"""Final""" Alec update from NITW co-dev
Pasted as-is, minus the link to the medium article he wrote.
"""Final""" Alec update from NITW co-dev
Other urls found in this thread:
Alec's soundtrack was the only good thing about this "game".
>thanks to the team at the NITW subreddit
the devs of this game are babies and i'll never buy it
Imagine unironically raping zoe quinn
>Final thoughts: if you're in an abusive situation, whether at work or in a relationship, we stand with you. If you are wrestling with mental health issues, we also stand with you. We've certainly been there. We stand with you, for what that is worth. If you're having suicidal ideas, there are resources out there for you. People who will talk with you. No matter what you've done, no matter how hopeless it seems. A quick google will give you crisis hotlines and other resources available in your area. Don't hesitate if you need them. They literally exist to help you. Please stick around.
Oh, is that why you immediately threw him under the bus? Fuck NITW devs.
scum of the earth
>boohoo i am le shocked!!!
you sold your friend you fucking shithead, god damn it
>be a dick to someone or just unpleasant
man if someone threatens you with suicide it doesn't mean like he is a total piece lf shit. I just don't get this twisted logic. I have a female friend who says that shit all the time, and yes it is fucking annoying, but it doesn't mean I want her dead. What the fuck is wrong with those people? I just hope these feminist retards are just a loud minority. Maybe I'm wrong but it just makes it easier to sleep at night
The worst part was that he wasn't even accused of rape, just being a fucking dumbass bad at sex.
>In the Alec was the only one who could make decisions for Alec.
Kek he didn't even proofread it.
This, I'd only rape her ironically as a joke
When will virgins learn? If you haven't had sex at least once already, then just end your lives and save us all the trouble
Someone give me a tldr
>I'm not sorry for killing my friend. Thanks, reddit.
That account didn't really say anything for how many words were in it
>Zoe quinn's patreon dries up and loses all relevance.
>Rather than going to the police she airs dirty laundry about 'abusive' sexual relationship with nitw dev on twitter
>Twitter mob and resetgender exact their justice
>Dev gets fired and everyone distances themselves
>Dev necks himself
>Zoe quinn responsible for manslaughter
>Alec is at fault for everything and how we handled this entire situation is his fault as well. We played no part in his suicide.
If you read the medium post it's pretty much the same thing
>alec abused me in the past and took advantage of me
>him dying sucks but im not sad, although i swear its not because of his actions that im not sad
>i dont want to discuss it but im fine putting my thoughts out in isolation
nothing groundbreaking
I mean she must have a God-tier pussy considering how many of these indie dev goobers keep trying to fuck her
moreso low standards based on the dicks shes getting
this, minus the firing. the nitw devs ran a co-op, which if you need a tldr is just people agreeing to work together and splitting profits evenly. there wasnt any contract aside from the publisher's and thats a lot of the reason why alec got away with straight up not working for 90% of the dev cycle
This. It's all just fluff shit from his past to feel sorry for him.
I'll dilate your mom's pussy with my cock
you'll die early, more like
What a massive pile of shit.
RIP Alec.
I love how he takes such a dump on his recently deceased friend, all to damage control. One would think you'd lay low after causing his death by ostracizing him.
user cmon, don't be greedy with your mom's pussy. I know it's a little worn out with age but that's how I like em. I'll be nice to her don't worry. You can watch if you're worried
jesus fucking christ I just want it all to end
the world ended in 2012 and this is just the fucking shitposting epilogue
the entire fucking universe put on its fucking clown shoes and now we're seeing the act
the worst part is that this shit will keep going, it will happen again and it will be even worse, and it wont stop, never. We'll just keep sinking lower and lower until there's nothing left.
I hope I won't be alive anymore to see this end.
Of course she fucking lied. And I'm not a stupid /pol/tard or a incest to say that.
>nothing even remotely resembling an ounce of contrition
Jesus, even in the only sentence that acknowledged he wasn't all bad, this fucker goes on with some "but ackshually he was bad and I don't feel bad about him dying" bullshit.
Gaming doesn't have an abuse problem. It has a sociopath problem.
The medium article (which is linked in the ks post i pasted this from) talks about his situation not being his fault and shit more than this one does, but after that there was an outpouring of "you poor baby, you did all you could" shit on twitter and reddit, which probably gaslit Benson into posting about Alec the way he is now.
I mean to be honest this has all been a long time coming.
>yeah hes dead but think about this some people were a little discouraged from working for a while because of what he did
>not a stupid /pol/tard
I'm probably one of the leftiest people here and I agree with you. Bullshit is bullshit regardless of political leanings.
This is honestly the most disgusting thing.
You fucking retards drove him to suicide, it doesn't make it okay that you're preaching to go call a suicide hotline when you drive a man to suicide.
>People ask me how I feel and what I feel is angry. Just angry. I'm angry at how last week went. I'm angry at what Alec did to others, and to me. I'm angry with how he handled it. I'm angry that we're left to clean up a mess he left behind. I'm angry we've had to deal with this in public, and that we've been made such a focus of this story
What a fucking asshole
someone died because of political bullshit.
this is the limit.
>"me me me me me me me!"
Yeah they're all pretty much human garbage.
Take a note that he's not angry at himself for publicly disowning Alec one (ONE) day after Zoe posted her allegations.
>"I'm angry at him for making all these mistakes"
>doesn't even show enough humanity to own up to his own mistakes and apologize for throwing Alec under the bus over allegations
human garbage
You left out
>I'm angry with Alec. For a lot of reasons I'm angry with Alec. And I'm angry he's gone.
He's still an asshole though.
Criminal Investigation When ???
>caring about your friends
>thinking of them as more than just somebody you can ask favors from and talk to about random shit
You guys are cucks lmao. I'd fuck my friends girl in an instant if she wanted to
Never, everybody close enough to him (sister) threw him under the bus too.
Considering what kind of attitude you have odds are any girl you could get with would do the same.
weak b8
Wow, you should be a video game journalist or an indie dev.
I really should have linked the other post Benson refers to, since that's what he's referencing there. Not all of it's justified ofc but Benson was levelling accusations of his own here, pseudo-independently of Quinn's testimony. Anyways, here for the curious medium.com
And no, it's not pastebinned because I'm lazy and because medium is literally just twitlonger.
have sex
That's fucking insane honestly. A group of people have publicly driven a person to suicide but there will be no legal repercussions because his own family hates him.
I'm an autist that barely feels empathy yet this whole situation made me sick in the stomach. On top of all that, this is from the devs that made a game about the importance of friendship. Pure fucking irony
>not an incest
actually same
7 hour work days
Oh he will user. He's gonna fuck YOUR girl. Just call him mr stealyobtich
So tell me if I've got anything wrong.
>Be Alec
>Pick up talentless skank who thinks she's an artist
>She's dumb as hell and a liar but she's into BDSM so you have your fun
>Dump the ho and get back to working hard coding and making music
>Carry hipster adventure game all by yourself, your "Best Friend/Partner" considers him and his whale girfriend to be co-creators with you when they only did the scant amount of 2D Art and Writing, essentially idea guys
>Years pass
>Make bank off Tumblr and Reddit
>Talentless skank comes back to your life and wants you to code her retarded FMV video game about a Gay Meme Author and she wants you to do it for FREE
>Reject her, but you know she's an enemy now, write blogpost about how people are going to betray you
>It happens, she makes a #MeToo statement allegeing you of abuse for shit that happened nearly a decade ago
>All of Tumblr and the SJW Indie Community wants you dead
>Your worthless co-creator friends who you were making a sequel with throw you under the bus and kill your sequel game
>Can never make another game without harassment
>Even your own ugly dyke sister thinks you did it
>Kill yourself because you see no other way out
where the fuck are the actual description of actual events with ACUTA lcfFUD SKFl FUCKing coroborating EVIDENCe. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW CAN SO MANY PEOPLE TALK ABOUT A SITUATION AND YET SAY FUCKING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?
THE ONLY ONE I KNOW of thats said ANYTHING concrete is quinn, and her accusation is A. He trapped me (her twitter history does suggests otherwise) B. He fingered me? and I didn't like it. We were in a relationship
Which is fucking nothing! its not anything! Everyone else has just said
>"he was abusive"
but they've said NOTHING about HOW WHEN WHY WHERE WHAT. Fucking nothing.
I'm honestly just fucking flabbergasted. How can these fucking zombies drag their wretched limbs and expel their gaseous nothings and not get fucking put down, locked away, rehabiltated into actual living breathing humans by the rest of the world.
Some of that shit is actually pretty funny.
>Earlier that year at GDC I’d watched Alec on social media, and watched him snap pretty viciously at some people. He messaged me that he was drunk and was going to go run around San Francisco until someone killed him. This was weird to hear from another 30 something colleague at an industry event. I didn’t sleep that night.
The guy is as much of an emotional trainwreck as Alec.
You forgot
>worthless co-creator friends remove your name from the game you were the primary driving force of
He didn't just get thrown under the bus, he got unpersoned.
I'm honestly confused as to how to feel about this. Obviously when it was just Quinn and co. making claims it was easy to side with Alec, and his suicide only made it easier. But, like, how many people does it take to come forward before it stops being some Zoe-cult conspiracy and start being a genuine thing? Like, his sister could have just as easily not thrown him under the bus and not gotten shit from lefties, because who would fault her for not hating her brother? Like, I don't know what she'd stand to gain from outing him like that, beyond the ire of /pol/. Same for Scott and whatever the other dev's name is. And his pax roommates, and his commune mates from Toronto. I just can't see how all of these people are somehow conspiring against him unless he was actually That Bad, yknow?
>>worthless co-creator friends remove your name from the game you were the primary driving force of
Oh jesus fuck, is that shit for real?
Was this before or after he necked himself?
It's possible to be a kind of shitty person and still not deserve to get suicided by the indie mob.
Absolutely hated how this game ended as I felt it was REALLY starting to ramp up but weird to see someone die over Zoey SJW nonsense
One or two days before. Definitely a contributing factor.
Oh no doubt he didn't deserve to die, definitely with you there. But you can still be blacklisted from an industry for janky shit and it's not a literal death sentence, right? Unless I missed some sort of doxxing thing or something of similar gravity, I'm not sure I get the connection.
Zoe Quinn must be the most raped woman in the world. Alec was, what? The sixth or seventh guy she's talked about sexually abusing her? The only real possibilities are that she's literally asking for it or she's lying.
At some point you have to ask yourself what you're doing wrong to get raped by every man you have even a casual relationship with.
Something doesn't add up, how can you rape the unrapeable.
