This is Misako and Kyoko

This is Misako and Kyoko.

Any further questions?

Attached: Misako n Kyoko.jpg (1142x717, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is their game so shit?

Why did you pst this twice in a row you faggot?
I thought it was pretty good.

post, fuck I'm almost as retarded as OP.

where is my tomboy wife yoko?

Why did you make the same thread again? Sage goes in every field.

Who are these people

god I want them to stomp on my balls.

Do they kiss each other at all?

Where's the porn?

its a continuation

Will they ever be in a game with good writing?

Why does the game use so many clashing art-styles all at the same time?
Why does the game keep telling me how to pick up a weapon? It's one button. I don't need to be told how to push a single button every time I walk over a bat.
Why does every enemy have so much health?
Why does every enemy get knocked over by a stiff breeze?
Why does the game focus more on e-celebs than being a good game?
Why are physical copies of video games being turned into pre-order incentives?

Are they into girls?

literally me

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Why does the story feel so disrespectful to the Kunio lore?


I like how the shills for this game are pretending that the main characters are from an alternate timeline to justify the bad writing from an EOP.

Who? I honestly don't remember who these people are.

Just take the discussion to its general.

How does Misako look naked? Asking for research.

Adorable, user.

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will they ever be in a game without the cringe inducing voice acting?

do you know the way?

Is this anime style or Tumblr style? Cause i want to fuck the black haired girl

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Why are the Lee Brothers played by the fucking Game Grumps?


Asking again. Do the vending machines just never return to normal after breaking them once? And what does hard mode change difficulty and gameplay wise?

Once and for all, Yea Forums, we settle it here.

Who is best girl of the two?

Attached: Misako an Kyoko.jpg (554x314, 40K)


Shame her mouth is squeaky clean, though.

Neither. Couple of crazy ass thot's

Misako. Smarter, better style, holds your ass and probably fucks like a beast.

Are they friends with Ringo Ishikawa?

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>no porn
No wonder this game tanked as hard as Germany in WWII.

Not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure they don't unless you're on a new game/plus. I backtracked from the tower to the school after beating the game so I could finally do those optional rooms, and I'm sure the one there stayed broken.

>he's still shilling for free

Bad gameplay
Bad art
Bad story
Bad voice acting
Bad music

Kyoko I think. Even attitude aside, misako would be a lot better with longer hair.

Why are the bosses so easy?

You gonna get it dirty?

>misako would be a lot better with longer hair

>even has a general
Waifu bait really is all it takes for Yea Forums to love a game.

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are they into femdom?

the man with no taste

better than sword and shield at least.

>misako would be a lot better with longer hair
Dumbest thing I've read all day

>THIS is the guy who gets made about threads about video games on Yea Forums

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These are your classmates.

Any questions?

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Fuck off.

how do I make them my gf? More specifically, how do I make mami my gf?


Would Yacht Club do this game better?

Your only relationship to them is an object of ridicule.

Probably not. Those guys have you to prove that they're more than one trick ponies.



Yes, one: who would play a game that has Egoraptor in it? Have you read his thread on KiwiFarms?

When can I breed them?

No, and they'd probably shove SK in

>going to Kiwifarms

oh no nonononononNONO

Did they ever fix the controller support?

Why are they so flat when everyone else is stacked?

>picture of arin eating out his gf
I did NOT need to see that
Why did I click it

because kunio and riki are dfc lovers


shit taste

Riki and Kunio have shit taste.

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People rejected his message, because he spoke the truth.

They're both grade A waifus but I prefer Misako, the black hair and short shorts make my dick rise

kyoko of course

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so this game is shit?

gameplay is too slow and tedious for a beat em' up, I think a pick enemy up from the ground ability would've been better if it were included. Bosses are boring and have a bunch of bullshit moves. Not enough fighting moves. I hate double tapping to dash because you're gonna need to dash to dodge some moves.The game is also too short and lacking in content for 30 burger bucks. alt skins would've been cool but it's not a big deal.
Kyoko has the better dress sense and personality but Misako has the better fighting moves. Gonna have to go with kyoko.


Kyoko and Misako never had a chance

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>I think a pick enemy up from the ground ability would've been better if it were included
pick someone up, throw them, then use the running heavy to start juggling them.

Why the fuck can't I get to 100%

No but it's short and has a bad ending. Not worth $30.

Kyoko and Misako are crazy, but Mami and Hasebe are complete bitches. Hard pass.

Kunio and Riki have shit taste

Why can't I be an object of ridicule and Mami's bf? Serious question right here: How come there are no games where you date your bully? It seems like a seriously untapped market, especially considering how self-hating most weebs are, they would probably be totally down to date a girl that does nothing but shit on them all day long, but is still down to fuck.

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Mami and Hasabe are only bitches to Kyoko and Misako because they're crazy.

River Shitty Girls is not canon.

How many times have they been penetrated?

I can understand that to some extent for how they treat Misako, but Kyoko? Kyoko did nothing to them.

Why would you act like anything else to your significant other's creepy ex???

Once. They've been pumped and dumped by Kunio and Riki. Hasebe and Mami on the other hand seem to be getting pummeled daily assuming they're not just gloating.

Wouldn't they have seen her from prior to this, and saw her acting like she's dating their BFs?

Hi misako and kyoko!

I'm george beard and this is my best friend harold hutchins!

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Kunio and Riki's dialog at the end make it seem like they are in fact getting destroyed in bed regularly

Of course a crazy person who thinks she's still dating someone is going to try to do so.

From how they act in the game, they've just been shitting on her since childhood.

Two fags for two decisional dykes.
How fitting.

We have very unreliable narrators so take those flashbacks with a grain of salt

I mean guys say that though, I say I'm not a virgin when in fact I am.

>pick enemy from the ground
Did you even bother to play the game more than 5 minutes you inbred mongoloid?

Is there a Japanese voice track option? I don't wanna hear the shitty let's players try to act.

I'd say it's confirmed

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Kyoko's Nozomi flashback was apparently pretty spot-on, so not really.

I'm not talking about the human weapon attack if that's what you're talking about.

That flashback didn't involve their delusional relationship

we still need to see bubbles

And neither did the one with both pairs of girls as little kids. Rikki wasn't even mentioned.

