GTA IV is better than GTA V

GTA IV is better than GTA V

Attached: GTA IV vs V Cops.webm (994x560, 2.85M)

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It is.

GTA IV was better at the time or it's release than GTA V without mods in 2013. But GTA V with mods now is better than GTA IV ever was.

Gta is for faggots.

>muh realistic boat driving physics

SA is better than both

I agree.

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SA was shit

Controls worse than V or IV.

V is on th left IV is on the right

SR2 > Every GTA combined

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Both are trash.

Is this one of those threads where some autist barges in with 800 webms of a car cruising through Liberty City like it means something?

>water is wet

it's almost like GTA V had to be optimized for shitty last-gen consoles right at the end of their lifespan.

both are shallow trash to the point where i don't care which i would consider better than the other

>I need a youtuber to tell me what to like
OP is a giant faggot.

SR2 is barely better than III/VC and just doesn't even come close to SA, IV and even V.

There's a reason SR stopped trying to compete with GTA, it just can't be done.

GTAIV is incel shit

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Yup, same "arguments", same webms.

V > SA > VC > shit >IV

They're both good with different strengths and both btfo by RDR2 in gameplay anyway


I can't play the 3D games now after spending so much time with the HD stuff

>GTA IV is better than GTA V
never played 5 because 4 was so bad
look, don't get me wrong, give me a pirate game and i'll have fun
but don't make me drive those idiot fucking street boats from gta 4
floaty fucking garbo is what it was

>have to tap to sprint
>can't unlock infinite sprint
Yeah no

>gunplay that isn't shit >>>> infinite sprint

Wake me up when R* stops being boring fucks and brings back shit like flamethrowers and chainsaws

Yeah, we know.

>back shit like flamethrowers and chainsaws
Fuck that shit, bring back good shit like the Colt revolver and Ruger instead of the meme weapons.

One of the Arena Wars car has a flamethrower, it's shit though. They also released a tomahawk that gives you Trevor's rage and a Raygun.

Both are good and bad at certain things, but in general I preferred V in every way to IV

The real enlightened mega brain position is that neither IV or V has realistic driving but that IV's driving is vastly superior due to the fact it has a learning curve and thus led to better gameplay dynamics. This was especially noticeable on multiplayer where a player who could drive well would easily run rings around a less experienced player even when driving a vastly inferior car. V is simply about minmaxing your car's statistics and requires no skill (but does require you to spend money on shark cards).

What's wrong with direct comparisons and video evidence that one is better than the other? What better "argument" can be made then that?

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But I've thought that since GTA V released in 2013, after a few hours of playing I knew it was a giant downgrade. Crowbcat just made a video that actually puts it in good perspective
inb4 "muh cherrypicking!"

same thing happened to me. I was unbelievably hyped for it and new it felt shitty from the North Yankton part at the beginning. At the time i remember wondering if the snow was why the driving felt so terrible

This sounds believable

It is, yeah.

How it is better? Because you like it more? lol

It's the truth and its also indicative of the overall change in rockstars design philosophy between IV and V that leads to these debates in many ways it's a bigger leap than that between SA and IV. Both of those games were wildly different but at their core existed Rockstars old philosophy of "make a mind blowing video game". V's philosophy was "make a mindblowing profit"

are you not watching the video user?

GTA 2 was peak GTA. Fuck 3Dfags and fuck HDniggers

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This. I LOVE the 80s and Vice City is PURE 80s.

God, I wish every GTA was set in the 80s. Did I happen to mention I love the 80s? Because I do, if it's not obvious.


Honestly can't debate this, SA and SR2 are both fucking top tier sandbox games with the best maps I've ever seen in a video game. If both of these games got working current gen support, no doubt I could visit both of these games until the end of time.

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how do i make gta iv run on windows 10 with more than 2GB VRAM?


Can't you answer a simple question?

Not him but are you just not seeing what the rest of the thread is seeing?

>ah yes i'll just have a head on collision with this car and it'll stay where it was instead of going backwards in the least thats good crash physics

None of those look realistic enough, and how does that make it a better game? If you want more realism in car crash play BeamNG.

V had more stuff to play with

Contrarian detected.

