What have you bought recently vee? Just bought an N64 console with a ED64 Plus with it for 40 dollars at a yard sale. It’s a cartridge that comes with hundreds of n64 games
Buy haul thread
The N64 has a hundred games?
the cartridge does retard
RX 560, 2GB. got it for $50 at a store nearby
>he bought an Erectile Dysfunction 64
This is Yea Forums not /g/
>This is Yea Forums not /g/
I bought Oblivion, New Vegas and FO3 in the one/360 packaging.
these broadcast monitors: two 14" ikegamis and a 19" pvmeme from liquidators for $250.
So it's off topic
I call bullshit. No one sells Everdrives at yard sales.
Sweet. Go play Sin and Punishment right now
>It's not on there!
Put it on there then.
Kid who went to college or something so his parents sold his shit?
um, okay... whatever helps you sleep at night, honey
He said he only found erectile Dysfunction 64 at the garage sale, what are the chances some blokes gonna be selling a Jap exclusive at his garage sale?
Think before you post
I had that exact same ikegami on the top. Sold it a while ago.
that exists? ive got 3 from the marketplace, but i didnt know i could get physical oblivion
can you tell me a bit about your experience with it?
Last thing I got was a GC HD Mk.2 for gameboy player stuff.
Bought pokemon red and yellow and a orange spice gamecube controller from ebay
I got Ace Combat Zero the other day.
It worked liked it suppose to. I like the buttons and lights i guess. Footprint is way to big for its size, even for a crt.
Got an ED64 v3 recently as a gift and ordered myself a new controller to play Densha de Go on it.