>Bad music
Only wrong thing you listed

It's obvious Mami and Hasebe sent the photo. You guys stupid or what?

>They are the ones to have reasons to hate the protagonists
>While also the ones most likely to know what Kunio and Riki are up to
>Taunt you right at the start of the game
>The very first song with vocals, at the school, talks about being bullied and tricked into a journey
>They constantly show up where you are and goad you along
>They are the fucking true final boss

Fucking come on. This is why american political cartoons have labels.

It involved their actual girlfriends so of course they're going to paint them as the bad guys.

Nope, the only option you have is to mute the voice acting audio, and even then you'll hear them in the cutscene MP4s that play. Not to mention Vee's singing in some tracks, which brings down the OST for me.

>heart pupil
come on that's cheating

At this point, I'm pretty sure the picture is just some random dude giving them a ride to the sauna but because the girls so so fucking oblivious to the world around them, they think it's a kidnapping


Kinda the opposite at this point, actually

>kunio looking out the window disinterested
>riki is on his fucking phone not paying attention to anyone
>the one time kunio glances at the girls, they start fighting over the last dumpling
>when he swipes it, misako practically strangles him
No wonder they only had one date. The signs pointing to what was really going on were right in front of us the whole time. This is the sixth sense of video games.

Attached: swipe.webm (1200x622, 2.66M)


>this date sucks
>she keeps eating all the food
>I wish we were home banging mami and hasebe

Based Kunio and Riki leaving the better girls for us.

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Which one has the dick?

Cause they're the villains.

I just realized
>kyoko is embarrassed seeing him naked
Confirmed pure and delusional

Kyoko, obviously. Only her dick can cool misako's fiery temper.


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Is it even canon? I heard the creator said its not really Kunio.

>no porn of them raping them until they mindbreak them into their boyfriends

What? But I thought flat was justice!


Alright lads, let's hear'em.

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>no porn at all

>bad art


There is SOME porn but definitely not enough porn. There is never enough porn.

I haven't seen any porn, just nudes

Song was on my mind throughout the day, thanks user.

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>but i wanted to hang :(

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Are people actually mad that they got bamboozled on the plot of a game that isn't taking itself very seriously? A game that is essentially a spin-off/side story?

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Not from the game but listening to the OST got me back into mitch murder

Sounds like it could be from the game, though

Yes. Subverting expectations doesn't mean that thing is any good, even in a less serious game.

Hell, subverting expectations is usually more of a BAD thing lately.

>all discussions about RCG is about the art or the Waifus but never about the gameplay

Red flag

Not really a subversion if you were familiar with the series though.

>megan mcduffee
It sounds like it could be from the game to you because she did most the music for the game.

Ok so, I've played through more of the game, and I don't get why it's being shit on so hard by some anons. Sure, the voice acting from of the dudes can get weak, but most of the time it's solid enough, I've seen WAY worse, and the gameplay is what i'd expect from a beat em up and River city style game, and it's pretty satisfying to find new moves and buy them, and the AI can actually be pretty damn annoying on hard, so it's not just mindless shit.
The spritework is neat, the music is ok, and I liked the vocal song in the first stage. This one I mean:

So I Don't get it. It's not the most amazing shit ever yeah, but it's way better than what I was expecting after reading the shit talk in these threads. And yes, I know the twist at the end and I still don't get it. i'm actually keeping it in mind as I read along the dialogue, and the game alludes to it all over the place, a lot of the dialogue is double take type thing where you're supposed to assume the girls are right, but if you check back, you notice they never directly agreed with them that the girls are actually dating the boys.

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Order cancelled. I'm not giving egoraptor any of my hard earned shekels, especially if I cant even mute the faggot

If I hear about "subverted expectations" one more time I'm going to shit out my own balls.

I'm too casual to talk about the combat with any real depth so I just stick to waifu posting.

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The game is a short beat em up. There isn't much to discuss. There's no reason to do flashy combos other than to make webms and there's 6 bosses in the game

Well fancy that
Love her stuff

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They're big girls

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>Caring about the lore in Kunio of all series.
Fuckin wat?

>it's way better than what I was expecting after reading the shit talk in these threads.
This applies to so many games now, it’s not even funny


PC and every modern console has the ability to take screenshots. Yet you chose to do this

Are you irish?

this is so fucking hot

of course

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The hate has nothing to do with the game itself. Most of these people just have politics on the brain. They are REEEEing because of stuff the voice actors or developers said on twitter. Its a typical SJW mentality, but "its okay when I do it."

You guys ready for “Greased Lightning” Kobayashi’s game?

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>let's be best friends
>goes to a different school in the same town and never contacts her again
Kyoko a shit

actually just old screens from the demo
just never bothered to replace them

>Any further questions?
Is the true ending worth it? I hear you have to find all the statues and cats and shit in NG+. I don't know if I hate it in me.

>double tapping is too hard
hoo boy
stay away from fighting games

Kyoko is honestly too pure to be hanging around with misako. She's a bad influence on her.

Best part of the game.

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She got expelled, though.

I played it for an hour and then I played SoR1 for a couple runs. My main problems with it before refunding were;

-Enemies remain on the ground for an amazingly long period of time. I'm spending so much time landing a knocking, stomping 3 times and jumping the wakeup before repeating.
-Blocking / Parrying didn't seem great in a risk / reward sense. Apparently a lot of people feel the same who played it for longer.
-You have to keep holding back to skip all the boss dialog over and over, I had to do this 4 times with the first boss and I got a bit fed of it, just let us press start to immediately get to the fight, how can you just walk into Barbon in Streets of Rage 2 but this game has to hype you up with long-winded dialog.
-Weapons and other items actually hit you and cause damage.
-X to do everything. You might want to hit the enemy but you actually just went to the next area or picked something up because the ground is a mine-field.

It's just a lot of small and medium things that add up. The game could actually be very good after a couple patches I feel, the problems can all be changed on the coding side. Let us skip the chatter, fix up the battle system, change the interact key to the block key, wham a 4/10 changes to a 8/10.