>This was especially noticeable on multiplayer where a player who could drive well would easily run rings around a less experienced player even when driving a vastly inferior car. V is simply about minmaxing your car's statistics and requires no skil
You'd be surprised. People are still horrible drivers. If you know how to brake, you're good

As i pointed out above in i don't want realism but what i do wnat is some degree of a challenge in my driving. When driving at high speed it would be nice if slip ups and crashes had consequences (note also V had VASTLY reduced car deformation, another reason it felt like a technical downgrade). Again this comes into play most of all on multiplayer where a crash at the wrong moment in IV was life or death but in V your car can shrug off so many crashes you might as well phase through NPC cars

So your personal preference in minor details quality-of-life game mechanics regardless of their intended purpose is your bar for a good or bad game? End your miserable life my dude. Suicide by cop. Do something that will severely cut your life expectancy by 99%

trouble on top of this the shooting in V is literally laser point accurate and nearly every player is always carrying a well stock smg or assault rifle or c4 meaning unless your car is armoured with bullet proof tires (paid for with shark cars) then the chase is over before it even begins. Certainly a player driving a carjacked NPC car has no chance. Meanwhile on IV the shooting was not pinpoint accurate and players only had what they had collected from the ground before the chase so good players could have nothing and bads ones well stocked smg's leading to more spontaneity and more variety. Combined with cars that were harder to handle, this meant the chaser couldn't simply shoot the chased until they exploded with ease - thus you could actually have car chases when you weren't driving your custom cars (paid for with shark cards - see where this is going?)

But the deformation was reworked to mesh better with V mechanics

> So your personal preference in minor details quality-of-life game mechanics regardless of their intended purpose is your bar for a good or bad game? End your miserable life my dude. Suicide by cop. Do something that will severely cut your life expectancy by 99%

read that sentence back again and tell what else should be my bar for a good or bad game you double turbo brainlet. You sell your brain to buy more shark cards?

Try selling a Top Range car on a full lobby, then you can tell me crashing has no consequences.

still feels like a downgrade. When you hit a car high speed head on both cars should be fucked. It was reworked to casualise it to attract a wider audience to sell microtransactions to not for anything else. It is maddeningly pathetic a frustrating to crash on 5

>using shark cards
Is that your argument? It's a different game, and you get money by playing, all you have to do is keep playing, no grind necessary when progression is done via gameplay. Paying real money to skip it is completely optional.

V has a bunch of stupid little things, but overall it is a superior game to IV.

it shouldn't require a full lobby all focusing on one car for that to be obvious though should it? illustrates my point

That doesn't make it a good game retard, you only like it more.

Did I ever say that? I'm sure you've never even tried it.

I didn't ask for a lame ass rebuttable. I told you to kill yourself.

point is Rockstar makes their money from shark cards and thus the whole game is designed in really craft little ways which all add up to try and make the player buy them. this affects everything and not in a good way for gameplay dynamics. Rcokstar used to make a complete game with the entire focus on making it fucking incredible. It's why they used to be above criticism and the king of the industry. Now with this shark card gold bar shit they've changed to making multiplayer designed to sell you in game currency and it's badly fucked their core design philosophy leading to many old die hard fans like me not buying their games any more

The only problems with V were that it had a shit story and we didn't know how to deal with the cops on release. Oh and the matchmaking is trash

Salty V kiddies you just have to get over it. I have given you a detailed explanation about whats going on here and all you have is lame excuses. V sucks and because it made so much money VI is going to suck even harder as they realise that you and others like you will pay to play.

Yes but if you don't want that just play sp. MP is great because it forces you to contend with poverty mode

And yet RDR2 was GOAT

GTA 4 mp was my favourite MP ever though. Playing against player is always going to be better. V multiplayer is just minmaxing your cars minmaxing your gear. for fuck sake you carry every single gun on you AT ALL TIMES how is that going to lead to any interesting gameplay? Where's the challenge? Didn't matter if you were great on IV sometimes you got caught out down an alley with just a pistol and a bunch of noobs rocking in with good guns. You had to be clever and smart - this led to fun times.

You don't need most of the things Rockstar releases, you keep talking as if they were necessary and they aren't, I spent a whole year with only a Blista compact, a shit tier apartment and a MC clubhouse I don't remember buying, I made about 10 million just by playing at my own pace, I didn't want to buy anything because it felt like a chore, I was wrong, I bought a bunker when it came out and an Oppressor, fun as fuck. Then I kept making money and I ran out of things to buy.

