I just beat this

I just beat this
what the fuck was that ending

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It was great and if you didn't get it you probably weren't paying enough attention to the games themes. One of the best endings of all time, brainlets would hate on it though because it doesn't tie up all the loose ends for them like a shitty movie.

I don't remember the ending. I should really do another playthrough. It's been a really long time.

Ending makes the full game for me, it's emotional and riveting.

also what the fuck was this thing and what the fuck was up with sephiroth himself
when I fought this guy he was facing sideways and when he died he split in half and only one of them fell and faded away, is that supposed to happen or a glitch
I don't get it
it doesn't give the characters closure at all and I don't even know what happened

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now go watch advent children with extremely high expectations like the rest of us did.

>it doesn't give the characters closure at all and I don't even know what happened
Welcome to FF

It is pretty simple to understand.
and they mentioned that holy might kill humanity multiple times in the game so they leave it up in the air if they survived or not.

Room temp IQ

Are you literally that brain damaged you can't hear the children's laugh when Red looks at the Midgar in the end?

can you actually explain anything instead of being a fucking nigger

are you so brain dead that you didn't see he brought his two children with him when he went to midgar?

>instead of being a fucking nigger
Only a nigger would have a hard time wrapping his monkey brains around the ending, so you first, cunt.

please answer this

You can literally hear them meowling half a minute before the laugh and they sound differently.
Your inane reaching is amusing.

Now play New Threat and embrace your friendship/rivalry with the X-ATM Scorpion.

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inane reaching?
The ending was literally made to suggest that humanity died out.
fuck off autist

It literally weren't.
You clearly hear the children laugh coming out of Midgar.
You have no arguments.

>>not be on v for years
>>"why is everyone so mad"
>>oh yea theyre virgin man-children

epic game, seph becomes part of the life stream


>Game has shit storytelling and shit ending
>"You just don't GET it because you're a STUPID BRAINLET!"
You probably thought Braid was super deep, too, didn't you?

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>"you have no arguments" said the man with no arguments
Why are you so defensive about this?
ESL or drunk?

>Why are you so defensive about this?
Why are you literally retarded, user?

>Game has shit storytelling and shit ending

It doesn't though.

probably because I was dropped on my head or something.
Answer the question please.

It sure does.

>tfw you will never have the game's first boss save your ass just so it can kill you itself later
Why even Final Fantasy?

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This game is convoluted dogshit. Bad fucking storytelling all the way around including the ending.

>can you actually explain anything instead of being a fucking nigger
Woah man, that's kinda racist.

Confirmed retard

Yeah, this is the game that ruined plot for all square games afterwards. It's why Chrono Cross's story sucks balls and even carries over today into shit like Kindom Hearts.

why won't you answer the question?
why do you hate me with such passion?

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They managed to beat sephiroth. Holy can now be casted and deal wiht meteor.
The problem was it was too late. Meteor was getting closer and holy couldn't focus in time.
Just when meteor is about to hit, the lifestream itself comes help holy, and between the lifestream and holy they destroy the meteor.

Turns out, Aeris was behind lifestream movement. She saved the world not only casting holy, but moving the lifestream.

Oh and also cloud understands that the promise land isn't a place itself, but the afterlife. Be one with the lifestream, be one with the planet. Thats the promise land, the after life.

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holy failed
aerith won

what's so hard to understand

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Man, that's it? That's really fucking stupid.

What did you expect? something anime-manchild tier ending like cloud and tifa be happy together forever after?

How is it stupid?

I mean, it sounds like an anime manchild tier ending to be honest. Just about anything would have been better than that.

It’s rather easy to follow if you aren’t a tard.

I’ve never played FF7, and my friend gifted it to me for the iPhone. Worth a play through for an on-the-go buddy?
>inb4 you posted this last week.
I’m just collecting responses to boost my confidence

The mobile version is fine, but it's worth sitting down and playing the game at home with the volume on, ya know?

oh yeah
give a few examples

>Literally anything involving Cait Sith including his """death"""
>Villain can't so much as take a piss without his space goo mommy's help. Doesn't even get character development until a prequel that came out a fucking decade later
>Gaming's "MOST TWAGIC I CRY EVERYTEIM Q~Q" death only happens because Aerith makes decisions even someone with an atomic cocktail of brain problems wouldn't make
>Shinra is (almost literally) powered by cartoon villainy
>Shinra dropped an eighth of their fucking city just to get rid of a slum, nobody seems to be bothered by this. No mass panic, Midgar still has plenty of citizens despite this
>The giant plot rocket does nothing to destroy the meteor Sephiroth summoned whether you succeed or not, because fuck what the player accomplishes!
>Speaking of, giant meteor about to wreck the planets shit? Here's a fuckton of minigames, some are even mandatory!
>Cloud being randomly mind controlled for next to no reason, forcing you into playable helplessness
>A side villain is cited as a more interesting villain than the main villain
>You can cut the main villain that everyone fanboys over out of the plot and nothing would fucking change
>Red XIII's entire story is full of plotholes

And that's just a few without going into TL;DR territory


It's not convoluted at all. It's very straight forward. You're just a fucking brainlet.

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>Doesn't even get character development until a prequel that came out a fucking decade later

Stopped reading.
You're a fucking idiot.

>Villain can't so much as take a piss without his space goo mommy's help
>Cloud being randomly mind controlled for next to no reason, forcing you into playable helplessness
>You can cut the main villain that everyone fanboys over out of the plot and nothing would fucking change
how can someone misunderstand something so blatantly spelled out for you

The children laughing is the Planet, which is literally described as a child in the game by Cid.

too cute

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>this entire post

fucking zoomer secondaries

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Literally the previous installment, 6 had a better ending.

why is the sephiroth fight and his forms so nonsensical
why doesn't he have any dialogue in the fight at all
what the hell was with the final encounter with him, was it even real
why is there absolutely no epilogue scene that shows the characters getting along okay
why does it just cut to 500 years later when they're all fucking dead
for a character driven game just dropping them completely in the ending is really fucking unsatisfying

I fucking laughed hard when Aeris died. Shitty 1 dimensional character gets murced by shitty 1 dimensional villain. Was pretty funny really.

oh.. you're one of them

If thats your response to FF7 ending then I'd love to see your response to FF8 ending streamable.com/ej028

haha yeah it was epic bruh

People try so hard to hate 7 that it comes off as fucking laughable.

