Why on earth aren't you playing it?

Why on earth aren't you playing it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


like hell am i gonna pay for a monthly subscription

Because it's currently being DDoS'd

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What's it like to be you / that unwilling to spend such a trivial amount of money? I mean, I always knew people like you existed. I see you in the wild now and then. But I never really ask. What's it like?

it's called being brown

Why would I?

buy me a subscription

Shit keeps on crashing. Fucking streamers is what's causing it.

i am afraid that if I got started I would not be able to stop.

>not skiddies paying for botnets to ddos

Because it's being DDOS'd and blizzard is a small indie company that can't afford basic DDOS protection like all small person team private servers can

have to pay 15 dollars to see if i'll even enjoy the game, fuck that its 2019.

Playing it for free on a private server, having a blast with no queue time or lines for bear assholes

I thought I did but I didn't.
I'm playing ESO instead.

Servers are getting DDosed right now, so I can't even play it.


1. Download the 1.12 old school vanilla WoW client (Kronos has a link a torrent file with this on their website)
2. Download a good Blizz-like repack like the one Light's Hope ran on: ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?230227-Light-s-Hope-Vanilla-Repack
3. Run the Apache, SQl, World, and Realm
4. Change your realmlist.txt in your WoW folder to
5. Use admin as your username and password
6. Try out the game world to yourself and if you wanna play with other people
7. Wanna play with other people? Pay $15 and make a new character on real servers

DDOS too strong

Dont acknowledge the DDOS people. We cant let them gain control.

Because you're an autistic cunt OP go fuck yourself niggerfaggot

>Pay $15 and make a new character on real servers
Real people are still playing it for free user


I am?

I'm in a 30 minute queue in Skeram.

I'm not a zoomer


third worlders aren't real people


because my server is down

OHNONONONONO We got cocky boomer bros! DDoSed again!

who is ddosing?

Show yourself DDoser

Because mmos are a fucking waste of time

maybe because the servers are being slammed harder than your mom on a saturday night by a pack of gorilla niggers

I got bored, wow is dead to me.

getting burnt the fuck out and I'm probably gonna hit 60 and call it quits. Class balance is fucking garbage with 0 variety in specs and fuck quest that keep sending you to the same area 3 fucking times after completing a quest for it.

couldn't login all day

I'm at level 36 and getting bored of the grind

I played it up to level 11, it fucking sucks and I'd much rather play pretty much any other RPG. Its only redeeming qualities that there's a bunch of people playing it and the music. Everything else FFXIV does way better, and I don't even like XIV that much

Clinging to the past is hopeless, there are so many games and things to do than to waste my life yet again on this meaningless game.

>halfway through BFD
>only realm thats down is apparently mine
who the fuck plays on Bigglesworth that makes it worth DDOS attacks?

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>Why on earth aren't you playing it?


Already played through it in 2006

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>based benediction server dodged all the DDoSing

Dilate more, XIVtranny


It forever ruined MMOs.
>extremely tedious fetch quests
>button spamming cooldown autism combat
>brainlet boss mechanics
>generic classes

Cause all games have blown dick since for the last 10 years.

>all games
touhou 17 just game out like a week ago and its great tho

Same. Was about to hit the boss of SM lib with a fast cleave comp before we all got booted. Why Bigglesworth of all servers?

Is Whitemane just completely down right now? I keep getting world server is down on all my characters.

same on whitemane

lol you poorfags complaining about $15 crack me up.

Yah, it keeps loading for me and kicking me back to character select.

Im taking a shit

DDOS due to Asmongold. Why did I ever pick Faerlina?

too busy playing ffxiv my dude

i didnt are when it was new, i dont care now.

I'm already experiencing it via streamers


Extremely based

my friends quit

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Dropped it after level 2. Female characters are ugly and looks like trannies. I wish they made WC4 instead of this.

its shit. blizzard is shit. the wow culture is shit.
oh boy i get to choose between auto attack simulator or diablo 3 battle for azeroth fucking cool

because its being DDOS'd????

I did for a year when the game was new. I have no interest in paying a monthly fee for a game I already played.


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>level 36 with 50g
4 more levels of grinding and I should be fine

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because i FUCKING CAN'T

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What would've happened if WoW was a one time purchase?

blizz pls send halp!

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I couldn't play on release day because I had a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy that I couldn't reschedule

...now I'm waiting for new servers to be launched on a more convenient date

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Jesus I was playing fine until an hour ago.

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Go back to retail. Lol


>My server just randomly went offline
The fuck

Glad i didnt follow my friends into classic. Otherwise i'd be right there with you. They've all quit before hitting 60 apparently.
One day its "everyones so friendly and its so good to be back in a game i enjoy!" "Depreshun cured!"
And a week later they're complaining about people being dicks and guilds being antisocial while being burnt out like its retail.

The fuck did they expect?

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i think i realized why they're being ddosed
ddosing is a crime and there's a substantial amount of risk involved, especially when you do it to a company as large as blizzard, and especially when you do it on the almost-opening weekend of their new game launch. they're pissing off hundreds of thousands of people, and that anger is definitely going to hurt blizzard's bottom line if this doesn't go away soon. all of this is going to translate into a gigantic incentive for blizzard to find whoever is responsible for this and string them up on lampposts (or whatever equivalent of that they can get away with). why would someone go through so much risk, just to disrupt a children's online video game?
i can only think of one answer - money. i think that blizzard is being extorted by whoever the ddosing group behind this is, and that they've clearly gone ahead with it means that blizzard rejected whatever deal they were offered for this to go away. it's literally the only reason i can think of for this to happen, they're being strongarmed by spammers who are now trying to go after blizzard's profits as retaliation for not ponying up some bitcoin/link

>server maintenence in 0:01
>disconnected the next second

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>He actually plays BFA

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anyone else extemely Gold Starved?`not even in Vanilla did I have this little Gold, max gold I have had so far is 2g, at level 23. Hell, I'm level 25 and still have level 12 greens. This is the most unlucky I have ever been

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Aparently all the servers are dead or dad servers. I don't want to play on a dead server but I'm also not a father.


