New Silent Hill thread!

New Silent Hill thread!

Loaded questions! Did act of Harry killing Cybil symbolise for him wanting to load his gun into Cybil? Is SH2 best silent hill game and do you actually need to play SH1 to enjoy it? Was Heather first goblina of gaming or it was Eillen? Was Tomm good guy all along?! Would be Walter a good person if they didn't cut his peepee??

What's your rating of games in the series? What's your ideas for new SH game? What is your favourite puzzle? What is good horror game? What else is there to talk on /v, except for long dead game series? WHAT??

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Other urls found in this thread:!bVUCTJzD!PmnPw4S7fWGyvTjw9S0-RQdk7rRp2BQNuXJqRkZCZvk!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc hill strategy guide&and[]=mediatype:"texts"

Why do you always make such shit threads?


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unironically where are the switch ports?

Konami doesn't want to lose money.

why did harry feel bad for killing cybil if they weren't in love?

konami can go smoke a dick.

Konami couldn't even make a decent normal port to newer systems that wasn't utter dogshit.
Why on god name would you want them to try again on the Switch?
You do realize they'd just use the botched ass HD versions with comic sans and 90% of the effects missing/broken and the shit ass new VA, right?
Get the fuck outta here with this shit.

cause he was normal human bean?

Silent Hill 1 took place in 1988, 2 in 1991, and 3 in 2003.


where did you take those dates?

>Did act of Harry killing Cybil symbolise for him wanting to load his gun into Cybil?
>Is SH2 best silent hill game and do you actually need to play SH1 to enjoy it?
SH2 is shit, SH1 is great.
>Was Heather first goblina of gaming or it was Eillen?
Dumb frogposter.
>Was Tomm good guy all along?
Yes, he got killed while trying to smuggle white claudia up his asshole.
>Would be Walter a good person if they didn't cut his peepee?
Walter is already a good person and didn't do anything wrong.

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has any other video game ever covered the horrors of circumcision?

>Walter is already a good person and didn't do anything wrong.

>Is silent hill 2 the best silent hill game?
Yes. On my last play through I went through 2 first and then played 1 and 3. It stands head and shoulders above the other two, not just in terms of artsy fartsy crap either, it was a good deal scarier than the other two as well. Nothing really comes close to the underground prison.

Nothing edgy about it, the circumstances of his life justify every action he's ever taken.

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I'll post just because the trips
>Did act of Harry killing Cybil symbolise for him wanting to load his gun into Cybil?
Of course.
>Is SH2 best silent hill game and do you actually need to play SH1 to enjoy it?
Yes and no, but actually yes.
>Was Heather first goblina of gaming or it was Eillen?
Heather is cute. CUTE!
Was Tomm good guy all along?!
No. Even if Konami limited him, his ideas were complete garbage and nothing would have changed.
>Would be Walter a good person if they didn't cut his peepee??
Excuse me did I miss something?
>What's your rating of games in the series?
2 >= 1 > 3 > 4 > 0 > SM > DP > Devil May Cry 2 > HC
>What's your ideas for new SH game?
copy pasting this
Open town non-linear exploration and progression
Limited inventory and item box like in 4
SH2 depressing atmosphere + SH3 agressive atmosphere
Fixed camera angles from the classic games for a complete immersion
Camera changes to over the shoulder when aiming a gun. You cannot walk while aiming, and also remove the aiming cursor to increase the tension.
Make the melee combat not as clunky as the first games, but still not combo based full reatard like in Homecoming
For a real old school Survival Horror experience, make the enemies a real threat so you have to choose between fight or try to escape
Also, bring the fucking puzzle dificulty selection back.
>What is your favourite puzzle?
Stanley Coleman's poem from 3

The two page spread in the SH Zero Official Guidebook cover the chronology of the series. It seems to use the events of Origins (zero) as year Zero, and then go from there.

SH3 is 24 years after 0. Sh2 is 10 years later. 1 ys 7 years later. If you assume that SH3 takes place in the then present of the 2003 year release date, you can work backwards and get real world dates.