I have seen actual Mexican American Football players forced in drag as an initiation in my town that look better than her.
How can you rape the hambeast that makes the dick floppy and unwilling?
That's literally not true though. His name's still in the credits and Benson says he's not removing it. Dunno about pre-NITW stuff though.
wtf happened, can someone catch me up. i liked the nitw game but it wouldnt surprise me if the devs were fucked.
Preaching about suicide while also not giving him the benefit of the doubt in the current situation. Stand up people right there.
Source direct-quoting Benson, if you've got a legit copy for some reason you can check the game's credits yourself. archive.is
>In a point-by-point discussion, Benson said the reason for cutting ties with Holowka “was a combination of a lot of things from several parties and our experiences going back years. It sucked.” Benson added that the studio would not remove him from the game’s credits.
>Whole world turns on you
>You've been ousted from your only legacy over what very well could have just been hearsay
Yeah, I can imagine that just being the last straw that made him think his life is over. The time after that was just mustering the nerve to end it.
Being vague is the point, if they start making actual claims they'll leave themselves open to scrutiny.
>You've been ousted from your only legacy over what very well could have just been hearsay
to no one's surprise
that's exactly what it was.
He didn't even rape her, lol.
Look up here Basically got abuse allegations and got so ousted from every support group he had along with mobs screaming for blood that it drew blood and now we've got a suicide.
Gamers are dead.
I don't know much about clowns, but during some point in 2010s, I do feel like I gut sucked into the television screen without myself knowing it.
Should I be happy to see so many people angry at this miscarriage of Justice? 9 times out of 10 people are usualy just upset because someone from the other team did something, and Yea Forums will turn around and gladly do the same thing themselves with a smile.
Why is the internet so full of jerks?
Threadly reminder: Zoe is nonbinary. Stop misgendering them. :^)
>refused to work on the game for most of its dev cycle
>constantly threatened to shut down the project several times after changing it on a whim every few months
>physical threats towards those around him
but i mean yeah if you ignore all of those then i guess he didnt do anything, huh?
The dude talks about his mental illness but what was it? Then he goes around and blame that his mental illness had nothing to do with how he treated others.
It just doesnt make sense, regardless the end result is that they drove Alec to suicide by not just handling this privately and that's what really should matter.
Wrong is wrong user. You don'r get to shoot somebody because they're the wrong skin color.
Just the same, you shouldn't be able to ruin someone because they are a male that existed next to a woman some time ten years ago.
There were dedicated contrarians siding with Zoe in the early days of this just because "good, the left is cannibalizing itself", but they found some other entertainment. I think it's definitely a good thing that people are mad about this regardless of party lines, because people fucking should be mad that the world is okay with mob justice with zero proof.
sjw games were a mistake
Why do people have zero respect or empathy for suicide victims? I always hear people call them selfish or cowardly and here everyone says horrible things about him now that he isn't around to defend himself. Would it be different if he was a woman?
Ok, but he killed himself, didn't he? He got blacklisted from an industry for a pattern of behavior corroborated by several coworkers. That's not a thing exclusive to vidya in the slightest. His an hero was his own doing after making the decision himself in the same way trannies kill themselves after facing consequences for their own life choices. They aren't held at gunpoint by Donald Trump or some shit.
I think the funniest part about Quinn is that websites and articles label her a developer even though all she's ever made is a shitty VN
>All of these various claims
>But still not a single thing to back up them being true
It's not a criminal proceeding though, witness hearsay flies just as much as anything else. The threats were definitely posted around during GDC 2015. If this thread's still live in a few hours I'll see if I can dig up some board archives from around then because Yea Forums was on that shit like crazy.
Notice I said "ruin someone". There was a clear and direct attempt to ruin the man based off of Twitter rumors. No one took the correct channels, and it seemed the police were never even considered. All the reaction and mob attacks just from a word on Twitter, no hard evidence. People should not be able to do that, and the fact that this has been a "normal" thing on Twitter for years is a failure of man.
It's easy to want somebody dead when they freak the fuck out and scream that they're going to kill themself on a daily basis because they're not right in the head. It gets old really fast. In the end, they knew he was going to do it because he's unhinged. That's why Zoe made the accusation in public to begin with. Whether or not she should be liable is a different subject. It's certainly clear, though, that she's an absolute cunt and can't be trusted considering her well-documented history of lying constantly.
>People ask me how I feel and what I feel is angry. Just angry. I'm angry at how last week went. I'm angry at what Alec did to others, and to me. I'm angry with how he handled it. I'm angry that we're left to clean up a mess he left behind.
Imagine typing this about a person that killed himself. What a fucking joke.
That's still more games than you've made.
That doesnt make any sense you idiot. He killed himself because of losing his entire career in under a week. I bet you would kill yourself if you became ostracized by your entire community in that time frame.
>Zoe is unable to separate herself from social media
>winds up being the thing that blows her whole victim narrative apart
People that kill themselves are pussies. If you do something wrong that ticks people off, you deserve to pay for those actions and suffer. For as long as it takes.
Yep. Standard fare for the indie video gaming industry and online "community" for the past five years or so.
Actually I made a shitty game in a high school programming class so I guess I'm a developer too
I should put that on my resume, seems to have worked for her
Look on the bright side, the end WILL happen and we'll probably live to see it. So look forward to it and enjoy the misery stricken faces of all these fucks
You forgot the bit where Quinn apparently deleted her twitter.
You might not like the /pol/ type of people but they are so much less toxic than these far lefty fucks
There is something so hideously fake about how these people communicate, like at any moment they are ready to stab you in the back
I am 100% convinced trump won because the average joe was absolutely fucking sick of having to deal with this type of people.
And also why he will win again.
>And also why he will win again.
he shot himself in the foot and will lose some key states cuz he didn't do anything about immigration
Maybe you should try sleeping with a couple of game journos and then release your game on Steam.
> You might not like the /pol/ type of people but they are so much less toxic than these far lefty fucks
You're fooling someone but it's not me. Get out of here with your /pol/ apologetics. Social Media kids are two sides of the same coin, and I regret giving the anti-SJWs the time of day.
>There is something so hideously fake about how these people communicate, like at any moment they are ready to stab you in the back
That's because they are.
I dunno if I would though. I'm actually employed in the vidya field, and I'm absolutely a clinically depressed faggot, but it's not like I don't have transferrable skills to other fields and stuff. Worst comes to worst I suck it up and move in with mom and dad again, which, yeah, takes some balls to suck up that pride and do that, but compared to the alternative I don't think I'd an hero there.
>You might not like the /pol/ type of people but they are so much less toxic than these far lefty fucks
When they're not going on killing sprees of course.
I have dignity, also I don't have a pussy
There is no hope, is there?
It's not like any of the others will do anything about immigration either
People like them are passive aggressive as fuck, they've built their agenda off of being fake.
>refused to work on the game for most of its dev cycle
Dev cycle? Scott Benson was working for 7 days a week on other shit. They- sorry- Alec did most of the work for fucking everything. Scott and Beth "designed" and "wrote dialogue". Alec did all of the actual work.
>constantly threatened to shut down the project several times after changing it on a whim every few months
SCOTT was throwing out different design documents every few months to try and get Alec interested in making the game for him. Are you telling me these fucking ingrates worked on "design documents" which scott freely admits to being "hastily slapped together" for three years? With nothing to keep them afloat these magical city dwelling faggots just skated on by with nothing, doing nothing, until alec stopped having a mental breakdown and they as scott freely admits, actually put most of the game together in the short few weeks alec visited in 2016
Scott also admits to while Alec was having his breakdown, he was too. That BOTH of them were on medication for depression and behaviorial issues .Wow. What great eyewitness accounts. Which brings me to my next point.
>physical threats towards those around him
we get a time. We get NOTHING else. No specific threats, no details of what the threat entailed, and obviously no actual evidence of any such thing having taken place besides personal accounts way after the fact.
What it sounds like is a bunch of retards got together and had a moron fuckhead party where they all had paranoiac freakouts because these unstable twits were working incredibly unstable jobs with unstable people and now
YEARS after the fact
it was THIS member of the retard brigade that caused us ALL to be retards. We're dealing with PTSD due to ALEC (this fucking faggot knows he's lying about that. He's dealing with PTSD from his childhood, the one that had him on meds before he ever heard the name alec holowka.)
hope is seized from the wicked
may zoe's body dangle from the elm
A more spiteful and motivated person would make fake Alec accounts sending "YOU KILLED ME" to the devs
But I'm too lazy
>People that kill themselves are pussies.
>You must stay around for the satisfaction of others.
I was agreeing with you until I realized that you were just another bitchmade faggot.
And further, even if the most exasperated claim from the most tangential piece of shit were true
Everything thats been said. Every account. Not a single one is worth ripping someone apart way after the fact, out of the blue, dumping his shit out in public instead of, idk being a fucking adult about it and having an intervention or bringing the accusations directly to the person with the people involved instead of stirring up your KNOWN hornets nest to fucking thanos snap this guys entire support network, friend group, and family within a DAY.
Every one of these mentally unhinged faggots would off themselves same as alec given this circumstance.
fucking. >Alec was paranoid people were trying to ruin his life and make him kill himself
huh. Weird. Strange. Odd. Stands out a bit huh. Hmmm.
The only reason /pol/ doesn't do this shit is because only a complete retard would ever post their real identity there. It's still online bullshit at the end of the day, contained in its own crappy little corner of the internet
>b-but both s-sides are as bad as each other
Bullshit. Yeah, the anti-sjw community is just as tribilistic but they're almost purely reactionary, kill of the lefty cancer that is growing in the media and they'll have to move on or die too.
>also I don't have a pussy
Literally not a problem in 2019.
That's not a bad idea. Make it some Unfriended shit.
I guess you're right, yeah. I definitely feel like it was handled poorly, and while I have more faith in others' testimony than his, obviously he didn't deserve the deluge of shit that he got from the Zoe-cult even if it was. I guess it's just frustrating, because I can't really justify what happened to him despite what he's done. Maybe I'm just more predisposed to beliving the accuser than the accused since it's more likely I'd be on the receiving end than the giving end of that sort of harassment. Again, I just don't know. No matter how this could have turned out it doesn't seem right.
>just as tribalistic
I don't remember the anti-sjw crowd ever defending an anti-SJW pedophile
didnt that jared guy just have a thing where he made a nudes blog for his underage fans?
>look ma, I posted it again
"Innocent until proven guilty".
Not even once. Existences like you, with those emotions, hamper everything.
You haven't been paying attention to politicians lately, have you?