Attached: Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tetsuken ~ Streets of Rage (World)-cheevo-362.png (1543x1080, 906K)

So? She doesn't go to Misako's school but still hangs out with her anyways. Kyoko is a shit friend

>Le epic GURLLL POWRRRR main characters
>literally crazy for dick
>get turbo cucked by the end of the game and it proves they were just some crazy botches being assholes to everybody in town


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>Kyoko is a shit friend
Kyoko is just an airhead. She can't help it. But she's still a genuinely nice person.

I would read a SoL manga with loli kyoko, misako, and noize
>noize getting bullied for being a nigger
>misako kicks the bullies in the head
>kyoko hugs noize to make her feel better

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When she isn't beating up innocent people for deluded reasons.

>The game could actually be very good after a couple patches I feel
This is how I feel as well. Everything I didn't like about it can be fixed. But I'm not sure they're going to do a damn thing about it because they probably don't agree with anything people are saying.

She's doing it for love though.

>they probably don't agree with anything people are saying
More like because they already got paid for their work and arcsys isn't going to commission them for more. granted, arcsys could just do the tweaks themselves, probably, but it's still on them to get anything moving.

user you are mentally ill, nobody with a functioning brain accused this of being a "woke" game.

here's an actual honest review:

4/5 lightyears ahead of old school beat 'em ups but still could use some more variety
3/5 the spritework is really good and /most/ of the splash art is good. there are a few characters like godai that just look fucking terrible and really stand out.
2/5 some of it is alright but a lot of it are these really shitty female vocal tracks
2/5 most if it is okay but there are some absolutely horrible exchanges most notably godai who is a never ending stream of cringe
>voice acting
2/5 the main girls are usually pretty good and i think misako's voice actor in particular did a good job but there are a few people who stand out as fucking terrible, again godai is probably the best example of godawful voice acting by some green haired youtuber

overall i would give it a 3.5/5. the gameplay and sprite art is the main course here and its quite good in my opinion. everything else is spotty with a few instances of something awful. i would be willing to bump up the score to a 4/5 if they just outright deleted godai from the entire game.

Where's porn?

I just ran into the "X does everything problem"

>Grab a trashcan, try to hit someone, get rushed and fall
>Try to hit them, Instead I pick up the trashcan and I get knocked out again
>This happens 2 more times with me trying to attack but every time I grab the fucking item off the ground instead
>Move away and kill them

It's annoying. It also happens in relation to being near the exist, and you press attack only to move to the next screen. So yeah, I agree with you pretty much, the enemies do take a long ass time to get up like you said, and everything else.

I demand ryona of mami, now.

>really shitty female vocal tracks
I agree with most everything else at least.

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>enemies have too much hp
You guys are using combos, right? I mean, if you're not doing at least a chain into Nutcracker into hammer into dropkick, what are you even doing? Almost every enemy dies to 2~3 of those

>enemies remain on the ground for too long
i thought the same thing until i realized that you can pick them up and throw them then combo with a running attack. after realizing this i actually like how long the enemies stay down because it lets you dive & combo more consistently rather than trying to constantly mash through a crowd.

They have beat up sprites in the game if that's your thing.

>they aren't actually saving their boyfriends, they're totally single

heard this before, is this true?

Hi Victoria

>combat is slow!
>I'm a retard that had to retry the first boss 4 times!

Story checks out.

Yeah, the actual girlfriends are pic related, and the characters you play as are delusional fangirls, who keep pestering the dudes, and they barely even know them. They're made to go on a goose chase when they were neve in any danger.

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Yesterday we had a lot of posters that couldn't execute the basic X, X, X, Y combo you begin the game with.

That's literally the first thing I tried when I started playing, since nothing else was as effective until you can buy a longer combo. Are most of the people shitting on the game brain dead about basic combo structure or something?

How embarrassing

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3 combos is too much health

No hentai scene. Supposed to have a huge orgy at the end.

Are there any other unmarked stores besides the sauna and the secret store?

We still have developers not knowing how to make a good or at least solid beat em up in the year 2019 one of the simplest genres next to Platformers how do you fuck this up?

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>use kyoko's dab at the end of her basic combo
>misstime it
>end up just standing there in animation lock dabbing like a retard

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>Are most of the people shitting on the game brain dead about basic combo structure or something?
Yea Forums can't execute basic fighting game inputs worth shit, what do you think?

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Rent free.

If I had to give the game to a non-japanese dev, I'd have chosen the mother russia bleeds guys. That game was a great beat 'em up.

The fuck is with the River City Girls threads? There's like three of them on Yea Forums right now.


>Are most of the people shitting on the game brain dead about basic combo structure or something?
You are on a board where Smash is hailed as a fighting game because dragon punch inputs are too hard for them.

Can I execute air grabs from the get go, or do I need to unlock them?

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New game is popular

the loli shill force is hard at work.

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based shadman

You need to unlock everything but the basic 123 combo, running light, jumping light, and heavy attack. Some you unlock just by leveling, others are bought.

Exactly what you deserve for not doing a neutral heavy or a launcher.

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currently torturing myself by listening to normalfags reviews. These dumbfucks clearly don't understand game design because this shit isn't nearly as good as the "mainstream" thinks.

Thanks user.

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Why doesn't Misako know how to wear hair clips?


Fuck you, I'm used to how easy misako's forward heavy is to use in combos.

Attached: misako.webm (1200x676, 1.04M)

fpbp. because male feminism

Why haven't you learned to keep your shitty opinions to yourself?


Kyoko's a good girl who's fighting to save her "boyfriend". She only beats up people who try to stop her.

>went to grab a food truck hambuga
>they ran out


Literally a yandare.
The mentally ill belong far away from society.

Is there any way to set a controller for second player? It keeps going for 1P controls.

That's not what yandere refers to at all.

And into my bedroom.

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Just a reminder to not wait for an enemy to get up to punch their shit in again. Grab them once you unlock the option, throw them and perform an air grab, or try to combo them again.

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You can keep saying shit like this but the wait time is still fucking garbage. The only good "counter" to the fallen enemies problem is Kunio since he has that broken as fuck move that not only hits them on the ground but can lift them up.

Whip girl does the same but of course you are too basic a bitch to know that.

Got anymore?

I still can't figure out how to make the fucking controller swap to second player.

Nah, at best some silly ones.