SH0 = 1979
SH1 = 1986
Sh2 = 1989
SH3 = 2003

I can't read Japanese, so I'm just guessing. I'd like to see some real translation on this.

>it was a good deal scarier than the other two as well
completely wrong. Silent Hill 1 wins in the fear department hands down. None of the other games come close.
If I had to rank it by horror it would be

Chronology 1

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thats it im gonna play the post-4 games, maybe they aren't as shit as everyone says and it's the only way I'm ever getting any new silent hill now

>If you assume that SH3 takes place in the then present of the 2003 year release date,
>If you assume
Holy Assumptions, Walter!

Outline of the town. Does it shed real info or is it just vagueness? Who knows.

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Can I run the SH games with a GT 440?

I guess different strokes for different folks. Personally I found 1's horror to be kind of quaint in comparison.

>the circumstances of his life

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isn't SH3 supposed to happen exactly 17 years after sh1?

PS3 has a good port, the PSone classic or whatever

>SH2 depressing atmosphere + SH3 agressive atmosphere
those can't coexist

Sh2 features type writers and not a single computer. Look through everything: no computers. I believe Sh1 is the same. Sh3 has you re-visit Brookhaven and guess what? Computers everywhere.

Alessa/Cheryl/Heather has some time wankery that messes up her timeline. "She" was born 24 years ago, yet Heather is 16-17. Remember, Alessa gets the crazy ceremony and splits herself into two (somehow) so you get Alessa and Cheryl. Then in 1 she merges back. At the end of 1 she dies and rebirths herself as an infant. That becomes Heather.

So a 24 year old who is biologically 16.

I always found the otherside much more scary than anything in the other games, I think it is a mixture of the low poly+graphics and that "music".
not to mention just in general I found the first game harder than the others.

Wh-oh you little shit.

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>So a 24 year old who is biologically 16.
she was 17 y.o.

Yes they do.

I only recently realized that Kat in Gravity Rush splits herself in 2 ( Kat and Raven) because the writer of SH1 is the director of GR.

The director of SH1 is based as fuck.
Also play FS1 and 2, by him.
He left after SH1 because he doesn't want to fossilize himself doing the same shit over and over.
That's why all his sequels are always meh.
GR1 was amazing, GR2 less so.
FS1 was amazing and tense, FS2 had better gameplay but less interesting overall.
He's at his best when he's making a new IP.

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come on, it's common thing for japanese to split their characters into different entities.

i don't see that, i think aggressive atmosphere forces player to act and that is enemy of depression.

probably cause konami didn't make it.

Why was silent hill 3 so overrated? They failed to do a good story, heather is good, cultists are bad, it's nothing like SH2!

It usually comes in third after SH1 and 2, sometimes after 4, how is that being overrated?

Why no porn of her?

>He did this because he was a cutfag

usually people talk shit about 4, but never about 3


no, he wasn't cultfag, it's even worse, he killed 20 people, cause he had mommy issues.

Let's try to discuss something different.
What is the thing you most remember or that made you feel something special when you played any of the games? It can be anything: some character, scene, music, room, monster or any combination of these.
I've always liked the Historical Society in SH2. Even considering you find a lot of strange stuff like monsters, missing roads or Maria dying a couple of times, the game is pretty straightforward up to that point. The first time I went through that area it made me feel not scared or anxious but really lost and unsettled. Mostly because of the holes, the feeling of not knowing where are you going, the lack of a real decision when you are dropping on them, the disorientation and weird camera angles. It's great

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He did it because he was circumcised.

Was Kurt Cobain really ok with being in the game?

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>Silent Hill 2 prison
>First time back in silent hill in SH3

and who do you think did that? his mother, the room!

We’ll never get a good silent hill game because good silent hill games don’t have ots and instead have good camera angles to invoke a certain feeling.

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Yes, when asked about it he said that he was impressed with the graphical fidelity when they scanned him into the game, it really blew his mind.

I’m not whining. I’m perfectly content not having another silent hill game since the first 3 are great. I wouldn’t want it to come back unless someone had a great idea that was worth exploring with the ip

most good moments of sh were connected to the music for me. My favourite moment though is country yard in prison with invisible horse.

