Have you ever stolen a video game, Yea Forums? I don’t mean pirating, like a physical copy of a game.
Have you ever stolen a video game, Yea Forums? I don’t mean pirating, like a physical copy of a game
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Yes I did
I stole an unopened copy of the legend of Zelda Twilight Princess from my family friends, like a dumbass 13 year old, I opened it
My brother once found a Game Boy Advance in a parking lot. We still have it to this day. I don't know if that counts.
It's Sneedio, Sneedgi and Sneedey Kong!
Its not stealing if the insurance company covers the cost.
Too many to count. My family used to go to the flea market, it's really easy to do if the booth is crowded.
Have seed sneedcel
Except someone who could've bought the game no longer can.
not really
sneed and sneed snilled
My neighbour leant me Super Mario Land and Vexx, never asked for them back, even tried to give them back and she wouldn't take them.
>tried to give them back and she wouldn't take them
That's not stealing you autist.
I remember finding a code for a 2 day trial for xbox live gold in a display box at gamestop, took a photo of that and redeemed it
when I was younger I stole an sega genesis aladdin cartridge from a store similar to walmart
>Ripped an orange box copy open at some store
>Stole the cd key
>Created another steam account with the new cd key
>cheated my ass off in tf2 until that account got vac banned
she wanted your peen
I kept Blockbuster's copy of FFVII and just started going to Hollywood Video instead.
I rented Final Fantasy Tactics from Blockbuster and then pretended to lose it because I wanted the game so badly and it wasn't sold ANYWHERE locally and online shopping wasn't really a regular thing at the time. I still had to technically pay for it but still, no regrets.
Kind of. I snuck into the janitor's closet at school when I was a kid and nabbed a couple of Nintendo 64 cartridges that had been confiscated from some other fuckhead since I knew that was where the principal threw all the shit.
I stole a pen when I was working in a grocery store. Honestly I don't know why because I still have a pen and I never used it once.
I invited someone over that stole Mortal Kombat II.
I later stole it back before moving away.
The 10-cent pens they hand out to cashiers don't count.
Technically, but still digital. EB games was having a sale and they had a copy of Halo 2 vista sitting out in a bin. I opened the case and the CD key was in there still. Took a stealth pic and just downloaded it at home and key worked fine.
Speaking of that I see it a lot here of people borrowing shit and moving away.
Is that like some kind of American thing?
I never knew anyone here that ever did that to someone.
No It was 5 bucks. It's a really nice pen
There was this dude at my high school I hung out with once over 10 years ago. We went to Wal-Mart for some reason (don't remember why) and he ended up opening a sealed copy of a DS game and stuffing the cartridge into his pocket.
He was already a pretty annoying motherfucker to begin with so seeing him in action only made it worse. Never hung out with that idiot again.
American here, I've never experienced it. I've loaned/occasionally traded games with friends but never had anything stolen. But then again pretty much all of my friends were fellow beaners or white.
This is why they have games behind glass display cases. The expensive ($30+) games then get their own plastic security case around the box.
t. former Target wagie
When I went to university some idiot stole my Conker's Bad Fur Day cartridge. This was way before I knew it had any real value to it. Another friend of mine stole it back from him and gave it to me, though. That cart has been through a lot.
I rented a copy of rdr and swapped it with an asian copy of the game that didn't work online for me because of region locking
Yes, I've pirate games. Also with two frends we went to the local game store and two of us would talk to the cashier while the other would open the cases and take the disk, they where all bootleg games anyway
A copy of MGS
Too bad I was still a snotty child and took poor care of the game. I did some weird hyper autistic shit as a kid.
Yeah this one time I pissed my pants in a GameStop and cried and walked out.
My neighbour across my street had a bunch of ps2 games that i nicked over the course of a year or two maybe.
Burnout 3
Medal of honor european assault
Tekken 5
Midnight Club 3
Kingdom hearts 2
Still don't know what made me do it to this day
fucking weak, bro
Oh yeah and i stole my autistic cousins DSi, it still had plants vs zombies in it and i fucked up his zen garden
>stealing from an autist
Now what does that make you?
I once had a dream where I took a copy of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness from a Wal-Mart. It was sitting on an open rack, and I slit the shrink wrap, cracked it open and peeled off the mag strip and left with it. About a month later, I saw it pretty much exactly as I did in my dream. So I tried the exact same method and walked off with it. Still have it on my shelf, today. Also, I took a GBA copy of FFVI out of the box at a K-Mart once.
