Is Atomic Heart ever be released?

this game looks pretty good but i wonder about it

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

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looks like what bioshock infinite should have been

We can do anything... so let's make robots that look exactly like us!!1!

They say the beta will be released in "Q4 2019".

its a soulless tech demo

Humans are the most versatile creatures.

Attached: fd.png (562x628, 389K)

That's how design generally works out. It's easy to see why too, the layout of the human body is pretty damn functional compared to other animals.

Wasn't there a claim that the trailer was just some art project or something and the game wasn't really coming out?

wasn't this a scam?

Hate this new trend of an artsy trippy game with no set release date and defined core gameplay. This and death stranding, you know they're gonna suck dick.

no because the game isnt real yet
the "demo" is more like a concept
its just a bunch of non functional set pieces

more like too bad, i was waiting for it

>Hate this new trend of an artsy trippy game with no set release date and defined core gameplay.

What's that horror game that looked like Zldislaw Beksinski and HR Giger had a rape baby?
Did that get a release yet?

oh, nice
looks psychedelic, enough for me to interest

the fuck are you talking about, it just looks like bioshock gameplay

i don't think so, they starts preorders so something is going

i wouldnt count on it
apparently the guy in charge is a borderline schizo with alot of money to spend
the reason why the game looks like 87 different concepts smashed together is because he just sees something he likes and goes "dude put it in the game"

>logo is a literal fish hook

Attached: 20160722213442_1.jpg (1024x768, 172K)

I don't even think it's a real game.

>the reason why the game looks like 87 different concepts smashed together is because he just sees something he likes and goes "dude put it in the game"
hey, as long as it works

Attached: a hat in time.jpg (616x353, 65K)

Nightmare of the schizo
Seems pretty good man, i hope that something will be realesed

>shitty russian meme game
>people only know of it as the slav bioshock
>despite being even worse and more casual than bioshock
Fuck this game, its shit and overall generic

>the reason why the game looks like 87 different concepts smashed together is because he just sees something he likes and goes "dude put it in the game"

More like they bought whatever random chinese slave-produced assets they liked the most, just like 90% of steam shovelware.

Remove the waifu from the butt, cuts off the blood supply to the brain

At this point I'm pretty sure it's just a Russian scam

It was always blatant bullshot, dude.

I pretty neat scam you have to admit.

I don't care if it's fake or bad, I just wanna see more cool robots

Attached: 1452994989033.png (294x256, 112K)

Looks like its a game literally based around

>well, fallout 4 fucking suck and ruins everything about fallout, lets see if we can do better

no it does not
retarded faggot

haha cute kid

>defined core gameplay

uuuh its clear a FPS, they even show crafting.

Its Slavic Bioshock, you mong.

even better

I'll let other people buy it first so they can get scammed instead of me.

Oh is that one user who was fervently convinced that this game was not only fake, but also a conspiracy to scam people still around? He never could answer how it was a scam, since theres no way to give them money or anything, but boy was he sure he had cracked it.

ex-devs said the game wasnt real though

>no way to give them money

Besides the preorder page on their website, where you give them money, retard?

Isn't it some scam tech demo that faced serious development issues and most of the staff quit

Yes. Congrats on being the only knower

Can't find anything about game since january so i asked here

im pretty sure they got fired

So is Star Citizen

Pretty sure this was confirmed as vaporware. It's a shame, because that trailer they released was cool as fuck.

look good. I will play it when I have RTX 3080ti

I forgot where I heard it, but I heard that it was supposed to be a movie but something went wrong so they're retooling their assets for that gamer money.


I distinctly remember news about the 10 minute "gameplay" demo being 100% fake, so much so that they had to add in sounds manually after recording it.