In silent hill 2 in the giant indoor courtyard. You walk to the center to the gallows and hear something like a giant worm digging through the ground. You leave and come back later with the puzzle pieces and you think for sure there will be a boss fight but whatevers making that noise never comes. One of the better fakeouts I've ever seen in a game.

Elaborate a little pls

>You walk to the center to the gallows and hear something like a giant worm digging through the ground.

It's meant to be horses running.

Why are you here?

>You walk to the center to the gallows and hear something like a giant worm digging through the ground.
No, it's horses.
You also hear horns.
The idea is that you're listening to echoes of the past, when hunters would hunt on horses using horns.

Just to suffer

When playing silent hill 3 for the first half of the game you were anticipating getting to see Henry, not just for Heather's sake but for the huge fan service moment of seeing the original protagonist again. However when you finally get home he's dead before you even get a chance to see him, by doing this the game really puts you in the same headspace of Heather, she lost her dad, you lost a great fan service moment. A lesser game wouldn't have denied the player that pleasure.

Fuck Harry. My bad.

Yeah, they build up Harry and tha'ts your little Quest. Then he's dead hten you're mad.

You're at least 5 years off on all accords.
SH1 is early 80s, SH2 late, and 3 late 90s / very early 00s, before the celphone boom.

>Silent Hill 3 came out 16 years ago
I remember when it came out I was blown away by the graphics, and they still look amazing.

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>You're at least 5 years off on all accords.
>SH1 is early 80s, SH2 late, and 3 late 90s / very early 00s, before the celphone boom.

I'm referring to the official chronlogy.

Insane japanese work culture is destroying their young people but it's great for vidya graphics.

This thread is boring, so i'm going to ask you a question.
You will be graded in your knowledge of SH depending on your answer.

During SH2, in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama, in a famous scene you can see Eddie eating pizza.
Now, and i want you to think very carefully on this, WHERE did Eddie get his pizza?

Reminder that there's only one correct answer on this, and the game fools you into thinking the wrong one.
There's at least 3 common answers to this question that are immediately wrong.

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Wait, Cheryl is the same kind of creature as maria, and the others? She wasn't real? Creepy.

I always assumed he brought it with him.

She's a manifestation in the sense of being a chunk of Alessa's soul reincarnated into a separate being.
She is not quite the same as Maria and other manifestations, when other people look at her, they still see a little girl, and can interact with her normally.
Ceryl is as real as Heather, and Alessa herself.
She is she as she is she and they're all together.

Can't believe my friend looks like a boyish heather. He should cosplay her someday.

The game never answers that question, you autistic moron.

Bam, you got it in one.
The simplest answer is the correct one.

It's not something the town made up, nor is it something he found in town, because the name on the cardboard box doesn't match anything in SH itself.
Eddie purchased them on his way to SH and had them in his van.
He got hungry and went to go and get them after his initial traumatic experience in the apartments (seems weird, but it actually makes sense because he's basically autistic or otherwise slow, hunger would become a priority no matter the situation).
Good answer.
Don't be like this guy.

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No dude it's a symbol of his sexual frustration that Silent Hill is conjuring! You don't get it bro..

Go away.

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>She is not quite the same as Maria and other manifestations, when other people look at her, they still see a little girl, and can interact with her normally.

Yeah, when I replayed Sh2, I noticed how Maria NEVER interacts with anyone else other than James, and in fact ducks out whenever she has to interact with someone else. I suspect that her real form is what you see as a boss.

So she's a creepy brown creature like the monsters. But she's more intelligent and is conscoius. But as the game goes, she becomes more possessive, less stable, and less free.

>Don't be like this [objectively correct] guy
People like you ruin Silent Hill discussions. You're one step above Twin Perfect fans.

Cry more, gay baby.
Shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner.

It's like a 10 minute run to the van, but I guess it's do-able.

It does make me wonder if the others rae following the same path as James is. Do they solve puzzles too? Or do they just wait for James to solve them then run psat them?

