Does Yea Forums like Fightan Fantasy?

Does Yea Forums like Fightan Fantasy?

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That game is the definition of kusoge but it was fun as fuck and I miss it. Way better than NT.

>All those characters balanced in amazing ways
>All those remixed music tracks
>All those stages, characters and customization
>All those moves and game modes
Besides your shit opinion, yeah, the game was just way fucking better than NT which is the actual kusoge. Man, I want Dissidia 012 HD without having to play on PPSSPP.

The game is kusoge user. It was chock full of tons of cheesy bullshit and the balance is awful. It was definitely not designed to be taken seriously. But it was still fun and thats all that really matters.

Competitive shit is what ruins games anyways. It's the same with Smash. Despite how much Yea Forums hates it for how anti-competitive, we all play shit like that because it's fun.

I wonder. What happened with people playing games for the fun of it and not the competitive aspect? I still have so much fun playing Gabranth, I fucking love his character concept so much. Super states are my fucking bread and butter.

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The amount of people that didn't realize Kain's whole thing was being able to auto-chase after launching by pressing triangle without it actually counting against his airdashes/chases is hysterical. He gets broken and can keep an assault going effortlessly once you start using it.

>Balanced in amazing ways
Ultimecia isn't SSS tier for no little reason, user
also most of the good supports were OP
also all the GRINDAN is especially bad because early on in Dissidia the game plays like absolute fucking shit
no omni air dash, no speed+(++), limited attacks, some characters don't have HP links and suffer incredibly for it, yadda yadda
Definitely love the game, though. Also mained Ultimecia prior to her placement, though even I knew that ch.Knight's Lance is very possibly the most broken BP move in the game.
>competitive shit is what ruins games anyways
>all those characters BALANCED in amazing ways
kinda kicked yourself there

shame NT fucked everything up

I saw a lot of that in the DDFF tournament. I wonder why that was, but huh. Checking Kain's BRV attacks does, you're right.
Look I just wanna love the fucking game. Don't remind me of my failures against Ultimecias and Kujas.
I really want to know where it all went wrong in development.

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>I wonder why that was, but huh.
Pretty much just to show he's a dragoon, he's head-and-shoulders above Zidane as an aerial fighter sheerly because of the free airdash-chase.

Even though Prishe, Gilgamesh, Laguna and Tifa were fun I would much, much rather play the first game.

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>I really want to know where it all went wrong in development.
Square-Enix had Tecmo-Koei make a MOBA with Final Fantasy characters, thinking it would cash in on a craze. It worked as long as they were in the arcades.

Another thing I loved about the game was the accessory system and stuff. You could build characters in really fucking neat ways, and the sheer multitude of specific accessory bonuses meant you could account for a wider variety of playstyles, though they're limited in the first place.
Oh, Laguna. Why your shield and attacks gotta be so lame. Bazooka and Missile Launcher are really, really garbage. Machine Gun has a retarded startup for some reason even though you can dash straight through the bullets.
His fucking satellite laser is amazing.
also I love the Emperor

You're a retard who knows jackshit what kusoge even means.

Next Plus > Shitsidia
Prove me wrong

Fucking good grief.
The only bullshit thing about it is that the CPUs had absolutely impossible accessory combinations (like Near Opponent 2 times going up to 69.5x or that one Feral Chaos with 95k HP) but it was all so amazing. You're a very offensive Garland player? You can build around that. You're a very passive aggressive Gabranth player? Guess what, you can build around that.
You don't even play these games.

I used to main Prishe in this game. Good times, she is so fun to use.

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I can't agree, solely because I haven't played it.

Something about Prishe and Jecht was so much fun. Jecht's timings were hard to get used to but he was utterly indestructible. Prishe was just... combo central. Too much fun for too little Control Points.

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Ah yes, Im sure you think its a perfectly fair and balanced game.

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I thoroughly loved Dissidia and Duodecim. Onion Knight was my favorite, getting EX mode and just unleashing hell with ninja and sage tricks was an absolute riot.
I wish Dissidia NT was a real game and not arcade trash.

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It's what happens with Japan-only crazes. Arcades were something you either took advantage of or lost money from.
And it ruined Dissidia to the point where it made little money so we might not even see Dissidia 012 HD.

Kusoge doesn't mean a game is bad or unfun, just that it has a smaller scene generally due to being lesser known and or horrifically unbalanced. Anyway all the games are great fun and well designed in their own particular ways.

>Game has player vs player mode
>Player's goal is beat the other one.
In what world would this not become competitive? What type of human doesn't try to figure out ways to increase their odds of winning? Playing against another human being is competitive by it's very nature. In a versus match nonetheless.

