Was Persona 5 really THAT good?
Was Persona 5 really THAT good?
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Style over substance
no i just like curly haired boys
No but it's become the newest darling for console warring autists so it's either the greatest or worst thing ever.
not enough art of joker with a gigantic ass
that ass piece with bayo was good, even if smashtism aside
>that ass piece with bayo
show me
yes. buy it
I WILL make Joker my wife, you'll see
>tfw have had the special edition since launch and still haven't played the game
Granted it was mostly because my PS4 was extremely uncomfortable to use, but now that I finally got a chance to move it, things have been better.
God I love Akira's fluff.
Stop trying to get me to masturbate to Joker, it feels wrong.
there's a nice amount of nice jokerbutt in these ones.
if only there were pov animations of fucking him
i wanna play with it as i softly fuck his hs butt
I say this a lot, but there's nothing wrong with appreciating a good looking boy user. :)
You can play with the Fluff, but don't fuck him pls.
Oh, I'm fine with masturbating to cute boys, but sexualizing Joker just feels like it's crossing a line.
It was fun
I mean you don't have to lewd him. Any cute boy really. Just appreciate them as they are! Although I am curious as to what it is about him specifically that makes you feel this way?
but joker has such a nice, jiggly butt!
I don't actually know what it is, maybe the innocence of his everyday self, and the coolness of his PT self, I just never saw Joker in that way, and seeing sexual fanarts is kinda off putting.
I know it's weird, but that's how I feel.
>style over substance
I think I would kiss Joker and run my fingers through his hair but I'm not gay
Yes we all know that he has lovely posterior, but it doesn't mean you need to be so lewd about it!
There's nothing weird about it, I can understand how it might make you feel odd. I even have characters that I feel the same way about.
There's nothing gay about appreciating a nice boy lol. Or maybe even wanting to kiss one.
>Yes we all know that he has lovely posterior, but it doesn't mean you need to be so lewd about it!
then he shouldn't be pressing his big butt against my dick when we're on the train home, though!!
I just want a super cute Joker bf is that so wrong?
Damn, Joker banged all of these...?
Now are you sure that you're speaking of the right person? I can't ever imagine him doing something like that...
There's nothing wrong with that, just please treat him well.
Holy fuck, Haru got some tits
>That artist
>He's doing another one
is there a better persona boy?
Akechi is top cute
I actually don't have much on Akechi but i'll post what i have i guess
And that's that
coming for what?
You’ll never see him cooming
no it just got hyped up because of the music. it's worse than all of its predecessors but le funny youtubez man played it and thus it got popular.
according to my brother yea, and hes pretty into that kinda game
it was a very average JRPG
3 and 4 were both better
>It's not ok when Ryuji does it
anyone interested in royal?
>Now are you sure that you're speaking of the right person? I can't ever imagine him doing something like that...
he just loves teasing people with his huge butt...
Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve played a Persona game before the enhanced version came out and the changes look drastic enough to pick it up again after sinking a good 160 into the original. Might wait for a price drop first though.
good lord thats good shit
besides smash, what other games should be in?
No it's not, but it's still fun.
he should be sitting on my face user
patrician opinion user.
more art of this
if there's any
Yeah there needs to be more art of joker getting his ass eaten. Thanks for reading my blog.
would anyone mind a cuntboy joker?
>tfw straight haired boy
:( i want curly hair like jokers but i guess ill live
the backsack is pivotal so it doesnt particularly interest me.
75% of it's "parts" were good. Not parts of the story, but building blocks of the game itself. It had some pretty noticable flaws that could have been tweaked. It's not a bad game, but I do think it's over-rated and people tend to overlook that 25% that was fucked. Such as the writing. All of it. Across the board. I mean, shit like Ryuji screaming "BUT WE'RE THE PHANTOM THIEVES" in public no less than 50 times. Or how the characters had un-even levels of development and the ones introduced later on seemed like an afterthought. And that fucking cat anti-sleep mechanic which will go down as P5's most memorable character solely because of how fucking annoying he is.
is there such thing as a cuntboy that still has testies?
>(you) are best boy
No, it is good, but not even the best in its own series. It is literally the modern day, "BABBY'S FIRST," equivalent to JRPGs, similar to FF7 back in the day.
Not that I know of, that sounds awful. I dont want to picture that, user.