No, they don't, James just is like "wtf where did you even get that?"

Where should I play the games bros? I remember playing on my phone getting to the beginning because the dithering was bad then stopping.

Is retroarch decent for 1? What about 2 and 3? HD collection? It's like 5 buckaroos on gamestop.

You know, I've read dozens of SH threads over the years, and a lot of suggestions like but nobody ever suggesting a
>Do they look like monsters to you?
Bait and switch Silent Hill with multiple characters.
Have you never wanted to see a Silent Hill 2 from the perspective of every other character? Like Angela's world being full of monsters like
Or something like Eddie passing by and watching as James talks to himself because Maria doesn't exist to him, or having to protect a character from another protagonist because they see them as a monster and you don't?
If written by someone competent, it could be good.

Is Silent Hill 2 pro suicide?

It's horses. The game even gives you a horseshoe.

You mean euthanasia.
And i wouldn't say the message is especially pro, or against, the game just presents to you the entire circumstances of why James did the shit he did.
It's up to you to judge him.
Well, technically you could say he judges himself, and in the canon ending he just ends himself in the lake with the corpse of his wife.
He probably was always planning this but forgot when he had the mental breakdown due to a psychotic episode (he just finished throwing up in the bathroom at the start of the game and is washing his face etc).

>Is retroarch decent for 1?

Yes, you can even do 60fps with complex fuckery and cheat codes. Since old games often had effects tied to frame-rate, it results in some oddness like the snow falling at twice the speed, text running twice as fast, etc.

And then there's PGXP.

>HD collection?

Rushjob by idiot devs. Avoid. There's PC versions.

It's possible they might have puzzles and riddles of their own to solve, but maybe not; instead they would have a personalized hell to walk through. A more literal interpretation is how Angela perceives silent hill in flames, and for a brief moment James sees it too in the hotel. She also is in the rapist(bed) monster fight, so there has to be some overlap. I can't really see Eddie completing and puzzles nor having the patience for them, and the town allows him to further indulge in his homicidal tendencies because in the end he is beyond repair. James might have such things because they could be considered torturous to a degree, where these menial, outlandish tasks show his determination and possible self betterment. Just my opinion no facts lol

This is actually brilliant
Make a SH game where you play as multiple main characters in the town all running into each other and dealing with their own individual problems and manifestations. Resulting in either saving or having to even kill other characters until it all ties in crazy ending

>and in the canon ending he just ends himself in the lake with the corpse of his wife.

Attached: thou hast to be joking.jpg (450x250, 19K)

>is how Angela perceives silent hill in flames,

Pretty sure that's just the hotel.

It's been a while, any particular reason she views it that way? And how far do the overlaps lie if James can witness the same events and monsters as another character can?

>and for a brief moment James sees it too in the hotel
Actually that scene is brilliant, because James DOESN'T SEE THE FLAMES.
Ok so it's like:
In the uterus room, we see what James sees, not what Angela is seeing.
Angela is seeing her dad and that room is probably something like her house (possibly in flames, if it's a trend) where she was abused or something like that.
But we see the distorted version James sees.

But on the flaming stairs, we see what SHE is seeing, not what JAMES is seeing.
That's the entire reason why James says something as (seemingly) stupid as "It's hot as hell in here".
If he actually saw the flames that comment wouldn't make any sense.
Additionally he's not bothered by being surrounded by flames at all, visually speaking, he doesn't shield his eyes or anything.
Angela doesn't either but that's just because she's grown used to it.
We're seeing what SHE SEES so James is only seeing some other version of the stairs, and an extremely hot, growing heat.
He suddently feels the heat increase but can't see the flames, thus why he says "It's hot as hell in here".

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The hotel actually burned down.

SH1 is the only one worth a damn.

It's both.
What you see in SH (at least, in the context of SH2 specifically) is a mix of your personal elements + the history of the town/location.
That's why James sees and experiences things tied fo the history of the town, but that is also relevant to himself, mixed together.
Angela is having a similiar experience.