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>Well Kid, you'll make up for Kunio and Riki's bullshit

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How would you guys make a sequel? It can be Kunio-kun or River City Girls

>How would you guys make a sequel?
- get japanese studio
- restore pompadour

>honest review.
>only gameplay issue is the lack of variety.

Excuse me for not recurting the Poison knockoff enough to notice. Trannies aren't my thing.

It's ok, we know you are bad at games.

screw your rules, i make new Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu with online for loads of people, even add battle royale mode for zoomer appeal

I honestly worry about Yea Forums and the obsession with trannies this year.
What the hell happened?

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Based and cute Kyoko

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I thought the combat in it was alright, i'm glad you get to speed up once you level. the voice acting is pretty everywhere. getting youtubers to do voices is a and always will be a fucking mistake. also i dislike the music. sure it fit the style of the game, but synthpop is generally not a style of music i'm very fond of.

all in all, an alright game.

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I would make the Claw of Kowloon.

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>he didn't use an assist in a beat em up.
>lol you suck, user.

>He doesn't use all the mechanics
>N-no I play well I swear

my only question is how the fuck do i air grab cause i'm hitting the buttons and they don't do jack shit

>beat 'em up elitism
user pls, not like you need something more than mashing X to beat the game

Well it looks like its 70% Misako and 30% Kyoko. Just as expected from based Yea Forums, short haired brunettes will always win

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>somebody has issues with the game.
>"hurr g-get g-good".
Everytime, the wayforward shills are real.

jimmy and billy reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>Years after his highschool years, Kunio has become the principal of it years later
>Misuzu and Kyoko works with him as Hall Monitor and P.E. Teacher
>He's married to Hasebe and they both have a daughter
>His life is threatened when his daughter dates a new student who was formerly a juvenile hall inmate for ties with the Yakuza
>Same Yakuza kidnaps Kunio's daughter
>Kunio and his son-in-law(?) have to set aside their differences and team-up along with Riki and his (and Kyoko's) son

>Endgame have them face-off Sabu
>Not wanting to accept defeat, he tries to unleash his "secret weapon"
>When it's a supposed boss fight, it's revealed his "secret weapon" was already beaten by the girls (Kyoko, Hasebe, Mami, Misako) who also went to rescue Kunio's daughter

Down Y with any character, then you pray you get lucky and time it right.

I just realized I havent seen a single r34 of them.

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Are these two little girls or just flat?

>youtuber "talent"

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I thought it was Jimmy and Bimmy???

You're not looking hard enough. Check Pixiv.

So it just cold ends after this? No parting remarks from the girls? If you start the game back up, does anyone say anything in reference?

>every thread has people complaining about the music
>go listen to soundtrack
>it's mediocre as is, but probably even worse with a beat em up game's sound effects

Damn, I'm glad I skipped this. I was going to buy it simply because it looked like it'd have good music

guess you missed the drawfag
and some more stuff on twitter etc

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>Wayforward game appeals to me with cool art and music
>start the game
>like it
>get further
>like it less
>push through hoping to like it
>actively dislike it
>feel obligated to beat it though

every time with this developer

his voice and character are fucking abysmal

this could've been you

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Wow! Such an original joke.

>his voice and character are fucking abysmal
Such a shame to hear that, cause OG Godai was awesome.

Reminder that Godai is the true enemy.

The game itself is disrespectful to anyone besides e-celeb worshippers. Someone wanted to make a game with youtubers and decided to make a bastardized Kunio game for ironic weebs around the concept.

Seeth more boomer, thee game is funny as heck. *dabs*

Dumb baka lover Mahiru

Why reply when you're going to just slam together buzzwords? This isn't even trolling, you're just being retarded.

Speaking of which, is there some trick to land a hit after jump-canceling a launcher or am i just too much of a fingerlet to pull it off?

Nah they ran out of time so they went with the dumb ending we got.


One of the modders reporting, I managed to remap left trigger to interact (doors/pick up stuff) and right trigger to run.
There's no graphic for the trigger, just LB.

Attached: remap.gif (506x423, 1.46M)

This is legit game of the year.

The director is some soi-boi who liked River City Ransom, learned there was a spinoff/sequel where Kunio and Riki fight alongside their girlfriends, only to realize that they are not the same girlfriends from River City Ransom. So instead of owing up to his mistake, he came up with the lame twist ending.

Oh neat
If I could actually combo/play the game without being forced to pick up items or change areas that would solve half of my hatred for this game.

Ah. You asked it first, based.

That's neat. Are you gonna be releasing the file soon? But why map run to right trigger? Double taping is fairly simple and a staple for most beat em ups, don't see why that'd need to change.

If you're releasing the file later, maybe make both changes separate?

Give me Misuzu or give me death.

Attached: 1565152178784.png (1293x969, 1.33M)

Any way to make air grabs more consistent?

I should have said you can do both double tap or hold trigger for run, some people don't like double tap. The interact button is remapped though so punching won't trigger those anymore.
I'll be releasing the file when I add a few more things, like removing the i-frames from dizzy enemies.

Clothing damage DLC when?

Attached: cast_pic_06.jpg (710x370, 199K)

Install gitgud.exe

Going to map the block button to also do B+Y in the air since someone suggested that.
If that's still not consistent I'll have to mess with the range.

Misuzu is 100% the best upgrade from the older Kunio games

Can you suck your own cock?

Bump for interest

Would you?

Attached: yokonaika.png (419x745, 140K)

I get it about 80% of the time now that I try to be inside their sprite. Not like it hurts much since you still throw out a move with a large hitbox.


Attached: old new.jpg (680x647, 80K)

The timing is fucked, dude, admit.

Because is a commiefornia shit game that tried to appeal to weebs by using waifu bait, although it seems that it worked because some fags in Yea Forums love it

You are just retarded bro.

Because the game was just an excuse for the people in charge to employ people they're friends with or fans of.

1994: Misako and Kyoko both almost die taking bullets meant for Kunio and Riki.
2019: Misako and Kyoko are just crazy ex-girlfriends that Kunio and Riki don't even remember dating.

There was plenty of discussion about the gameplay since release, the problem is that all actual valid points are drowned out by autists on the hate side that scream bloody murder about the stupidest and most inane shit, and shills on the love side that insist there's nothing wrong with it and any actual problems don't exist or are problems with the users' computers. It's impossible to have a rational discussion about this game.