>Acting like everyone likes persona 5
It's the horse to beat for SMT right now.
is that xice?
where can i see his art of joker?
actually is it possible to have curlier hair as a cute boy? I'd like joker's aesthetic a lot and im decently close to it
>is that xice?
actually, no
Hmm, that's rather naughty of him, I'm rather surprised that he would do this!
BBTAG as a teaser/advertisement for P5A pls.
Yes, I unironically can't wait to play the whole game again.
I don't want to get too into this topic, but all I'll say is no, I would not mind that. However, while cuntboys are great, futa/hermaphrodite boys are even better. It's a shame that's such a rarity. That's it from me on this, though.
He is the best and deserves only the best from life. Is that too much to ask?
who is it?
No, it's really boring, 75% of the game is cutscenes and mindless busywork, I thought I would like it because I actually liked TMS#FE, but the TMS#FE-style gameplay is only like 25% of the experience; it's just too boggled down with endless talking and constant micromanagement.
What about a buff Joker?
i hope p5r lets me go on more pseudodates with second best boy
The artist told me to say xicebarnowl
Also, shout out to Axred7 who's reading these posts.
gay thread
Why won't they put Persona 4 on PS4? I'd buy it after loving 5.
>Not posting this one
I was looking for it to post actually
What would his awakening look like?
I give you the chance to post the alt version then
Nobody cares about your shitty bait user.
Post cute boys or fuck off.
I can do that
Hey I look like that boy
How do i get a joker haircut
Ehhh, toned at most. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like content that drastically alters the physique or proportions of characters from how they canonically look. Guys with massive muscles when they're twinks in canon, girls with airbag-sized chests when they're nowhere near that size, massive asses on either when they really just have some cute butts. I'm just picky I guess.
PLEASE this. Ryuji is also a good boy.
I dunno i've been pulling it off well I think
just ask for a haircut like his
Show us user
It was OK. But the pacing is a mess. It kind of blows its load in the first chapter and it needs to end a lot earlier than it does.
Where can i see more of his stuff?
well its more persona 3 protag now
Still show us
Kamoshida personal stakes
Style over substance
Haru dungeon bad
Persona 4
Someone post drive by kamoshida
uh okay
I know I'm asking for trouble now, but holy shit stop please. Go to another board.
Yes user
The name is right there, it's on twitter
made me think of this
This is a joke in Brickleberry about one of the main characters.
Link to this fully?
imgur maybe?
Should've fucking died on that boat!
not him, but here
.. gross. unfortunate.
Why has nobody pulled the models from the game yet...
Gay people aren't welcome here.
gay people have been here longer than you newfag
How disappointing
I want to be the cute boy working at a local business coffee shop
why arent any coffee shops hiring :(
dont you have to be cute in the first place to be a cute boy working somewhere
I am, user.
[citation needed]
I cried at the end of P5. That being said the game has many, many flaws.
I'd post but i dont want to flood the thread as someone has already posted something earlier like that
just pester the user prior, silly
I dont actually care either way I was just shitposting you. We need more joker in here.
What if Morgana becomes human in Royal and it turns out she's a cute girl?
We already know that Morgana is likely a boy, they showed a picture in one of the trailers IIRC
Akechi is absolute worst boy.
>Hmm, that's rather naughty of him, I'm rather surprised that he would do this!
he just knows he has such a big bum! how do we stop him? ;_;
Thanks user. I like looking cute for anons.
post an album then
oh dear.
Nice images. if you want to post any more go ahead but otherwise thank you for sharing.
It's confirmed that Morgana turns into a hot boy who want's to sleep with Joker
Ah shit here we go, now I wanna pound Joker's butt.
? they showed his human form
it's too tame-ly bishie for me
hmm, are you single user?
thank you for the pics.
yup. too shy to leave the house.
so who's surprised that persona fans are fucking gay as hell
wow, but you're a cutie pie.
i want to talk to you, is there anyway we could or if you want?
i haven't even played persona, i just like cute boys.
Sure I guess! I add everyone who asks.
Here is the succession of events that led someone to make this thread
gamer-> weeb-> cumbraīn-> incel-> prison gay curious -> trapfag -> actual fag (YOU ARE HERE)-> tranny-> suicide
Anime makes you gay. Stop now while you still have a chance and aren't taking hormones.
Built for feeling up, good lord
yes yes however
show butthole
but user i have been gay since a lil boy and im a manly gay with beard and everything
nah i am just a fujo
great! where how can i hit you up?
He must be confronted about this, as soon as possible. He simply cannot continue with this behaviour, it's not good!
