How do you go from this...
How do you go from this
to this?
to this?
Beautiful at any size, user.
>ywn be roped to a girls ass
This is the hottest thing I've ever seen holy fuck
God I wish that was me
To this?
Why are mom characters always given that hairstyle?
Do people think Egyptians were black? All signs point to Mediterranean/whites being the ancient rulers.
That's your question about that image?
Some people believe it, mainly because some American colleges are producing pseudo-scientific misinformation with things like "Black Studies."
Nubia was in southern Egypt and Sudan.
there's a subset of activists that seriously believe it and try to spread it. But they're even ridiculed by other blacks and called hoteps.
It's one of those "controversies" where on the one side there is scientific consens, DNA samples and research and on the other side a few people that can't deal with an African high culture not being black
They're in de Nile about basic historical facts backed up with evidence
It's spelled "denial."
Egyptians are black even today you mongoloids.
Egyptians were closest to modern day middle easterners. They treated the world as having four races, matching libyans, nubians, greeks, and egyptians.
You're wanting to classify like 5000 years of an entire region and boil it down to one or the other, it just makes no sense. The Nubians at one point conquered Egypt and became its dynastic pharaohs. Why simplify thousands of years of history to a pointless statement.
The DNA samples indicate they were black though. E1b1bulls. 99% of the artwork is showing a black person too. If you want to argue with this be my guest, it always makes me laugh.
Here is a modern Egyptian(not a modern Egyptian Nubian). Notice how his tone matches perfectly with the majority of Egyptian skin colors in the paint
The Egyptians themselves were blacks, just not ultra black.
>99% of artwork depicts niggers being slaves
nothing has changed user
You're a vile piece of shit. Go back.
Here's a closer to reality reproduction.
It's like 99.9%, the .1% is from Roman or Greek eras and maybe 1 token white guy in proper Egyptian art.
Only after the copts were genocided
Go back to where?
But that's not very accurate. You know that, right?
Like this pure blooded Egyptian Copt?
It is pretty accurate. Not perfect but it's comparing hair styles more than skin tones.
Egyptians are their own type of filth but still muslim
Why is Aelita there?
There are hundreds of millions of black Muslims, a lot of them aren't even African.
>fart thread
>/pol/tards somehow manage to try to make it a le talk about black people thread
the state of your argument right now
Does a very poor job of comparing it, Egyptian rulers were meds
cocaines a hell of a drug
A lot of Meds are black people.
Egyptians were everything. Some of them (Nubians) were black but a majority were closest to modern Egyptians. There were even some white rulers.
Shit, I'd love it if I was black. All that free shit just for existing, that would make life so much easier. No wonder they wanted to be Black.
What is a modern Egyptian? There are dozens of ethnic groups in Egypt. The Arabs don't represent ancient Egyptians, the mutts are something new, and the whites are immigrants. The only ones that kind of resemble their ancestors are the ones living in the south or hidden pockets away from the cities.
no, those are africans, meds are olive skinned
>Egyptians were everything
the rulers werent tho
but it's kinda hot
Many meds are olive skinned, some are white, some are brown, and many are black skinned. Are you some kind of a brainlet?
Yes more lies keep at it chump
>brown, and many are black skinned
No those are Africans
That guy has been in court with the US government for decades, what's fake about it? You can google his name, he's still buttmad about it even today.
have u ever met an egyptian?
Africa borders the Med you realize.
Yes, have you?
>What is a modern Egyptian?
"Egyptian" as an ethnicity continues to exist in pockets. You can take DNA off mummies and compare you know, and the reality is only Nubians were black.
>Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones, according to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. The influx of Sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years. This could be attributed to the trans-Saharan slave trade or just from regular, long distance trade between the two regions. Improved mobility on the Nile during this period increased trade with the interior, researchers claim.
She's Nubian user
Italy borders Austria
There are like 100 million people in Egypt today compared to less than 100 ancient samples. There aren't any conclusions to be made looking at genetics so instead we look to Greek and Roman writings and drawings, Egyptian artwork, and migrations.