Shut the fuck up, your opinion are shitty and hollow as fuck. You can scream into your echo chamber, loser, but next time say something that's worth a damn.

but it's multiplayer was utter dogshite riddled with microtransactions and ludicrous prices to progress in gear. BECAUSE ROCKSTAR LEARNED FROM V YOU MOOKS WILL PAY

So you never played the game.

All that minmax shit is just for the free roam lobby, who cares

you don't need them but here's the thing genius THEY WERE ALL ON THE MAP ON 4! you didn't have to get them but you could WITHOUT PAYING OR GRINDING!

what echochamber you salty 12 year old amerishart? i'm the only one arguing this point here. fuck sake you're thick as pig shite

And still you can destroy anyone with a Sniper Rifle, sticky bombs and a Minigun. Lost count on how many times I made whales quit.

This may be controversial so im sorry if i offend anyone
I liked certain aspects of both

yeah i played it pal. you get a good car and then you upgrade the shit out of it same with guns otherwise you aren't competitive simple as. Shit players can win by buying the best gear.

Considering its the multiplayer of a free roam sandbox game lots of people. IV's best part was its free roam.

There are Weaponized vehicles on the map too, a Weaponized Buzzard always spawns on the airports and there's hydras on Zancudo.

How dare you

>sticky bombs and a Minigun
again you have these on you at all times where the challenge? why ever use anything else?

>Shit players can win by buying the best gear.
Only if you are a shit player.

and the guns?

>where's the challenge
Because most of the times they gank you with Weaponized vehicles? Or the fact that the other player also has them? Your "reasons" are too weak.

and there are plenty of shit players out there doing it and making the game less fun for everyone. fucking hell keep up this isn't rocket science kid

>getting killed by shitters make the game less fun
Go to a private lobby if you are so shit at the game.

>Because most of the times they gank you with Weaponized vehicles? Or the fact that the other player also has them?

so like i said the gameplay isn't based around being fun or clever or strategic or innovative or talented its about minmaxing. Minmaxing which is most easily achieved by buying shark cards, meaning R* designed the game around pay to win. good god getting this point through to you lot is harder than it should be

There's several ammunations, and before you bitch about the money, you can play one of the several missions, or play a pvp mode, or even steal cars and sell them.

>being clever
You never played the game user, there's many ways to combat other players.


At this point it's essentially an MMO, and they're inherently pretty pointless. You do stuff to get new things and then you do other stuff with the better things you got

Based GTA IV user BTFOs GTA V kiddies and their gay flying rocket cars

that woobly shit was aterrible and the game boring as fuck

But they can’t make you buy them. Children and whales buy in game currency. Children are monsters and whales are psychologically damaged to the point they have Pavlovian responses to any new pixels that appear. These creatures pay for a game that I play for free. It’s a fun game, I have everything and more money than is possible to spend in-game. All that from playing the video game, which is the point and supposed to be fun, but retards call “grinding”. Literally no one cares about your faux enlightened ideas about what a children’s game should be or your pathetic rage against the corpos one man boycott. Dilate.

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More like Grand Theft BOAT amirite????

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I'm sure this grinding shit was spread thanks to the Professional faggot, kid does the same shit all the time and complains that you need millions to purchase all the color variants of the same fucking car.

You're a fucking retard

Cops that come out of literal nowhere or magically manage to outspeed your car even if you are in the exact same one.

Beside that tons of fun were had

They only did this change because some focus group of normies thought the Police was too difficult and challenging. I can guarantee it.

Or it has something to do with multiplayer.

>People actually defending GTAO in this thread
This is how you know Yea Forums really has been taken over by zoomers

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but on 4 you could just go pick what you needed without any grinding you just had to survive. this meant you did everything FOR FUN not to progress pointlessly towards the max

my "faux enlightened" ideas are enough to make you spill your tendies because i can coherently dismantle your misplaced love of your mummy's good little boy credit card spending simulator. You have no comebacks so you just sperg. Enjoy being a little consumer bitch cashcow. I'm sure theres plenty more games on the way for you

N-n-n-n-no i actually like spending real money in game you take that back!

>I spend hours of my life trying to earn what kiddies are just buying so i can play with those kids

wow you sure showed him user

>playing a mission once
You don't know shit about the game.

West coast cops are different from east coast cops.

If the game was set in Arizona, the cops would just shoot you to death,

west coast cops can't just rubberband behind your car irl though can they?