Wow the left can't make any original content can they
No one has even said that.
i always wondered what the last moments looked like for the dinosaurs
now i'm wishing that meteor actually hits us
Just because they have more morals than the far left, doesn't mean they aren't tribilistic. I remember the Amazing Atheist and Sargon trying to stop anti-sjws from making criticism videos on other anti-sjws because they have to stay 'unitied' and all the shit. Its why the whole lot of them turned on Harmful Opinions. That kinda collectivism actually disgusts me. So yeah, they're tribilistic.
Undertale >>>>>>>>> Night in the Cringe
I prefer indie devs that don't kill themselves
entirely despicable...
I hate to say it but there's some pretty damn good humor with this ongoing tragedy.
So is anyone getting in trouble for this? Cause if not then nothing about this really means anything.
Doesnt it feel like some kind of bizarro world we live in, where everybody airs out their dirty laundry publicly and everyone else has to awkwardly experience it? Why do people feel the need to do this? Now that this social faux pas has been removed it really breaks a lot of logic in dealing with people.
I've been on both ends and all it has ever taught me is have some fucking evidence because the person who is "Believed" is not the one who is right its the one with the most magnetic personality. I've been vindicated in these situations, apologized to, etc. Doesn't fucking matter.
Next time you are still fair fucking game. It can be the same fucking person doing the same shit to you and they won't believe you until you actually physically prove them wrong.
Ted Bundy had to completely and utterly spike his own case to lose it. Despite the evidence against him. Despite his heinous crimes. Despite his erratic behavior and escape attempts, Ted Bundy would have won his defense were it not for him literally booting his lawyer for self representation, staging a marriage in the middle of the proceedings, and just going full psycho experts agreed that he would have won. It doesn't fucking matter. Truth doesn't matter. None of it matters. Humans are fucked. We'll believe fucking anything and throw our species off the edge to continue believing
Imagine thinking Andrew Jackson is the worst president. How deluded can one person be? He's my favorite one
>are so much less toxic than these far lefty fucks
Not at all. /pol/'s ideology itself is Toxic. It's an ideology based around pisding yourself off at non-issues and outright lies to the point you get depressed or shoot somebody. It's like Tunnel Vision where the only thing you can ever see is the bad things that didn't exist to begin with. Just to point out one thing.
Did you know a Jewish Soros is worth 8 Billion?
Did you know a Christian Bezos, the richest man in the world is worth 170 Billion?
Boy don't try that weak mess with me.
You both are directionless internet kids who are fueled primarily by outrage. You have no idea of how to do good for your fellow man, because all your type are capable of is scanning social media and looking for opinions that disagree with you, stocking outrage after outrage until someone goes and shoots people. We've had two shootings powered by /pol/ style ideology, do you think I'm so dumb as to believe more of your recruitment attempts? Go away.
Not even remotely. Everyone, family included, threw Alec under the bus, so they're not gonna pursue any kind of legal recourse. Zoe's Patreon is gonna get that revenue spike she was looking for, and she's already got her Twitter back online and will resume posting like nothing happened. NITW devs will get praised for their bravery, and even Alec's legacy has been canceled.
true, I could become a trans woman and call the journalists bigots for not wanting to fuck it
Don't care about the devs, but the game had some nice music.
you mean projared?
>I’d been gently encouraging him to reach out and make amends with people he’d hurt during his bad years. He said he had been, as well as he could. He still worried that people were trying to destroy his life, random people even, that one day they’d come out of nowhere and it’d all be over, in some vague fashion. We sometimes still saw flashes of random anger. But he was seeing a therapist about this. And it was far, far better than it used to be.
they killed him my dudes. they killed him and called it paranoia
I thought the story and character were interesting until the twist ending. Justifying and rationalizing mental illness as just "Oh no, a cult did it" was retarded.
>the worst part is that this shit will keep going, it will happen again and it will be even worse,
/pol/ wants to make you feel that it's hopeless. It's the only way they can keep you on their side, by pretending the entire world is your enemy.
Have a whitepill. On me. Unlike what /pol/ says, reddit is in love with White Dudes. And that is a ladyboner frequented by white girls, for white girls.
(Of course, there is also another sexy black man reddit for black girls, by black girls.)
>/pol/ wants to make you feel that it's hopeless. It's the only way they can keep you on their side, by pretending the entire world is your enemy.
you're using porn to deflect a suicide caused by ostracization.
you're a fucking bonobo, did you know that?
That outfit is at least more attractive than your average /pol/tard. Probably smarter.
"The left can't meme" remains as true as ever, I see.
Dude had borderline, right? Probably went into near psychosis after they tossed him. I'm not judging anyone mind you, but people with that disorder often don't make it into old age due to the suicidal manipulation they pull.
>>Every one of these mentally unhinged faggots would off themselves same as alec given this circumstance.
That's how the SJWs control you. They isolate you, make you conform to their exclusive social club and then if you step out of line you are dead.
It's cult 101 tactics and Alec was a vulnerable idiot around some toxic people
Nah, she'll get over it.
Kill yourself, my man
>haha cancel culture and feminism is cool
>hey guys now that it hurt me, maybe cancel culture is bad
He accepted nudes from his fans, he mandated that all of them confirm with him that they're over 18. One person claimed that they were underage and he solicited photos from them, only for it to be revealed that they told him they were 18 and repeatedly sent them the photos themselves without him asking for them, and had doctored their provided evidence to hide this. Another person claimed the same thing only for it to come out that they also claimed during the same time period that they had brain damage, were suffering from psychosis and were having hallucinations and repeatedly being hospitalised, and have no memory of that time, and they had no evidence of their claims in the first place.
a body to die for
the modern day Helen
This has the be one of the fucking dumbest things I've ever seen on Yea Forums, congratulations
>lie to the Internet
>doctor "evidence"
>all just to destroy one man's career
Just what drives a human to do this shit? How did the fucker make these enemies?
I'm probing blind for the source of your issues. Bear with me.
If you want another reason to feel hope, just remember the reaction this shit caused. If it was as one-sided and hopeless as you said, wouldn't Zoe Quinn be the victim of a blowback as big as this? It's a question you don't ask yourself often.
>Literal who says something dumb.
>3 likes, 3 retweets.
>Hordes of comments from /pol/tards aiming for the throat.
Both of the people involved knew each other, and both of them advertised their patreon accounts after levelling the accusations.
Really speaks to how desperate indie devs and journos are.
I've been ostracized by my community both online and IRL for 14 years now. Still alive.
Alec is a shitty person and I enjoy the idea of him being blacklisted due to sjw infighting
I don't enjoy the idea of him being driven to suicide. If anything to me that shows just how vile the far left and sjws treat people that they put into the category of 'bad'. When me and my left, centrist, right, and far right friends disagree with each other we talk shit, but in the end we're still friends. All but one of my former friends that were far left however just straight up abandoned me, refusing to speak etc. It's a shame, our extreme disagreements made for interesting discussion, but only one could see that discussion is discussion, and disagreement is imperative in any free society. A shame.
>>You must stay around for the satisfaction of others.
Basically this. People are upset that he's not alive so they can torment him more. They're fucking sadistic.
>Someone on Yea Forums disagrees with me
>It must be the alt-right trying to recruit me
Take your meds, user.
>that discussion is discussion, and disagreement is imperative in any free society.
That depends squarely in the quality of the arguments. The leftist mindset is that of "For fuck's sake. I shouldn't even have to explain this shit."
What did you say to them?
Why did you think she deleted her Twitter account even after all the GG shit.
the source of my issue is Zoe Quinn with some help from her fan club isolated a guy to the point where he committed suicide and won't receive blowback because she, scott et al have insulated themselves from scrutiny by crafting the most dishonest narrative I've had the displeasure of skimming,
You know what would make me feel better? Zoe, Scott et al being burned by the same online lynch mob they fostered. Burned to the point of obsolescence, where we wouldn't even know if they killed themselves. If they just were wiped off the face of the earth, forever.
>having far left friends
Found your mistake. Even the left doesn't want far left friends.
Okay, stop making this argument you fucking incels. Every woman, no matter how utterly disgusting and rancid, has at least 2 men fighting to fuck her. It's a fucking law of nature.
At least he learnt.
I give it a few months before the lesson unsticks.
>If it was as one-sided and hopeless as you said, wouldn't Zoe Quinn be the victim of a blowback as big as this?
Nigger what? That's fucking backwards, it's exactly because it's hopeless that Zoe isn't facing any justice for this.
Bezos is like Gates; and the scummiest engineers are nowhere close to the scum that are bankers
Would you say that your far left friend left far?
> /pol/ apologetics isn't a recruitment tactic on a board infested with /pol/acks posting twitter screenshots instead of video games.
libz bad.
The soundtrack isn't good. The music has almost zero development. There are a shitload of better indie devs writing better music.
Me and this guy actually have deep discussions on foreign relations, economics, health care, etc. I conceded that a government health care system could work in the US if it was opt in, or if you could have private insurance on top of it for better access to quicker and higher quality care, but all the same that a no deductible system could work.
He conceded that while labor unions have been effective in the past and serve as a good counter measure for mega corps, they are run themselves by extremely corrupt individuals who donate swathes of money to Dems for protection and tax breaks. We generally agree on things like foreign affairs and gun rights, though on the latter he isn't as firm as myself, but domestic social policy, border policy, and economic policy is where we most differ.
Not anymore, but there's a gem in the rough from time to time. He's one of my few lefty friends I can have a good and lengthy political discussion with, end up disagreeing on just about everything, but still laugh it off and order another round. For me I see it as a sign of what things could be ideally without so much hostility.
The most powerful banks in the world are all Chinese.
Yeah, but the problem here is that ProJared spent the first 5 minutes addressing the "nudes tumblr" and ended that short section by saying "if you're angry that I had a nudes tumblr, I'm sorry that you feel that way", ie: the usual sorry, not sorry bullshit.
He then proceeds to tear down 2 fake fucks on Twitter that profiteered with fake stories during his cancellation (rightfully so, because liars are liars). But these 2 fake stories still doesn't corroborate or make him innocent of the nudes tumblr. He just can't do that shit.
Consider this, how would it look if a politician opened up an 18+ only nudes tumblr? Would look pretty fucking bad, and people would rightfully want to remove him from office or try to start some legal investigation on him. Thing is, the law isn't any different depending on if you're a politician, a football player, or even "just a youtuber".
If you're going to a run a "body positive nudes blog" it can basically ONLY be done anonymously (so submitters have no reason or desire to participate just because an e-celeb might pay attention to them) and posters would need to validate their age beforehand. ProJared knowingly did it without anonymity and was profiteering from several underage fags (that's literally what a gaming youtube viewerbase is, primarily children under 18 who would often lie about their age online), and there's no doubt Jared has been on the receiving end of CP, even if it's not these fake-ass-fucks named Charlie and Chai.