8% is also not a lot and has absolutely nothing to do with being black so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. There are black people in Yemen and North/East Africa with 0% central African genetics.
>There aren't any conclusions to be made looking at genetics
The cited study demonstrates this is wrong
where did you get that information, hotep?
>In 2017 a genetic study was conducted on 83 mummies from Abusir in the north of Egypt (near modern-day Cairo), which constituted "the first reliable data set obtained from ancient Egyptians using high-throughput DNA sequencing methods." The study showed that Ancient Egyptians had the greatest affinity for modern Middle Eastern (Arab, Levantine and Anatolian) populations, and had significantly more affinity with southeastern Europeans than with sub-Saharan Africans
I should also say "ancient" since they only go back to 1500BC and Egypt goes back like 3500BC.
Logical conclusions sorry.
>"Egyptians were black"
Posts a study demonstrating they weren't
>"Yeah but that study isn't logical"
Kindly fuck off
because most moms use that eventually
The grave yard was a dumping ground for people spanning around 1,000 years and do you even understand what you're reading? No one has ever said Egypt was in central or west Africa, so what are you trying to say? The affinity they're talking about is that all those populations are plagued with E1b1b which is a black haplogroup originating in Ethiopia, where Egyptians also came from. Egypt spread past Jerusalem, that entire region was blacked in biblical days and for thousands of years before that.
now make a yuri version
You're an idiot who doesn't understand what a black person is. In your mind, these children are white because they don't have SSA blood.
Was it brain damage?
>ethnicity is skin color
>he gave up
I apologize, I didn't realize I was arguing with a special needs poster. Kindly read the study I linked and realize Egyptians have never been black. The closest you will get is the Nubian dynasty, who arrived long after the initial, actual Egyptian people.
I have read it, you clearly can't comprehend it.
Egypt =/= SSA
That doesn't mean they can't be black skinned people you mongoloid. There are black arabs that haven't been in Africa for close to 10k years at least.
And according to your logic, a lot of those Nubians aren't black either. Somalians aren't black either by that logic lol.
Get a load of this wewuz nigger running damage control
You realize Egyptians are not and will ever be NIGGERS?
>no conclusive answer
So whats the census?
If some redditor says Egyptians were black, how do I respond?
You can call them whatever you want.
You tell them Italians are white then
You cope with the fact. It's amazing people even question what the Egyptians looked like when there are thousands of depictions of them spanning 5k years -- and the natives are still there.
People are dumb as fuck.
"No, they're not."
Those are nigger not Egyptian
>enter this thread
>tfw you dont know in which board you are at anymore
Are you implying E1b1b is black?
They are Afar men, natives to Egypt and Sudan. They've been in those areas for around 8,000 years.
It's a fact.
Is that the girl from fucking Code Lyoko
Niggers were enslaved by Egyptians
It's literally not though, Hitler was E1b1b, so was Napolean. It had it start in the Levantine and went into Europe, hell even I'm E1b1b and this is MUH HERITAGE and its purely Euromutt. I don't even have anything against black people but you're just wrong.
I didn't know Jews were niggers.
Terroni are Italians just in the name
The user is simply trying to push his agenda thinking he's swaying the opinions of us
Then they had a black ancestor. You're also parroting some bullshit you fucking retard.
Post your picture so I can laugh at how white you don't look. E is strictly African and its spread is the reason east and north black Africans are considered "caucasian' by academia. They were a successful bunch throughout history.
I'm just trying to teach people who can't think for themselves.
Jews ARE niggers, retard
>greeks darker hair and eye color than libyans
confirmed niggers and non-white
>I'm just trying to teach people who can't think for themselves
incredibly confused....
look at this dood...
oh..oh nononononononononono....
It literally started in the Levantine and has ties to Phoenecians though you retard. I don't have anything against blacks, but again you're just plain wrong.
>Post your pic
I'll post the little aiportrait of me, I just look like a generic white guy.