>Dissidia 012 HD.

this is all I wanted NT to be. A HD Dissidia with more playable characters.

>when the spinoff is better than the actual game

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The RPG elements for Dissidia are so fascinating. They hard carry the game because otherwise (as shown by NT) you quickly realize that the game just feels incredibly awful to play on a fundamental level, btu once you engage with those elements it because something truly unique (even if it still feels wrong to play).

I really wish someone would try to do a full fledged RPG/Fighting hybrid again. Injustice/MK11 kinda tried but locked that aspect for casual play only (and to justify stuffing the game with lootboxes). The only other game I feel that's the closest to a real mix of the genres is Super Dragon Ball Z, where it does lack the stats/accessories aspect but it has a skill tree that can significantly change how a character functions (like giving them more wall hit opportunities which is a big deal, or armor on launching hits) AND equipable special moves (you want Chi-Chi with a kamehameha? Go for it. Everyone has access to multiple different types of ki blasts too). It's such a neat game and I wish someone would make a successor to it.

They did the right thing by adding Tactics, Type-0 and other FF characters into it but they absolutely butchered the entire concept of what made DFF and DDFF so much fun to play in the actual first place.
It's to the point where Opera Omnia was and is still better than NT.

>Next Plus

Only 1 and 2

Actually Dissidia has been doing extremely well in Japan, it's how they've funded so much post launch support for it. A lack of unique content is a bit of an issue with the game (though really it's more about plain quantity looking at it), but as far as gameplay goes it plays remarkably well.

It's a Gundamfag. Apparently Next+ is a Gundam PSP game that was released after Dissidia and tried to capitalize on it

I did play it, but I genuinely wanted more on Garland, and I want Gabranth.

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Dissidia and Marvel are two games that have a lot of lines burned into my head

The Gundam VS series predates Dissidia by about 7 years, so it was hardly capitalizing on Dissidia's release.
Who has the best EX Burst?

I don't even use Golbez but the way he shouts TRANSCEND THE STARS gets me

pretty much near the best damn VA in the fucking game

Gerald hams it up with Exdeath pretty well too.

>*unintelligible grunts, roars and howls*
Garland, Gabranth and Feral Chaos were some of the best characters I've ever plaed in my life.
Jecht, Feral Chaos, Kain, THE GREATEST ATTACK EVER, and the Quickening EX bursts.
Don't forget Keith David and Christopher Sabat "I'LL CRUSH YOU"

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More what, story wise? He's got everything he had and more moveset wise. Gabranth is probably only a matter of time but there's Ramza and Vayne at least.
The dude gave pep talks to the heroes and shit on the villains. How can one man be so based?


There's barely any gamemodes in NT. No Labyrinth, Quick Battle, Party Quick Battle or Time Attack, and the Story is just cutscene after cutscene.
Literally every character was glorified into a badass. Even Laguna is snarky but still is completely human.


Who was /villainsonly/ here?

>Guide my inner shadow, light and dark abo-
>TrAnCeNd ThE sTaRs!

Pretty awesome


the first one (012) was an amazing start. The second one took a massive step backwards with less customization and (big deal 2 nobody) the maps arent as good. No more fighting on the walls.

or more fun
>*throws discounts*

I hate assists, mostly. Everything related to that mechanic felt really poorly implemented.

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The CPU seems to know how to assist perfectly, and always has the best summons. You barely get shit when in Gateways (you get Aerith who is OP as fuck if you played the demo) and they get all the fun shit.
The worst is when you try to copy their strategy (wall rush into assist combo) and they seem to perfectly dodge that shit and it's annoying.

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There's always the cheats to completely disable Assists, user, don't worry. For both you and your opponent.

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Jecht was my main and he was the most fun to me. Brave to HP attacks were nice.

The only problem I have with him is that I can't get the timing off for the Brave to HP attacks. I want to do Ultimate Jecht Shot, but O-O-UpO seems to be a massive fucking hassle for me.

At least Shantotto was the best part in that shitshow story.

Wish NT in general didn't suck dick.

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Somehow one of the most annoying characters (personality wise, her attacks scaling with Bravery are fine) got turned into the best part. Really tells you something when NT's story sucked that hard that she was the face of it.

That's not really more on Garland, but while a lack of stuff to do is the game's main issue, a lot of people forget how much of 012 is just similar basic fights, some being just OHK fodder. NT at least had story fights with varied team numbers and more bosses in the summons. It also does have a Quick Battle mode, lobbies, and a Gauntlet mode that has it's own unique fight type too. Labyrinth would be perfect for the game though if it kept the same format of building a team from one.