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You have selected "Sneed".
Get the fuck out of here, reddit.
No but I stole some gummy bears from a local establishment
I just got a new computer and went to Best Buy with my father to get some games for it. When the cashier rang up FEAR, she missed the, "Confirm buyer is 18 or older" prompt and thought she scanned Splinter Cell: Double Agent and put it in the bag. When we got to the car I noticed it was missing from the receipt. That's as close to stealing a physical game I've done.
I hardly think he realized, he was probably rubbing zinc into his face or memorizing different types of cheese to notice, he always did that sort of shit
>"Hey bro can I borrow your game."
I found a red Game Boy Pocket with Aladdin in it on a picnic table at a park as a kid. Dunno if that counts as stealing.
because this and your other reply make you a shitcunt
This was many moons ago chum, one has changed, now i only pirate games off the internet
I was playing in the park with a nigger and he stole my Pokemon Silver copy.
This is a true story and I fucking cried for hours.
At least he didn't steal your life.
Fair enough, I pirate and have stolen from EB but stealing from people ya know...
Ya grow out of it though (hopefully)
No, but a friend's little brother stole my ruby cartridge
still angry to this day, that his mother defended him even though my name was written on the back in sharpie
Wow glad to see how many lowlife scum post here.
I stole one from my mum's friend's son when I was a kid. It was Cat in the Hat on Xbox. I played it for half an hour before I got bored.
What was her excuse for having your name on the back of "his" cartridge?
I stole myself Orange Box and CoD4 at a computer festival/demo- and lanparty back in '07 from gamestop retail booth.
Epic forced vocaroo, my man
>stole a game that eventually became free
I found a copy of Pokémon Pearl at Uni when I sat at a random seat and just pocketed it. I don't know why I had just bought and finished Diamond the week before.
I remember Kindergarden, good behavior meant each friday we got to pick 1 thing from Treasure Box, basically cheap little toys and stickers and stuff. I got a cool Mario climbing on a vine figure once
But anyway I usually got a small bag of those chocolate coins because I was a fatass, but 1 day there was a loose GBA game in there, Lilo and Stitch 2, which I stole when noone was looking along with my chocolate. I didn't even know what the show was, but it was a new game and I didn't get new ones often, I was afraid it would be gone if I didn't get it that day.
So I didn't steal it from a store or a anything, but still didn't earn it. I was greedy
don't even remember, but I'm sure it was something stupid.
I also just got a full refund for a game instead of a partial refund when I asked for the pre-order price promise to be enforced, it was
No, because I'm not a degenerate
I stole the same game 5 times during my life.
I stole Pokemon yellow from my cousin, from my neighbor, from my foster brother, from a kid at residential, and from a kid at Juvie.
I don't know why it was just that game,
It's also the only time that I ever stole.
I stole an Official Xbox Magazine demo disc a couple of times, and got caught for it once and just like Bart had to face the scolding and distrust of my mom for it. That episode hit really close to home for me.
Yes, before they started locking up games at Walmart on black friday it was pretty easy. I took Forza Motorsport into the bathroom and threw away the case, walked out of the store with the disk tucked into my elastic. Probably the most nig-esque thing I've ever done.
I used to steal all shit from pussy white boys at school. games I would "borrow" but never gave them back and an Xbox someone brought in on the last day even some skinny boys girl. none of them could do shit about it cause I would beat their asses if they spoke shit.
Had my Gameboy Advance SP stolen by someone in my little league team, never figured out who. My friend has his PSP swiped from the school locker room during basketball practice. Fuck sports.
The gym locker rooms were always locked down during active sessions and I had my GBC Dragon Warrior III cart stolen. Still wondering when they got to it and still mad.
I stole Pokemon Stadium 2 from my classmate in 3rd grade.
thats what he gets for bringing it to school to show off
I wonder how common it is for us gamers to have pissed our pants. I was a kid playing Luigi's Mansion at Best Buy, a line of 1-2 kids was starting to form behind me. The game's atmosphere squeezed my bladder, and I quickly got the urge to go pee. I ignored it as I didn't want to hand over the game to someone else and lose my progress. Soon after urine began to trickle down my jeans, I no longer needed to pee. I joined back with my dad penguin-walking and went home. Ive gotta ask my dad one day if he knew.