Also ends the youtube video saying marital/relationship shit isn't anyone else's business, which is fair.
But again, he just brushes over the nudes tumblr and gives a sorry-not-sorry response about it in the first 5 minutes. He's still a sleazeball and needs to cut that nudes shit out.
>man this is clown world, how can people act like this after a man killed himself
>reddit loves white men, fuck /pol/
>libz bad
Damn straight.
That hinges on the idea that Alec didn't pull a Jeffrey Epstein.
>If you are wrestling with mental health issues, we also stand with you.
But...they threw Alec under the buss lol, if they "stood with him" he might be alive
>Accepting nudes from people is bad because some people might lie about their age and send him underage nudes
What's to stop them from doing this without a dedicated inbox for it? Your argument doesn't make much sense, you're mainly just saying it looks bad, but who gives a shit? You sound like some anti-sex old woman.
>Sure this opportunistic SJW cunt drove a man to suicide when his spineless colleagues abandoned him because of a poisonous left wing culture but heres why you should REALLY be angry at /pol/....
Heard it was kinda spiffy too. Pretty unfortunate
I had a far left friend, he slapped me about 2 years ago and I haven't seen him since.
the government pulled a jeffrey epstein on jeffrey epstein
I think the major problem your former friends found was probably a half-measured response they felt required more pro-active solutions. But in all honesty, that doesn't like something that should end friendships.
Surprisingly, multiple things can be shitty at once.
>Alec was an asshole
>let's not acknowledge how I was likely equally a shitbag to him
Jeffrey's trash is getting out no matter what. It could be just as likely that a group of officers killed Epstein, fully expecting that his money would lead to a softer sentence. Do they cut the knot.
/pol/ apologetics exist because /pol/ is a domestic problem that was already regulated by the community while discord trannies are foreign.
>I had a far left friend, he slapped me
Something something joke about how he didn't use a fist because he's a leftist.
>lul muh bullet to the chest
The Trail of Tears was fucked, man, I don't care where you stand politically
NITW compares most notably to classic point and click adventure games. Writing is a huge part of those games and the lack of complex gameplay makes coding less intensive/important than it is in more operationally complex genres. Imagine if Monkey Island had shitty writing, it would be a terrible game.
>we stand with you, we stand with you, we stand with you
What empty meaningless trash.
So we agree that bankers are scum?
>mfw none of these fucking monsters are remorseful in the slightest
This isn't clown world, it's demon world
I just want /pol/ to stop pretending they're any better. This who topic was fine until some user hadn't tried to make them look good by comparison.
rent free
inb4 Holocaust denial tier bullshit response
>Lincoln was the best president
Is this the equivalent of people who say Citizen Kane is the best movie of all time?
You forgot
>Zoe Quinn's allies all shit on dev's grave by doubling down on accusations and telling mentally ill people to call a suicide hotline not seeing the hypocrisy in doing so
You can edit Discord comments via an exploit, you know? All those scteencaps were manufactured. I know because I autistically joined a Discord detective channel, and tried "infiltrating" those tranny discords to get proof and invade.
The targets were actually, in this order:
1) An Alabaman University Discord.
2) An anime forum.
3) A discord for book reading and literature.
4) Another anime Visual Novel channel.
I am a retard, I know.
I'm not crazy right? He never states what he actually did right? I read this and the only thing I could notice was how he said
>Alec struggled with his mental health. I was open about that, admirably.
Did he just fucking praise himself for being open about others people's problems? Please tell me I read that wrong.
Got an upgrade for you bud
As long as you don't believe that Jewish Bankers secretly run the world, we're good. And if you hate bankers so much, you should vote people actively oposing them.
You're not really getting it. People will do it BECAUSE they know a celebrity (someone that's garnered public respect/wealth/fame/fortune/etc) is on the receiving end of the nudes. If some nobody goes on craigslist and asks "Hey, I'll happily accept any and all nudes you send over", nobody would give a fuck because the dude's a nobody.
But if the person announcing that they're accepting nudes has some level of wider recognition or wealth (ex:ProJared), then people are a lot more likely to send nudes they otherwise wouldn't have sent to any other random fuck, just because in the back of their head they might think there's a chance that networking with someone famous/rich might also help them become famous/rich, or even just because they're getting direct attention from someone famous/rich is enough enticement.
That's essentially the thing here, you can't do that shit from any position of power. You're profiteering from your position to encourage others to do things they otherwise wouldn't do. And it's not this stupid logical fallacy of "well i didn't give them anything and I'm not forcing them at gunpoint to do anything". Merely doing that creates an environment where you're generating CP that's sent directly to your inbox, and CP from any source is illegal in the US.
I have no issue between consenting adults sexting eachother nudes on Tinder or something. So it's not a "sex = bad" argument here. But in this instance, we're specifically talking about a person that specifically has a lot of clout with younger (
Nobody can manage to state what Alec did except Zoe complaining he was bad at the kinky sex she wanted. There may, quite possibly, be a reason for the lack of this information.
i love containment threads.
i'm so desensitized to this hot garbage that i just hide the threads or use them as meta discussion at this point since janitors forgot that one meta thread per board is allowed.
discord tranny is just slang for the faggots who come to Yea Forums because they think it's the heart of the alt-right and want to stop that. Most people called discord tranny are from resetera.
She co-wrote it with Patrick Lindsey and, let's be honest, Lindsey probably did all the technical stuff.
The problem is that loud minority has all the power. Don't agree with them? They'll make you like him.
This is America, no one is running against the banks on the national level, so I vote for those who keep power closer to my level.
This will stop when you talk what you want to talk and leave /pol/ out of the talk. It ain't rocket science that engaging with a thought reinforces the thought. Do not engage if you do not want to engage.
>an exploit
inspect element is now an exploit
I liked the "game"
>So it's not a "sex = bad" argument here
sex is bad if i'm not having it
it's why i get pissed off when my cat goes outside and fucks other cats.... it's not fair
Let this be a lesson to all of you, dont stick your dick in crazy.
I only liked the porn of the characters.
No need to stick your dick in it. If you stand near it for five minutes, ten years later it'll accuse you of rape anyway.
Honestly Alex co-worker wrote like a million word blog post about Alec and how he was the real victim in all of this "I survived Alec", those were his words, like two days after he commited suicide.
And the worst thing Alec has done so far is say he will commit suicide, like OK it's bad to emotionally manipulate people like that but as we know now he actually meant it and it wasn't just lying to get what he wants
>You can destroy my life in an instant, but I give so few fucks, I'm going to ram my fist up your uterus and walk you around like my fucking puppet
Imagine the chad you'd have to be?
What is this archetype?
Are you trying to emulate Contrapoints as some kind of shepherd of incels or something?
I'm assuming you're a femoid, rather than a soimale or a t-slur.
Please don't do that again, it's extremely cringe. This is for your own good.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not notice crazy bitches and not to stay away from them?
They're very good at pretending to be sane for just long enough to weasel into someone's life. It's kind of their stock and trade.
user. 4channel has an Alexa rank of 1550, nearly thrice as many engagements as resetera's rank of 4880. Not to mention Yea Forums's rank of 780, neatly teice as 4channel.
What I'm trying to tell you is, every one of those "faghots trying to make a difference" is actually /pol/tards pretending to be retarded. Or maybe genuine 4channelers that hate it when /pol/ misinformation gets thrown around. Getting back to the point.
Resetera is nowhere near as big as /pol/ makes it seem. It's yet another boogeyman to keep you on your toes and hopeless. I've been there. There is scientific basis of this, the more you argue with somebody, the lesst likely you are to change their minds. And the more /pol/tards keep "arguing you" pretending to be leftists, the more likely you are to stay in that hole of anger.
I have no fucking idea how any of that works. The point is, /pol/ is lying to get a rise out of you.
Actually the religion question is 100% legit. It ties into the story of that game.
>We stand with you if you were raped, and we stand with you if you are feeling suicidal.
>Except if you raped someone and end up feeling suicidal, then we just brush you off and give a half-assed statement by including "No matter what you've done" so that we don't get bit in the ass for driving a man to kill himself off of unsubstantiated claims because we stood with the accuser in this case and we don't want there to be any sort of implication of there being blood on our hands
Beta orbiters are incredibly stupid. They exist to be manipulated and tricked by evil women.
I'm just dropping some whitepills.
Peepee poopoo
>raped someone
He never even raped anyone, even allegedly. Zoe was talking about two different incidents, and predictably used misleading wording to conflate it with Alec.
But he was abusive. Which is something you can't hidr. Zoe's tweets themselves only mentioned rape in the context of that other guy.
I get it that he was abusive, but did he actually rape?
Has anybody else actually felt alive since 2012?
Meanwhile at KickVic HQ
it's just REEsetera infesting the thread
the game is shit and if i saw these people in a convention i would blame them for his death
Well its their fucking fault then. Why would anyone be upset?
When I look at zoe, I cannot believe she is halfway sane.
im surprised SU fans are acting like faggot ass children
Hipsters are okay with a lot of weird looks.
>You're profiteering from your position to encourage others to do things they otherwise wouldn't do. And it's not this stupid logical fallacy of "well i didn't give them anything and I'm not forcing them at gunpoint to do anything". Merely doing that creates an environment where you're generating CP that's sent directly to your inbox, and CP from any source is illegal in the US.
So you're blaming him for other people breaking the law because they're delusional. Your priorities are fucked, man.
No, you dropped some bizarre c*mbrain garbage from reddit, because you have some absurd idea of what "/pol" as well as some sick idea about the "poor, damaged, confused young men" that are being RADICALIZED.
You invoked c*mbrain stupidity and reddit in the same post in an attempt to de-escalate isolation and alienation felt by hypothetical future /pol/ recruits. That is so stupid and gay that you deserve to ridiculed.
Also your obsession in subsequent posts with distancing international banking from a specific ethnic group is bizarre and confusing. The actual rad-left has no love for bankers of any creed.
No, they deserve to die on the battlefield for their people and for their cause.
This rightful fate being denied is the primary reason for beta-males going haywire.
Zoe didn't mention rape with Alec in the original post. Only the abuse. I'm currently reading the manifesto. So far, it seems to be square on the emotional abuse. Check it out here:
>So you're blaming him for other people breaking the law
If you have sex with someone that's underaged, even if they told you (but i'm 18!), guess who goes to jail and who doesn't?