Some are being paid to love it.

'94 Misako is best girl.

Attached: Ds6GJKVV4AAgwia.jpg (1200x900, 137K)

okay what if

Attached: misuzu.png (710x342, 12K)

So if RCG is a total bust, what games in the franchise are good? Preferably ones that aren't 3DS exclusive, because my laptop is too shit for emulating it. The only ones I played were the GBA remake, and Super Dodgeball

Attached: KR_Gutsman.png (1366x734, 1.71M)

Did you actually try emulating them? doesn't take long to download, and they're not that intensive


Attached: YOKO ON THE FRONT PAGE.png (419x745, 139K)

And even with the time gap, Kyoko is still the cutest!

This one is the best. Anyone saying otherwise is a retard contrarian. Second best is the GBA one.

Looks like the google drive file that was posted in an earlier thread requires a password so I guess I'm buying this game now. What am I in for?

Attached: gay.png (484x674, 464K)

Double tapping is not a matter of difficulty, it's a matter of a shit control scheme that is always annoying to use and is always better done as a dedicated button.

Enjoyable but flawed game, with flaws that can be easily fixed. If they wiill be or not, who knows, at least modders are changing shit.

Attached: DsnYj7BVAAAvhoo.jpg (749x749, 98K)

There's only five beat-'em-ups in the series)
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - JP version of Renegade, originally an arcade game and got an NES port. Not a particularly deep game, since, it's a proto-Double Dragon.
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari - JP version of River City Ransom.
Downtown Specia: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zen'in Shuugou - Pseudo-sequel to River City Ransom set in feudal Japan. There's a fan-patch titled Technos Samurai.
Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - First of the two Super Famicom entries. Plays like a cross between Renegade and RCR. It also has a patch.
Kunio-tachi no Banka - Direct sequel to Renegade which features Kunio and Riki fighting alongside Misako and Kyoko. Also has a patch.

And there's a bunch of sports games too and one puzzle game.

What's the point of all the different priced food that restores the same amount of health? I'm guessing I can stock up on more food if it's different, but to offset that, some stuff costs more so it's harder to keep a full stock on food items?

Attached: Wha.jpg (302x302, 38K)

>yuri route
more like cucks route

The first time you eat each piece of food, your character's stats go up permanently.

Every food item gives you a permanent stat boost the first time you eat them. After that you can use medicine.

Ah alright. Thanks.

Attached: 948786e4070f5610c1e9a45bd11a5a802e4a0ce4.jpg@1320w_1320h.jpg (1320x1320, 798K)

That's just the way she fucking goes


They were better looking too.

Attached: ed09f10860928ec095d8bbc8fe0bff9c7d3f7fba.jpg@1320w_1320h.jpg (1320x1320, 771K)

It's jarring as fuck to see this traditional take on banchou culture filltered through a modren "ironic weeb" californian lense.

Where the fuck do I start with the million Kunio games?

Attached: 8de54c72a30025c6494288482587db9b53d52405.jpg@1320w_1162h.jpg (1320x1161, 536K)

Its actually about 60/40 in Kyokos favor

They truly were River City Girls...


How does co-op items work? My bro bought 4 bandaids but when he checked the inventory, there was only 1.

River City Girls is to the Kunio series what Double Dragon Neon is to the original Double Dragon, which had the whole "ironic 80's nostalgia" hipster lense.


>crotch squat

'94 better.

which one is better for a long term relationship?


Misuzu > Mami > Misako > Kiyoko > Hasebe


Mami > Kyoko > Misuzu > Misako > Hasebe

The only girl in the game that's not crazy and literally carries around a big stick

Attached: RCG_Yoko.gif (126x249, 26K)

In her pants

Play Rival Showdown.

Attached: 1567991909609.webm (618x360, 1.05M)

Attached: orewaotokodakunio.jpg (884x1000, 407K)

fucking bobobobo is in this game? the guy from double dragon?

Hi Doug.

>Bad art
This is why I don't trust haters.

River City Underground is much better IMO

Attached: undergroond.jpg (675x1164, 396K)

I am and it's fucking sick.

Give me a 3DS rom to play on Citra and I will bro

Because you have bad taste. Subverting expectations is good 90% of the time. It only got a bad reputation because GoT show runners were fucking terrible at it.

Yes, PC or Switch version?

>creepy ex
more like Yandere psychos making a pass at them

>Yakuza funded her first album for sex and probably a JAV

Can I at least turn voices off in the settings?

You can mute them.

I want to hug and eat dumplings with Kyoko and also take that dumb cutie to go shopping

Attached: images - 2019-09-09T022305.915.jpg (600x337, 50K)


Once girl

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mating press

You're the best user, just saved me $30

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I've heard the fourth wall breaking ending where they're told they only appeared in one obscure Japanese game is wrong. Is that true? What's the actual case?

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being this retarded
do you even know the first thing about the company who made it you stupid maroon

rcg is great and don't let autists screaming sjw convince you otherwise
it has nothing to do with that shit, its cute, and the actual combat mechanics are the best retro beat-em-up mechanics in years

From what I've seen, a lot of the vocal tracks seem really amateur. Are all of those tracks like this? The production feels lackluster and the actual singing makes it clear that they're not professional singers either.

Do they wax?

With a combination of semen and vaginal juice.

*hits pipe*

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Attached: 1549945779754.jpg (1368x1688, 240K)

waitaminute. I was under the impression that arc system made this game. That's why I gave the gender flip a pass because Japan does it to be Kawaii. But... I'm reading that this is just another SJW girl power trip? fuck.

>I was under the impression that arc system made this game.
They're just the IP holders.

Ew. Girls are gross.

Misako has appeared in other games, I think somebody even said the goal of one of the dodgeball games was that the winner gets a kiss from her.

My God, you incest fucks are insatiable, aren't you?

>I'm reading

Where would you read that?

WayForward has had 90%+ female leads in their games, but now it's suddenly because of SJWs?

For you.

It's a copypasta you shit

I had to factory reset my computer after downloading that magnet link from the last thread, they tried to ransomware me but jokes on them I don't pay taxes or have any pictures of anything so there's nothing on my computer I can't re download.