It’s deeper than that friend, you hear people seething and crying about it in almost every game the last few years, As if the act of playing video games is less fun if you don’t have every single item, palette swap and skin as soon as you put the disk in. This is raw autism unleashed in the most self destructive ways. A hobby becomes a slog because their whole world becomes unbalanced without a complete inventory. Aspies should just watch streamers, vidya playing is too triggering.

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yes i love my crime simulator sandbox to force me to legally purchase things too. fucking dunce

But I don’t buy in game currency, kek. I play video games. I hope they start adding loot boxes too, anything to trigger autismos like you and divorce whales from their money.

It's clear they didn't even play the game, they just keep parroting what other people that never played the game said, it becomes obvious when they start ranting about not being able to have fun with the shit you start with.

God i wish they would go back to being boring fucks

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Why would you assume I’m playing to keep up with “those kids”? If people want to pay for shit, let them pay for it, it doesn’t stop what I’m doing. I’m playing the game, you accumulate things when you play it. Whether it’s 1 hour or 100. I’m sure there are better hobbies and better ways to spend time, like shit posting on a Mongolian felt shaping board. Video games are fun, when they aren’t fun and you start talking like that, it’s time to pack it up.

>crime is not crime if I buy some things
Do you realize it is mirroring current america where you can purchase weapons anywhere? You complain about the most pointless shit.

I don't really like all the weird stuff they've been adding, but it still offers me a nice environment to mess around in. I'm also pretty low maintenance with what kind of stuff I want to buy, so I don't feel much of a pressure to make money. The nightclub thing works pretty well, it's kinda just there generating money in the background

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your OLD GOOD NEW BAD webm is bad because you dont even show the actual bullshit part of Vs cop AI
when they hit your bumper the game turns you wheel automatically to one side to simulate the impact

these soulless modern day settings fucking suck, hopefully the next one is set in the past

Like with cavemen and shit?

its ok if u have $600m

Left is genuinely more realistic cop behavior.

Neither of them are very realistic, in a situation like that the convoy would just be following the suspect until he stops. It's pretty rare that they start ramming them

You lot aren't even able to come back against any of my points now you're just responding to what you'd want me to say so you'd be able to. a triggering of this magnitude just proves i've gotten under your skin. Just deal with it now boys it's sad as fuck to watch you shilling for take2.

You're talking out of your ass
GTAV was absolutely not built from the ground up for GTA:O and most certainly not for shark cards,
The downgrades were mostly done to fit in last gen consoles and to appeal to a larger audience, the whole rise of GTA:O into becoming the ultimate live service was something Rockstar clumsily stumbled into just because the base GTAV game and the brand name is so strong.
GTA:O in the beginning was absolutely not built under the assumption that it would be any bigger than RDR1's online component

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>I ran out of arguments so I will start saying I won and that you are mad

>to appeal to a larger audience

this plus shark cars plus the splitting into GTA:O proves my point. It absolutely WAS built from the ground up around microtransaction profits

>i never had any so went straight to insults and never rebutted a single point but i expect you to keep arguing in good faith


Justify this

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San Andreas > Vice City > IV > III = V

You literally can't argue with this

>missing the point of the entire post
GTA:O was a accident
just so you know the first GTA:O update ( Beach Bum ) had all the items and vehicles given away for free.
Rockstar LATER turned greedy with the success of shark card sales ( and now the beach bum items have cost )

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That's right, you started using insults very fast, good thing you accept it.

nah "here have the first one for free" is a sales tactic used by everything from magazine subscriptions to crack dealers. the point is you come back


The slomo?

Oh wait I noticed the wheel turning now. Yeah I don't like that. It's annoying in races too, when you accidentally punt someone and they end up veering to the side

Can you make it more obvious that you never played the game?
RDR2's online was built from the ground up to be a GTA:O successor ( and failed spectacularly because of it by the way )
Anyone who played the original GTA:O and went on and off from update to update can tell that GTA:O was never intended to be this big

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They can't. mostly because they can't remember R* building a fucking incredible physics engine (in a free roam game that was better than most other games on any kind) and now abandoning it for no discernible reason

i was on GTA:V and GTA:O day1. in case you can't tell i'm a huge GTA fan considering I know the ins and outs of both games intimately. It's a cashcow simple as. build for profit not experience

Honestly I never expected RDR to take off the same way. There's way less stuff you would work towards. I hardly care about weapon skins or stuff like that, it's a pretty limited setting in what you can add

San Andreas is better than IV.

didn't stop R* and take2 trying it just in case.

