talking to that mongoloid

>"Be me" is a Reddit thing

Hello /r/eddit

Just leave Yea Forums entirely at that point, Jesus Christ man


you can never leave, stupid phone poster

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Fake and gay

It is though, but you wouldn't know about that cause you cross-sited from that Donald fanclub on reddit to /pol/ in 2016 for the epic greentext memes. This conversation is pointless though because you're just gonna call me a redditor and I will call you one back and it will continue until a mod inevitably prunes this thread.

I'm in my mid-late 20s and I know a good 100 or so people who no longer use FaceBook. It's literally just for old people and parents now. It's trash.


Zoomers don't use facebook, Instagram is their go to social app.

There's no reason to be upset, it's actually a flattering thing, somebody likes you enough to care so much about your interests to learn about them so that you will have something in common.

Unless shes ugly as fuck and makes your dick recede into your body on sight I would keep her around, she seems nice.

Who the hell cares, it's just a method of accessing a website

Who the hell cares, it's a method accessing a fucking website.


It's always the fucking wojak and the pepes. A bunch of retarded stupid bullshit that has nothing to do with the board, or the most pathetic attention whoring this side of /r9k/.
No exceptions.
The worst part is that this shit is so derivative, you have to constantly filter new minuscule edits that the spunk-for-brains thought would be incredibly clever, just not to have to run into this shit again.
80 fucking hidden threads on the catalog. Jesus fuck, get your shit together, Yea Forums.

>why use an ad-blocker, dude, just leave the internet, lol!
Fucking cocktard, go jump into a woodchipper.