Thanks for larping on illustration of Mediterranean people
You know Egyptian draw mostly with symbols right?
You probably never went into a museum about Egyptian, many artefacts portraits different races, unlike your proof
Like any huge Empire, Egypt had a lot of ethnicities. Black, middle Eastern.... Just like modern Africa, the souther you go, the blacker it got. Check this pic for example:
Nubia in particular tended to be black, and in the case of OP, she was a Nubian Princess and was probably very black too. And I remind you, Amanitore leads the Nubians. Not Egypt.
All sources prove it originates in Africa and diverges a couple of times. Lines up perfectly with the spread of the afro-asiatic languages, semitic was the last branch of that espansion. Phoenecians were Semetic.
I'm not wrong, you aren't even offering up an argument you're only said incorrect things.
E1b1b is strictly African. E-M123 seems to be what you're thinking of and this did come from Africa but it's a European haplogroup today.
what kind of an argument is this?
They were black for a very short dynasty. It was like a modern day america. Lots of light brown people, a few whites, and some blacks.
Also I am not saying that it is purely a "european" haplogroup, I'm well aware it started outside of Europe and the highest concentrations are in Africa/Levant but it's not a purely "black" haplogroup.
I've been enjoying your logical fallacies this entire time, user.
You certainly don't act like a thinking person here. No arguments at all.
Okay now read my link and read yours while you're at it.
>Outside Europe, E1b1b is found at high frequencies in Morocco (over 80%), Somalia (80%), Ethiopia (40% to 80%), Tunisia (70%), Algeria (60%), Egypt (40%), Jordan (25%), Palestine (20%), and Lebanon (17.5%). On the European continent it has the highest concentration in Kosovo (over 45%), Albania and Montenegro (both 27%), Bulgaria (23%), Macedonia and Greece (both 21%), Cyprus (20%), Sicily (20%), South Italy (18.5%), Serbia (18%) and Romania (15%). Ashkenazi Jews have approximately 20% of E1b1b, which falls mostly under specific clades of E-M123.
And when you're looking at ancient African samples they're almost always E3b.
When we're talking about the distant past yes it is.
>needing to argue with a retard
>Modern day america
>A few whites
Do you actually believe memes? I live in a literal 56% state and the vast majority of people I see are still white, in most other states there's more whites than that. Just because the demographics are shifting doesn't mean that the DNA of the white people changes.
I wanted a thread about why the Civ series randomly makes certain leaders ugly fat women when they were canonically hot, and instead dumb /pol/ posters confused Egypt with Nubia.
laugh while you can, Mexicamerican.
But it isn't though, if anything it's Middle Eastern/North African.
I don't want to argue. I just want to spread information.
I'm not laughing I'm just confused, also Latinos stop speaking Spanish after the 2nd or 3rd generation and stop considering themselves "Latino" all together after the 5th. I do research for a living and the vast majority of Latinos I speak to consider themselves white as well. I don't have a problem with any race, I'm just telling the truth. The Latinos have majority European DNA as well. When they breed with whites what do you think is going to happen? The Native is going to bred out of them and replaced with more European DNA, not the other way around.
It is apparent you are incapable of reading. It spread from Ethiopia to the north then split west and east. The North Africans then spread it into Europe for like 2000 years between Rome's empire and Andalusia. The branch that went east was more or less overtaken.
Why not have fat women? There's plenty lots of hot milfs in there. Some variety is good.
What do you research?
It did start in the horn of Africa but your times are way off, it spread into North Africa and the near east then Europe more than 20000 years ago.
That depends. What misinformation? I swear to god if you unironically believe something dumb like WE WUZ then you've already taken the /pol/pill. You can't get any more misinformed than believing that, over the thousand years in Africa, there never was a black dinasty.
Essentially marketing/consumer insights and demographics are extremely important when it comes to that.
Because Code Lyoko be, there when you call.
Stop putting arguments into your own spastic brain, retard.
Okay that too.