Just appreciate the butt, no pounding it. Also unrelated but cute gif!
Nah I dont have dysphoria or anything, I just want a fujo gf who hooks me up with cute guys
wheres the nudity
g-girls NOT allowed!!
its ok user i pretend im a boy everywhere else, save for /cm/
>He must be confronted about this, as soon as possible. He simply cannot continue with this behaviour, it's not good!
how should we do it?
how about grabbing it?~
aww shit, here we go again
Joker is for rough fucking
you got a kik right user?
i've got an everything, really. i add whoever shares
Joker is for typing up and teasing until he begs for something more significant
alright, then add me user
Xof Theuknown
actual fag is where i draw the line
theres nothing wrong with being an actual fag
but anything lower is cringe
stop making me horny you fuck
Fujos don't like 3d.
can we be friends and look at cute boys together?
common t.my bad
>Joker has a bigger ass than Bayonetta
Not like that, user! That's much too direct, and I think that may give off the impression that such behaviour is encouraged. We want to stop him from doing things like that, remember?
*gentle love and hair ruffles
sure, tell me what kind of cute boys you like
i'm personally a fan of low iq boys who mean well
>not plowing him until you both are on the brink of passing out and ending the night spooning with your arms wrapped around him
I hate to make you take extra steps, but shoot me a throwaway e-mail if you're willing.
user that would clearly happen after the teasing.
wait whoever shares what?
i dont do emails because they're a little needlessly complicated and annoying to remove though
i use discords and kiks and skypes and what not
sorry i suppose i shouldnt say everything
post more images please
i love just,,, bright and happy boys that bring nothing but good and cute vibes to everything, really helped me when i was depressed.
Oh, ok. Photovoltaic Array(number)2473 also playing it very safe for searches with that.
okay, user.
sorry about the circles under my eyes.
>make a fun persona 5 thread with a motive to have people post cute joker pictures
>gets hijacked by some attentionwhore
i mean some of it was joker cosplay wasn't it?
its not that big of a deal. complaining about it will only make it continue so if you want it to stop you should just post more joker and ignore it instead of calling it out
No homo bro
>Not like that, user! That's much too direct, and I think that may give off the impression that such behaviour is encouraged. We want to stop him from doing things like that, remember?
but his butt is so nice.. woudn't you grab it too, user?
discord obvs
discord name=?
hey that's really cute and sweet, you can never go wrong with sunshine boys
cute boys help me when i'm down too
Don't you know we can't have nice vidya boy threads on Yea Forums anymore? This is the norm now. Like the first user that replied to you said, all you can do is ignore and it try your best to enjoy and contribute to the actual thread as much as you can. The mods will come in and nuke it sooner than later, anyways...
Um, I think I might just compliment it... from afar. Grabbing it might be, it might be a bad thing.
My nigga
>Um, I think I might just compliment it... from afar. Grabbing it might be, it might be a bad thing.
what if he likes that strangers grab his butt?~
also, do you have a discord cutie? i wanna keep talking to you about joker!
Good stuff and the most eager to give you blowjobs
I wish i could spend a summer with an anime cute boy ;_;
like, to have nice walks, go on bike rides and whatnot, i just want a simple love relationship, i guess. do you want talk on discord before this thread is deleted?
>implying any of you betas in this thread could top or Pound the everloving fuck out of his boipussy till you eventually pull him aside to eventually creampie his face and glasses on to resume by facefucking him until he either goes unconscious or until you cum starts spewing out of his nostrils with your weak BMI and stamina, as fucking if.
there arent any numbers there goof
Are Persona Protags always such attractive and fuckable twinks?
>calling others virgins while trying to act superior after saying this
that's some weak ass bait my nig.
Half of the people in this thread are prison gay and wouldnt actually do things with a guy anyway. Including you most likely. You sound very inexperienced.
sorry user, i do not do discord
i find more fun hanging out in late night Yea Forums cute boy threads for the fleeting fun of it
as for spending a summer with a cute boy if you haven't already, watch Tsuritama, it has cute boysdoing cute things & summer
you can never go wrong with soremik
boys who'd do anything for their boyfriends are the best
I don't think he would, would he? Seems so wild, and adventurous. Then again, he is Joker of the Phantom Thieves, so that's right up his alley... And um, yes I do! If the spoiler tags work, hopefully, it's:
ive added u
>literally half the thread worshiping joker
dude, even my shit bait is better than yours, plus virgin=/= beta
what does people worshipping something that is 2d have to do with whether they are prison gay or not? being attracted to 2d and actually fucking a dude are very different ballgames.