No. For her, it's always like that.

>If he actually saw the flames that comment wouldn't make any sense.
I laughed out loud at that matter of fact response to being surrounded by literal flames.

And the reason for that is that he feels the fire but can't see it.
This perspective shift between the two scenes is subtle and confusing, but brilliant once you get what's actually going on.

some time ago an user posted a silent hill artbook in this thread but he only kept the DL link active for a couple of minutes before taking it down

anyone got that artbook?

user are you out there?

Attached: 1495183287486.gif (304x376, 3.05M)

OR, it's just goofy nonsense and user was right to laugh at it.
I can't imagine doing so much work for the game that you'd be willing to call that scene subtle.

Which of the games have the best intro movie?
SH1 for me.

It's better than 2 because there is no dialogue. Also its important and sets up the story and what comes after nicely. Silent Hill the song I think is also miles better than Theme of Laura, it has such a mystic, esoteric vibe to it.

SH2's movie does start with the prison cutscene though, fugg.
Fuck SH3

Attached: maria.png (640x384, 272K)

The theme in my opinion is "you weren't entirely wrong, but you chose the wrong way to "lose it"".
No, that was always the plan, there's the toluca lake picture in SH4 that triggers "he left for SH with wife and never came back". He simply forgot all about it as he was driving to SH in a fit of autism.
What do you think about her going up to a fiery staircase full of bedridden bondage sluts? Mainly the "ascending to hell" paradox.

I watched my dad play through silent hill 1-3 and the fucking haunted mansion shit from 3 gave me the biggest creeps, the silhouette of the hanged man in the dinning room when the lightning flashes is still burned in my mind. Saw that shit from 4-8 years old. THANKS DAD

This fucked me up so bad I got a panic attack at the Disney world haunted mansion ride we had to use the fire escape, which halted the ride for everyone else lol.

Oh shit, did you see it user? I'm guessing ti was Japanese? That should go on archive. org

I like all of them for different reasons.
SH1 is overall the best one.
SH2 starts off really strong but then loses steam moving fowards.
SH3 is unpopolar but i like it because the OST of SH3 is really good in general so i don't mind watching what is essentially a music video.
SH4 is mostly a sort of E3-style trailer, but it's a REALLY good one, a lot of it still creeps me out, it has good editing.

i was too late and the dl link was taken down but he had posted a couple of images in the thread beforehand

Let's create our own monsters in this thread.

I loved GR2

Raven was a baby too though, and remembering SH1 was the only way I could figure how what happened

>No, that was always the plan,
At any other point in the game, dying slaps you with a GAME OVER. Meanwhile, James' entire motivation is his love for his wife. This is the game that's part of a franchise with explicit timey-wimey bullshit.
You can take the last logical leap, can't you?
Fucking "In Water is sooo sad, it's my favorite ending"-fags, you people are a goddamned blight.

"Remember that time in the hotel? You said you took everything. But you forgot that videotape we made. I wonder if it's still there."

Not gonna lie I thought it was a sex tape the first time I played it

Attached: hhhmmmmmmmm.jpg (1200x750, 149K)

>What do you think about her going up to a fiery staircase full of bedridden bondage sluts?
Those two are her brother and her dad (basically a representation of them), that's why she's looking at them when we enter the room.
Notice they both have a lot of damage done especially in the genital area for obvious reasons.

Attached: 3524.png (837x545, 729K)

Large floating head that's mostly avoidant but will occasionally pursue you.

More people have been criticizing 3 in the last few threads I've seen.

fucking reatrd

Nigga read Book of Memories.
Read developer interviews.
Read tweets from Ito (even if you don't specifically trust his opinion, he's yet another element working against you in the greater whole).
You're out of depth in this thread.
Let us talk and stop whining.

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There's only need for a bandersnatcher x regenerator hybrid because monsters in SH are way too easy to dodge.
Are you claiming that's not it? Because it's clearly it. I don't like it, I'm all for happy endings, but I'm not in denial about Cybil being canon fucking dead, and I'm not in denial here.