The onus is always on the adult to make the right choices, and again, the fact of the matter is that Jared himself is putting HIMSELF in the situation of receiving CP, regardless if he's pedo or not, underaged viewers will end up submitting that under the guise that they're 18+, and being in possession of CP still makes you guilty.
well then she's absolutely fucked
IF rape actually happened then, she could easily persuade the court with "self defense" or some shit but now its 10x harder for her to victim her way out of this
Alexa rank is a metric for advertisers. It is not just pure traffic as it is function of unique and repeating visitors. Also who the fuck distinguishes channelers?
You can't drive someone to commit suicide
No one is responsible for another's actions
>all the leftie shootings stopped because the retards talked about doing it on their tranny discords and their 'fellow comrades' rat them out
post the fake list of shootings where they label communist shooters as right wing again
Zoe's lies were exposed by her own twitter.
She says he kept her locked in his apartment and wouldn't let her use the phone, meanwhile she's tweeting how she's traveling for Montreal and all over Canad while she's staying at his place, the cuckold probably paid her tickets.
Her lies led to a mans death, stop trying to whitewash your little cult
Yes you can. If you know a person is paranoid and suicidal, you can edge him on like Zoe did by sending a twitter mob after him.
reminder that the left changed neckbeard meaning from beta white knight to alt right incel because they couldn't cope
>Also who the fuck distinguishes channelers
Resetera tourists (female) with no chan familiarity who are trying to do the anonymous internet equivalent of "healing the bad guy with love" for some bizarre sexual pleasure.
>put someone in a cage filled with snakes
>"no one is responsible for another actions. Just don't die to the snakes?"
>dodging filters AND invoking /pol/'s laziest meme
Impressive recruitment tactics.
You're making /pol/ out to be something greater than it actually is. I'm going to tell you right now that /pol/ is obscenely afraid of the silliest things. Like black cock! Go anywhere inside any thread on /pol/ and the moment you notice a thread complaining about the current state of /pol/, you will hear complaints about Jews pushing their race-mixing propaganda. Fear of cuckoldry is quite literally ingrained in their DNA.
I was just giving out a whitepill fully expecting a good number of /pol/ recruits to have fallen victim of the BLACKED meme.
Even if you genuinely believe that, the law disagrees. There was that woman who egged her boyfriend on to commit suicide and got prison time for it.
Nope. He killed himself. No one made him do it. That shit is on him. He could have uninstalled twitter, he could have turned the computer off and went outside for a walk, but he chose to kill himself.
>the incels aren't the beta white knights
>lol just turn off your computer
>that'll change the fact that you just got shut out of the industry you spent your entire life on and even your family abandoned you
Did Zoe repeatedly tell him to kill himself over the course of an hours-long conversation, including ridiculing him for having second thoughts?
Based harvester poster.
Jesus Christ you are obsessed.
>unique and repeating visitors.
Wait a second. Isn't that essentially what a website user means? Unique and repeating visitors?
It's not sexual pleasure. I'm honestly enraged by you faggots throwing around misinformation in order you make yourselves to be the perpetual victims.
Cunt deleted her twitter.
Must feel guilty about her false accusations driving a man to suicide.
Millions of people buy video games without a second thought for what some dumb bitch says on twitter about the devs. He shut himself out.
She couldn't even last a week without social media though because it's back.
Porn is degenerate.
Women should not be masturbating to men on the internet, regardless of race. They should be raising loving families.
Only an absolutely confused moron with no grasp of traditionalist or reactionary politics would think that a fucking PHONE SCREENCAP of PORN on REDDIT is anything other than the pinnacle of what the buzzword "c*mbrain" represents, then you are a fool.
I don't care what you think /pol/ is. If you think /pol/ is a greasy sexless sargon viewer who is mad about black cock, then all the power to you.
BLACKED is a meme. It's funny. The template with the hand is funny, even when it is entirely displaced from miscegenation.
Please stop misusing "whitepill". It does not mean you larping as what Buzzfeed pretends Contrapoints is. Do us all a favour and just go back.
What a fucking flatso
She has a second twitter account. Something primape or something.
How would he assemble a team to make a game with when the entire indie circlejerk is against him? He was just some random indie schmuck, not EA or something. You have to play by their rules.
What I meant by unique and repeating is that over a period of time, Alexa tracks how many people only visit once, and how many people continually visit, and how often these people return. All of these variables factor to Alexa rank vs just visitor count.
I'm going to tell you right now that's not going to happen. Dude emotionally abused somebody, his girl finally spoke out about it line she should.
It's not her fault the abuser Jeffrey Epstein'd.
People being oppressed by overbearing legal and social structures tend to be victims.
That being said, I agree with you. White men, traditionalists, and reactionaries should not be playing the victim. Victims are weak, they should be victors instead.
>traditionalist or reactionary politics
So the exact opposite of progress i.e. evolution i.e. the only reason that humans are masters of our world. Gotcha, champ.
>me side right you side wrong
>our world
cringe and esoteric luciferian-pilled.
>If you have sex with someone that's underaged, even if they told you (but i'm 18!), guess who goes to jail and who doesn't?
It's a good thing he's not having sex with anyone so he's not actually putting himself in any legal danger since he can't be held accountable for the actions of others. Dumb comparison.
>Jared himself is putting HIMSELF in the situation of receiving CP, regardless if he's pedo or not, underaged viewers will end up submitting that under the guise that they're 18+, and being in possession of CP still makes you guilty.
Oh shit user, a Russian spambot sent CP to your email, you're guilty. No wait, that would be retarded, because you had no part in receiving it.
We know that one of the people did send Jared the nudes when lying about being over 18, so why exactly hasn't he been charged with possessing CP? Surely you can explain that one for us.
This, but with a caveat.
The things they post are real things, but they're real things specifically meant to depress the observer. It's lying by omission via making everyone think the world is going to hell.
Granted, this is waaaaaaay less toxic than the opposite end where they simply lie to each other all the time and castigate anyone who breeches the lie. At the same time, it can be equally damaging to the psyche.
The idea it's 'outright lies' is misleading. The discussions about world events, societal problems, and humanity and politics in general are very real. It's just you're looking at only the glass half empty portion of the argument. It's an online hurtbox as opposed to the online hugbox.
Bring back 2016 Yea Forums. We SHOULD have a Trump general on here like we do on /pol/.
Good article. Why isn't this posted everywhere.
>all these blackpilled people making others upset
You gotta wake up anons.
You seem to misunderstand Yea Forums. The people who hate trannies, hate muslims, and post DEUS VULT crusader stuff aren't white flyover protestants, nor are they pagan nazis; they're Latin American, specifically Catholics. Yea Forums reflects the US demographics primarily and the US is becoming more Latino, which is also why LGBT acceptance is in decline among the
>Alec died last weekend
lol, they make it seem like it was natural causes. They really don't want to take the responsibility for this one.
This. Vote for Trump so we can keep Israel powerful. We need them.
But /pol/ is based around greasy sexless jargon. Redpill, cuck, chad, blacked, and this weird notion of "femoids" all came from Incel websites. The Blackpill itself was originally a website of Incels that have given up all hope of getting laid. A good number of mass shooter manifestos directly name incel viewpoints as their reasons to do what they did.
Now. You may think that /pol/ is something bigger, a reflection of what you consider greater. But let's be honest here. Their biggest fesr is immigrants having so much sex they make white people brown. Everything else about bad genes is just them being flabbergasted that white women would choose such "inferior" men.
Even though they don't.
>election tourist thinks they're welcome here
We were here before you came, and we'll be here after you scuttle back to /r/the_donald when he loses.
>wanting to belong in either camp
I just go where the entertainment is and watch
>and we'll be here after you scuttle back to /r/the_donald when he loses.
lol we'll stay here even if he does somehow lose (but he won't). We are the majority. Trump and Israel will remain in power and nothing any of you oldfags do can stop us.
>zionist neo-con zoomers
Not bad kid
stop hanging around white chicks, specifically middle class white chicks. literally all your problems will end.
All this SJW bullshit that's been annoying people was literally spawned out of middle class and occasionally upper class white women.
>The things they post are real things, but they're real things specifically meant to depress the observer. It's lying by omission via making everyone think the world is going to hell.
So just like the 6 o'clock news?
Well. You're not going to be a victor if you shut off entire groups of people fron your life and country. Everytime you try, you create the same shithole you accuse other countries of being. Literally, the number one reason the European countries made as great strides as they did, is because they actively avoid going unga-bunga on minorities.
That's what the succesful White Christians do, after all. The ones that maintain great power tend to support immigration and Leftism.
It is the Lesser Whites that support xenophobia, and the White Elite are actively breeding the Lesser Whites for their failires to rise up.
How did Trump supporters go from supposedly hating Jews to now loving them? Is it really just because Trump loves them?
>immigrants having so much sex they make white people brown
>the future consists of an entire race of delicious brown crossbreeds with the most attractive features from all races
Is this, dare I say, the best timeline?
>we were just a bit ahead of the curve
>sniffs own farts
I guess Amannda Todd was just a stupid bitch then
Their #1 priority is to "own the libs", morality and convictions mean nothing.
I see I'm not alone.
Attractive mixed girls are my weakness.
I'm sad I was only born at the dawn of this era.
>We typed this up hoping that we won't get sued.
Nigger these systems are unsustainable. The "successful white Christians" are supported only by expansion. Now that the whole world is discovered, conquered, and owned, there's no where else to expand to. I would rather preserve this standard of living by being a sustainable culture then try to cash in the future today.
>the most attractive features from all races
Most attractive features are recessive so you'll probably just get some weird troll shit with occasional cuties, just like now. Assuming you don't think that 3D=PD like I do.
>The things they post are real things
I wished I could post every single Link to tell you why that's bullshit. Instead, I'll ask you a questionnaire.
Do Jews hold disproportionate amount of power? Explain your viewpoint. I'll try and see if I can argue against. Just keep the back and forth.
is this how normal people are? I can't relate to anything that guy said. I don't psycho analyze my friends, class mates or co-workers. This seems like a really dark version of those made for tv rom-coms my mom watches.
It's not my country. America is lost. You will know "my country" when you see it.
Also surprising that a "leftist" is using capital as a measure of success.
What does capital in excess even bring? Dopamine?
Wrong. It incubates, mutates, and propagates around and within wh*te w*men, but the original vector is from elsewhere.
No need to push this demoralization around here.
This. Boomers and MAGApedes are braindead sheep.
>they're Latin American, specifically Catholics.
You're insinuating that Latin Americans are immune to White Supremacist theory. They would be the biggest of cucks, and I don't reslly know where this hatred stems from. Most likely ignorance. But I'll say it right now that Latin Americans are not safe from critics.