I played on kronos, made 2 level 60 chars while at work.

Got paid tens of thousands of dollars while it was slow at work to do this.

Have zero desire to play again unless I'm getting paid while at work again

I already played this fucking game, why would I?

ddos so imma go smoke fap and try again later

Because it's fucking bad and Blizzard is a shitty company.

>paid $15
>cant play
the absolute STATE of retailfags
private server chads win AGAIN

>playing BFA
>people being dicks
when has this not been the case?
>burnt out
the game hasn't even been out for 2 weeks...nobody is burned out

Please tell me you're just poor so that I can sympathize with you, otherwise you're a cheap cunt

Because I played the real game back in 04 and don't intend to play this soulless cashgrab.

So I rezzed this dead tauren off the side of the road in Silverpine, but he just fucked off and didn't even thank me.

What do bros? Should I stop rezzing random people?

im playing it and camping the shit out of people with mind control and gnomish death ray

write his name down in your list

No, you should stop wanting attention for being nice. Kindness is its own reward you fucking faggot nigger.

why do you even bother in a first place
most of the time dead people are afk

it's so god damn time consuming. literally everything in the game is specifically designed to take up as much time as possible.


How in the fuck am I supposed to level as a rogue player on Alliance on Stalagg?

The server is like 4:1 horde alliance where 90% of the alliance are spamming dungeons. But the catch is I can't get in them at all because I'm a rogue and they want SPELLCLEAVE LOCK/MAGE ONLY. I've even had multiple people message me "class?" when I advertise DPS LF____ because they're retail niggers who don't know how to use shift click on someones name.

I'm getting burnt out around level 36, especially after trying to quest in STV/Desolace/TN where I get ganked every 4 minutes and there's zero Alliance anywhere.

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I don't play trash games

Already played it back in 2004 when I actually had time to.
Not paying $15 a month for a timesink that does almost nothing to improve my life.

Switch to Horde or change servers

>Video games are a waste of time

the world server is down D:
I was gold farming I just got to 41 g in like 3ish hours life was good

One of the things I like about Alliance is you get a fuckton of mass ganks because there's fucking swathes of Horde edgelords playing and barely any Alliance. Also BG queues will suck nigger dick on Horde when they come up. Plus AV wins for free rep.

But FUCK leveling on Alliance

stalagg is 60/40 horde/alliance at worst
just go kill some mobs nigga like grind some shit

I'm about to hit lvl 30. Am I okay?

yea take your time user I'm 35 and didn't ding once today cause I was doing tailoring leveling and gold farming

Then why when you go to STV or literally any zone theres 5 million horde and like 3 alliance players? My friend is Horde on Stalagg and is getting assblasted because he can't find many Ally to gank

okay im back time to grind

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Alright fuck helping people

go back to retail

is this the new "have sex"?


A 15 year old game doesn't deserve anything more than a one time payment.

Because classic is boring. I played it back when it was released and I've grown up.

I never cared for Blizzard or their games and I'm not about to start now.


I already wasted my teens with runescape
Im not going to waste my mid-late twenties playing a fucking another mmorpg

>literally can't create a new character in the night elf starting zone on Whitemane server right now
>game disconnects every single time
How can this company still be so shit after all these years?

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>falling for the real world meme
is it really a waste when even a fake virtual world is an improvement on the real one

Well maybe if you people stopped bitching about #nochanges we could play but they rolled back basic server protections to 2004 to appease you niggers

An AoE dungeon grinding meta is pretty much the opposite of what I was expecting going into the game. You can opt to try and ignore it but alliance is outnumbered so fucking badly out in the world that questing goes at a snail's pace most days. Doomposters were ultimately right, you can't get back the community of the old days no matter how hard you try, everyone's some sweaty zoomer tryhard now trying to emulate their idols. I'm just waiting for ArcheAge Unchained and giving up on MMOs when that shit turns out to be a lie too.

Tell him to try hillsbrad foothills. Just the other day we had a bunch of shoeniggers come through and try to interrupt our questing. Swarmed them like bees most of the time. you aint Gred are you?

Asmon layer... home

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Actually havent played since WoD. Playing MMOs in general is kinda shit.

are zoomers even human?

People are just giving him items JUST to make people like Yea Forums mad

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The letter pretty clearly states he's trying to bribe his way into a raid slot.

So what this guy is gonna be fully geared in 2 weeks? Hes gonna have every item in the game. Then hes gonna quit and say the game was boring and to easy with nothing to do.

anyone here want to let a poorfag neet account share with you?

you will basically be hiring a gold / resource farmer who will never obstruct your play time

My point stands 100%.
If you think these people are doing anything outside of the reason to make others angry you're naive.

it's like all the people that name themselves "zoomer" and mail him money.

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havent seen that picture in 12 years

If he ever says Classic is too boring and drops it, retailfags will win.

>Doing a quest
>Get ganked by a rogue
>Kill him and keep moving on
>10 min later
>Him and 3 other rogues all open on me at the same time and kill me
>Get back to my corpse and see them all hovering around my body in stealth
Mad Nelf players make for a bad time

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Playing retail WoW because despite playing WoW since launch, Vanilla wasn't my first MMO, so I'm not really nostalgic for it.

have you watched asmon for 2+~ hours ? he IS a retailfag all he is doing is cashing in on the wow classic hype and waiting for everyone to deteriorate back into retail and hopefully get more eyes in the aftermath, he doesnt say much about classic other than its an easy game and retail is much harder and repeats this ad nauseam

asmongold is one of the most boring streamers i've ever watched for longer than a few hours, he repeats the same stories over and over again acts like he's intelligent with his progressive liberal cucked mindset, he's fucking awful at the game even that is clear to someone who doesn't even play the game

Because I already played private servers and the game is ass at max level.