It was nice seeing spoiled rich kids assmad after getting their iPhone 3G stolen by Tyrone in gym class. Meanwhile I had a $35 Samsung that fell out of my backpack and was still there when I came looking for it the next day.
Have Fuck & Suck
One of the kids who got in the van had a Gameboy, does that count?
THRILLHO will never be a meme.
A friend of mine let me borrow his Digimon Dawn game for DS and I never returned it to him, so I guess that counts
It was more like he never remembered to ask me to give it back and I never reminded him. Then I left that school and never saw him again
I stole an old SupeeMario/DuckHunt cart that was on my grandmas house, no idea of who it was, when asked my big sis has been at least 15 years without a console on that house.
I bought a stolen DS lite for 20 bucks.
Didn't realize it at the time tho, despite how obvious it is today.
The real crime was that it had Spirit Tracks inside.
My childhood friend borrowed my copy of mario golf and then traded it in to buy a game boy. I asked him why, and he said it was a shitty game anyways. Told his filthy rich parents and they didn't do a thing about it. Kid was getting his age in allowance every week, yet never tried to mitigate this.
Traded my Blastcorps and Killer Instinct for Smash and a Golden Majoras Mask with a friend, we regularly trade games for a week or two, then my family and I went to live to another city.
It wasn't stole but his games were better.
>asked him why
Should have decked that little asshole.
I 'stole' something because I forgot I borrowed it, but never beyond that. You can greentext me all you want, but I did legit forget and gave it back.
My brother stole a bunch of my ultra-rare MtG cards and sold them to spics for 20bux a pop, stuff like Tolarian Academy, all those old legendary lands, fork, sol rings, mana vault and after he got kicked out he broke into our new home and stole half my games.
I never got to finish Skies of Arcadia Legends.
I found a copy of WWF Superstars 2 for Gameboy on the classroom floor when I was 7/8 and grabbed it, no idea whose it was. Still have it 25 years later.
many a kid has been invited over or happened to spend some time with rich kids and they will eat delicious food right in front of you and not offer you even a fucking glass of water
Do american stores really do this? Just fucking take all the cartridges/disks out of the boxes and keep them behind the counter in some organised manner. When the customer brings the empty box up to the counter to purchase the game you put back in the cartridge or disc, it's not rocket science
And you're 15 now?
Honestly I've never been tempted to or ever really thought about it. I've always had a chance to do petty work like mowing lawns for my neighbors or clearing out snow for like $20 so I always ended up buying my games normally (though usually I try to get used copies or on a discount)
One time a kid befriended me in school and I brought him over to my place to play some vidya like Melee and some PS2 games, he tried to steal Yugioh Duelist of The Roses and I caught him trying to sneak it out when I noticed something really box shaped in his jacket on his way out. I blocked his path and asked him to open up his jacket and he was trying to steal my game, he was really scared that I caught him and he gave it back without an issue. I actually happily said bye to him and said I'll see him later.
The weird thing is that while I wasn't naive enough for him to let him steal the game from me, I legit thought he was playing some prank on me, like take a game from me and hide it and return it later. The actual idea that he became my friend just to steal games from me didn't cross my head until years later when I really thought about that incident. If he just asked I probably would have let him borrow it (though I would ask a game in exchange for collateral)
The most I've ever stolen before was food
>had a rich kid bro
>shared everything
>pizza rolls and mixing soda stream syrup to make our own flavors
>marathon-length PS3 sessions in the basement
>watching retarded gmod videos
>snipers on on Rust
>shotguns on Nuketown
>still grew apart in high school
I miss those times greatly. Not really relevant to the thread or anything, but your post made me realize how lucky I've been with friends.
Damn I ain't reading that. NERD!! Nice diary, haha! L8ser
free either way?
Suburbanites are the worst. The parents and their little spoiled abominations. It's always some spoiled rich faggot who didn't share that had his shit stolen, and his arrogant menopause ridden mother that enables him to be a Bitch.