Neon was decently fun and respectful to Double Dragon though.

Misako was around and established before Tachi no Banka. I think that was Kyoko's 1st game but im not 100% sure.

They were playable where you either fought as Kunio, Riki, Misako, or Kyoko in a Double Dragon 3 select style. Then they leave due to plot/getting shot during a confrontation. They live but are hospitalized and get the Duke treatment, in which were told they lived at the end. It was pretty dark for a Kunio game.

the poor sap who got shot after they did is assumed to have died IIRC.

>wayforward is suddenly now sjw
>the dev that basically sells games by filling them with cute girls
I really wish you to kys, my man.

When the original characters were dudes, yes. gender flipping is SJW cuckery.

Joke's really on you though, isn't it?

It's a different game about different characters though.

>Most of the moves totally useless because every enemy is constantly sprinting backwards as fast as you can move forwards
>Will backstep out of reach of all but your fastest attacks and Input read any move after you've used it on screen once, perfectly blocking and countering everything
>Have to cheese them with jump-in bullshit or rely on one or two moves

Attached: River City Girls Voice Diarrhea.jpg (2044x3684, 2.83M)

You got a link to the google drive?

One biggest flaws with the way the game is designed is that all of the entrances require you to press X to use them, but that also happens to be the game's basic attack button. So anytime you zone in, if you start pressing X to combo an enemy who spawns right next to the door you'll find yourself being sent to the area you were just at. This is a very, very, very basic game design element that I'm surprised wasn't fixed in even the alpha. Even something as simple as mapping the command to another button would make combat less of a problem as you now have to run away from the area's entrance before you can start fighting every time.

Really gives the impression that the game's playtesters were asleep at the wheel while the VA's were being sucked off.
>6 levels
>only 2 hours long
>garbage spritework
>garbage artwork
>SJW devs
>gay forced dabbing shit
>paying vtubers to shill the same too
>garbage voice acting
>turned riki into kpop stan bait
>arin hanson is voicing billy from double dragon
>$30 for digital, $35 (probably $40 or $45 with shipping) for physical
>requires gtx 950 or higher
>Haha Misako is really angry lol
>Haha Kyoko is retarded lol
There you go, that's 100% of this game's dialogue.
>I'm waiting so I can buy this new chapter of this manga I'm reading
>K: Is blocked number someone you don't like?
>Misako's VA also can't say Riki's name right either,
> wayforward spent more money on the marketing (including shills on Yea Forums) and e-celeb faggotry than actual development on this game
>cuckqueens the game
also see

this game was contract work, the contract is finished, so the game is done. They aren't coming back to it.
river city shills cucks BTFO

Attached: file.png (1618x808, 214K)

Hey man, that's rude.
I could be being hasty and reactionary because of how often games like this are done for political agendas. It could have been a completely creative idea with no sinister feminism behind it. But the rest of the cucks in the industry have soured me.

Anyways, the animations are really nice but the gameplay feels sluggish and un fun.

>river city shill general
what in the absolute fuck

why did they make this instead of Double Dragon Neon 2

Temptation says to stray
But I won't let you get away...


Attached: 7purax4j9f631.png (792x767, 441K)

he's not wrong though

>a game is shit because of VA fan culture pandering

I dunno user.

I don't live on here as much as you do faggot to know that.

Isn't the point of blocking someone's number is to prevent people from calling you or sending messages.

Not him but that is years old and posted relatively frequently, you're new as fuck if you've somehow never seen it.

She looks like the type to betray and drug them so she can sell them to some thugs for cash.

They changed up the AI since then and also that primarily happened at the EXTREME late end of the game. Like literally the final level.

>I could be being hasty and reactionary

The WayForward peeps supposedly just wanted to make more games with girls in the lead and pitched this concept to the IP holders on their own accord.

What with WayForward already having proven to be massive pop-culture nostalgia mooches, making new games or remakes of DuckTales, Goosebumps, Boy and his Blob, Contra, Centipede, Aliens, and Double Dragon, I see a River City game with girls in the lead as the kind of thing they'd do for no particular reason other than to have fun.

Although, I would have hoped for their bellybuttons to be exposed.

Did you really think they genderbent the original MCs just for brownie points?

Well yes. We're on Yea Forums. Ain't no actual girls around here.

>Old Yea Forums gets pissed that JohnTron wasn't able to voice act in a game because of what he said on Twitter
>says people shouldn't be fired because of that shit and it shouldn't matter

>nu-Yea Forums gets pissed that e-celebs get to voice act and think they should be fired because of shit they said on Twitter.
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?

Attached: 1567996233033.png (514x277, 272K)

Degenerate western scum wrote it that's why.


Yea Forums makes a lot more sense once you realize everyone is here just to look for something to get angry about.

When so many other do, I find it hard not to . But looking at wayforwards game catalog, it doesn't seem like a developer who's the bad sort of woke.

It's nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be. That being said, the amount of health the enemies have slows the game down to a point where it becomes a slog to play.

Where's the original?

I was told there was no pantyshots in this game
If so this game is shit
I need to be able to look up the skirts of girls as they do high kicks

And, you know, the girls are the girlfriends of the original MCs, so it's not like anyone is being rule 63'd, or anything is being changed just for the sake of changing it.

>You have to keep holding back to skip all the boss dialog over and over, I had to do this 4 times with the first boss
>First boss

Lol fucking casual
It was the second boss where I got fed the fuck up and just closed the game. Nigga has got too much attack range to be locked behind 3 fucking skips like that

Attached: misuzu.png (1918x1076, 341K)

Panties don't exist in River City. You can buy a multitude of new bras for your girls but no panties. The protagonists are running around nopan and they couldn't allow you to look up skirts because otherwise the game wouldn't be allowed to release.

why is this game getting so much shit on Yea Forums? It just looks like a mediocre quirky stylish beat em up. Even Underground probably had more stuff on it that Yea Forums would hate and I saw jackshit about that game.

For the last few months there's been a lot of people with a bug up their ass about Wayforward. I think it has something to do with Smash.

Your post gives me much to think about

Everyone on the team gets a kiss on the cheek from her but when she gets to Kunio she goes for his lips.