The majority of Trumps supporters are boomer-flavorered neo-con knockoffs. The alt-right is fucking tiny and had nothing to do with him getting elected. Or, all his Jewish friends, Israel support and Hebrew family members is the greatest deepcover trick a Nazi ever pulled.
/pol/ is the worst thing to have happened to this site
>based latino paladins teaming up with internet larpers and anglo hicks to misgender people in video games
That sounds pretty fun, desu
no, the 2016 elections and the fappening were
let me rephrase:
the right wing is the worst thing to have happened to the human race
>You're insinuating that Latin Americans are immune to White Supremacist theory
Not that user. but where did he say that?
Gamergate (yes, really) and dissonant-right energy was co-opted by the GoP propaganda arm to provide the illusion of a grassroots populist movement behind the Trump campaign, energizing voter turn-out in the states that won Trump the presidency. This same energy was stifled on the opposite side by the Coronation of Hilldawg over Sanders, resulting in a crushing defeat.
Claiming that the "alt-right" did nothing to elect Trump is either dishonest demoralization or willful ignorance.
and gg.
those 3 events came together and put Yea Forums on the map when it had been relatively stayed out of the public eye for a while.
The indie scene is an incestuous, cannibalistic circlejerk of broken people full of psychological defects. They are very definitely not normal, but they are endemic to indie gaming.
you fucks weren't around for chanology and it shows
lurk moar
This is only with a couple of popular devs.
There are tons of normal people who go unnoticed because they're not attention whores.
Imagine being this ignorant.
Yea Forums has been mainstream since Chanology, Exploding Vans, and the Habbo raids.
It was culturally significant even before that, and if you consider it a branch of SA, it could be argued that the SA-chan complex was the most culturally relevant nexus of pre-mobile web 2.0.
I don't understand your post. White pride is big in Latin America, just look at Argentina. I'm just saying your whitepills are dumb because a good chunk of your targets are Latino. The only people you can be sure are white are neocon boomers and those faggots that cry about white genocide.
>relatively stayed out of the public eye for a while
chanology was late 2000s, pre-iphone, and pre-social media boom, before todlers came out the womb with tablets and your grandma could use one.
The attention Yea Forums got form that and the influx of traffic was nothing compared to what happened in 2013-2017
The "alt-right" is a few thousand people that act as the bad optics equivalent of a Chernobyl reactor numbered between 3 and 5. Donald Trump won because Hillary Clinton took shits on the white working class, then failed to campaign in Pennyslvania, Ohio, and the midwest. The idea that Russia, Gamergate, Bernard Sanders, Joseph Rogan, Sseth Rich or the Iluminati made her run a self-destructive campaign is either dishonest demoralization or earnerst schizophrenia.
2 and 4 are the best disguises, the rest I could easily identify as Hitler.
>ywn play Stealth Hitler in a Metal Gear Solid-esque story trying to take down the secret power structures that have ruled over society since society began
Imagine actually thinking this.
Actually yes.
You're demonstrating how they're lying to you by omission.
Yes, Jews hold a ton of power, but so do lots of white people, and asians. China makes a new millionaire every week, at its current rate of growth.
By focusing on the jews, they are not wrong that it's disproportionate compared to the population, but outright omits the other demographics and the reasons they're as rich as they are. This is the essence of the blackpill, by ignoring the glass half-full, it's an ideology of glass half-empty.
Not my fault if your head is in the sand. Makes it much easier.
Sadly nothing will come of it.
Their studio might be finished now, though.
>these replies
I've been coming to Yea Forums for 15 years and I know the sort of reflexive cynicism that prevents you from expressing or maybe even experiencing some degree of appreciation for things like this. It's sad when it's something you don't grow out of, but I can understand it; that way you feel like you can't be fooled. Truth is, though, you often fool yourselves, looking for narratives that supports ideas that you're only selectively cynical about. You'll display a healthy level of skepticism one way, but the other you'll be easily convinced as long as it falls in line with what you want to believe. I'm not saying I'm above this groupthink or that it's possible to ever be completely without bias, but please do everyone and yourself a favor and try to do better. You can fire someone without completely isolating them. Don't pretend you know all the details and the intentions.
Is Zoe Quinn going to jail over this?
People are finding a lot of inconsistencies with her allegations that caused the dev to kill himself.
>US becoming a Latino-Catholic nation
>Europe becoming a middle eastern, Islamic caliphate
Born just in time for the second Reconquista.
You astroturfing fags arent any better.
I'm going to need to see your proofs of Gamergate swinging the election.
Vote to tax rich people more, then. You mongoloid. Make a decent Healthcare to fix your mental issues. We all know this system is unsustainable, but you only vote for people who make it worse. Blaming brown people isn't going to help with that. They're as much victims as Lesser Whites, and habe been for a longer time. Now the chicks are coming home to roost, and Lesser Whites are beginning to fwel how it feels to be lumped with all the minorities betrayed by the Greater Whites.
Your parents could have stopped this, but they ignored it. Don't make the same mistakes by blaming the wrong person.
Read above. Congrats! You now agree with leftists about capital not being the sole measure of success.
Someone would have to press charges, and even his own family abandoned him, so there's nobody who can that actually would. Hell, his own sister made a donation to Zoe the day after he killed himself.
>poles and mexicans fighting side by side, not for religion, but for the right to drink booze
>the legends come true
How can she go to jail when the guy didn't leave any sort of way to convict her and Alec's family believes the accusations?
> It’s Not Okay, Cupid
was this ever a thing? google only brings up a web series
His sister threw him under the bus, no one is gonna press charges unless he set up a dead man's switch to wire money to a top-tier lawyer.
The future is looking bright afterall.
when will cancel culture fuck off for good
His family knew he was an abusive guy with bipolar and a personality disorder. He was fucked up and was suicidal without Zoe's help. There's no case.
You cannot grasp the concept of a blackpill (existential dread in response to agitprop) or a white pill. Stop misusing these terms.
You're not fooling anyone, tourist.
Woah I guess that means I'm a leftist now since I don't like morally-unrestrained global capitalism! You did it, Contrapoints-lite! You saved me from the clutches of the fascsists!
I'll be sure to vote to take money away from those evil bankers! Just not ones from a certain ethnicity, they're cherubs!
Here's an actual white pill:
Once everyone is canceled, no-one will be canceled.
Never. That's actually Smith's invisible hand at work, but it's hard for even centrist capitalists to admit that.
What the fuck is wrong with Bipolar people
They are all fucking evil
Everyone with BPD should be fucking put on an asylum before doing harm to others
>Mae attempted to murder someone
>Casey helped build a meth lab
>Gregg was a thief, vandal, and regularly broke into private property
>Game is all about how doing bad things doesn't exclude you from redemption and how important it is to stick together and help your friends become better people
>Unless their name is Alec lmao
Especially hilarious when Angus gets treated like a prick because he had no remorse for murdering the cult
If he would stop bitching about it people wouldnt talk about it anymore. I'm starting to think this isnt as horrible to him as he pretends and he actually wants to keep the controversy alive so he can keep virtue signalling.
cancel culture doesn't exist
I'm going to put it simple for you: Latinos think themselves as white as Anglos or Germanoids, which is why White Pride ironically finds good roots there. Just because you're Latino, doesn't mesn you're not scared of the BLACK COCK and desperately need a white dude to fuck a white chick to feel better.
Which is what makes them cucks to the white man.
I thought BPD was for Borderline Personality Disorder?
This logic makes no sense, smells of shitposter.
>he thinks 1/2 anglo 1/2 cherokee hicks and 1/2 med 1/2 aztec spics aren't the exact same race
Yeah that and Bipolar too
>fixated on newfag lingo
>calls others tourists
How's the wojack collection coming?
>I'll be sure to vote to take money away from those evil bankers! Just not ones from a certain ethnicity, they're cherubs!
There's prime conspiracy shit I'm talking about.
TAX THE WEALTHY FUCKING JEWS TO YOU MOUTHBREATHER. NOBODY has ever said you can't do that. The only thing they ask you is to not throw around conspiracy theories made by white supremacists that believe the solution to every problem is murder.
Stop being so goddamned paranoid. And you know who did this to you? Fucking /pol/.
Am I understanding this right? Alec texted Benson a while back basically saying "I'm drunk and going to kill myself" and Benson did jack shit about it, and now Benson is saying he stands up for suicidal people? After he basically told the world Alec was a rapist when he definitively isn't?
>Something sad happens
>People who know nothing about the situation spam links to suicide hotlines
Is this the internet version of pretending you were someone's friend after they die?
Who said anything about g*d's ch*sen people you unhinged schizo? Fuck off back to /pol/.
Oh neat, I've managed to bait out a higher-up that has read enough primers to familiarize himself with chan culture.
I'm going to bed now. Oyasumi.
The hope is that the knowledge helps someone and it's a way to spread awareness, remove the stigma, and help others who may be in similar situations.
Productive thread, we have learned:
>fuck bankers
>fuck liberals
>fuck discord trannies
>fuck crazy white women
>fuck chinks
>fuck Alec
>fuck Zoe
>Latinos will inherit the earth
you gave me a hearty chuckle
thank you my friend
Yeah but they just post in on their twitter and then never mention the issue at all again
Utterly based.
>Obviously when it was just Quinn and co. making claims it was easy to side with Alec
You didn't read the comments in the NITW community then. Everyone instantly believed Zoe's side of the story. They believed it so hard they even believed things she didn't even say. Zoe planted a seed in the community's mind that Alec had raped her and countless other women. Then she acted as judge, jury, and executioner and drove him to kill himself after ruining his life and future chances of employment or social standing. All over baseless claims. And nobody even tried to defend him. His closest friends and family all dumped him and insulted him moments prior to his death, during his death, and immediately after his death. It's all so fucked.
You're showing what your brain is going to continue to do when information you aren't comfortable with enters your safe space. You're actually generous with how obvious you make your defense mechanisms. Goodnight, I hope you continue to grow.
The SJWs I know often bring up suicide help and resources even before any sort of instance of suicide in their circle. How would you even know unless you religiously keep tabs on everyone involved?
Here's the problem with that idea: if he was "that bad", why did they all wait until after Zoe Quinn accused him of rape to say anything? Why stay friends/coworkers with him for years if he is that bad? It's a totally ridiculous position.
>there is a universe where Alec is black
>SJWs lynch Zoe for murdering Alec
>there is a universe where Alec is a woman
>SJWs lynch Scott for murdering Alec
>there is a universe where Alec is a black woman
>WW3 breaks loose
It didn't help that the guy had a reputation for threatening suicide with people he barely knew. He was fucked up. I think Zoe is a bad person and I know she isn't above lying, but there's no need to play judge, jury, and executioner with her. This idea that Alec couldn't be a bad person because Zoe sucks is bad reasoning.