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>why is the sephiroth fight and his forms so nonsensical
pure mako and lifestream power.
>why doesn't he have any dialogue in the fight at all
He's more of a lifeform now, not a human.
>what the hell was with the final encounter with him, was it even real
That was cloud destroying the last remnants of sephiroth inside him. It was in clouds mind.
>why is there absolutely no epilogue scene that shows the characters getting along okay
That's the point, you dont know.
>why does it just cut to 500 years later when they're all fucking dead
>for a character driven game just dropping them completely in the ending is really fucking unsatisfying
when you see aeris face at the end, everything makes sense suddenly and the ending becomes great.

I'm 29 and never had sex or gf

This is new midgar

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6fags are the funniest

why are all the final boss themes in 7 so underwhelming

stop spamming this unfunny shit

6 actually did a much better job of explaining shit throughout the game as well. There's no dumb flashbacks or dumb bullshit emo characters like Cloud or Vincent either. Fucking pussies.

It's Nobuo. Most of his music is underwhelming. Good melodist. Poor orchestrator.

>when you see aeris face at the end, everything makes sense suddenly and the ending becomes great.
no it doesn't
I don't understand

You're right.

It's kino.
Rather than dotting every i and crossing every t, it focuses on a thematic resolution. That kind of restraint is a rare treat in JRPGs.

having a brain helps

t. literal nobody

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Bafflingly shit taste.
It's hilarious seeing faggots bend over backwards to find reasons to hate VII.

the ending was shat out because devs ran out of time, don't try to pretend FF7's story is anything above mediocre

what the fuck is this weakass bait

Final Fantasy V does give closure.

Mitsuda is objectively a better writer and orchestrator. Hell, I'll even take Shimomura over Nobuo any day.

I think people that doesnt understand the ending are just zoomers without imagination. They try to make everything to be realistic and obvious.

too bad he only made one good ost

refusing to give even the tiniest of epilogues for the characters, the number one thing you care about in the game, is asinine

every OST he has is good

>Doesn't pay attention to the story
>Story must be shit
Wow... I'm sorry to hear about your learning disability user. Don't worry though, plenty of handicapped people can lead productive lives.

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>Chrono Trigger
>Chrono Cross
>Shadow Hearts
You are fucking retarded

can you actually fucking explain it instead of being a shithead

yup, that's the one
the others have like one or two good tracks and that's it

I'm sorry that you're retarded and have shit taste.

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Sephiroth died when Cloud threw him into the Lifestream in the flashback. He fell with Jenova's head in his hand, which fused with him. Being in the Lifestream rejuvenated Jenova enough for the main body to escape from the Shinra building. From that point on, Sephiroth doesn't exist anymore. Only Jenova and Jenova/Sephiroth hybrid does.

nice headcanon

I bet you missed the most important flashback in the whole game.

Yeah... they did a great fucking job of explaining that one.

imagine being this rerarded

Imagine being such a little bitch that you punch a girl.

>Hojo rebuilds nibelheim from the ground up and pays everyone to stay quiet
>does not destroy the mansion containing evidence towards his deeds, including video footage
defend this shit

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user, after shitting over ffvii's ost you lost any righ to call anyone's taste shit
>Wojak reaction image
Of fucking course

what does that flashback have to do with the ending


7 had one of the best endings. not sure what OP means other then explaining how retarded he is,

He was most likely still using it from time to time. Probably had nothing major to hide either

>Probably had nothing major to hide either
what did he mean by this?

The OST is hot trash. One Winged Angel is the dumbest shit I've ever heard especially with the bad synth choir. People that salivate over 7's music don't have ears.

Awakening from Xenogears is some pretty dumb shit too

and who could forget Chrono Cross' amazing final boss theme!

what did he have to hide

he didn't destroy the mansion because he still conducted experiments in it, as that same video footage shows

as for the footage, i guess he just didn't care. and he was right. it didn't get out. the party is probably the only ones who ever see it

It took Square a few years to realize that people actually prefer well written stories, developed characters, and coherent plots instead of generic JRPG nip nonsense.
It's a miracle that FFX turned out to be a good game with a great story.

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the use of homonculuses in power plants, the entire library

Blame Square for making that game a fucking trainwreck. The music is the only good thing about it.

Japanese games are different from Western in this area. In western games, you usually get fed a little information at a time all through the game, so by the time the ending comes, you have a pretty good grasp of what's happening. In Japanese games, the load up the last 10% with a ton of information - new names, new places, new characters, just all this shit thrown at you so fast that you don't have time to remember the relevant plot introductions.

For example, I just finished Yakuza 0 last week and towards the end I was wishing there was some sort of tree-diagram outlining the hierarchy of all the organizations in the game and the people's positions on the tree. But still, it wasn't as bad others. Persona 5, for example. The last few hours of that game was an indecipherable cluster fuck.

low quality bait

Still better than One Winged Angel.

Just because you don't like my opinion, doesn't make it bait.

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>One of the best endings of all time
Hey, zoomer, most people were pretty outraged about the FF7 ending in the 90's. It was the general consensus that they either ran out of time or budget to give it a proper ending because so much was still left in the air with hardly any real closure on the characters that you'd just spent 100 hours getting attached to. They heard those complaints and made sure not to make the same mistake in FFVIII - which, considering how shit the actual game was, had one of the best endings in the Final Fantasy franchise. Every single character, including side-quest or secondary characters, were shown in a few "where-are-they-now?" seconds each.

>Not MK Wii
>In fact, not Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed
>Not Smash 64
>Gen 1

I spit on you and your otherwise good list.

Midgar market district

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as if shinra would care

what did aeris's face showing up at the end mean

She was watching you masturbate.

what exactly was aeris doing when she got killed

replaying it now with new threat mod
story and ending are fine, and I understood everything when I played it in 98 at 12 years old

just wanna say fuck Shera

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It's a personal list rather than 'the best.'
CTR is better than all of those racers, but I never played it until after making that collage.
Melee is better than 64, but I'd probably play Ultimate instead if I owned a Switch.
>Gen 1
Yeah. Gen 2 is a better game, but the cultural phenomenon that followed the first gen makes me biased because of how fun it was being into it when it was new and everyone was playing it.

trying to summon Holy unit


the characters were by far the best part of the game but then the ending just left them out completely
even sephiroth who had some of the best moments at the end of disc one got shafted and never says another fucking word during the final encounter
it's fucking dumb and feels like a wet fart of a conclusion

>most people were pretty outraged about the FF7 ending in the 90's

care to prove it?

what generic villain shit was he supposed to say? his entire plan and arc had been outlined

>it's another "me dumb, so story convoluted" episode

More like shit is just explained poorly. Evangelion's last two episodes had better storytelling than FF7

I don't know, I expected him to talk shit or at least interact with cloud in some capacity especially since he wasn't fucked in the head anymore
having him not say a single word feels really dumb when it's finally the real sephiroth you're facing

>More like shit is just explained poorly

just further proving the point
everything is explained properly
it's the ending that is a stupid asspull

Naw dude, you see, he had transcended into a new lifeform so speech was totally beneath him.