>I think it has something to do with Smash.
That's exactly what it is

Some kids got seriously mindbroken by the Shantae falseflagging

>you're not allowed to like this game because its developer used his constitutional right of free speech to criticize the President!



Well, today I did almost all the things that can be done in this game ( even all characters at lvl 30 ), and I must say that this game had potential but for some reason developers didn't give more effort to this game.

This was discussed already, can be enjoyable but problems like terrible hitboxes, IA read inputs, dash auto lock hits, trying to fight but changing of area, trying hit but taking weapons or enemies instead are the most annoying things in this game and must be patched, but maybe that would never happen.

Maybe the best part of the game, I really like the soundtrack, almost not like Scott Pilgrim but very close, my favorites are: Detention, Tidal Wave, Payday and Bully.

Sprite Animations:
In general pretty average, still can't believe the animation is terrible when they climb ladders or fences, but must say that Riki has the better animations, especially when he's standing still and walking.

Voice acting:
Average, I don't know why people here hate some of the VA but in my case I don't care about them, just care about the work they do in the game, as I said is pretty average, but my favorite was Mami and Burnov.

>Things I liked:
Music, art, way to do combos, the fact that the game saves the enemies that you recruited and that every class of enemy has varieties, Arnolds.

>Things I didn't like:
That simple and stupid ending, that twist had potential but was wasted thanks to the devs.

Not a Burnov Boss fight, I was expecting a boss fight with him, but I think devs didn't want to see Burnov grabbing Kyoko and Misako's head meanwhile he punches their stomach brutally.

Noize VA

The fact that nothing changes when you use Riki or Kunio, not even when you enter the shops.

Still I like the game, not the best but enjoyable.

Attached: 151681351651.jpg (1480x882, 634K)
Changed "river city shills BTFO" to "river city shills cucks BTFO" just to make it even more of a schizophrenic word salad it seems, if it's a real human doing this they would have to be seriously deranged

>file.png in all but three instances
>in two of the others it's rcg_pathetic.png
>He has been doing this since the start of July

Attached: 1484086725435.jpg (247x353, 32K)

They're retarded and delusional


Don't buy their game

Attached: girlfriend.png (1280x417, 516K)

>Neon was decently fun and respectful to Double Dragon though.
Decent? Maybe. But respectful? The entire game is making fun of the premise of the first Double Dragon and it had the Lee brothers voiced as dumb surfers.

Best anger.

It's a damn shame too. Shantae used be a humble little series with a cute protag that had friendly threads from time to time but now people just froth at the mouth at her because some dipshit made dozens of threads demanding her in Smash.

Which game is in your pic?

Making fun of something is not the same as being disrespectful though.

Because double-tap is a shit and imprecise input method and it's especially bad when there's unused buttons on the controller.

Did you see anything that indicates why the dizzy i-frames are so inconsistent?

That doesn't look very good.

Attached: brave.jpg (419x745, 61K)

Where does it show this? I remember someone saying it appears over your character portrait but I've never seen shit there. I mean I know there's the character stats page which shows your total stats, but I mean the boost from each food itself. Or do you just have to compare the page before and after?


Nope. And if you play through as Kunio or Riki after that, it's just as if the game is being run through with Kyoko and Misako.

>Did you see anything that indicates why the dizzy i-frames are so inconsistent?
Didn't look at that yet, they seem to use predefined timers + rng sometimes, maybe the rng is part of it.

Why does Godai's shirt say 五 in RCG?

For you.

River City: Rival Showdown

Yea Forums makes more sense when you realise it isn't one person

Attached: 1413937919231.png (507x565, 25K)

More like Copy Paste Kobayashi

The kanji means "correct" but that's all I know.

>RNG on i-frames

Attached: [C-K]_Kamen_Rider_Black_19_[97516BF3].avi_snapshot_03.21_[2015.03.04_03.23.50].jpg (640x480, 23K)

That's the kanji for the number 5, user.

>3DS only

Attached: 1551327276737.jpg (112x125, 3K)

>tried to appeal to weebs by using waifu bait
I'm a weeb and this game does not appeal to me. It does not appeal to me because they have boyfriends.
>by using waifu bait
There's no waifu bait in this game because they have boyfriends. No one wants a waifu with a boyfriend. That's gross. You must be a cuck, user.

Attached: 1566250414239.jpg (710x710, 124K)

That operates under the assumption that opinions or beliefs are evenly distributed, instead of indoctrinated into the general hivemind through an extremely vocal minority, using propoganda to create a generally accepted belief throughout the board.

tl;dr: The social dynamics of a trash fire place like this are a lot more complicated than just "everyone has different opinions lol"

Attached: 1557654600762.gif (220x260, 1005K)

I'm a weeb and I don't care about them having boyfriends because I am not retarded. However it still does not appeal to me because of the godawful English voice acting and horrible writing in general.

Why do their sprites look so shit and not cute?

>More than one person has the same opinion
Yes, this is obvious of any large space.
>Two entirely contrary opinions must be the same group of people and not different groups of people
This is where you go full retard. Never mind that you simplify the Yooka Laylee vs RCG matter into just "pro e-celeb" and "anti e-celeb" when it's more complicated than that.

It's because his name in moonrunes is written 五代.

American made

I wonder if it says 代 on the back.

Just flat. They are around the same age as the others. In High School anyway.

Attached: 1567730941732.jpg (450x329, 109K)

Ah, of course.
I mistook it for 正, which is also used for counting to five.

But hey, at least that explains user's question. His name is Godai, which is spelled the same in Japanese as Itsuchiro 五代, meaning fifth generation.

And as you say, 五/go of course just straight means five.

It better.

>Best girl tied at the hip with worst girl
I hate it when they do this.

Well, it really is just that. Yea Forums supports Jontron because he once said mean things about the blacks(obvious paraphrasing), while Yea Forums despises Egoraptor for a whole number of reasons. Ergo, Yea Forums was one side for the Yooka-Laylee fiasco, and on the other side for this game, regardless of the respective quality of each game.

Yea Forums meaning the hivemind. If you make a post espousing a certain opinion and it gets at least half a dozen replies in an angry tone, then it's extremely likely you've just gone against the hivemind.