>go to gamestop to buy Destiny about a week after it originally launched
>also getting a new(used) controller
>pick out controller and game
>go to counter
>after I decline all the preorder offers my friend starts talking to the cashier about upcoming games and whatnot
>cashier rings up everything while talking
>that'll be $47 user
>pay and walk out of store
>as soon as I leave I realize he didnt ring up the $60 game, just the controller
>think about going back
>realize its his fault and I just got lucky
Unga bunga rockstop
1999, working at game store in the mall. Stole Final Fantasy VIII from the box of reserved pre-orders. Someone didn't get their pre-order the next day.
I stole half a lamp in a similar situation once.
The shades were separate, but I attached it to the base. She only scanned the shade.
Some Mexican kid kept on taking my Pokemon Blue and claiming it was his, even though I had scratched my name into the back of it. I stole his Red before I moved. I know we were kids but holy shit how retarded do you get?
Also accidentally stole Metroid Prime from a friend. He lent it to me, then we fell out of contact and he moved.
This friend of mine stole another kids copy of Xenogears, and then he gave it to me to borrow and I just kind of never gave it back to him. I've seen him a few times here or there since high school and I think he just doesn't remember or care.
>complete garbage pokemon cards
>meet fat richfag who has no friends, invites me over
>he has a giant binder with every single pokemon, mostly holos, with copies
>I ask him for a trade, he only wants to lowball me super hard, even for my poorfag standards, and will only trade his shitmons
>he won't even let me play his games, I can only watch him. Same with food, I'm not allowed to eat anything
>he goes to the bathroom, quickly go into his binder and steal his entei
>I tell him I'm bored and immediately leave
>he instantly finds out (fag checked his binder right after) and him and his mom get in their car and chase me (they were both too fat to go on foot)
>I notice and start running, holding my entei tight
>they near me, she's yelling at me to stop....but then out of the corner of my eye
>based older brother is walking home
>we all stop and shit escalates, fat rich kid is crying and wants my entei
>based brother goes with story that it's mine, even goes "see? Those marks are on my entei card I gave him"
>with no proof, they give up and drive off, with the kid still crying while the mom says she'll buy him another one
I love my brother. I think I traded that entei in for cash too, kek
i never stolen a game but as a kid i had a long list of crimes of stealing magnets, i stole a magnet from a friend, cousins, and even my school and others, looking back now i have no idea what was i thinking back them as a toddler
Yea I stole Doom trilogy and Black and White 2 from Wal Mart. Was like 14 years ago. I took them to the bathroom, ripped off the security tags, put them inside my coat, and walked out scott free. Played the shit out of Doom, but unfortunately my laptop couldnt handle Black and White 2. It played like shit and kept crashing.
Dont remember what happened to them. Dont have the discs or boxes they came in anymore. Mustve just thrown them out or something, which I do a lot because I move frequently, and if its something I havent used in a while it has to go.
Pretty based tbqhwyf
I kept someone's copies of pikmin and ocarina of time for the gamecube that he lent to me after we stopped being friends
The only thing I've done that I guess could be considered a crime was stealing some Lego Simpsons
Minifigure I found laying around at a mall. It was just there. Other than that Not much
Charlie Kelly is that you?
That's what GameStop does and they are vilified over it - "muh new copy"
I remember when I was a kid (I'm very old you see), I bought games at Toys R Us. They didn't have any games on the shelf but yellow tickets. You paid for the game with the ticket then got the game in a glass box after the cashier. That system worked well but you needed a huge store with lots of space - and eventually they changed.
>be like 7 years old
>Babysitter and her friend take me to beach
>On way they stop at local corner shop
>Steal shit tons of chocolate
>Think poor old Indian guy won't be able to feed his family tonight
>Refuse to eat any chocolate
>Tell parents
>They fire her and still to this day make sure they have a hard time getting a job as small town
>they pay Indian guy some insane shit like £100 as a sorry for their behaviour
Why was I such a fucking bitch as a child
not a game, but my family and i went to some rich family's house for their daugher's birthday, and one of the dudes there went to go jump in the bouncy house with the kids and left his cellphone just outside it.
>take cellphone
>hide it in bush
not sure why i did this, but I must have been channeling some inner-jewish aura from the house, since the dude immediately offered money if someone found the phone. naturally, I found it immediately, but also simultaneously outed myself as the kid who hid the phone, embarrassing my family in the process (didn't know about this part until a decade later, unfortunately).
on an unrelated note, someone should make a based richbro gaming thread akin to
because i got several stories about that i'd like to share