What does your dad play?

what does your dad play?

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Lately he has been playing Lord of the ring battle for the middle Earth 2 because he is salty that I beat his ass last time

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WoT which is why I made that image 100 years ago

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Age of Empires

Titanfall 2 and mk11. I can’t beat him at either and the man is like 65

I fucking hate my dad


Last I heard from him he was playing World of Tanks. Normally he sticks to adventure games though, Full Throttle was his all-time favorite.

Quake 2

I never met my dad.

definitely not that shit zoomer franchise

Blu rays

Forgot the name of this one.

WoW Classic

War Thunder

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Formerly WoW
Now Fortnite.
Don't know why he stills play it.

My dad got semi-addicted to Battlefield 1943 on Xbox 360 years ago. He'd always play air superiority and land on the other team's aircraft carrier to spawn kill them for hatemail. Pretty funny.

And like ps2 era flight games like secret weapons over Normandy and ace combat 04

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He used to play a lot of CoD, but quit video games because he became so overwhelmed with work he doesn't have time for them anymore. His favorite series of all time though is MGS

A ton of flight sims and, oddly, this one star wars game from the windows 95 era. He plays that shit over and over.

My dad is 70 and hates video games

mario and nothing but

Currently Bloodborne, Wolfenstein, and a bunch of random VR games he got for his PSVR setup. He's like 54 and he's beaten more games than me.

Weirdly I tried to get him into Sekiro but he says he's tired of really hard games, says they're more frustrating than fun.

My dad was born in '59

He doesn't game anymore, although back in the day maybe shit like PacMan, then on his first office PC's shit like Wolfenstein 3D

When I was young we played shit like RTC:Wolfenstein and IL2 Sturmovnik together. Maybe also some Team Fortress 1 back in 99-00

Nowadays he doesn't game anymore, although he loves watching me play Red Orchestra 2 when we hang out

My daddy has been playing GTA 5 lately. He calls me to do the harder shooting missions because he isn't very good at aiming and moving at the same time.

Also, I can kind of tell he wants me to sit with him and watch him play like when I was little, but I just wanna sit in my room and shitpost. Kinda makes me feel shitty but it's whatever I guess.

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Nothing, he's not from that generation. (I know some older ones play, but most elderly don't.)
I think I've seen him try once back during PSX days. But I know now it was more to entertain us more than him actually wanting to. He would occasionally watch sometimes too.

Dr. Mario and NES Golf.

He played a lot of Donkey Kong Country and Mortal Kombat with his brother before my mom had me

Now he enjoys Zelda and played through Twilight Princess a few times. He had a blast watching me play Red Dead Redemption 2 and really wants to play just to explore the world but doesn't really have the time due to work

I wish he'd retire already so he can enjoy games stress free again

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My dad can barely use the tv

my dad used to love ARPGs and tomb raider

he was over 60 (he passed away not long ago)

I have 3, one plays Isle Of Man TT, one plays nothing but cod and fortnite and the other only plays VR shit

online poker and nothing else

that's gonna be me in the future minus the monster

Turn and Burn: No-Fly Zone for SNES.

thats so true

He doesn't play video games.

He abandoned his no-kill Deus Ex HR run to save fly girl.

So, decent taste?

Last time he was into games he only played
Dantes Inferno
God of war
Gta v
Dead rising 1 and 2

Dr. Mario on the GBA I got him for Christmas a few years back.

The Grave Game

My dad loves WaW

Freelancer, same as the last 10+ years.


Doesn't play often now, but The Witcher 3, Halo, CoD zombies, bethesda rpgs, EDF, and some RTS and fighting games back in the day
cool dude

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Tecmo bowl


My dad can't even figure out how to check his email. He's only 48 too.

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Path of Exile, Dwarf Fort and Dark Souls 1
could be worse desu



minecraft on peacful

Imagine being such a zoomer that your understanding of tie fighter is "this one star wars game from the windows 95 era." Like nigger why aren't you playing that game?

My dad beat Zombies Ate My Neighbors in the 90s, that's the last game he played

My dads been playing Everquest since 99, he moved to Everquest 2 when it came out.

Red Alert 2, Age of Empires(1), Sudden Strike, ANNO (original), and pikmin(1).

Fuck off

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Skyrim. Sometimes ww2 games