*becomes best RPG game in your path*

>*becomes best RPG game in your path*

Attached: caps_616x353.jpg (616x353, 281K)

not with that armor system and itemization

Uhh.. I think you meant to post Pillars of Eternity 2

Attached: 1525999914220.jpg (1920x1080, 293K)

>MMO itemization
>retard blaster casting
>free character rebuilds

I thought that my toaster couldn't handle this game since there's a switch version, I might try.

Eh, I liked it, though I played solo. I imagine the game is more fun if you actually co-op with a friend. Skeleton race is broken anyway since they get immunity to miasma plus they can use the face ripper or whatever to look like anyone. Pretty broken if you ask me.

>Toaster can't run it
>Thinks his Switch can

It probably looks terrible on the Switch.

Loved DOS1. Could barely stomach 5 hours of this shitfest.

>game, but since

What's good about it? All that matters in a JRPG is...

Did somebody said patfinder kingmaker?

divinity original sin 2 is the dragon age inquisition of CRPGS
overrated trash
i couldnt even finish it. pathfinder kingmaker is way better

>Skeletons OP

The fact that they can't really heal unless you poison them is a pretty big gimp. Fire seems to be the most common element for enemies to have. I'm not looking to become a powder keg anytime I need to heal.

Elf archers are pretty OP. You can combo flesh sacrifice with elemental arrows for dummy thicc damage on the first turn. More so if you get someone to cast raining blood before combat.

Certainly the best lizard race design of any RPG

Attached: DOS2LizardHipSway.webm (500x900, 1.74M)

Is there any mod to change Lohse race to a thicc fem dwarf?

the first one was a lot better than this one
couldn't even bring myself to finish two

Attached: thebest.jpg (515x797, 177K)


I enjoy it with a friend in co-op, reached Arx so far.

Game is pretty fun but my main concern is basically how sometime fights feels like bullshit with the clear powergap when there's one or two level difference from you and enemies but we manage to pull it through.
Armors also feels like bullshit, meeting enemies the same level as you and yet totally remove your whole physical/magical armor in one hit or two, there's a clear balance problems in fights but so far we might have lost 10 time within 100 hours.
The item drops are bullshit that gives you attributes you don't even want nor use on your character.
This is optional but the free respec mirror is overkill, just makes us want to abuse the system.
not sharing persuasion/bartering is bs.

those are my biggest gripes but i still enjoy the game, nothing to fully dislike the game or anything. is the previous game worth playing if i just enjoy this one?

It came the closest but ultimately didn't do much for me. Itemization was fucked, skills weren't creative or fun enough, armor system sucked

It's okay but I'm slowly starting to feel as if I'm just playing it now and trying to get through and finish it for the fact I paid a good $30 and don't want them to go to waste.

What is this thing?

It's not that badly optimized, the only really demanding part is that part


Hell user, hell.

It looks fine on switch, actually, sans resolution. But when portable that doesn't really matter. It also runs really stable according to everyone who has played it.