>tl;dr I'm special and woke and the rest of you are not, but I can't be bothered with backing up my superiority complex

>Yea Forums supports Jontron because he once said mean things about the blacks(obvious paraphrasing), while Yea Forums despises Egoraptor for a whole number of reasons.
That's exactly why it isn't just pro e-celeb vs anti e-celeb, though. The anti e-celeb people were opposed to both instances, while Jontron was getting support with Yooka Laylee because of political shitflinging. RCG has no political bias to it so it's just people being against the e-celebs, whether they hate them on principle or think they're shit actors (and really, they are), and people who either don't care or are pro e-celebs because they like them.

Yea Forums never supported Jontron you complete goon.

He was always a laughing stock, now he's just also a good yardstick for call out rabid virtue signalling doogooders.

>RCG has no political bias
Does "soiboi cuck dev" ring any bells?

Can't believe there's only one post with actual critique in this entire thread.

>Yea Forums never supported Jontron you complete goon.
not him but nice revisionist history.


Literally one autist, see

Odd. I beat the second boss on my second try, and I didn't use any healing items either. Abobo was the first roadblock for me. But I wasn't using healing items in fights until after I beat him when I read that food gave you permanent stat boosts. So I beat him with vanilla stats, too.

just admit you don't like beloved franchises or fun games and just play shovelware shit or "deep" games.

Is there no zombie terminator or female yakuza?

You think a single Yea Forumsirgin ever actually "supported" Jontron?

Actually backed him up ANYWHERE on ANY social media where people were railing on him?
Actually did ANYTHING to protect him, rather than attack his detractors for things largely unrelated to Jon, should one believe him to be an average innocent man?

You think ANYONE from here reached out to him and wrote anyhing comforting or supporting like "Hey, dude, I think you're cool. Don't let anyone get to you about that whole thing", or drew him some fun fanart unrelated to the debacle, to take his mind off all that shit?

Because I don't.
I don't think anyone supported him. I think they just took up a cause on his behalf that he basically never had a stake in.

>But I'm not sure they're going to do a damn thing about it because they probably don't agree with anything people are saying.
More like because any time anyone tries to point out any issues it has the defence force jumps on it and screams that the problems aren't real.
That said, this guy must be fucking retarded to have died against Misuzu at least three times.

If it makes you feel any better they don't actually have boyfriends. They just think they do. Kunio and Riki don't even know their names and have been banging Hasebe and Mami regularly.

>I played it for an hour and then I played SoR1 for a couple runs.
My melanin enriched brother, finished RCG sprites are good but that's all, combat and music weren't that bad but forgetabble can't remember any song other than the mall with vocals, combat it was meh but anons already explained better.
I still remember Stage 1 from SoR and grabbing enemies and throwing them was a fun, RCG fucked up big at this part.

I just want more Hasebe why is twitter so difficult to find shit with

>reddit spacing

>I must advertise the meme site

Yes but still don't have them yet, and the police officer too

Just like I did to my gf. Just giving back user

Attached: 1566257301599.jpg (261x260, 40K)

I legitimately don't understand why they decided to go with the fucking
>lol they weren't even their boyfriends
Is it supposed to be funny? Because it just comes off as weird and disrespectful of the series WayForward is trying to ape

I think it's a pretty good in-character joke for all of them, and one that basically only WayForward could pull off in a gaggy non-offensive manner.

The only way that ending was a gag was that it made me want to throw up over how shitty the execution was.

Man if you were actually a River City fan you would know off the bat that Kyoko and Misako being Riki and Kunios girlfriends is off as fuck just from playing their games and paying attention. If anything now it opens them up to actually being your waifu and that love and persistence they displayed for Riki and Kunio can be something you can project towards yourself or a character you think is more deserving of it like a fat balding old man with a huge cock

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>you will never titfuck a yakuza lady
Why live?

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Could be better, true.

I pirated the game and even I felt ripped off by it

What exactly is the plot and basis for Kunio and Riki just going around "River City" and brawling with everyone all the time? Is it as thin a premise as this game?

>I wouldn't waste the poop it'd take to shit on this

Yes. They're old school video games like that.

They're delinquents, gotta be the toughest

>dislikes plot and wants to skip dialog
Confirmed shit taste

In the original game, Mami was kidnapped by Yamada, who somehow united all of the gangs in the town for some reason. Hasebe is Yamada's girlfriend who rats him out to you and gives you some info on where he's keeping Mami and who's guarding her.

>Man if you were actually a River City fan you would know off the bat that Kyoko and Misako being Riki and Kunios girlfriends is off as fuck just from playing their games and paying attention.

Look up Kunio-tachi no Banka

>No Kyoko and Misako getting gang raped after game over

What's the fucking point of this game then?

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>Reference a previous event with a shitty 4th wall break

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Why does this game by a literally who dev have 4 player online multiplayer, but a game by Wayfoward does not?

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If you flipped a coin onto Misako's butt would it stop flat or bounce right off

The only two posts you should read in this thread

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I don't understand the appeal of anal
why not just fuck her normally while grabbing her butt?
I like the roundy softness of a girl's ass not the pooping part

How is underground in comparison? They look about the same gameplay-wise.

Is the gameplay fun or is it worse than scott pilgrim?

The combos are less spammy than scott pilgrim, but are a little slower and less free-form. The basics feel almost exactly the same, though.

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Criminal lack of art of their feet

>dropping kaori's glass
should be a criminal offense

>Sprite Animations:
>In general pretty average,
you are so fucking full of shit.

Kyoko is probably always down to fuck so her


Phantom breaker battlegrounds is better in literally every way
You guys have shit taste in mechanics

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This desu. As if more proof was needed that westerners have shit taste.

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As someone who loved that game, it's nothing more than a button masher
Music is 100x better though

>twig legs
what a trash artist.

I agree, most fights in PB battlegrounds feel like they devolve into special spamming, or activating overdrive and THEN spamming specials.

The music is pretty good, though. I liked both the 8-bit and 16-bit FM soundtrack.

If you're looking for a good modern beat 'em up, I would say Fight'n Rage is one of the best. Just wish I had some nice webms of that game to post.

/pol/ happened

It's a woman, they don't understand the appeal of meat. Same reason Misako's thighhighs don't have any indentation.