I really hope someone in his server cucks him out of scarab lord so he can rage quit


top fucking KEK

>have to get to lvl 50 by monday and lvl 60 the monday after that or get left behind by guild

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Asmon is pretty clearly right-wing but he doesn't bring up politics much to avoid controversy, how could you think he's a libcuck?

What does age have to do with anyhing? Would you pay more for a bad game from 2019 than a masterpice from 1990?

Why on Earth should I play it?

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Most ive watched of him was some of his old guides on how to solo some achievements and stuff he made like 5 years ago. When he himself actually made youtube vids.
Unlikely dont forget even after all the resources are gathered for the war effort its a week for the gong to become bangable heh I doubt hes not gonna be able to get the scepter with that much time.

you shouldnt

Im level 42. If you mean 50 by tommorow holy shit dude tahts gay. I do kind of know what ya mean. My guild has 5-6 people who are ahead of the pack we are all about level 40 and I dont wanna fall to far behind them.

you're a faggot

Next monday

>He didn't down Ragnaros this week

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Because after having 6 characters at max level for 4 expansions, not a chance in hell would I want to revert back to the shitty leveling of the past and subject myself to that, whilst handicapping myself hard. Glad some of you are enjoying Classic, but I'm more than fine with all of the stuff I've collected throughout the years. Plus, what if Classic just never expands beyond Vanilla? Then what's the fucking point of doing all of that?

im not going to be able to prove my point without autistically collecting clips, just take it as my opinion

>tfw want to play but can't since already far behind from others
Why didn't I start earlier?

I don't hate it, nor do I not understand the appeal of what Classic does, however I prefer FFXIV and went back to that.

>raid tiers last months and people quit

>Then what's the fucking point of doing all of that?

What's the fucking point of doing anything if you're just gonna die anyway?

>you in two weeks
And I will enjoy your tears

I'm popping in every once in a while veeeeerrry casually... I'm only level 16

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>Playing a decade and a half year old shitty MMO
>In the year of our lord 2019
>And happily paying money just to fucking play the game
>Not just once, but every month
>And supporting the remaster culture in videogame industry instead of boycotting this piece of shit and demanding actual new games to play
>And supporting motherfucking Activision with your money, and then get surprised why videogame industry goes down the shitter
>And finally have the audacity to drag more people into this downward spiral of shit by demanding to play this garbage """"game""""
What is wrong with you faggots?

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>all those nelf huntards

Why are you bringing up age? There is no correlation between age and quality of video games, so why bring it up? The rest of your post doesn't even matter, the fact that you think there is a correlation makes you a fucking moron.

These are my thoughts as well.

>What does age have to do with anyhing?
Age has everything to do with everything when it comes to paying a subscription fee.

With $15 a month as the cost, playing a 15 year old game will cost as much as buying a AAA game in just 4 months. 4 months that I could play anywhere between 4 to 90 days during and still have to pay just as much. Meanwhile I can return to a single purchase game any time I want with no additional cost.

WoW classic is not worth $15 a month. Not even a new MMO is.

Remember that FFXIV, a great MMO, an excellent MMO actually, is only $12. Meanwhile, Blizzard has the fucking gall to ask people to pay $15. But hey, a fool and their money...

I had fun with FFXIV during the free trial but I still can't justify a $12 monthly fee for a game I won't be playing all month.
Static monthly fees are archaic and anti-consumer.
it's a joke that they are still around. Especially now that they're combined with not only initial purchase but a cash shop too.


The sooner you realize retail is dead the better

I listen to podcasts / debates / language textbook audio tapes while playing. Waste of time negated

Can’t play for another two weeks. How’s the server population and the horde alliance balance.

Anyone else really annoyed by the respawn timers being so slow? I am in STV and it is just SO much fun waiting 5 minutes for tigers to respawn, and in that time get ganked by 30 alliance 20+ lvls above me.

Because you pay for it retardo.
You're essentially re-paying ActiBliz, of all fucking companies, for an old game solved from every point and to the smallest pebble on the ground, and you spam threads about it heralding it as the second coming of Jesus.

How much of a small brain do you have to be?

Because i'm already playing XIV

kind of getting bored of it already, to be fair I did everything back in vanilla but it just doesn't feel right going back and now there's no mystery, no future patches, no guessing what will come in the future.

Also phase 1 is boring as fuck, vets don't miss the leveling we already had a million alts back in vanilla/TBC thats why they made leveling faster in wrath shit was boring after doing it for 5 years even after all this time the boredom hit me "I remember doing this boring shit 15 years ago, fuck".

I wish they launched with BGs at least, imagine how fucking fun it would be just doing BGs every bracket with your dungeon gear and not fighting any twinks with lvl 60 enchants and the best BOEs equipped with maxed engineering? they really fucked up not including BGs and by the time BGs get implemented the population is going to take a nasty hit and twinks will plague every bracket.

already leveled 4 characters on pservers
I had my fun

Does a game only have value if its new and unsolved? No, obviously. Now stop being such a dumb fuck.

>With $15 a month as the cost, playing a 15 year old game will cost as much as buying a AAA game in just 4 months
And how much play time will you get from that AAA game? So far for my 15 dollars I've gotten
>5 days, 13 hours
So that's 230 hours of recreation for 15 dollars. That's about 7 cents per hour.

That's pretty amazing

I am and it's shit. Jesus christ I still remember vanilla and the shit raids and long ass dungeons that no-one would ever run fully.