Or more likely, they just ran out of time at the end and didn't include anything.

8's ending was as generic as they came.

Advent Children

It's really not though. It's shitty flashbacks and the zack/cloud thing is dumb as fuck.

okay zoomlet

>the remake could expand the ending/disc 3 to make it actually worthwhile
>they're going to blow their load on the intro and the rest of the game is going to be even more unfinished and cut than before, if it ever releases
fuck everything

>When I first watched the ending to Final Fantasy VII I stood in disbelief. I loved it. I went into the game hearing that the game itself was incredible, the gameplay unbelievable, the story the best ever done in a video game, and yet the ending was horrible. [..] And that’s the way I felt about it, even as all of my friends who had played the game and beat it talked of how they wasted three days of their life for an ending which was nothing but eye candy. “Look closer at it and the themes it presents” I said, but they ignored me. When I arrived at OSU in late September my roommate beat the game after the first week of class. After viewing the ending he took the third disk and broke it into pieces. He then threw away the second disk of the game, even as I stared in horror and disbelief. I asked him why he would do such a thing, and he said, “What they did in the end was an injustice to every Final Fantasy fan around the world and to everyone who played that game.”

I didn't go autist like that but I was like "meh" and forgot about it the next day. Very underwhelming and blatantly rushed.
>Here's this vital cutscene about Cloud and Zack that you can trigger if you go to Nibelheim at one point where it's not necessary and a moment we won't ever even hint about
Yeah, they were legit mong, especially with the whole "Sephiroth is Hojo's cuckbabby".

>hurr durr I switched memories with Zach inexplicably. Probably just those Jenova cells...
Stupid fucking plot device. Lazy as fuck writing.

>legit mong

shut the fuck up cunt

nice headcanon

That's not what happened.
Stop fucking posting already.

It was terrible storytelling, but it's okay if you like it.

okay brainlet

If you think Cloud thought he was Zack, then neck yourself, you low IQ nigglet.

is there anyone more pathetic than vincent

Then explain what actually happened

Yea Forums just loves emo faggotry



Dude got cucked so hard it almost annihilated the entire planet. That's some heavy shit to carry with you

why is disc 3 so shit
how can this be the best game ever when it ends on a wet fart

The ending was perfectly fine.
You don't need to see the characters laughing together for it to be a good ending.

So Cloud and them all died since they were at ground zero of Holy and Meteor right? Did they just get fucking obliterated?

so was red and he survived

It's literally spelled out for you
Cloud learned about Zack from Zack himself, when he died he took whatever he knew about him, sort of absorbed the big hero stuff and made a bullshit larping Cloud with it
If he thought he was Zack, whenever he went to Gongaga wouldn't you think he would've gone
Instead Cloud never forgets he is indeed from Nibelheim and all you get is this
With both Aerith and Tifa fully aware shit is all fucked up.

it's worse than not including anything even, it skips to 500 years later when they're presumably all dead just to push the NATURE GOOD theme
it's fucking insulting, how the fuck can you have that as the ending for a 50+ hour rpg completely driven by the great characters

>mako poisoning messes with his memory. He thinks he's the one that accompanied sephiroth as opposed to zack
basically cloud is a pussy bitch and his mind breaks from trauma (boo hoo). it's tied together mostly by an optional cutscene: great fucking storytelling

explain what, retard

cloud just thinks he's ex-soldier, not zack
he naturally thought he achieved his dreams and left Shinra

did a flashback kill your mother or something

cloud mentioned it briefly about understanding the promised land and how they would get to see aeris again, but it was aeris from the afterlife (promised land is being one with the planet in the afterlife) working with the planet to cast holy and provide a lifestream to stop meteor

hey retard its essentially the post-game disc

Holy was casted automatically after Sephiroth was stopped, Aerith summoned the Lifestream to stop Holy from making things worse and fucking up the earth alongside Meteor.

maybe stop being a fucking brainlet

VII and X are canonically connected.

Yeah, maybe not zack proper but he uses him as a memory template basically. He thinks he's the one that goes to Neibelheim with Sephiroth in most of the early flashbacks as opposed to zack. He also takes up his fighting style and body language.

stupid fucking CC secondary

You mean the fmw or the whole sequence of bosses?

>great characters

>He also takes up his fighting style

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you realize cloud actually did go with sephiroth and zack to neibelheim right?

Fuck me that fight was great. I never finished New Threat but made it through temple of ancients.

>tfw 2 demon walls

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Yes, but he was scrub as opposed to what his memory of that actually is

they wouldn't care about nibelheim regardless, the point was to hide it from the general public

This pretty much sums up the fmv The boss sequence is bit more tricky, some claim Sephiroth in his one winged angel form is the same that was seen in the crater where Cloud gives him the black materia. Only reason why people claim that is that when the materia is given, Sephiroth is missing his legs and in one winged angel his lower body is some mutation. No idea is there official stuff about it but it kinda makes sense. And yeah, the final Sephiroth is basically a ghost, Cloud beats him out of his mind once and for all. The Jenova you kill is the real Jenova that landed 2000 years ago. Bizarro Sephiroth is what the name says, Bizarro form of him

>general public

what would they do

revolt, hence why nibelheim was covered up

Wow, that's really boring taste.

Isnt it mostly Gasts research that is there? If memory serves me right, Hojo took over the ancient breeding after getting rid of Gast. So he really has nothing to hide there

I don't remember the last time I was so let down by an ending
I can't stop being upset about it

it's almost like he's misremembering events

bruh there are only like 50 people in midgar lmao

>imagine being such a little bitch that you think women who literally deserve to get decked shouldn’t be because MUH WHITE KNIGHT

>No dumb emo bullshit
Your definition of "emo bullshit" is anyone with a depressing backstory
>Gau abandoned by his dad cause why not
>Cyan "muh dead family" Garamonde
>lol Shadow
>Celes tries to kill herself
>Terra depressed like 89% of the game and isn't even technically the main character
>Kefka experiment gone wrong cus why not

Cloud being "emo" MOSTLY refers to KH and FF7AC's butchering / reset of Cloud's personality. You just an impressionable contrarian faggot that doesn't even follow your own rules.

I mean yeah, mostly because his brain broke after getting tortured. What a little bitch.

The ending had cut content and was canon rushed, they basically pulled a Xenogears twice in a row and gave the game nobody asked for, FFVIII, the ending FFVII should have got, a full wholesome happy ending set in current times to make up for the absolute downer that is Aerith's death, an event that was so shocking and happened so soon that it destroyed the pacing of the game.
Rest honestly felt and probably was a filler to bridge her death with the final battle, except Cloud in Mideel (and the Nibelheim cutscene) which was basically the only plot point of disc 2 and 3 worth shit.

