What game(s) has the best melee combat?

what game(s) has the best melee combat?

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God Hand


Unironically modded Skyrim.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Blade Symphony if it was still alive

Skyrim has really terrible combat, mods can't fix that

Nothing yet in gaming has beaten the feeling of fighting bosses in that game, especially humanoid bosses. Even some of the NPC hunters can be pretty insane fights. Rally is such a good fucking mechanic once you start dodging correctly and getting in swings and trick combos that it's amazing how fluid it feels after you flip that little switch in your brain.

metal gear revengeance
blood will tell
way of the samurai 4
nier automata

lol no
I could never get into the souls games, I hated the control layout and the combat felt really slow and sluggish


I'm not gonna try too hard too convince you but BB is pretty much From's answer to people who think Souls games are slow.
As for the controls, just claw faggot.

I terms of exaggerated it just enough to make it feel good to 'hit things with your thword' without going completely over the top? Dark Souls.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by CD Projekt Red

sorry I can't stand using triggers in a 3rd person games, it's face buttons or bust

Super Smash Brothers Melee

Rygar for the PS2

not the best, but for an underrated recommendation: Oni

Attached: Oni combat.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

That looks hella jank


Attached: 1456675595850.jpg (379x272, 21K)

This but ironically

This, but spelled correctly. The only problem is that the lack of maps, and low quality of the maps which has led to a low player base, and they haven't released modding tools to allow people to properly make their own maps yet.

That's because it's a pre-arkham game meaning you actually have to line up your attacks properly according to the hitboxes rather than letting the AI control your character and slide you over to the enemy.

Spider man is pretty dope.

Dark Messiah

Fuck people remember bungie games other than Halo?

years of playing action games where square is always primary attack
using triggers feels unnatural and uncomfortable to me

It looks nice and has a fair amount of options but is ultimately really fucking shallow.

force yourself to do it, you'll get used to it in an hour, tops.


it's not bad, the game was really fun. but the punches lacked impact, yakuza and god hand did a better job

Attached: momentum damage decapitation.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

tried to played bb for like 2 hours, after trying to change the button mapping and failing to make it work, never got used to it ended up returning it

what kino

Bushido Blade


Attached: 1567733034983.gif (240x180, 961K)

Nice bait

Attached: 1567722569500.png (405x324, 197K)

that's a beat em up

I really liked Sekiro's combat, it feels very deadly and mostly fair and skill based

Attached: 1561852097366.webm (626x352, 2.71M)

Castlevania lament of Innocence

Do people still take John Clements seriously or have they realized he's an autistic weirdo yet?

play them and find out bitch


Super Mario Bros 2

If only it wasn't balanced by Swedish retards.

Jedi Knight 2 / 3 for controllability, or certain mods for them (MB2 for example) for aded realism.

Alice: Madness Returns, even though the game in its entirety was unspeakably shit, had surprisingly enjoyable melee fights against certain miniboss-type enemies, like a gimbed difficulty Bloodborne but with more fluidity.


Attached: output.webm (1030x579, 2.41M)

'Best' means 'good'.

Monster Hunter.

>nier automata

>literally every weapon just feels like you're slicing butter with a hot knife no matter what you're hitting

Yeah that isn't good

Unironically Doom (with mods)

Mordhau, it was big back in april/may, people started getting upset because no updates and high level play looks retarded but not Chivalry tier

Attached: Mordhau Evening Star.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

not the best but one of my personal favorites
shinobi and nightshade where also good

Attached: bujingai.jpg (616x347, 63K)

That's only the case on low difficulties. The game has a whole system based around cleave with different enemies having different values required to cleave through them, and different weapons/attacks being able to cleave through more enemies before sticking.

>half-swording against an unarmored opponent
>murder stroke against an unarmored opponent
>fencing with an unarmored opponent

They're just demonstrating. Clearly not sparring. Only one of the attacks the guy in armor makes would've actually connected with the other guy even if he were just standing still.

I mean if we talk any combat system at all then DMC 3, 4, and 5 have the deepest most mechanically enjoyable combat system out there.
If we talk about realistic and/or immersive combat systems, it would be Dark Messiah and Mordhau. Maybe For Honor.
Mount & Blade has a very solid combat system that holds up even now.
Arx Fatalis feels pretty good, especially at incorporating magic into combat.
Souls series and Bloodborne are a nice take on a Diablo-like game with big emphasis on the combat but the core combat system in those games is ultimately fairly clunky.

Sure but that's a hella dumb choice of props for a demonstration

>no overgrowth in the whole thread

Just admit you only wanted to show off that you knew a couple of hema terms.

Attached: 800px-Ms.Thott.290.2ยบ_087r[1].jpg (800x540, 97K)

>black desert if it had literally any worthwhile content
>mhGU brave LS style
>dragons dogma
>ninja gaiden 2
>onimusha 2
>witcher 2 rise of the sword mod
>darksiders 1
>wots 4
based friend
I think i like 3 better though all 4 games are absolute masterworks

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No, I've seen the video before.
Also, it goes along the lines of the unarmored dude "outskilling" the armored guy and winning the "fight".
All of that when a single fucking armored punch to the face would be enough to end it.

Monster Hunter Frontier's Extreme Switch Axe

what's the deal with this? never knew frontier was so dope