130 hours*, still good deal is the point

yeah but all you will accomplish with your money on classic is doing molten core which is now a 2 decade old raid because you CAN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE because classic is time gated and phase 2 is 6 months away.
So if you want to spend hundreds of hours of your life and 60 dollars doing 2 decade old content - you do you.
I'm not that user who brought up the pricing btw just pointing out there's still a massive flaw in your argument, I'm also not denying you the ability to play classic you're free to do as you wish even if it's not for me.

good bye I love you user and I hope classic makes you happy

I'm glad Classic is out for one reason: to keep the zoomers away from retail. I swear, ever since Classic released, chat in retail has been pruned, refreshed, and restored. No more retards, no more unfunny, shit names, no more unfunny conversations. All the idiots shitting up the game went to Classic to suck off their favorite streamers. Now, it feels like Retail's full of adults who want to do content and not just talk in Trade chat all day about politics. Every dungeon group I've been in had been great. Did a wing of Azshara in LFR and every one in there was great. Nice fantasy-appropriate names, good chats.

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>yeah but all you will accomplish with your money on classic is doing molten core
Except for the fact that of that 130 hours, 0 of it was Molten Core and I've still enjoyed the time spent with it.

We do we

I already played it 15 years ago, or however long it has been. I lost my job, my gf, and developed carpal-tunnel syndrome and near-sightedness as a result. It was a waste of fucking time. And that was back when people weren't speedrunning it, like a bunch of retards living in a YouTube comments section, trying to be "first". I'd rather not get involved in this shit again.

Can I try retail with my Classic sub or would I have to buy BFA?

I noticed this too, a lot less fags advertising carry runs (all the cuckstomers are zooms zooms), trade chat is goods and actual conversations and pickup heroic+ palace raids actually have patience people who will explain mechanics to newcomers and not bail after 1 wipe.
Also arena teams no longer require you to have 3k rating to play fresh games on an alt at 0 rating

>everyone who has fun is a kid
Goofball name boomer here. Noticed you're doing lfr, you're shit at the game. Stay there.

I already don't play enough games. Subbing to WoW guarantees that it's all I would play.
And I don't even like the end game. I would get 60 and get the best pre-raid gear I could and then I would pvp until I hated it and then I would quit.
I could roll on a funserver right now, give myself whatever gear I wanted and bg and duel all day. I would burn out in 1 day instead wasting months to find out I didn't want to do this.

Not him but you can level up to 110 with that sub. You won't have fun though. I was a wow addict neet nearly my whole life. Legion and bfa got me so bored that I live in my own house now. Watch some gameplay of it, it's the same thing over and over again. Stick to classic but don't ruin your life.

if you get to 60 you get bfa free, but you already have a sub for both

post your email, phone number, and address and I will legit buy you a subscription for one year.

Great welcome home for the KING of classic. Why aren't you bowing down to our glorious leader?


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SEETHING ACTIBLIZZARD cucks STILL defending their corporate overlords over a decade later
you retards realize this shit is free on private servers right?
>no gay layering
>no gay sharding

t.casual filter

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And I have 30 days worth of playtime in a f2p game. that's 720 hours of recreation for $0 and I can come back to it whenever I want. I quit this f2p game and then came back 3 times now. that would be $45 worth right there just to see if I wanted to keep playing if it was WoW.
>how much play time will you get from that AAA game?
Depends on the game.
most try to tell you a story. Good sandboxes you can easily rack up thousands of hours.

I already spent 8 hours with my friends today. I'm fuckin tired and I want to sleep.

I agree with you on the f2p and I think it's amazing someone can go their entire life these days with a plethora of great games for completely free

However in the span of 3 months I take home $9,000. If I spend $45 on a game I've already gotten 130 hours of entertainment on then the cost is such a minor aspect of the game that it's an entirely pointless argument from anybody not from a shithole country where $45 is half their annual salary

I am...

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I'm at an impasse. Should I get one month of WoW to get the dreams out of my head or spend it on gacha cosmetics?

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>that it's an entirely pointless argument from anybody not from a shithole country
If you saved $15 a month for 12 months you would have $180 extra.
How much of that $3000 a month do you have by the start of the next month, once you are done paying bills and buying necessities?

>If you saved $15 a month for 12 months you would have $180 extra
$180 extra in a year I took home $36,000. The dollar aspect really is such an unimportant argument it's not even worth having.
I've gotten 130 hours of entertainment from 12 days of the game. If we're extrapolating, that would be 3,900 hours by the end of the year which comes around to $0.04/hr.

Cost doesn't matter

he's not progressive, if he doesn't manage the language on the stream it turns into ice poseidon's community eventually and or makes him vulnerable to clickbait journalists.

If i had millions on the line I'd do the same thing. Die he chew your zoomer ass out the other day about being a race realist in WoW? lol/

You didn't answer the question.
the cost of living for one year can very easily breach 30k. Income doesn't directly translate to spending cash.
Saving $180 per year is no insignificant amount.

I lack the gene for homosex

I agree if you're too poor to pay for it you shouldn't play it. but the type of person who is too poor for it is the type of person who blows $15 on a single fast food meal

Jesus there were a lot of replies before the correct one.

If you played back in vanilla you definitely know you don't want it back. If you didn't play in vanilla then you're a zoomer fuck with second hand nostalgia because your favourite streemur said so.

>Saving $180 per year is no insignificant amount.
It's pretty insignificant

help plz

Does this really upset you people that much? People having fun?

>Saving $180 per year is no insignificant amount

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i have been playing retail since vanilla launch. i quit this may to try to save my marriage. every time i see a post about classic or an ad i feel like im some fucking crack addict, but me and my wife are doing a lot better so i will never go back

i hope you lads are having fun with it

The game is a steaming pile of shit to play without friends and none of my friends play it. Sure, I could find people ingame but generally people are very selfish and flaky until you hit 60 and can more solid friendships because people have to depend on each other. Not gonna level this garbage solo or with randoms

>I can’t afford $15 a month

Spotted the wagie.