Shame they will add the Genesis and Zack shit from Crisis Core instead of fixing the ending, especially since they wrote themselves into a corner with Advent Shitter. I wish they would just retcon the compilation out of existence but it ain't happening.
Don't get me wrong, still better than FFXV, now that was the epitome of a shit ending. Good lord.

does bugenhagen die?

absolute rubbish

Yes. FF "versus 13" shows that a game can be delayed / redone for over a decade and still end up being a rushed piece of shit.

I know, I cannot believe they actually had the courage to ship it with that ending.

>gave 8 the ending

stop this retarded meme

bizarro sephiroth is the one that makes absolutely no sense to me
along with the background for safer sephiroth, and why he looks that way in the first place
also both jenova and him were underwhelming as fuck even ignoring how easy they were, he didn't say a single word and jenova just kind of shows up and then dies without a second thought

Not a meme, wanna bet FFXVI will have a happy ending straight out FFIX due to the how horribly FFXV's was received

>ffix happy ending
>zidane dies

someone give me a quick rundown on all the side/extra shit like advent children/crisis core
how much of it is there exactly? what is it and why does it exist? is it actually canon or worth a shit?


the ending was like 1 of 2 or 3 things received well about FFXV

Did your disk crash after the vines attacked Kuja and Zidane?
It's "canon", basically to fill the gaps, like
>cut content about vincent and yuffie in the ending
>nobody buys the "lol optional chars" excuse
>put them in Dirge of Cerberus in Midgat to evacuate people
That kinda retarded "canon" retcon asspull.

I dunno man, that car was pretty sweet

Yea, the bosses are easy and they really are underwhelming. I kinda get it why they dont say a word, you know why you are there and know pretty much all the backstory there is so there really is not much to say.

Pretty much same goes to all final fantasy final bosses, if you have been doing endgame content in the games, you will just nuke the real final boss to the orbit in few hits. Atleast there are superbosses so i dont mind. did you beat Emerald and Ruby?

can't stand people who can't appreciate ambiguous endings
must be americans

How much you want to bet they end FFVIIre on a wedding like the end of FFXV? Given the two games both take place under somber and hopeless circumstances, I wouldn't be surprised. I can imagine the shitstorm of whoever Cloud marries, too.

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That guy is just making shit up.


nice drawn on eyebrows

You are an autistic retard.

C'mon man. You know they are not going to keep the same ending as the original and going by how they shelled out DLC episodes for XV, I would imagine they are planning to add a whole lot more to the remake and then some

nice homosexual meme faggot

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They will never ever retcon her death in any way, but they will expand and improve the ending. I bet they will probably write the AC ending in, in some way.

her eyesbrows look awful ingame

it's just the lighting, bubby

>credits finish
>post-credits scene starts
>two years later...
>camera shows ruined Midgar in a similar shot to the 500 years later one
>pans down to AC Cloud
He's in.

Attached: Cloud_Advent_Children_Complete.png (655x585, 396K)

>They will never ever retcon her death in any way
SE also said they would never remake FFVII, too. As far as Aerith's death is concerned, I don't have any hope for her staying dead this time.

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You're almost as foolish as the Jessiefags who think she'll live.


Do they even explained how Cloud was able to be a fucking badass fighter?

One thing is larping about being Soldier First Class like Cloud did after getting mindfucked and another it's actually be able to do it.

I didn't, which makes how easy all the bosses were even more dumb
I didn't do any kind of grinding and still killed them all in a few turns, that little fucker with a lamp that's a random encounter is more threatening than any of the final bosses
bizarro sephiroth doesn't even fucking attack you
but like I said that's not even the disappointing part, sephiroth is this absolute cunt the entirety of the game and tortures cloud to the point he gets mind raped, then he finally gets over it all and confronts the real deal in the final showdown and not a fucking word comes from him, no interaction whatsoever
it's incredibly underwhelming, not to mention jenova the ancient evil that's really been the catalyst for everything well before the game even started just randomly appears as this dumb ball thing and you kill it without even really commenting on it
even the final dungeon itself is lackluster, just a few rooms with rocks and mako
I was so emotionally invested when I started heading down into the glowing spiral crater and got absolutely fucking nothing out of it, not even a brief epilogue for the characters I was attached to and even worse a footnote made long after they were all dead
I haven't been this upset by the way a game ended in a long fucking time

Dude, the legacy of this game the characters and their impact on SE's reputation has practically guaranteed that they are going to change certain fundamental footnotes of the original game. Look at the trailers we have seen thus far. They are already fucking with the established story. You think they won't change the destiny of one of the most well known SE heroines in the history of their business? Bet you five bucks they bring her back before the end of the game.

He literally says so on the highwind, he is built like soldier, only a little bit weaker mentally and physically

7 stans will say some shit like mako mcguffin or that "he was really strong all along and just needed to believe in himself" or some gay shit.

If she did not die, Nobody would give half a fuck about ffvii. She is the origin of forced drama.

Oh, for sure they are going to have her climatic death play out in all its cinematic glory with a completely original orchestral track to go along with it, but you are fucking insane if you don't believe they will bring her back.

Retard, he was exposed to the soldier treatment as anybody else, he was simply not good enough to be elite.


they won't, that would be fucking retarded and insulting.

You got it. She lives, ffvii achieves ffix status at best.

>Do they even explained

what the fuck is with all the stupid ESLs as of late?

My interpretation was that the planet only stepped up to save humans was because of Aeris, otherwise it would have been perfectly happy to let them all die.

IX was a better game than VII desu, so it'd be an improvement.

>blatantly unfinished and rushed

Look at how they treated FFXV. Most of the DLC episodes involved an alternate ending in which the main character doesn't die and the ending drastically changes from what the established ending is. Plus given a "save Aerith" option was one of the most requested addons by japanese fans, don't be surprised if they do bring her back

*Nobody would give half a fuck about her

you know they fired the guy responsible for that shit right

Yeah but let's remember that he actually tried to enter SOLDIER and sucked so much he ended up being a random grunt In the Shinra Army.

>He just needed to believe in himself"

What a fucking piece of shit is that explanation, where did he learn all the techniques? How the fuck was he even able/knew to wield the Buster Blade?