It absolutely is a cash cow but i dont believe Rockstar anticipated it
If they did GTAO would have 2 currencies like RDR2 does for example

GTA3 is better than both.

SA is only better than London.

nah thats what they did to improve on what they already had. if they didn't expect it then it wouldn't have had microtransactions from the start

>So like I said, Rockstar and the rest of the Zionist Globalist intelligence agencies have implanted post hypnotic suggestions to trigger our latent MKULTRA programming we receive from birth. The game design choices are clearly made with this in mind, not fun, where is the minimaxing?. Look at how they are blatantly taunting us, calling that flying motorcycle the OPPRESSOR MK. They are laughing about this shit. They have a crack team of psychologists cooking up new updates every week, so what if it’s free, it’s a Skinner box, a psyop to get us all to fund the one world government. We need to rise up, why aren’t you REEEEing? How can you think something is fun that I don’t like, good god this is a lot harder than it should be.
Imagine not liking video games but posting on a video game board.

Except you can't stand on moving vehicles.

Not sure what physics engine you're talking about. All their games since IV have used the same engine, which incorporates Euphoria and Bullet

>the last GTA with a dedicated fart/burp button
It's all been downhill since the removal of it

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Significantly more rare that they would repeatedly swerve around tee bone themselves.

Video games are built for profit. It’s the trashiest cash grab industry in modern memory. What a maroon.

did you type all that to make me seem butthurt? it makes you seem utter anal annihilated. you salty corpo loyalist kids are always good for a laugh

Actually yeah when you put it that way

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doesn't excuse it getting this bad. all it means is a new company will fill the "superstar artist with good rep" role that R* had

yeah that one. why have it if in V police cars appear from nowhere, rubberband the player car, and then ram it forcing its wheels to turn EVERY time no matter what the physics would dictate....

Don't know why people compare the driving in these games. They were suited to their environments. V had more straightaways and long distance driving while IV was in the closed in boroughs of NYC. My only gripe was with the cops in V and the lack of a no cops or god mode cheat. Also the online was just Jewish microtransaction trash.

V lovers got more thoroughly buttfucked than usual today

The early days of GTA online were fucking chaos and I loved it

those were the every days of gta4 online

I do it all for the (You)
But I do enjoy reading faggots beat their breast about evil corporations, the ones whose existence is so ingrained in every aspect of their lives they’d literally die without them. From the keyboard you’re typing on, to the food you eat. I have a hypocrisy fetish, the ranting and raving makes me erect,

The wall glitching on last gen versions of V was great fun Ill give you that.

so you're utterly hole hurt? think we all got that

I guess it was meant to be like a technology type thing where your character gets rammed into the steering wheel and end up turning it. But it ultimately just feels annoying, so it was a pretty poor idea

They were both crap. San Andreas was the last good GTA.

it was easily as bad as the "turn your car over off its roof" decision - added so kiddies won't lose their sharkcardmobile and *gasp* have to STEAL an npc car in the game called GRAND THEFT AUTO!!!!

I remember thinking that IVs online was a missed opportunity and they could have done more with the recreation of NYC. But oh boy I didn't see the Jew microtransaction pay to win GTAO coming. I've never even given RDRO a play. Just finished the storyline and put it away.

Yeah sure, they usually just ram the fuck out of people over and over rather than even slightly trying to pit-maneuver. You're dumb as hell user

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SA was trash. GTA was already exhausted with VC. SA brought nothing new to the table. It's just been a reskin all the way up to V.

oh lol

sphincter shredded

It’s as bad as you want it to be man. I’m just saying video games in general have always been a “Product” more than any other form of entertainment. At least music and film and shit like that can aspire to be art or something close to it. Vidya has always been and seems like it always will be a product. That’s why talking about Soul in a videogame is borderline retarded. The best you can say is that it’s a consumer friendly product and that some of these companies are less blatant about it.

then if thats the best you can say i wish i could have said that about V to the same degree i said it about IV

I can't bring myself to care about that thing too much, ultimately it just ends up saving you maybe 30 seconds since you'd just call the mechanic to bring the same car back again. It looks silly though

I was referring to the clip.

