Is she right, Yea Forums?

Is she right, Yea Forums?

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literally who

most pirates are poorfags who couldn't afford to buy the game even if they wanted to.


stop posting twitter screenshots

Yikes........ tell that to the indie developers they suck off so much.

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Why aren't twitter screenshot threads a bannable offense yet?

These people contradict themselves on a daily basis

If I pirate something I was never considering buying it in the first place. Lost sales arent a real thing

>Tim Sweeney paid for all the games I pirate from EGS
She's not wrong.

/. )

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I try before I buy. With demos being almost extinct, I pirate, and if I like, I buy. If not, I don't.
It's no worse than renting a game, back when that was a thing. Since the devs don't get a cent from rentals either.

They're based

why do you repost threads?

>mentally ill man who mutilated them self cant properly think things through

no, no there was that one time they ate a frozen pizza and student loans

rent free

You don't know what that means.

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there are no victims


So we do pretty much a personal version of what the average public library does with books and movies, but with video games and for that we're bad people.
I think Liv might be cool.

make this a thread

Who's "they"? You don't even know who this woman is.

If I could actually hurt big game companies with my piracy, I would pirate their games a thousand times each till they go bankrupt.


Actually since ive aquired a lot of money I see no reason to spend it if i dont necessarily have to

This right motherfucking here. The way to remain wealthy is to behave like you're not.

This is only if you came into a large sum of wealth. If you're wealthy because of high income, there's no reason to be frugal assuming your job is secure.

It's not piracy it's file sharing and copyright infringement. Fucking retards need to stop using piracy. The term was invented to scare people away from downloading video games
>nobody gives a shit if you download tv shows
>nobody gives a shit if you download anime
>nobody gives a shit if you download books
>nobody gives a shit if you download comics
>movies? vidya? PIRACY!!!!

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>so obsessed with trannies that you literally sound like a schizophrenic suffering from grand delusions, seeing them everywhere you go in your head
pretty sure that user used it correctly

I wish piracy actually had an effect.

I don't buy what I don't need, or couldnt get for free as far as entertainment goes. There is every reason to be frugal.

I got no idea who this nigga is but he looks like he's made of MELTED CHEESE lmao

You didn't actually give a reason though. You just restated that you do what you can to save money.

Why would anyone need a reason to be frugal? Life isn't cheap as it is, wait until things get really bad.

Marxist trannies are always wrong

Only if the game is a Epic Store Exclusive.
Because Swine have already payed then.

>Why would anyone need a reason to be frugal?
imagine the high quality fart porn you could buy that cannot be pirated. the fart porn i want is as much as $70 per one and a half hour film.

>haha its just stealing from rich people!

Not a bot

The only time I actually buy a game is when I want a sequel, want a physical or want to support the dev (I only really do this one when it’s a small studio)
Other then that I pirate my shit

Yes, piracy is based and redpilled.

Devs working for big companies don't get per-sale royalties, they got their salary and that's it. Even if piracy hurt sales (which it doesn't), it would just mean that Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson has to buy one less yacht this year.

Dont download hbo shows at least without a vpn, those faggots are great at catching people for some reason..

OP pic is a tranny, you're retarded

I buy $60 AAA games but pirate indies because what are they going to do about it, they can't afford to send letters

I know you're stupid, but publishers are the ones with the money, not devs.