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help

Attached: 1563159085274.png (1281x5183, 1.92M)

>-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help
Don't remind me how ungodly the otheworld is outside in the first game if you decide to leave it on.

Shame. As far as I know, only 5 Sh related guidebooks have been scanned. hill strategy guide&and[]=mediatype:"texts"

>SH2 is shit
not liking popular things isnt a personality

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>it's nothing like SH2!
Ah, you're one of those people that prefer personal hell over occult.

I'm very sick so SH2 really got me in general

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iktf. angela's character for me too.

the SH3 guide hasnt been scanned? i used to have that

hell i might even still have that somewhere

What's with those squealing sounds in the hospital basement?

1 and 3 still have elements of a personal hell, though. 1 is Alessa's, 3 is Heather's and Claudia's. I really wish people would stop getting so hung up on the cult aspect because they miss so much.

Ok, that shit I had totally missed, thanks.
The knife was just a passing of the torch thing, right? Like
>I figured the only way out is suicide, I suggest you get the clue too.

How did Laura get to Silent Hill? Did she rven have parents?

Eddie's hell was ice to go with the fire and water.

do they look like threads to you?

>the SH3 guide hasnt been scanned? i used to have that

Not gonna say I know or not, just that I haven't seen it.

Fat guy picked her up in his van and drove her. They came together. The white van you see parked at the beginning of the game is theirs.

yeah thats why afterwards Pyramid thing gets the great knife and tries to kill himself, because he is James

What the fuck Laura you dumb bitch don't walk into free candy vans.

>Would be Walter a good person if they didn't cut his peepee??
>Excuse me did I miss something?
>What's your ideas for new SH game?
A two-part story about a former detective chasing down a serial killer, performing ritualistic killings that killed a family member; and his partner trying to bring him in for suspicion of being a brutal vigilante, and obstructing the case regarding it.

>What's your idea for a silent hill game?
>Silent Hill
>Silent Hill$

Attached: hmmm.jpg (248x204, 7K)

>go to masahiro ito's twitter monster designer of team silent

>girl sucking dildo pops up


Origins isn't canon though.

>Camera changes to over the shoulder when aiming a gun
I feel like this would negate the point of a fixed camera. The fixed camera is supposed to be controlling the tension and drama and if you could just switch to standard over the shoulder that would ruin the effect.

1. It is.
2. The guidebook is even an official Konami product.

Kind of a pointless thing but on my last play through what really struck me was how generic and pointless most of the environmental observations were.
>that's a type writer, I don't really need it right now.
They didn't even really serve much of a gameplay purpose either since things you used in the environment tended to be obvious, the actually meaningful observations were very rare, kind of felt like missed potential in retrospect.

These are 3D versions of adventure games. After the Point n Click era, adventure titles went in some different directions. They need to indicate to the player that certain items aren't useful.

Do you know what thread the artbook was posted in? The Yea Forums archive isn't bringing anything up. And could you post some images?

I'm playing SH2, and got to the part where James gets in an elevator but Maria doesn't make it in time and gets killed. Is there a way to save her, or is that the way it's supposed to go?

Just keep playing. And leave the thread. We're all assuming people beat the game like 15 years ago.

I can feel it. A new Silent Hill game is going to be announced next year.

*pachinko machine you mean

I get that but it still felt underutilized. During the entirity of silent hill 2 I only really remember James making a couple of observations that weren't generic this item isn't useful messages. One of the most enjoyable aspects of classic point and clicks was seeing the character chew the scenery.

How come SHbros were never Chads like REbros that still have games made for them? Was there just no market for Silent Hill?

Sh sold well, but not as much as RE. RE1-2 are some of the biggest hits in Capcom's history even to this day. Then SH got yearly uninspired games that kind of killed the series. Just shitty outsourcing. I think outsouricng to shitty cheap Western devs was the style at the time. Then Konami decided to just phase out most of their console gaming division and focus on mobile + pachinko.

But where did he GET the pizza?

It represents his sexual frustration.

>Fans debate lore
>yet ignore scanning artbooks and guidebooks which explain all their questions

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