How’s that boycott going. Kek. Did the old timers rise up with you? Force the publicly traded megacorp to make good old fashioned games with ‘tegrity like the golden days?

So was I, in the left (V) they just ram you over and over. Even if IV does look goofy, they're at least trying to pit the player.

you need cream for your hurt butt

I prefer Gadgetron

I like IV, a lot. The only difference being the technology to make the online experience in IV the same as it is now in V wasn’t their yet. If it was, IV online would look exactly like V Online does. This is the same company with the same MO. If they could have, they would have.

>GTA was already exhausted with 3


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corporate cultures change over time. take 2 gaining control of r* and the departure of the r* old guard have played their part. this was only partially inevitable

The problem with GTA V is it breaks its own illusion constantly

>enemy NPCs are always guaranteed to hit you X amount of times, then relent when you are sufficiently damaged to give you time to respond
>cops always just ram the shit out of you because if they touch your bumper your wheels automatically spin out
>normal pedestrians driving around will gain speed boosts or make "random" turns if you haven't crashed for X amount of seconds

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and it feels so artificial due to this. 4 felt like it lived and breathed in its clunky fashion

5 isn't like that and yeah I hated the cars in 4 too. felt like driving bathtubs with soap for wheels

I recommend using Preparation H, brought to you by the good folks at Pfizer (NYSE: PFE). I’m not sure exactly what a brave young revolutionary like you uses for a raw asshole though. A proud upright agent of cultural change who would never give a dollar to these bloodsuckers, even if his asshole is bleeding.

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what i find the most hilarious is that he condemns money glitches and modders who only do it for cash injections. He is the rich boomer of GTA:O
>Look i grinded millions of ingame moneys all you have to do is not play any other games and have a massive crew at your beck and call to help you grind! dont forget to keep your console/PC always on GTA:O for the passive businesses!

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gta2 was my most fun multiplayer sessions ever. holding tab for farting or making the ice cream truck play music was great


east coast cops will beat the shit out of you and let you go tho

>Take2 gaining control of rockstar. 20+ Years ago.

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and then steadily gaining more say as the Housers and Benzies became less hands on

Is that a zoomer from Jak 2?

This is a true story. Anytime I’ve ever been stopped in a big east coast city, NY, Newark, Baltimore. I’ve always been beat up and sent on my way. They once called me a faggot because while they slammed my head into the steering wheel because I had my moms car and there was a Madonna CD in the console.

no it's a ludicrously overpriced rocket bike from gta:o

MK Ultra isn't as good as Ultra Street Fighter 4

GTA IV feels like a crime simulator (as GTA should) whereas V tries to be some bombastic blockbuster cinematic bullshit movie riddled with set-pieces that take player control away every 5 seconds.

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I think both games have shit stories with flawed gameplay but they're shit and flawed in very different ways. IV's story would've been great if it wasn't attached to an open-world mischievous mayhem simulator because as it is right now, there's a huge disconnect between what happens in the story and the gameplay which constantly pulls me out of the experience. As a result the gameplay never reaches its full potential and as such the missions mostly follow the dull pattern of "drive to place, shoot some guys, rage at the poorly explained rules, do it again until you win". By all means IV is a technical marvel though, which I think is enough to win me over compared to V. V on the other hand had a shit story because it's a disjointed mess that doesn't know what it wants to do. Is it about the battle between the FBI and NSA, or Michael and Trevor, or about heists, or even about that rich douchebag who shows up in the last third of the game to boss you around because for some reason he's the "final boss"? Hell if I know. The missions are a step up compared to IV's but they still use that garbage "do it as we say or lose immediately" system and the heists are probably the best part of the gameplay because it actually integrates multiple parts of the game in a meaningful and logical way. Despite that all the good missions in the world don't take away from the fact that everything outside of the missions and graphics were downgraded. The police literally doesn't exist anymore except for when you're wanted, the AI is braindead, there's no fun ragdoll physics, no parkour, you can't even get in a proper fist fight anymore. The gunplay is also awful but that's nothing new for GTA I guess.