The Last Night was cancelled because it dared to criticize socialism
You seem like the type of person who gets their news exclusively from headlines without context posted on Yea Forums.
Do you think he would have killed himself if a literal who made the same claims Zoe did? I doubt it. Enough people unquestioningly follow Zoe's word as absolute truth that she has an influence people like us can't even comprehend. It's like that scene in MGS4 where Ocelot can point a finger at someone and literally kill them just like that.
The clout of the patriots!
Is that the cyberpunk delivery game? I was really looking forward to that.
Who else has she done this to? What's this based on?
Imagine a scenario where Zoe made the same post she did but replace Alec's name with Scott. Scott might not have killed himself since he's a little more mentally stable, but we'd be in a world where the NITW community and anyone else who follows this sort of thing would believe Scott was a rapist, even though nothing is changed in this hypothetical situation relative to reality other than one word from a liar woman.
>His suicide made me look bad, and i'm mad about that!
Guess this is the narrative they're using to try and save face. Really would have been better to just say nothing at all.
Because Zoe did it publically. There were rumors about him, but no conversation. Once she put it on twitter and there was only accounts supporting his bad behavior and no one talking about what a stand-up guy he is, he was let go.
Quinn screams and cries about being sexually assaulted basically every other week. She's either fucking horrible at judging character, or the more likely, a fucking rat that gains success off the blood of other people.
The only reason people believe her is because she has a fucking gash between her legs. And anyone who automatically takes her word is also a worthless fucking rat.
Are you seriously asking how Zoe Quinn, who kickstarted gamergate, has more influence than the average person?
>If you are wrestling with mental health issues, we also stand with you
>Unless you've been publicly accused by an angry mob, then we'll just join in
>/pol/ is wrong because I go to a primarily SJW site and beat off to white guys
Well, that's certainly an opinion.
>hypotheticals are evidence
Or, here's an equally valid take, he'd take to social media to call out Zoe and all her bad behavior, bringing out her critics and the people who know who and can't stand her against her. The industry is better for it.
I would like to think that this is the last time Zoe can do this but it really happens like once a year. Last year it was Max Landis.
>Nathan abuses his power
>ex-bf writes the Five Guys report
>Yea Forums doesn't even fucking read the report and instead repeats the misinformation that Five Guys wrote reviews for her game
>later say it's about ethics in journalism and call Zoe "literally who"
>>>>Zoe kickstarted gamergate
Max was accused by multiple women though.
Cute Coyote!
The only positive benefit of Latinos outbreeding all other American races: They don't tolerate fags. It's kinda like how the left openly welcomes Muslims despite the fact that Muslims treat women as property and openly kill gays. A pyrrhic victory if anything.
Kill yourself
"Accused" of being a jerk, basically.
That's the thing though, when someone gets accused like Alec did, the default state is to assume the worst. A potential employer or just someone looking to be friends takes one look at his name and thinks "Oh, there are some nasty claims about him that aren't proven but I can't take the risk in case they are true." When the average person hears someone is a sexual predator, they immediately think of a violent rapist who they can't ever show any sort of humanity towards, even if the reality is that they were falsely accused. Because nobody wants to take the risk. It's an unnecessary risk that nobody needs to take. Scott was 100% fine with working with Alec on NITW2 and they were in the middle of pre-production but then Zoe happened and he could no longer take the risk of bad press due to Alec's involvement so he kicked him off the team. At that point nothing had changed other than people's perception of Alec despite lol no evidence. You simply cannot fight a society of witch hunters by saying "I'm no witch!" because that's what a witch would say and we can't take that risk.
Yeah and Zoe hopped right in.
Nah man I'm nice and cool.
>You simply cannot fight a society of witch hunters by saying "I'm no witch!"
What does it mean to "cancel" someone? It's basically a mock execution. Even now they're using his death as "proof" that they're witch hunt was righteous. "He killed himself, he must have been guilty!" Implying of course that the penalty for being #metoo'd should be death.
Imagine showing your dick to the coyote and he gives you that face.
Latinos are the most racist gaybashers on the planet, it's hilarious.
>sounds like me
Nice knowing you all
Soule: I'm going to the police/my lawyer because these accusations are false
>this is a sign of guilt, innocent people don't do that.
Jared: Is silent
>this is a sign of guilt, innocent people don't do that.
Alec: Fucking dies.
>this is a sign of guilt, innocent people don't do that.
What do you do when they come for you?
"Actually, she raped me"
It's called a Kafka-trap. Any action you take is interpreted as an admission of guilt. As long as you live in the United States, taking legal action is the only course that could reduce the damage to your life and career. Years later, if you win
Its not too late. You can still change your hikikomori ways.
And don't forget the ones who apologized, that's an ADMISSION of guilt. They never get forgiven.
Yet so many hispanics are flamboyantly gay
A VN would imply there were art assets made for the game and not just a few stock images thrown in.
I want to see someone get hit with an accusation and just go ballistic and tell everyone on twitter to take it to the police or shove it up their ass.
Zoe Quinn exaggerated how much of a shit person Alec Hawloween is so he killed himself
they still become unhireable to most employers
>go ballistic
Get ready for the toxic masculinity accusations with that tactic. SJWs don't consider police action to be viable because "cops protect rapists" and "abuse is like, so much more complicated than that." Your best bet is to just act professional, remind everyone they can't believe everything they read on the internet.
Only in primarily white communities. Homosexuality is nonexistent in ghettos or south of the border... Because they flat out kill fags.
>this guy is dead in the ground but FUCK. HIM. Pity me! #believaallwomen
These people are disgusting but its obvious theyre feeding off the attention. Just ignore them.
They get shot right in the light of day in Brazil and other shitholes. Others do, too, but for their wallet, not their fake tits or funny walk.
It's not a good game unless you were an asshole growing up and want to feel nostalgic about being an asshole.
Oh, Im not saying they have to win
I just want to see someone go nuclear
>People ask me how I feel and what I feel is angry. Just angry. I'm angry at how last week went. I'm angry at what Alec did to others, and to me. I'm angry with how he handled it. I'm angry that we're left to clean up a mess he left behind. I'm angry we've had to deal with this in public, and that we've been made such a focus of this story. I'm angry with Alec. For a lot of reasons I'm angry with Alec.
What a scumbag
Okay so this statement is false
>I would like to think that this is the last time Zoe can do this but it really happens like once a year. Last year it was Max Landis.
You function off complete cyncism and ignore the case of Aziz where he denied it and people came to his aid. Trump denied his and he became president and didn't even make good on his promise to see that his accusers are punished and the fact that he was accused at all has almost been completely dropped by people who want to see him hang. The fact that you so easily believe in your hypothetical is insane.
> Abandon your friend in their time of need and lead them to suicide.
> Give this response.
What a fucking spineless coward.
>he’s never had someone who was awful to him commit suicide and get mixed feelings
What a pleb
Imagine feeling bad for a people who regularly scalp yours
>even when expressing sympathy and making it about suicide prevention it's still about evil women
Your post insults rats.
Just because the only Latino youve ever met was gay does not mean all Latinos are gay.
Trail of tears was Cherokee. The reason so many people can say they're 1/64 Cherokee is because the Cherokee lived in towns and farmed.
Fuck the plain dwellers that just raided on horseback like the apache.
You tell the internet Zoe is dishonest, outline how, and continue to live. If you can't find work anywhere because of indie faggot clique politics, I'd be impressed, but actually trying and looking, and failing makes gives you more power against the clique. You become the story so many people are hungry for. I don't understand how anyone who witnessed GG could think someone openly calling out Zoe on all her shit wouldn't find some sort of support here.
Where's the lie tho? Zoe used her Twitter mob to make this happen.
>leftist lunatic writes music for group of other leftist lunatics, which they put into a game that preaches leftist lunacy
>most leftist, most lunatic woman of all accuses music-writing leftist lunatic of raping her
>she does this because, as she has demonstrated many times in the past, she is not afraid to do literally anything for money
>all the other leftists clap like seals and Listen & Believe her (without evidence) because that is what you must do or else you are the Hitler
>music-writing leftist lunatic kills himself after his livelihood is destroyed by his former "friends"
>woman who accused him is lying low until the outrage dies down and she can think up another scheme
>the leftist lunatic "friends" who drove music-writing leftist to suicide start running damage control
>because they are leftists and lunatics this amounts to nothing except insisting he was a horrible man who deserved to die
>even the deceased's own family are brainwashed so they agree with this assertion
Everyone involved in this scenario is human detritus. The only upside to any of it is how great of a showcase it is for exposing these sorts of people as the maniacal opportunistic empty-headed sociopaths they are.
Just fuck her if she's not a cave troll. Any mental issues of a woman originate in her libido, or lack thereof.
And you ignore the topic of the fucking thread where Alec had his life ruined over the misinterpreted words of someone on twitter. Citing exceptions does not prove the shit happening right before our eyes cannot happen. We've recently seen many famous people being taken down over words that bypass the justice system and instead throw it into the hands of the public, allowing perception to be warped by the inherently cynical nature of mankind. It goes back to my argument about risk. It's a natural instinct to want to avoid potential risk when there's nothing to gain you couldn't find elsewhere. Why eat a mysterious new fruit when you have plenty of apples? Why be friends with potential-rapist Alec when I have other friends who haven't been accused?
Worst post I have seen all month
The lie is right here
>this guy is dead in the ground but FUCK. HIM. Pity me! #believaallwomen
I get that it isn't supposed to be viewed as true but rather that snark that outlines a feeling, but that's all it is. The link isn't about "listen and believe" shit.
That still doesn't make sense. If someone is bad enough to the point where you INSTANTLY believe a rape accusation about him, why would you stay coworker with him?
>even the deceased's own family are brainwashed so they agree with this assertion
What the fuck is that about? They threw him away so damn quickly.
That's what Kavanaugh did. He went to his hearing full of fire and feary and accused the senators of conspiring to tank his political career.
Because rumors aren't a conversation and if someone is talented and reliable in the office, you hold onto them. It's like the office politics of this one sports team where some players were let go after someone came forward and told the coach about their drug habits everyone already knew about; once something has been formally stated in the form of some sort of grievance, actions are more likely to be taken.