>Aerith lasts so long Exdeath can complete an ENTIRE cast of Maelstrom uninterrupted
jesus christ
>Shantotto vs. Firion
>he can Shield Bash Bio and Stop
how horrifying

012 was the second dissidia game. Or am I misreading your post?


>No 2D FF fightan

See my Galuf.

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Realm of Emptiness had the coolest intro

Dissidia, Dissidia Duodecim (012) and then NT. You aren't wrong.
I simply just hear a lot of bad things about NT in general and it pushed me off of it.
The worst part is that Aerith was an Assist character you could get from importing Demo data and buying her as a DLC. She was so fucking OP. Boost your BRV, literally mimic Coward's Punishment, and her HP attacks are also super powerful.

I used to be the same but once you figure out the timings it's so satisfying.

This Is The Last Battle was also really cool.

A lot of people say that you just need to listen for it, but I don't get it. What do I listen for? Then they tell me to look for a red circle, but there's none for the first move of any Jecht combo.

I really, really like Dissidia NT and I wish they hadn't botched the netcode and matchmaking so horribly.

2D just isn't in the blood, it seems. Even Ehrgeiz was 3D.

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I think they're referring to the timing of the button press for the combo extension after the sfx of the hits themselves.
It's not that hard to learn, but in the heat of battle it can be really awkward.

I heard the bots that replace players in NT are absolutely fucking retarded.
I can't even get it off in Training, so I guess I'm unfortunately giving up and sticking with Garland, Gabranth and NAIVE WEAKLING

>I heard the bots that replace players in NT are absolutely fucking retarded.
They're either retarded or amazing depending on their level, but usually retarded. Teamwork is really important in NT (most characters can't combo into HP attack without walls) so being down a brain or two is devastating.

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Are you saying you haven't played NT?

Nice tits in the pic, btw. And yeah, I'm still gonna go and say "3v3 doesn't work very well in Dissidia's combat system"
Yeah. I had the chance to pirate it, but I never really cared enough.

The timing isn't too tough but there isn't really any telegraph for them. The best thing to do is simply watch a Jecht doing it right, the timing doesn't change.


It was really fucking fun but the biggest highlight for me was undoubtedly the soundtrack
>mfw all chaos/feral chaos themes start playing

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I will never forgive Square for ruining this franchise. All I wanted was duodecim with online and some more characters and it would have been perfect.

Unfortunately, user, the only way you can play Duodecim online is through that one Discord, and even then, everyone wants to play without equips or accessories. Oh and Feral Chaos ain't allowed.

Why am I crying? He's just narrating some light and dark mumbo-jumbo?

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Nice trips. Also, Yuna's Theme was the saddest thing as she saw Jecht fucking disappear.

Then you shouldn't really be speaking from that position purely based off of what others are saying, especially when a lot of it isn't really correct. You even said you played it earlier which I don't understand. In any case there's ways to play it for free and it's worth a shot, there's a fair few improvements it makes on the core gameplay which is what it focused more on, and I'd personally say that's more important.

Jecht was based because he was literally just Epyons gimmick of manual combos.

>everyone wants to play without equips or accessories.
Why the fuck would you do that? Those mechanics are what make the game worth playing. Without them you're literally just playing one of the worst arena fighters ever.

I can hear the chaos phase 3 lyrics in that song

>Why create when it will be only destroyed?
>Why cling to life, knowing that you have to die
>TFW you will never hear that line delivery in a ff6 remake


Bartz was a cool guy.

Idiots that don't want you to build a character build that suits your fighting style. I went ahead and fucking ignored their shitty meta rules and went in with a 10.2x offense accessory build along with Lufenia set, and I almost got kicked by an admin due to it after kicking the guys ass and saying "fun match"

JP for some reason has the idea that Shantotto's pretty loved when she's one of the weaker parts of XI and mostly just a Tarutaru "face" character.

Kinda like how Y'shotla is the face character for the cat race in 14?

who here Emperor chads?

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Garland will never be this cool again, that's a shame. Maybe we'll get a rerelease once NT dies.

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FFIX concept alt when?

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My retarded take on the series:
>original Dissidia
Pretty neato despite the obvious slant towards speed. Had a pleasant campaign and interesting RPG elements
Broken in different ways from the previous game without being a net improvement. Story was pleasant but the post game had some crazy tough fights and some weird grindan.
Hot garbage that threw away anything interesting the series had going for it for fixed 3v3 fightan. Glad I ddin't spend for the SE.

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Have a bump.

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This user gets it. Autistic competitiveness has killed off the fun.