They fired half the staff


Not true at all about the 90s nonsense. Thanks for atleast trying to prove me right about most brainlets thinking its bad because it doesnt wrap up like a popcorn movie.

just swing it real hard my dude

no seriously why are all the final boss themes in ff7 underwhelming
they really lack that boss feeling to them
I can't be the only one who thinks this

how exactly is it unfinished
aerith livestreams and saves the planet and everyone survives

what else do you want

FF7 is what you get when your story designer watches evangelion and decides to rip it off.

And this is the last game Nomura has been quoted as saying he is going to work on before he retires. Anything is on the fucking table at this point since they foreshadowed Sephiroth at a point in the game where he was just a name.

It's nothing like Evangelion.

>Aerith livestreams

I would subscribe

not canon, and no, she's going to stay dead. stop being a delusional waifutard, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment

FF12 had a really nice easy to follow plot that was interesting. I loved the world and want another FF set in ivalice

Imagine all the people who for years didn't know if the world blew'd up after the ending or not and if everything you did turned out to be in vain, until Advent Children came out.

Attached: Tifa.webm (720x1280, 1.56M)

Most final fantasies rip off at least part of their story from star wars, but ff12 was so fucking blatant I didn't even finish it.

>everyone survives
it explicitly cuts to 500 years later when they're all dead, that's a fucking retarded slap in the face
I want a fucking resolution for these characters I've grown attached to over the goddamn fucking game

Fine. When they do bring her back I will be here to show you your own screenshot as you wall of text in rage at them actually doing it.

Dude, he took the same nuclear steroids Zack did, but he was a virgin and failed the test. After the asshurt about Nibelheim made him go apeshit and kill sefiros, hojo saw potential and gave him nuclear hgh, and he still relapsed because he was a virgin. It was Zack dying that gave him the last push into being proper Soldier material. Basically Cloud had all the physical tools to succeed but was an introvert loser, typical gook writing

It cuts to show the planet doing well. Go back to watching cartoons you drooling retard.

I want a FFT remake, I could die in the sleep afterwards

>mfw I realized they gave sephiroth supernova because otherwise he wouldn't live long enough for you to hear any amount of one winged angel

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Didn't Cloud get more Jehova cells in him than Zack?

Aeris uses her super duper ancient blood to guide the lifestream to stop meteor, making most of the events on disc 2 irrelevant.

PSX somehow managed to have some worse fucking soundfonts than the SNES did.

your birth was a retarded slap in the face

I had the pc version with the shitty midi music originally. That was bad.

I can't imagine the people who didn't watch the unskippable credits and cutscene afterward that shows it worked was very high

Not sure, both got treated with that shit for years, but it was too much for cloud

The yamaha church theme in midi is better, look it up.

Nope, everyone survives. It shows that the world recovered from Shinra's mako abuse. You see Midgar abandoned in Advent Children and the other shit game.

The cutscene afterwards shows Midgar in ruins and humanity seemingly extinct and Red's descendants running about. Not exactly a definitive confirmation that meteor was averted.

stop with the bait you massive retards

I mean, even the PSX has basic MIDI soundfonts for the most part. I don't think there's much of anything in there that's really sampled per se. Maybe the choir on One Winged Angel?

is the planet still alive? meteor was averted lol

who gives a shit about the planet
NATURE GOOD is a fucking hamfisted and pointless idea, and you could very easily show the exact same thing without ripping away any sort of resolution for the characters aka the actual reason you even care about the game at all
they're not alive 500 fucking years later
skipping that far ahead without showing any kind of nice ending for anyone is borderline insulting

Considering there's no fucking huge crater from a meteor impact, I would say it's pretty evident it was adverted.

Well I don't really know anything about sound design but it was clear to me at that time that the PC version was inferior (I didn't even originally know one winged angel was supposed to have lyrics)

It was fine...If you had no expectations.

Also dat soundtrack.

Meteor wouldn't have mattered. The planet could have just healed itself. The only reason it hadn't healed the north crater was because of jenova.

more like laughing my ass off at how garbage the remake will end up being and retards like you that will praise this dumpster fire because muh shitfu

you're actually brain dead

I'm glad I'm already spoiled of FF7, because the game looks and plays like shit.

I rather play FFX than FF7, since it's actually the best game in the series.

If by "they" you mean the original party, then yes. Mankind is fine. It shows that the world recovered, which is whole fucking point because you can literally see most of the world has gotten sucked dry throughout the game. Go watch Advent Shit or play Dirge of Cerberus if you want to continue the story with the same characters. There's no time skip endings in that one.

Im 29 and ive had sex plenty of times.

>bender gif Compare your life to mine, then kill yourself.

I agree. 6 is the best in the series.

Oh yes I couldn't agree more. Final Fantasy VII truly is the pinnacle of the medium.

>"it looks like holy is having the opposite effect"
>implying there wasn't the chance that meteor could have not made it's devastating blow while still wiping out midgar (with holy's assistance) which is what the cutscene implied

Is the planet aware of Jenova?

What would've happen if the party couldn't manage to defeat Sephiroth/Jenova and meteor wounded the planet, would the lifestream appear to heal the planet but at the same time be corrupted by Jenova? Or would sacrifice itself to fuck Jenova?

Well the planet was previously in communication with the cetra, who were area of jenova and knew it was preventing the planet from healing itself.

why is it so hard for you to understand that not seeing a resolution for the characters you grow attached to throughout the game is incredibly frustrating

>who gives a shit about the planet

the entire game revolves around it

because it makes no sense
it's already heavily implied you brainlet


Agreed, IX had the best plot, characters, and music in the series.

and it didn't
the end

because it makes no sense
it's already heavily implied you brainlet


I got the impression that the planet was cleansed of jenova after you beat jenova and sephiroth (the lifestream changed color in the cutscene). Sephiroth thought the planet would try to heal itself from the damage caused by meteor, and he would just steal the energy because he could. The only way the planet was show to be able to die is if it loses the life energy, either from being sucked up to make mako or potentially if sephiroth/jenova stole it all.

no, it revolves around the characters trying to save it, which is what you get attached to
in fact the characters themselves explicitly have a moment before the final confrontation where they all admit the real reasons they keep fighting, and that the planet is secondary

So the plan of Jenova was never going to succeed then?

You don't need resolution, you autist. 99.99% of games just end after the final boss and a cutscene.

>no, it revolves around the characters trying to save it

you're not very bright are you

which was only proven by advent children, not by the ending cutscene which showed Midgar destroyed


you can't be real. you seriously think an impact from a meteor that big wouldn't decimate that entire area? the fact that midgar still stands with no more damage than we last saw it shows that

stop wasting my time with this nonsense you fucking buffoon

I don't want fucking implications, if they can spend ten quadrillion dollars animating ten minutes of the retarded aurora borealis they can spend 5 seconds showing tifa cooking for cloud or something in their new house or barret hugging marlene or cid going back to his wife and working on a new plane or something
go fuck yourself
you have no idea what good writing and a not rushed to shit and unfinished ending looks like

I waffle between wanting Tifa and wanting to BE Tifa

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The FF7 ending was fine, autist. You sound like the kind of fag who reads moege garbage and sings along with anime openings.