I’m not sure if you’re just free-styling or you really truly believe this is a company that ever had principals to begin with. Go check out some of the documents from the court case (all the people you name dropped are literal money hungry megalomaniacs) suing each other, setting employees up for blackmail all sorts of devious shit. Screwing each other out of cash even though they are insanely rich, getting assblasted over who gets listed in what order in the credits, read some of the emails, do they ever talk about shipping a quality game? They talk an awful lot about moving units though. “Bro, I need you bro, we’re gonna take over the world, total domination, please help me get Red Dead on track, we need this to do GTA numbers etc etc. this was going down way before V, the Housers in particular are allegedly social climbing parasites with a knack for it.

Yeah GTAIV online was the shit.
No bullshit and no microtransactions just fucking around online with friends
It is a shame with GTAV Online you get PUNISHED for killing other people in a game about killing other people

>normal pedestrians driving around will gain speed boosts or make "random" turns if you haven't crashed for X amount of seconds
Wait, you fucking kidding me? I wondered why the fuck the AI felt like it was intentionally ramming into me all the time.

Only if you wish cars handled like tunaboats

I hate that GTA seemed to change from a criminal game with an open world to just Real Life The Game. Both GTA IV and V are complicit in it.

You do know that Leslie Benzies was the one who wanted virtual currency in GTA V right? And is particularly proud of it, and is using that as leverage in his lawsuit yes?

> “GTA Online, which Benzies is credited as director of and which he now claims has generated at least $500 million in revenue, takes credit for this since "the Houser brothers had little interest in GTA Online, and did not focus on its development," further crowing that purchases of GTA Online virtual currency using players' real money "have a nearly 100 percent profit margin."

It's a shame we'll never get to experience full lobbies of Cops N Crooks again. That game-mode alone was better than the entirety of GTAO.

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Old game good, new game bad. Grug wish grug could turn back Sun to good old days of 2008 AD. Before Grug forced by mental weakness to buy Lootbox and currency.

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That goes to SA. III and VC were like crime noirs and then lmao gangbangers in jetpacks.

More like Leslie BASEDies amirite? I like this guy 100 percent more (just like his profit margins) now that I know who’s behind the wallet raping of the whales to deliver up a 10 year old game that gets weekly content updates. Based and Corpopilled.

Old unga
New bunga


Why do zoomers like GTAV so much? It's such a mediocre game.

Attached: GTA IV disarm.webm (720x405, 1.18M)

GTA V has
>more helicopters
>more vehicles
>more weapons
>vehicle tuning
>better mods
>better unofficial multiplayer
>LSPDFR is infinetely better than LCPDFR now

All GTA IV has in it's argument is muh realism and physics.

So you never played IV at launch huh? That explain a lot of things.

Based and redpilled


GTA V is a jack of all trades but a master of none

I did though?

>hit/shoot NPC with literally anything in the foot
>he instantly dies
How could they fuck up so much after gta 4 and max payne 3?

What are you playing?
In my playthroughs in LSPDFR,shooting them in the leg once only incapacitates them

Not that guy but you're a fucking fool. In singleplayer V a simple shot to the foot can kill an npc. And if it doesn't, they just use the same exact scripted animation of sitting on the ground until they die a few seconds later.

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GTA V was a lot of fun. The story was cool while Michael and Trevor's back story was being unraveled, but fell off after you realized Franklin is just third wheel to said story and the "big hollywood action movie heist omg explosions" appeal wore off after a couple of heists. The standout though was GTA online. It was really way more fun messing around in an open world with your friends and other players than playing offline. It was good enough to offset the fact that it was a grindfest for awhile. But around the time of the next gen rerelease it fell off hard, and the grinding became worse. It was nice that they kept giving free content updates, it was always nice getting a new gun, but only went to exaggerate the grind and became not that interesting after a while. I have no intention of ever playing GTA V again, me and my friends are just totally burned out, and have been for like three or four years. It sounds like a chore to go back. On the other hand, GTA IV is still super fun. As a sandbox it's one of the best. I could massacre police, go on hit and run rampages, and fist fight npcs for hours at a time. And that says a lot, since lately I've had a hard time being motivated enough to play anything for more than an hour. Every mechanic just feels satisfying and fun. The impacts, the ragdoll physics, the stupid but erratic npc behavior. I tried to recreate this when I used to play GTA V single player, but after an hour it seemed like I did everything that was fun to do already and stopped playing. Go on a rampage, fist fight and stab some people, turn on cheats, check out the like two interesting places outside city limits, maybe climb on the train and start a shootout with cops and thats it, done. With GTA IV I could go on for hours, slowly moving across the map doing all kinds of heinous and hilarious shit, and it would always stay fun.

this by itself made GTA IV the best


I want to drive it fucking REEEEE?