New-age leftism is a cult
That's the part that makes Scott the biggest scumbag to me. He and Alec finished NITW, parted ways for a bit, then Scott contacted Alec recently to make an epilogue for NITW and they began working on it. This happened despite Scott apparently hating Alec's guts and knowing he's a pain to work with and has a multitude of mental problems and is a cunt to people. I can see it no other way that Scott fired Alec then made posts insulting him for no other reason than PR. It's bad press to have an alleged rapist on your team, but you can't just fire your public buddy like that. You have to let everyone know that you were "begrudgingly" tied to him and "forced" to work with him for the sake of your project.
More like she’s the only natural female indie dev
That's literally what Trump did.
the guitar hero parts require both musical & mathematic coding knowledge in tandem.
The ideology is more important than family to them. Remember that girl who got killed by an illegal alien, and the first thing her dad did was tell the press how much he liked mexican food? His daughter's murder got in the way of his beliefs.
The only gays who survive in South America are 6'5 crossdressers who could put most gaybashers through a table, if not slit them with a stiletto (the shoe)
>Because rumors aren't a conversation and if someone is talented and reliable in the office, you hold onto them.
Yeah, except everyone is now claiming he was deranged drama queen that threatened suicide every other week. Doesn't quite seem like a reliable worker, does it?
Is this the Chad effect? Is Zoe Quinn a "Chad" in the eyes of SJWs? Do you become more Chad to them the more you get raped?
>ignore the topic
I'm not. Pointing out the statical unlikelihood of winning the lottery isn't to say that people don't win the lottery.
>Why eat a mysterious new fruit when you have plenty of apples? Why be friends with potential-rapist Alec when I have other friends who haven't been accused?
I don't know, why don't you ask the people who still give Louis CK, Aziz, Trump, and Based Boofer Brett work?
>Afternoon Alec, how's the music coming along
>Boy that's rough Alec, hey we can talk about it more at lunch, I'll listen to your music then too
If you have worked in any sort of millennial environment you always find someone like this. People stress themselves out for no fucking reason. Just lend them an ear so long as they're productive, like a reward for doing a good job.
What if this turns out to be a fucked up attempt at trying to shore up sales, the guy never killed himself, and they all colluded to give the game attention?
You're right, sorry to rats.
You can be fucked up and still dedicated and reliable. You can be perfectly together mentally and still be a detriment to your employers.
More realistically they had him offed to rake in more shares of sales
If anybody did that shit in my office, they would be let go that week. Quite dancing around the fact that all these people were buddy-buddy with him the week before-hand.
Ever considered that he might have been so shit of a person that he pushed his own family away?
>If anybody did that shit in my office, they would be let go that week
No he wouldn't, because he would turn around and sue you & he would win.
So having your life ruined by a witch hunt is a lottery and this is perfectly ok to you because sometimes people are lucky enough to draw a get out of jail free card? I really can't see your point here, it almost feels like we're agreeing on some level because we're both acknowledging these situations can go either way for the accused.
Yeah, no they wouldn't. People have been let go for less.
Where the fuck do you work? Not that guy but I've worked in a psych hospital and many people there are sent in by their companies on the company dime through EAP, meaning that they expect some people to get suicidal and they get them help.
I'm sure it's possible. However, all of his accusations were pretty minor compared to the way the people around him reacted.
He was rude sometimes, he didn't pay for Zoe's plane ticket, and he was insensitive during BDSM. Assuming all of this happened the way his accuser laid it out, that still seems a bit light for his own sister to send money to the woman who decided to send this guy for a night in the woods.
Someone's never lived in a no-fault state. Seriously, no-fault is fucked and the corporate sockpuppets who came up with it should be put on a fucking stake.
Literally every word in the OP contradicts what you have typed here. People are complicated, relationships moreso. If reality was as simple as you claim then the world would be a better place, but it isn't.
Fuck, at-will, not no-fault.
NEET here. What does this mean?
But it's his family who raised him and grew up with him. They are responsible for his upbringing and thusly, at the very least morally responsible for what kind of person he turned out to be. Perhaps it's not surprising that a family of snakes raised a snake.
Hey Scott, you let your friend die to get Twitter points. No one cares about your gay blog, it doesn't rewrite history.
Means an employer can fire someone for no reason at all, and leaves the firee with basically no legal recourse against them.
You're telling me that accusing Scott would just end with him not killing himself but would go down the same way.
>You simply cannot fight a society of witch hunters by saying "I'm no witch!" because that's what a witch would say and we can't take that risk.
I thought we were disagreeing, but if you're saying these cases have different ways of ending depending on the substance and the character of the accused and accuser, then great.
>the mc in NITW nearly beats a kid to death due to her mental illness but the game doesn't care about fixing her
>we're supposed to sympathize with her
>alec has a clear history of mentally fucked behavior and according to his sister he was better now
>none of his "friends" even stood for him
>he doesnt know what the actual tranny discord is
I thought the cult was just making her mental illness schizo shit worse.
Trump and Kavanaugh did just that. You might also notice that they're two of the few people to not have their life ruined by their accusation.
#metoo is a wonderful tool that even cunts can use now to get their way . What times we live on .
Discuss about zoe quinn, alec's shitty coworkers, his cunt of a family and the impact of cancel culture to both society and gaming in general.
DO NOT reply nor give any attention to seething resetera trannies trying to derail the thread with their desperate
Have a good day
The real redpill: /pol/ is the trannies
They're also two of the most powerful people on Earth, with massive networks of powerful people behind them who would be devastated if they fell. Really makes you think...
And suddenly, the posts defending Scott stop...
>Quite dancing around the fact that all these people were buddy-buddy with him the week before-hand
No powerful people have ever been taken down by rape accusations, got it.
Seriously, holy fuck. They use gaming as a tool to talk about themselves and their opinions instead of trying to make a game made for anyone and everyone to have fun. Everything gone wrong with the gaming industry is because of people like these who can't keep their mouth's shut about their problems and beliefs.
Now gaming is apparently focused on suicide, depression, gender, political parties and race. I hate it. I hate it so much. Just fucking give me timesplitters 4
>Literally every word in the OP contradicts what you have typed here
This just shows how ignorant you are. It's a known fact that Scott and Alec were working on additional content for NITW, they fucking announced it like 1 week before Zoe got the idea to accuse someone of abuse. And if Scott understood how complicated people and relationships are, he would have stood by Alec's side instead of kicking him while he was down. He doesn't have to praise Alec's shittiness, but would it have killed him to suggest that maybe Zoe is full of bullshit and that Alec might be redeemable? Scott of all people should have known Alec was a hair away from blowing his brains out at any given moment so I don't know what he was thinking making such a scathing public post on top of shitting on his legacy and cancelling their passion project.
So long as you've had sex or thought about a women, you've raped her
>a few twitter cat tweets tells you what all of gaming is about
How do you function?
Including his sister lmao
Accuse the whole world of rape so everyone ever has to commit suicide
Show me candidates that WILL take the money from the rich and are actually able to reach the finals
We don't know what happened in the office. We don't know what type of support he offered. Buying into the mindset that suicidal people aren't holding themselves hostage, but really everyone around them is responsible for them is immature.
Uhh, every game is political you chud. If I spend a long time thinking about it, I can either decide that Timesplitters FP was rightwing because you use guns and fight Russians, which I don't like, or leftwing, because you shoot Russians and stop nukes, which I like. Also something about sexist character designs I guess.
>Rather than going to the police
Why do you stupid faggots always say this dumb shit?
Go to the police with what? do you virgins think that the pussy is a hyperbolic time chamber that hold on the sperm for years? what the fuck would the dumb bitch say to the police?
Even if this shit happened like 3 days ago there wouldn't be much for the police to go off of and you want them to find evidence for something she claims happened like 13 years ago?
Based and greenpilled
Very well I'd say. I didn't even read the tweets, but just look at indie games lately and the stuff people obsess over on Yea Forums and it's clear that there's an issue of failed artist and programmers using gaming as an outlet to create because there's legitimate money to me made.
That's wrong. You're dumb
Go away and have sex you oversensitive snowflake.
Yeah, it's all Alec's fault he was fired and lost all his friends from a rape accusation! That guy had problems anyway!
It's literally impossible to perfectly dodge controversy, that's settled. Even if TS4 doesn't mention politics, you'll have some retard offended about something or other.
We have a system for punishing people that commit crimes already.
What are you trying to say?
Yeah, I guess that means people shouldn't warn each other about other people.
That I agree with. My issue tapers from how the mentality involving gaming has changed for something that's supposed to be lighthearted distractions into this big circus of drama where everyone looks for something to be pissed off about.
I just miss when it was mostly old folks and Evangelical Christians who whined about gaming, but now it comes from inside the machine.
>I thought we were disagreeing, but if you're saying these cases have different ways of ending depending on the substance and the character of the accused and accuser, then great.
I believe those are factors that contribute to the resolution, but not the whole story.
My point with the Scott hypothetical was to imply it's just as viable for something like that to happen. A few weeks ago the public at large thought Alec was a pretty cool guy, same with Scott. The public hasn't been exposed to a shred of evidence nor investigation, yet they instantly believe in Zoe's story against Alec. What exactly would have stopped them from believing it was Scott if he was the one named? Especially if then Alec wrote up a post detailing how Scott was just the worst guy ever to work with and throw in some anecdotes about girls thinking he's creepy. I mean, who are these people to us? I've never met either of them, I'm not friends with them, I'm not familiar with them beyond their names and roles in making NITW. Telling me Anon1 is a dick holds as much weight as telling me Anon2 is a dick. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's unfair to judge these people when we haven't been given, and will not be given, the full story, but that's exactly what we're naturally inclined to do. The community passed judgement that Alec raped Zoe which is bs. I suppose I'm guilty as well for judging Scott based on how I perceive his comments on Alec but I can't help but feel it's more justified since Scott was clearly acting as an aggressor toward Alec in this situation.
Why are you here? Go shit up Zoe's feed instead.
It's called "propaganda". I learned to recognize the author's political agenda long time ago, and successfully avoided being bluepilled on many occasions. Looking back, holy cow I was lucky to dodge all this shit despite its volume.
Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton were raging about games in the 90's.
Not only does this have nothing to do with my point, it has nothing to do with what we were even talking about
As far as I know this faggot wasn't sentenced to death by the US government, he necked himself
So how the court system works has nothing to do with how people treat him after "news" comes out about him
Keep that in mind when your ex-girlfriend tells your boss you raped her
Not that guy but the mentality hasn't changed all at once, the medium just "grew up" and now you have people who view it more than just a toy industry and like to write articles about the history of Cuphead's art style and what it references. These perspectives joined the background noise of video game talk and doesn't really become an issue until you purposefully enter these threads. It's a non-issue.
>Monkey island