The cetra beat jenova a long time ago, it was just a space parasite monster like the thing. Sephiroth was just able to use it's it's powers even more effectively than jenova itself could.

>no more damage

kill yourself you fucking retard. Post credits cutscene literally showed Midgar in ruins

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which it was in ruins when we last saw it minus the fauna

just shut the fuck up holy hell

This is from the same game that has Sephiroth destroying every planet in the solar system to deal a couple of thousand points of damage to your party, retard.

>Gaming's "MOST TWAGIC I CRY EV... etc etc im a fag
yes you are, and also: fucking retarded.

When did we last see it "in ruins?" Last thing we saw was meteor colliding with lifestream. Kill yourself retard.

are you implying ff7 isn't "anime garbage"

wtf is this hack rushed ending this writing is terrible why didn't they just include a shot of david smiling and happy and drinking coffee in some cafe back on earth

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I mean, her death was more funny than anything. That bitch got skewered hard.

fucking Americans need everything fed to them

straw, meet man

Moege garbage is the worst kind of anime garbage.

that was an illusion get learned you bunch of autistic newfags

I didn't say it was the very last thing we see before it cuts to credits, that was the shot of Aeris from the start of the game - I said the last time we saw Midgar it was in ruins, because, you know it was getting hit with magic tornadoes and shit

stop replying to me, you've nothing to support argument

kill yourself spic

Nope, not even close to an "illusion." It's a EU/NA exclusive animation. The original is just a shitty spell with a 3 second animation.

>support argument
*support your argument

you say this like it was created by anyone other than the same developers who made the rest of the game

>you know the original japanese release didn't even HAVE that many weapons so those weapons aren't canon either!?!?!
seriously just fuck off

Yes, Sephiroth canonically destroyed every planet in the solar system when waiting for Meteor to destroy the planet he was on.

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brainlet, meet ambiguity


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lead by example :^)

I thought Sephiroth died when Cloud impaled him and threw him into the lifestream. It's Sephiroth using Jenova or the other way around?


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It's not even good ambiguity either. The end of Total Recall has ambiguity: was it all a dream? Does it matter?

The ending of 7 is basically: here's this plot we've given you up to this point. Let's disregard pretty much all of it and focus on theme alone at the end. They basically pulled an Evangelion.

not seeing the characters get any closure at all is fucking dogshit

which parts were disregarded?

Sephiroth's strong will allowed him to live. I used to struggle with that question myself, but as an user pointed out to me years ago, it's pretty clearly Sephiroth. The whole story is the struggle between Sephiroth and Cloud. He's the antagonist of the story.


what fucking closure do you need

their actions saved the planet. how were they disregarded?

>here's this plot we've given you up to this point. Let's disregard pretty much all of it
Bugenhagen tells you that he doesn't know if Holy will wipe out humanity.

people like that are the reason advent children and X-2 exist

why do you think not having any sort of epilogue is acceptable for a 70+ hour jrpg solely driven by its characters

why do you think every story needs to end a certain way?


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AC wasn't the worst thing in the world. It was fucking stupid but I can at least connect the dots for how the characters got there. X-2 is fucking insane, irrevocably fucks X's universe and the more you like X the more you realize how fucked up X-2 is. Fun game though.

this is unironically more closure than ff7's ending
what a joke

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The game had the epilogue it needed. Barrett swore to be a better man for Marlene. Cid swore to be a better man for Shera. Yuffie will continue to try and improve their home. Vincent, if you brought him with you, squared his feud with Hojo. And Tifa and Cloud will live for each other either as friends or as lovers. Everyone got to end their character arcs as needed, we as an audience know how their stories end


retards like him are why shit like AC exists

Assholes who want everything spelled out for them is the reason why we got Advent Children and the canon reason why this motherfucker is the earth is fucked.

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holy fuck knowing about him makes me mad

there's an immense difference if you don't actually show any of that
it only even needs to be a few seconds to give the satisfying effect the game needs
hell you can throw it in the credits as part of a montage even, it's a shame ff7's credits wasn't completely soulless and they didn't have a shitton of nothing going on and black space to fill with something like that like other good RPGs do

>Persona 4 Golden
Literally "JRPG nip nonsense", a major selling point was being able to fuck another character and you get an absolute edgelord ending
It's just MG2 again but with more cliche shit and worse.
>Fire Emblem
>fucking Pokemon
Need I say more about those?
>RE4 on PS2
It's like you don't play the games you put on here.
>REmake 2
It literally ruined RE2's story, direction and pacing.

I real wish people would stop saying 7 = 10. I hate the stupid Easter egg

How is the ending of FF7 so hard to understand

I can see why Square took advantage of the brainlets out there with the excessive spin offs and memorabilia since so many of them can't understand the basics and ending of, what is probably, the least convoluted Final Fantasy game.

Jesus, no wonder games and entertainment have all gone to shit.
How many of you even have the imagination to even sit down and play fantasy games in the first place

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SE themselves fucking confirmed it. It's fucking official. Disgusting as it is.

>dumb bullshit emo character
Did we play the same game? Cloud just acts like a dickhead

no, one guy said it's his personal canon in an interview

don't reply to KH/CC secondaries

VI gave plenty of closure.

Please God I want you to be lying. Because if you're telling the truth then SE is now the apotheosis of bad story telling. And I read How I Became Yours


Nevermind that line has been crossed already

I actually still haven't finished FF7, playing it right now. What does KH do to his personality? What's CC? Chrono Cross?

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oh thank god
fuck that guy

>I like lazy writing that just makes me assume what actually happens to the characters at the end.
Just say what you mean dude. I mean come on man. This is as bad as people praising Night in the Woods for a good story. There's being ambiguous for artistic effect like say the end of Perfect Blue. And just throwing your hands up in the air and going "eh."

You're cute.

Final Fantasy is not Final Fantasy without the talent that was at Squaresoft.

Most of the best people and crew have long left when that started circulating since it was probably just some dumb joke/easteregg on their part.

lol sup nephew. its so funny when brainlets says someone is a brainlet
>One of the best endings of all time
nigward wuutt??? this game by far has the worst ending of the FF franchise that they even had to make a movie after it to actually conclude its story


>You're cute.
I'm not lying. I just want to know why everybody thinks Cloud is an edgelord. I'm playing FF7 and I don't see it.
All I know about him in KH is that he wraps his sword in bandages or some shit.