>wow players being whining cucks

What a surprise. If there is one constant with this community it’s the tears.

>Saving $180 per year is no insignificant amount.

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>he's fucking awful at the game
nah, he is doing okay. hes not among the best, thats right, but thats exactly why he is so entertaining, the player/viewerbase can relate to him because he is like them. asmongold is basically the average modern wow player.

the elite players are boring as fuck to watch. method streams always make me yawn and not care about the game at all.

Never played it as a kid so I've got no nostalgia. Played Runescape f2p and flash games instead. All my friends are playing Wow Classic but they'll inevitably burn out in like 3 months tops so who the fuck cares. Flavor of the month nostalgiabait trash.

I wonder why rogue is so low

Fuck your gay zoomer twitch e-celebs you utter newfag, go back to r*eddit

already did it 15 years ago

yeah they will burn out in 3 months and they will have done the content in 3 months and will have enjoyed these 3 months while you will have wasted your time with fucking flash games and lolscape.

I'm bored of it. Genuinely btw.
I'm level 40 (I was level 38 3 days ago, just to put into perspective how little the amount of progress I've made is due to me really not feeling like playing at all) and I feel the same way as I do with all multiplayer games. It feels like a job. It feels like I 'have' to play or I'm falling behind, which indeed I am, that's actually what happens when you don't play. That feeling is shit tier, I don't want to wake up and feel like I have to play and so I'm just not going to anymore.

I had big plans for classic but I'm just not feeling it anymore.

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I don't play RS or flash games anymore you retard. You fucking blizzdrones are so defensive, go suck off Sodapoppin or your jewlords at blizzard

>demanding actual new games to play
thats exactly what playing classic does. it shows them that we want new games and not just rehashes of the over monetized trash theyve been serving us for the last 10 years.

its 4d chess.

because it's boring shit
playing wow for the first time, 37 lvl, 40gold
absolutely empty world full of nerds who know the whole content and don't want be friends cuz you will be slowing them down

then what do you actually play? or are you just lurking on Yea Forums and hating on everything?

It's like 20% of the pensions they get.

I exclusively play japanese futa erotic sim games. Now fuck off back to r*ddit or twitch, blizzdrone

>play game
>bunch of people from FF14 that stopped playing it because they have no more content to do

Is FF14 really that horrible that a new expansion already has nothing to do? One of my friends literally said he's done with the game only being max level for a week. He also complained that everyone playing is horny and mental as hell even on non RP servers. He was telling me how so many people have "girlfriends" in game.

>phone number, and addressSounds Legit!

>Playing a lock
>Farming in Swamp of Sorrows
>Some skull level rogue sees me farming in an area they want to farm
>They don't do shit for a while
>I get put asleep by the enemy
>They stealth up
>Immediately know they're going to open on me
>They do
>Almost kill them (second fear broke early AND i screwed up and didn't get my second VW sacrifice off due to being rusty)
>Go back to my farming spot
>The rogue is gone
I would bet actual money that he didn't want to risk the embarrassment of being killed by a grey level character
I was 2 levels off from having Death Coil too which would have made that fight hilariously easy for me.

im not a blizzdrone, ive pretty much said good bye to bfa and play only classic now. blizz hates me because of this, they are seething at seeing the success of classic and how everyone abandoned the soulless cash grab that is bfa.

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>play game 6 to 10 hours a day
>for 3 months

If a game for only 15 bucks is able to give me hundreds of hours of enjoyable playtime I think that is worth it. You sound like some faggot. No shit you get burned out, every game does that if you play it for long.

i dont play this game so maybe you can enlighten me but, he isnt even an above average player, the only positive of his playstyle is the amount of hours he funnels into the game and the knowledge he acquires, his mechanical skills are barely even average

>working for 1 hour a day pays for my sub and gets me lunch

Kill yourself any time

>it's a joke that they are still around
They are the only sane option, but combining them with
>cash shop
is completely retarded.

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>couldn't stop playing BFA
Jesus christ you really are a fucking addict. I bet you are one of those 70IQ addicts with all the store mounts also right? Jesus christ addicts are in so deep. Good for you for quitting. You for sure have a problem if even BFA is hard to put down for you.

>Friend tells me to go horde warrior on
>They all quit before 30
>No one to level with this god awful class
>No one to help me get WW axe
>Keep getting raped by range classes
>1 hour queues still
Don't even know why I'm still going

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yeah and that makes him relatable, he isnt some OP 200 apm per minute god player, he is basically the playerbase, everything asmongold does and achieves you can too and his mistakes, you make them too, his weaknesses, you have them too.

at the same time he says a lot of entertaining and funny stuff, he has a good dynamic with his partner mcconnelret

he isnt a shill, he isnt a sjw, he isnt a cuck, he isnt afraid of controversy, he isnt above shittalking people...

hes just an awesome guy you wann a hang out with. thats his formula of success.

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>rolling a class because your friends told you
>wojak poster
>only playing game because it's popular and you are not enjoying it

Jesus fuck Zoomers are so fucking pathetic. Why do you morons just latch on to anything popular? Think for yourselves if you would enjoy the game or not. I'm so glad the zoomer shits are quitting in masses.

I fucking want my PVE moba where I can just plug in different characters for different challenges, gear and spec them according to the challenges without all the leveling bullshit and being stuck in a certain role you picked at the beginning. This would also avoid all problems of being too behind because the barrier to starting a new character would be way lower

Reminder that 20/31/0 and 0/30/21 are the go-to good player builds for druid and paladin.
>PVP power
>PVE might
>Can tank AND healer if needs be
>Easily tank 5 mans for money and items

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Some people have legit autism and can't tell he is being ironic. I had a friend said they can't watch him because he calls himself "the literal God" and "oh man I'm so good at this game"

People are just autistic shits and don't understand his humor. They literally take everything at face value. Don't waste your time explaining. He is a literal retard.

just play rainbow six or overwatch or something like that then. no leveling bullshit, just different classes.

rate my UI

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>afwul at killing mobs

>Farm whelps for 3 days trying to get the pet
>Burn out


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No, I want pve content to grind out and improve my character. I don't have competitive autism and absolutely do not care for playing and measuring dicks with other people. PoE kind of gets close to that but it's all solo and playing in groups gets mostly punished unless you do some niche min-max bullshit

Why do asshats play the game super minimized and only play their own UIs instead of the actual game?