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How can anyone defend GTA V when it's so painfully scripted? 1/3 of the game feels like interactive cutscenes, it's so fucking bad

Holy fucking based, user

>But GTA V with mods now is better than GTA IV ever was.

Recommend some decent ones. I just built a new gaming PC and I want to try out V at its best

I'm playing GTAV now because of this thread. Haven't played it in years. One thing you gotta give it to them for is the detail to LA roads and freeways. Take a taxi anywhere and just stare out the side window. It looks so real. Anyone that's spent time on LA streets knows what I'm talking about. R* captured the feel perfectly.

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GTA V is superior since Trevor was the best protagonist the series has ever had

Not him but the only mods worth getting are the ones that attempt to fix the horrible cop ai, and the ones that try to fix the physics.
I think the physics one is called "Euphoria Overhaul" or something and it definitely improves it, but it's still shit compared to IV.

Maybe if you're 12 years old

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One of the protags in V should have been Messican. LA county is 80% hispanic at this point. It's like having a GTA in Atlanta with a Polish mc.

more than one protagonist in V shouldàve been written well

i started an online character and did a mission. there was a fag there on some ufo flying bike or something and he zooms off to the objective that is half the map away in like 20 seconds and fails the mission for us somehow as soon as he gets there. i uninstalled the game then

this. fuck those faggot games. I have no clue why you would play any other open world game on this earth now that we have rdr2. maybe botw could be the lone exception but fuck arguing about which gta sucks less

>let me write an entire paragraph explaining how normal i am

RDR was a piece of shit stop shilling that trash you faggot.

Bad writing destroyed the game but on a technical level it's really impressive, especially if it were on PC at a decent framerate. The gore is kino.

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fuck shaundi in 2 gave me a fetish for trashy girls with dreadlocks and shaundi in 3 gave me a fetish for girls in tights

Everything about the game is trash except for the graphics. The story, basic gameplay, characters, pacing, etc etc. Its mind boggling how awful it was, how wrong R* got it this time. There were endless threads when it came out about how shitty RDR2 is and I agree with all of it.

Sounds like you got pleb filtered

I don't give a fuck mothafucka, I said the gore was fuckin' cocksuckin' kino, bitch, now fuckin' learn to read before I fuckin' fuck you up pussy.

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kys faggot

>2D good
>3D bad
>old games good
>new games bad
>nostalgia good

>3D bad
Except that it effectively is, and the introduction of it is what killed games. Stupid fucking faggot kike shill peddling (((3D))) like it was ever anything BUT soulless garbage.

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>Cops that come out of literal nowhere or magically manage to outspeed your car even if you are in the exact same one
And they continued to do that in every title to follow so why mention it?

GTA:O has all these things locked behind a paywall.

We dont talk about that.
We talk about FiveM

no they don't do this in IV. While they may spawn in for chases you entire interaction with them is based on the physics mean police chases have great potential to be epic. V they spawn from nowhere (there are no police patrols), rubberband behind your car, and ram you forcing your wheels to turn but not using the physics

If we said "old game good" we'd buy the top down gta's. we like 4 because its just better

No, faggot. 4 is a shitty tech demo and inferior to 5 in every aspect. Cope.

It's funny that V lets you carry every single gun in the game yet it's far less useful than it'd be in other GTAs because they all feel the same and everyone dies in like 2 hits.

Oh look it's this thread again



V fags must ignore this completely because it completely reks them

it's because everything that user was talking about game together perfectly in it. A good driver on either team would mean the chases were extremely close and unpredictable. Added to that it really counted if you won the chase

Read the thread user V got wrecked. It's over kiddo your mothers credit card can't save you here

Yeah the shooting overall feels absolutely terrible. Never liked R* lock on system but you needed it in the 3D games because they were clunky as fuck. In IV you could turn it off and the sound design for the guns felt meaty as fuck. When you fired the ak on IV you really felt lie you were blowing chunks out of the walls

Yeah, yeah it is

Why do IV fags have to mention V everytime they need to make excuses on why their game is good

because it's the direct sequel so comparison of their merits in unavoidable

You fucking loser. You suck, bitch, and I just destroyed you mothafucka.

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