>doing Golden saucer colloseum
>didnt know tiny was an effect, cant undo it
>cant use heal magic
>fortunately I got the enemy skill that heals
>even when tiny, still manage to make it to the last wave against the dragon
>already at half health
>survives Odin and some other summon I had
>keeps using flamethrower, by sheer luck I had put the flame ring on cloud hours ago and it keeps hitting 0's
>suddenly cant use summons even after an elixer
>decides to do a swat attack and kills me in one hit

hate this game

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they say he's an edgelord because of advent children not because of final fantasy 7

KH turns him into a fag.
CC was made for fags.

>all these upset final fantasy babies
they hated him because he told the truth

No that's pretty much it. That's why you never actually fight Sephiroth until the end, the one you saw throughout the game was an illusion created by Jenova and Sephiroths body trapped inside that crystal

he's not even an edgelord in AC
they just made him depressed over aerith again for no reason

at 4:15

even recently kitase "confirmed" it but then added an asterisk saying that it's basically all nojima's shit and not his own

fuck I hate nojima

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It's not even the best RPG on PSX let alone of all time. These fags talk like it's some sacred cow.

yeah sure m8, i guess you love shitty lazy writing. and no its not hard to understand

people don't need much when the current version of a chracter is even a little bit different than how they were before

This. He was a shit 3rd class soldier until Hojo found out he was the one that killed Sephiroth, then Hojo gave him the mako infusion knowing that he wasnt a typical candidate for a 1st class soldier. It was also to mindfuck him into thinking he was Zack.

FF7 is a 40 hour game on average. Cloud, through the majority of 7, is kind of a cocky dick through 20 of those hours. Then he gets super unsure of himself for like 5 or 10 hours. And then he's mostly just determined and driven through the last 10 hours.

For some fucking retarded reason Square really latched on to those 5 hours because throughout all his KH appearances, and also AC, Cloud is presented as being really mopey, emo, and unsure of himself. When his entire fucking character arc is about him learning that "yes I have always been good enough and I can do it." So now Cloud is trapped in this limbo where he is forever unsure if he can do whatever it is he's doing

>"yes I have always been good enough and I can do it."

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>Cait Sith
>Villain can't so much as take a piss without his space goo mommy's help
that dude you think is the villain IS space goo mommy, bro
>Aerith makes decisions even someone with an atomic cocktail of brain problems wouldn't make
wait for it
>Shinra is (almost literally) powered by cartoon villainy
so is america
>Shinra dropped an eighth of their fucking city just to get rid of a slum
psst, it was to get rid of more than the slum
>The giant plot rocket does nothing to destroy the meteor
but then something happens and helps. it's almost like someone's decisions actually mattered after all!
in a SQUARE game?!?!?!
>Cloud being randomly mind controlled for next to NO REASON
this one is straight up you didn't pay attention wow
>>A side villain is cited as a more interesting villain than the main villain
hojo? nah, mad scientist still isn't as interesting as the Thing
>cut out Sephiroth
there's a reason Jenova needed him, just like all the other numbers
>Red XIII's plotholes
like what?

>what the fuck this story actually expects me to THINK?!

>this story wants me to assume an entire ending for these characters?

So do you guys think Cloud's dad is one of the people who "disappeared" at Mt. Nibel are got out on this monster tanks?

the fucking regular battle and jenova themes have way more energy than any of the final battle themes
absolute jenova and bizarro sephiroth's music both suck and one winged angel is only okay

You are such a fucking retard, holy shit..

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Well that's the beauty of Cloud's story. Everyone called him a failure and less than his entire life. And him washing out of SOLDIER proved it. But he was so caught up in believing what everyone said about him that he blocked out the part where he killed fucking Sephiroth the unkillable super soldier to save the love of his life. Tifa knows that Cloud is good enough. Sephiroth knows Cloud is good enough. The only that doesn't seem to know is Cloud himself. Something Sephiroth leverages to control him. Once Cloud breaks free of that mindset Sephiroth can't do shit to him.


confirmed by kitase

anons I'm so tired

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Hahaha, this is the gayest "I have low self-esteem" shit ever. Goddamn. I thought Cloud was a fag before, but you explaining that makes me think he's an even bigger fag now.

I think that's my feelings towards everything. I'm just tired. Why bother getting invested in any of this shit? They don't think any of this shit out

>I have low self-esteem
>story is literally him beating low self esteem


5:20 for the idiots that say 7 was an incomplete game

lol get exposed brainlet, if you think making players assume an ending for a game is good story then kys nigward.
even the fucking minor characters themselves doesnt know jackshit about the future and you want the players to make a fanfic?

Why would you ever have low self esteem? How much of a total spineless shitgobbler do you have to be to feel bad about yourself in any way at any time in your life?

do you ovulate?

>How much of a total spineless shitgobbler do you have to be to feel bad about yourself in any way at any time in your life?
Shit nigga you right

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I get it and all, but there are a lot of important fucking details in this game that are easy to overlook or so obscure you would swear they forgot to put them in.

Personally, the biggest beef I had with the game was that Cloud had such a personal driven connection with sephiroth since before the game started, but Sephiroth is kept as a Vague unseen character until after they leave midgar. On it's own the latter is a good use of suspense and storytelling, but because Cloud knows sephiroth so well, his reactions to those scenes can make the player assume that they should already know a lot about sephiroth as well. It risks the player thinking they missed a key scene with cloud and sephiroth, and makes it difficult to pay attention to the most important scene in the first chapter because they're distracted, and because they are losing faith in the reliability of the narration.

What's the best way to play this? PSX or PC? If PC then any mods?

PC with 7th Heaven Mod Manager, Remako.

Try too.

WHered you find this


>Hours later and this thread is still going and people are still triggered
FF7 fanboys are fucking pathetic, holy shit.

The same way Sora is bullshit strong.

spirit and heart and shit.

Oh shit. Nice , surprise ain’t more fuss over this

there was when the first leak hit, this one only shows a little bit extra at the start

I'm 36 and beat it in like 1997 or 1998 and I remember being pretty confused at the ending, it seemed pretty abrupt

Red XIII and his kind for sure lived because they weren't shitty to the planet like humans, it was ambiguous on whether or not humans survived because of the planet killing what it deemed as a threat to its existence. When it shows Red and his kids looking over Midgar I assume that was to show that the teams efforts weren't in vain and that the planet was thriving again, regardless of human remnants.
Then they ruined it all with Advent Children.

>to save the love of his life
Nice headcanon

planet won and got rid of the cancer which was humanity. people didn't die they went back and became one with the planet, think about it as evangelion instrumentality project. after long period of time, tens of thousands of years planet will fully heal and create better, evolved version of humans to populate it. they retconned it in the movie but fuck the movie, it's not canon.