Like OSRS?

There isn't a game for you retard.

I’m not a tranny

>I want pve content to grind out and improve my character
thats basically what leveling is...

>Awful at killing mobs
The Paladin can just take 5-10 mobs and let them immolate on his reflection damage while healing with knockback immunity and the Druid is fucked either way but better than pure healer.
And the thing is that both classes suck dick at farming.

Sorry that insult only applies to FF14. The trannies have all been ganked or went back to 14.

This is why it's been such great experience so far.

Zoomers have mostly been paywalled out.

>play as a group of 3 friends at level 38 in STV
>gank some rogue
>he calls his level 60 friend
>gank him too
Is there a better feeling in this game?

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There's no money in the economy so selling on the AH doesn't give a good return,

Never played it, maybe
I know
Not really, the "challenging" content of wow is gated behind 50 levels of doing fetch and kill x quests you complete with the same 3 button rotation. Wow classic endgame also is a terrible example for good pve content

I got to level 20, switched back over to retail, realized that sucked too and quit playing.

Been there, done that, moved on

I'm still looking for a job so i got no cash to spend on vidya at the moment,and i'm not gonna ask my parents for money to spend it on fucking wow.

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I'm lvl 30 now fully in the ret tree.

This talent build seems like a more kino experience

>3 button rotation
no argument, 6 button rotation isnt better than 3 button rotation and in classic you actually have to read the quest text because no auto-quest marker and since mobs are actually dangerous and you dont have flying you have to plan your approach, pulls, cooldowns etc.
while in bfa you just fly in with 300% speed only looking at map, your target is highlighted and blinking, you do not even know what this thing is you have to kill, you dont care, you instagib it, WOOHOO 300 azerite power one up! and fly to the next instagib target, only thing funny in bfa is high mythic keys and arguably heroic and mythic raiding and thats it, the rest sucks dick. it not even a mmo anymore since the multiplayer aspect has been pruned to almost extinction.

wow so much endgame content!

LVL 34 Rogue combat+poison (silverblade+electrocutioner leg) build i don't know what i'm doing fuck warlocks fuck fear i can't oneshot them with 1 cheapshot

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I levelled a druid to level 12 and dropped it due to sheer boredom. Switched to mage and having a blast.

I only started with a nelf to experience the pure kino that is teldrassil anyway.

not worth the price for me

6 days /played and only level 41, is that bad? :(

My friend that Hates leveling made a priest... And has stopped playing at level 14. He wanted to be useful and be a healer. He needs to REROLL. I would never want to level a priest.

the fun part about druid leveling is the cat form.

>having trouble killing warlocks as a rogue

Fucking kill yourself. You are the literal warlock killer.

because the product is not worth the price
simple as that

Let's absolute trahssh mate
Put enough points into it to get SoCom and Pursuit of Justice then go full prot for Blessing of Kings Imp Blessing of Protection/Freedom, and Reckoning, then you dick on literally everything

I am doing it right now and it is.
>Try to be fair and join as healer
>End up always tanking
>Hold aggro even vs zoomers who ignore marks
>Chain pulls
>L2p by saving mana properly
>In open world I can take 2-3 enemies at once (still using a 2h there because no salvation yet)
Level 30 at the moment, done All dungeons (DM, SFK, BFD and Gnomeregan) as tank.

jesus bros. what a fucking journey. we climbed jintha'alor to create the mallet of zul'farrak. we cleansed maraudon to create the scepter of celebras. we made the shadowforge key and conquered the dark iron city. im home.

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Did you get an UBRS key faggot?

>you're paying to get an objectively good product

>get carried by zoomercleave through dungeons
>get paypigs to buy your mount
>layer abuse to avoid any pvp
>actually makes a spectacle of dinging 60

>hit level 60
>nothing to do since no one else is 60 yet
i fucked up bros...

Done it twice, can't be bothered to play the same old content again
If they do Classic+ or even TBC then maybe

Got too much irl now

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why does everyone say gold is hard to get in vanilla? im 60 and have 711 gold not even trying to farm it

Mister poopsocker getting 60 in less than two weeks after release because he's playing 16h+ per day is wondering why anyone would be struggling with gold

Because they're blocking Linux users right now

i wouldn't mind paying if i was sure that the money doesn't go to retail. Classic is a "bonus" you get for paying your subscription to retail. I'd want separate subscriptions to consider it

I am playing, in fact my mage and warrior are both 32. Just got the whirlwind axe and fucking destroyed some horde fucks.

Shut up it was my first ever pvp if i had sprint recharged and hp bottle i would've killed

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yes and? i never even played classic before and everytime someone would bring up how hard it is to afford your epic mount, all ive been doing since 60 is farming up gear and not even trying to get gold. why you mad?

>be level 50
>go to darkshire
>sit on road killing all lowbies for hours on end
god damn i love this game

this except in hillsbrad

I want to play as a mage, but I don't want to zoomie AOE farm with ice.

Can I level as fire?

It has been abundantly shown by now that classic never was hard, see the guild clearing MC and onyxia in the first week of release. Classic is just tedious and time consuming

Why are Darkshire and Redridge contested zones?