>All these Joker pics
Why don't you have a go at searching 'oral creampie,' user.
you said on his face and glasses not in his mouth retard. I know what an oral creampie is.
MegaTen (name for the franchise as a whole, Persona is just one of many series within it) protags in general are usually really cute boys. Pic related is a fanart of Hibiki (left) and Kazuya/Abel (right), the protagonists of Devil Survivor 2 and Devil Survivor 1 respectively.
Not any of the anons you're speaking to, but I know what you mean. I always love a good late night cute boy thread!
Added back!
Lol I know the feeling. He's wonderful!
they are good, aren't they?
yeah cuz it's ur favorite sex act lmao
>Added back!
you might have added the wrong guy cuz i dont see u ;_;
my name starts with suro btw!
No my favorite sex act is actually eating ass while getting blown. Would strongly recommend btw.
Sickening, but curious
Gonna be honest I didnt have that enabled in 4chanx user. I recently restarted my pc and the settings got reverted. thank you for reminding me to reenable.
Why is it sickening? Having someone sit on your face is great.
it's the best when its a thread that gets derailed by paranoid gay haters i usually come dump some cute vidya boy pics since mods let those threads reach bump limit without fail every time
How do I find a cute Joker bf?
sorry, it's sugarcube now, it's okay if you don't wanna add me now but i was wrong..
>implying that they cant be the same
sure user. sure....
Im single user whats up
Would have been fantastic if Makoto wasn't in the game and they didn't magically run out of budget 75% through the game.
Don't worry though, Persona fags will just double dip on the game for what they should have delivered originally.
Hnnng. Based Altus giving us hot characters.
it's adding more gaybait so of course i'll vote with my big fat wallet and buy the remaster
If you were really Ren/Akira/Joker, you would be stolen my heart
Im not them but I look something like a persona protag maybe
>Would have been fantastic if Makoto wasn't in the game
Why? He’s a silent protagonist. What did he do wrong
Apologies for all of the confusion, I originally should have said "I got the request!"! Everything is going smoothly again. :)
Lol they're all over the place, I've got used to them by now. My only issue are the people that come in and start posting pics of themselves or other "3D" (outside of SFW cosplays). Just go to /soc/ or Yea Forums, or quickly exchange contacts and leave the thread. Simple as.
Atlus' MegaTen boys are all seriously cute and seriously underrated, save for the couple of souls that were fortunate enough to be conceived in the Persona universe(s). Also
>cute tummy
>a little sweaty too
How so?
Ren "Joker" Amamiya is the cutest, hottest and sexiest young male video game character for this generation confirmed?
Kind of like 3's?
You're a door??
Nobody cares about your shitty bait user. Post cute boys or fuck off
Even throughout the past five years or so, there's been a heck of a lot of them. I think it would be impossible to label any one of these cuties as "number one", but he's definitely up there.
Of course
Joker is underage you pedos
persona 5 is overrated trash
How the fuck is a ps4 uncomfortable to use? Its literally the most basic ass console design ever.
Postan in a super gay thread.
Why is there no report option for trying to request gay porn.
Fujos are mentally retarded. Just ignore her.
Swimsuit/Swimming trunks boys are always welcomed. It's basically boys in socially-acceptable underwear. And Akira looks good~
Tell me about the DeSu Protags, why do they wear the bunny ears?
It wasn't my console necessarily, but how things were physically setup. My PS4 used to be in my room, and my room basically wasn't renovated for me. My television was way too high up, and since there was nowhere I could sit comfortably in my room so that I could look at the screen, my neck would hurt from having to look upwards all the time. Now that I had a chance to move my PS4 out of there, I can start to use it again without worrying about any of that. My PS4 is actually one of my favourite consoles now that I have an opportunity to explore it. Very comfortable and intuitive, with plenty of neat apps and features that extended its use beyond "video game console".
Y'know they should incorporate dance moves outside of desu. Just imagine hitting enemies' weaknesses multiple times, would make traditional battles go by much faster.
I'm playing SMT IV for technically the second time, but I didn't get too far the first play through.
Does the App Points DLC break the game that much? I'm not gonna do the EXP or macca one, since those are obviously busted, but I seriously feel like I'm struggling with ability slots and demon slots.
I dunno but his persona would be Sisyphus.
I love Akihiko!
it wasn't good at all also this