Whatever argument you can make for 7, you can't deny 8 has a more satisfying ending.

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Too bad it is

What do you think happened after the ending, taking away the existence of AC and all the other shit? My headcanon is that the world of FF7 regressed back to the same levels of the world of FF1

>literally any game besides VIII
>no closure
Based fucking retard

Seems you're just as dumb now as you were then. No wonder you're still here at that age.

You added an extra "I" by mistake. VIII had by far the best ending of any in the series.

>retard timetravel story had best ending because everyone was shown smiling like a retard

it's story and ending were both beyond shit - neck yourself

FF7 Faggot Filter still works to this day.

Attached: Tifa.jpg (867x696, 111K)

Still easily better than just a flash after the final battle and credits roll.

>Persona 5
Every SMT games have the same thematic, we are the toys of gods and they play with our pitiful fates. The last chapter of most games is about facing the bastard who made the whole world go wrong.
Climbing up this kind of hell on earth with the 4 archangels trying to kill you was one of my favorite moments in the game. It's a bit less clear in P5 than in P3 and P4 because you don't have a real discussion with Yaldabaoth but he incarnates some kind of sloth in the hearts of men that you face ultimately.

Not really, but I forgot this generation has absolutely no imagination.

I bet you liked the ending for Sopranos too, faggot.

Honest question.
What's the point of playing a long ass RPG if all your characters die in the end? I mean, if the closure of FF7 is
>Human kind went extinct
>But the planet is alive lol
Why did I bother playing? Why busting my ass in saving something that ultimately won't be saved, it gives retrospectively a sour taste to everything I did so far.
I mean, I'm not asking for a dumb happy end or anything, but if the closing scene is "lol everything was in vain" I feel like I wasted my time, especially if I'm emotionally involved in the game.

>I didn't say it was the very last thing we see before it cuts to credits, that was the shot of Aeris from the start of the game - I said the last time we saw Midgar it was in ruins, because, you know it was getting hit with magic tornadoes and shit

Hence why we don't know whether the city was destroyed or not cause we saw it getting destroyed, which is also supported by the final cutscene of Midgar in ruins.

Nothing you said supports your argument that it clearly shows midgar wasn't destroyed, you're just disproving yourself, dumb retard.

It's an important life lesson.

It's 100% true. Good job not doing a single thing to refute it except spraying your bullshit opinion all over the place. Despite what you zoomers believe think, game journalism was widespread well before the internet became a thing with normies. You can look up old copies of Game Pro or Electronic Gaming Monthly and see the buzz about the FF7 ending being shit and the controversy surrounding it.

Why dont go see for yourself at disc three with Red XIII in your party? :)

you did fight for the planet you dumbass, right from the start. think about the themes of life, death, rebirth and cycles. you're focusing too much on trivial macguffin shit (like sephiroth) and by doing so you failed to see the bigger picture which was there all along.

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That's some hippy shit, it's kinda surprising it worked so well in the US.

yeah, most burgers think climate change is just a meme.

betch you thought you were smart replying hours later but nope a magical tornado spewing meteor doesn't leave such little damage when in a matter of minutes it can decimate Midgar that hard you retard

where's the crater, why is midgar even still standing?

>inb4 the planet healed up :^)
yeah it healed midgar too but only partially fucking kek

Mash square to have better chance to stop handicap reels on the spot you want to have them. You can look up the multipliers for each handicap. You get more BP depending on what handicap you get and the final handicap gives biggest multipluer meaning you want to get either Magic or Summon materia handicap there.

I have a life outside of Yea Forums unlike you asperger troglodytes and I have a thing called work.

>last scene is giant meteor hitting midgar, and holy helping to fuck things up
>fade to black, no explanation of what happened
>shows Midgar is a pile of ruins years later

Yeah wow it's so freaking obvious nothing happened at all.

>hurr durr no crater

As someone else pointed out, this is a game where an "attack" involves destroying several planets. People get stabbed through the gut and walk it off. Anime physics apply, not everything has to be purely physically accurate. The fact that a giant crater isn't explicitly shown doesn't discount the fact that meteor possibly fucked Midgar up.

dude just stop and get professional help I have nothing more to say to you, I've had nothing more to say to you since you started this nonsensical outburst


is this really the level you've stooped to, what is your end goal anyway? what are you trying to ultimately prove here? that meteor collided with the sick kid of a planet and couldn't even finish it off when it was on its last legs?

by the way ultima weapon leaves two craters and your argument of anime physics is laughable if anything the crater would be even bigger than what would be expected

>people hating FFVII's ending
>people unironically shilling FFVII EU

Holy motherfuck what gay twilight zone wrong timeline bullshit did I wake up to today

Thanks for admitting you have no argument, retardus.


I can't tell who's who anymore but if you're the same autist then using supernova as an argument when I already explained it's an illusion created by someone who has a history of creating illusions you've already forfeited :^)

>I already explained it's an illusion c

source: your ass

right because you haven't been arguing out your ass this entire time

also pretty sure I read it in the ultimania

Sephiroth and Jenova are one being. Sephiroth is the head and Jenova is his body. The original Jenova personality died thousands of years ago, Sephiroth became the new one after fully assimilitating it's cells.

Right after Aeris dies Sephiroth starts a sentence and then the Jenova that grows out of the piece left behind finishes the sentence.

this guy gets it

post proof faggot

I didn't argue anything other than what's shown on screen: midgar is destroyed in final cutscene

You're the one making all the extrapolations and saying "hurr durr its an illusion"

I don't

What? That's really all you wanted to say? That Midgar was destroyed? No shit retard we agreed on that from post #1

yes you do

Holy wasn't strong enough to destroy the meteor at that range, so the lifestream had to step in to save the planet.

After the meteor was destroyed it was left ambiguous whether or not the lifestream had let humanity die or not. But evidently from Advent Children everyone was fine. Even Midgar was mostly fine.

The bit where Cloud fights Sephiroth is arguably just in his head. A metaphor for him confronting his past and Sephiroth-form Jenova was already defeated at that point.

I see..

Different does not mean it's good.

nor bad

I haven't played 2 or 3 in ages but I'm pretty sure all the FF games previous to 7 gave closure for most characters. In FF4 half your party winds up kings of their respective kingdoms and the game ends with Cecil and Rosa getting married after a survey of the whole world and everyone being happy and cooperating and rebuilding. It's pretty hard to get more closure than that. Kain might be the only main cast who doesn't get a "happily ever after" and that's for fairly obvious reasons (and his outcome is not ambiguous).