It's not fun

>i'm just pretending to be a zoomer

i thought i was going home, but it's really garbage
he was right, i thought i did but i didn't

think i might try ffxiv

If you enjoy being a garbage warlock you can

be a big dick arcane mage

It's not fun. The game is is fun, but the playerbase is actual cancer. 15 years later retards still don't know how to tank. Now they think they can tank with 2handers.

Also, if you're not plaing a Warrior, Mage, or Priest you can apparently go fuck yourself

what are some decent raid frames for healers? blizzard ones suck

Looks like everyone and their mother rolled Orc Warrior

Yes you can, that's what I do. You will really get rolling around level 35 when you get your crit chance talents.

It depends can I be a healslut?

correction, dps orc warrior

i rolled orc shaman

i play TBC5MAN and its fucking amazing

>blizzard is hating me for giving them 15$ a month
They literally destroyed the private servers so all you little cucks would have to pay them to get a worse experience.

You big retard.

I can't imagine being such a cuck that I'd willingly give money to Blizzard in the year of our lord 2019

It's the best pvp race and most people that roll warrior are going for the full rank 14 gear epic pvp ownage. Once pvp actually is released we'll get a bunch whining babies that can't get there and how op all other classes are

>all poors gated from playing
seems like a better experience to me

Enjoy your zoomcleaves and "inv for layer please"

>hahaha i'm sticking it to Activision by giving them money each month

The absolute delusion of you homeniggers.

poor subhuman detected

> Hordenigger

Hehehe I’m So glad to hear you scream. Go back to picking our Crops, OrcCuck

>get archmage pattern
>spend 3 hours aoe farming essence of earth with entire spawn to myself
>1 essence
fuck this thinking bout spending 250g and just buying them all

He leveled some parts really fucking slowly for the stream.

Tooks 10 minutes, this ain't the filter
The filter is transition to lvl 30 zones.

Dude, how can you be such a seething faggot? At least look at people honestly. His an entertainer, and you retard think his exactly as he seems. Go watch his youtube to make an better impression.

i only hit 60 in classic for the bfa level boost. how do i redeem??

I'm being completely honest here and saying that I'm guessing these guys can't face the fact that it's such a completely valid and honestly perhaps considerably as "objectively favorable" as something like this can get

No, he IS easily above average with just the amount of information he knows about the game. He isn't very skilled because the game he has been playing has become so fucking stupid that you don't have to be very skilled to clear all content.

>no mount
>my friends already quit
>shitty unbalanced gameplay
>I already know the world

>he plays on a wpvp server

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Dumb faggots like dumb shit and 85% of people are retarded

4 expansions? So you quit after Mist, that's a pretty long time ago. Didn't you feel like they ruined your characters already?


My home is in Northrend.

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Game is just so good, I'm serious, that is all.

>Nobody plays the game
>"I swear all the retards left....!"

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I did, started back in 2004, played on n off, quitted for real when i lvled max in panda expansion.
IF im going to play wow again then its on sub free private servers !

Welcome to MMO games.

Yeah im with you brother user. I rather spend that cash on other things which lasts MUCH longer then a month !

>played for an hour in 2005
>didnt like it

simple as

>playing gacha
>thinking about buying gacha cosmetics
Might as well kill yourself or transition then do it

Shaman is priest who is fun to level and also like a druid but good.

No money for subs. I spent it on sausages and deodorant.

The amount of people that try to fuck with me as a level 30 pally is absurd.
Why do people think they stand any chance if they are 2 levels below me.
What drives you to try?

>be 35 priest
>omw to the Arathi Highlands from Tarren Mill
>30 Nelf huntard attacks me
>he dies
why did he even do it?

I didn't

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Which server is Moonguard?
Which one is Wrymrest Accord?
I just want erp without gay elves and futa goats.

Zoomies are so pathetic that they pretend to be retarded.

based strokeposter

How exactly do I level in STV without getting ganked? Is there any good alternatives for a level 32?

i was level 30 and a level 22 rogue tried to kill me in ashenvale
like nigga why

Bigglesworth is the most retarded server name after blowme.

Yet layering is probally gonna stay because faggot trannies will complain aboiut not getting their world buffs.

Meanwhile I play layering like a fiddle and abuse eagle eye to get black lotuses.

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>switching between contested zones before being 5~ levels above the minimum
lmao nigga

alliance you have arathi+hillsbrad and probably ashenvale and stonetalon

horde arathi ashenvale and thousand needles

im not giving blizzard $15 a month of my hard earned money just to play ONE of their shitty games when i could spend my time playing othe rbetter games that i only pay for ounce. I at most owuld spend 15hrs a week on WoW if I had it, and you seriously think thats worth $15 a month?????

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I just don't have the time to commit to something like that. Maybe if I were in highschool and it was the summer I'd play it but at 26 there are so many other important things I need to be focusing on

what is the trick to earn gold? just hit lvl 30 and hovering around 10g. how do I get to 100 until lvl 40? Im heal priest with engi/mining

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>what is the trick to earn gold?
Not picking engineering

And opinion ignore, imagine still using SoC!

you are not my mom!

it's hard enough as it is, but
you're fucked mate, drop that shit until you're 60 and go full jew with mining

Holy fuck talking with Classicfags is like talking to people with no reason. You seem to be so addicted and so blinded by your nostalgia that you can't see things for what they are.
Do whatever the fuck you want and throw your money away every month, idc. Just keep away from spamming this archaic shit in the board you autists.

So I just finished Ashenvale (Horde) at Level 25. Where can I go now?


Don't buy gear upgrades and grind quests and elite mobs solo, you'll get your money by like 42.

I have been, and I regret it. Just hit 53 as a human warrior, and leveling is absolute agony. Killing shit is incredibly slow, and dungeon farming is incredibly boring. I just want it to be over

and fpbp

Nothing can justify paying monthly for a video game.

I thought druids could heal.

What do you mean you "finished" it? You're supposed to move on when you get a high enough level. Don't tell me you're autistically doing all the quests.
No one is forcing you to grind. It's only been two weeks you fucking loser.

but user...

hitting 60 is just the beginning!

I went there at Level 20 in order to get to 30, which didn't work out. Did all the quests I could find, so yeah I finished it.

>no one is forcing you to grind
That's kind of the entire point of leveling, user

>Meanwhile I can return to a single purchase game any time I want
Now, why'd you have to go and lie like that, user?
Gamestop may be the only place that arguably(as I don't shop there) that allows for newly purchased physic games to be returnable, but within a timeframe. If we're talking digitally, I'm sure that depends on what platform, as with PC there are definite caveats to what would allow for a return.

>60/40 horde/alliance

to your peanut brain this just sounds like 10% more because they have 10% from alliance compared to 50/50, but what if i said, not only is it in reality 20% of the overall population, but to put it more clearly, it's 150% of the population of the lesser faction?

It's a social game. Quest with your guildies while fighting enemies that are a few levels higher than you. That's the only way to make this game fun.

i wasn't sure if i did, but i did for a few days, but then i didn't.

>It's a social game.
Every shitty game excuse.

>people rushing to 60 when the date of phase 2 hasn't even been announced yet

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Cause I would rather be playing FFXI, and I also vowed to never play an MMORPG again

You are a retarded faggot. Why the fuck do you talk about things you know nothing about?

Lunch break.

Cause I played it to death when it was out for real. Fucked up my high school in part due to WoW.
Now I have a house, kids and a wife. No time for WoW no more. But im glad classic is out for people to enjoy. I prefee my Switch now.

No it's not. At least not anymore in 2019.

Because it wasn't even good back then? I wasted enough time on this shit already.

I'm at work.

no draenei no play, simple as

no1 cares, ure just gonna spend it on other dumb shit anyways

Im stealing this pasta

>not having a brother-in-law whos a gm who gives you a years sub code for free.
Its like your not even trying brah.

Literal trash gameplay. Might as well play gachashit when I don't have nostalgia for it.

I had my fun when the game was peak MMO gameplay. Right now I simply don't have the time to play MMOs where you have to kill x of this and fetch x of this with 5% drop chance to pad out game time to keep you playing longer so you pay more subscription money. I don't play anything without a full price tag so I don't get timesinks, I'd rather just play something else.

kick the fear wtf man

I want to try Deadmines, but I'm 22 soon 23 and I don't want to outlevel it. I'll wait until more people are playing in hope of finding a group. I'm on a low population server, so finding Deadmines groups is unlikely unless you're really lucky, perhaps.

because I'm wageslaving
fucking hell only lvl 34 now and I've played since release, end me

fpbp, fuck the shills. im not giving nu-blizzard money ever again

I am motherfucker

untouched bad/pointless skilltrees and no updates in sight is the biggest turn off for me
also no transmog and no barber since Iam a stylefag

What an actually disgusting picture of an actually disgusting human being


I thought I did but I didn't.

Give me Warlock leveling tips.

I am. I’m only level 19 though

But I am. Just casually leveling a warlock and a shaman. Having a lot more fun than I expected, honestly.

Level 1:
>It will be fun at level 10 when I get my talents!
Level 10:
>It will be fun at level 20 when I can go to the contested zones!
Level 20:
>It will be fun once I can do SM and finally get some gear!
Level 30:
>It will be fun when I finally get to lvl 40 and get my mount!
Level 40:
>It will be fun when I'm finally level 60 and can start playing the game for real!
Level 60:
>It will be fun once I have finally finished grinding gear for preBiS!
>It will be fun once I have my epic mount!
>It will be fun once I have some tier 1!
>It will be fun once I have my tier 2!
>It will be fun once I have [x]!

Such a fun experience

Attached: luv warlocks.png (1680x1050, 2.28M)

So the point is that the fun is the entire experience, and you shouldn't be racing to any level

I did for 20 levels and that was the least fun I've ever had playing a videogame.
I'm sure it gets good 200 hours in but I don't care enough to find out.


there is no fun in this shitty game

Call me once they release TBC, when it was at least somewhat enjoyable. Maybe they can remove or limit flying mounts though.

>Farming something with a .05% drop rate
I'm not saying you're stupid.... BUT

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kys, belftard

I've had tons of fun so far, or haven't I?

>Cause I would rather be playing FFXI, and I also vowed to never play an MMORPG again
You think you won't but you will.

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I'd love to, but MMOs are for adolescents. Proper adults don't have time for that shit.

But I have been playing.
I'm a level 16 undead mage. Having fun.
I just wish Ghostlands was in vanilla, that area has to be the most fun 10-20 area in the game.

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Proper adults don't have time for any video games or dedicated discussion of them. Who are you trying to fool?

Why is this assmongoloid guy so popular? QRD?

It's the way he eats taco bell , really speaks to the zooms

i am but the grind is too real

its like dark souls but in a mmorpg format

I am, everyday

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So is frost mage being good at pvp just a meme? Sure they're good against warriors rouges and paladins but against everything else they just get wiped

So they're only good against half the classes...

The secret to beating any class is get good

You're shit and a fuckin' brainlet. Every time I see someone spell Rogue like you just did, it's immediate evidence they're a low IQ undesirable.

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30 priest right now
How do I melt faces before I get shadowform? So far I'm getting my ass kicked by all other classes

Waiting for the opening shitfest to subside to be quite honest.

because I won't play Blizzard shit.

Waiting on Blizzcon

>please play my game
lol no.

Make new friends. People who quit before lv 30 will never make anything good in their lives.

no latin america servers means 200 ms on a good day.

fuck blizzard

is there anyway to display enemy hp numbers without using an addon for it?

fdp kkkk

Fix your shitty governments and make everything not a bribe