Is Overwatch still worth playing? Are you gonna play it on the Switch?

Is Overwatch still worth playing? Are you gonna play it on the Switch?

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Overwatch was never worth playing.

based COOM poster

>Is Overwatch still worth playing?
No, it's dying and Blizzard isn't supporting/fixing it correctly.
>Are you gonna play it on the Switch?
The Switch version of Diablo 3 is actually amazing, so that probably means the Switch version of Overwatch will also be really good, but as i said before the game is essentially dead at this point, it would just be wasting your money.

Also as a rule of thumb you don't want to buy multiplayer heavy games in the Switch, it's smarter to buy singleplayer games/game with co-op/local versus games on it.
With the exception of something like Monster Hunter.

>Is Overwatch still worth playing?
It showed a lot of promise when it first came out, but these days I cant really recommend it to anybody. Which I know is hypocritical to say considering I still play it regularly.

I dunno. After playing it regularly for two year, I'm pretty burnt out on it. I don't think it's a bad game, but the game design on a fundamental level is only interesting for so long that new characters and maps can't remedy. Whenever there's new content I still try it out and play for a bit though.


Over Nintendo Wi-Fi?

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I want to fuck Pharah. That said the game was never good.

the moment they acknowledged the rule34 for their game as a problem,thats when they were at their peak, but apart from that, i'll tell you the same thing i told the idiot that started that LIS thread recently. the only good thing to come out this IP is the R34 for it. everything else is either unbalance or hot thrash. youre better off playing TF2 you fucking zoomer

>still worth playing?
No. It's become Shields: The Game and all anyone does is hide behind said shields and wait to press Q to win. And people STILL don't fucking know to just stand on the point. Blizzard has no fucking clue how to balance the game.
>play on switch
It's cool it has gyro controls on Switch but I refuse to touch the game again. It was fine when it launched but they've made it worse and worse with time.

The only good thing to come out of Overwatch is the lewds, prove me wrong.

i want to know why pharah and mercy get the best artists while sombra gets fuck all

more pharah

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Because they are too stupid to focus on best girl Ana.

If there's some kind of Jewish conspiracy to get me to like darker women by putting them in video games it absolutely is working.

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Been waiting for the Switch port forever. I love Overwatch and I'm very excited. Fuck you Yea Forums you can't kill my enthusiasm.

It's just not that good.
On the Switch you'd have a better multiplayer experience with Splatoon or even something like ARMS.
Overwatch is a stale ass game at this point and it's flow is heavily hurt but Blizzard balancing it in such a way that it's completely unfun to play.
It USED to be ok, but each patch it becomes less and less fun.

Give me the best sfm porn you have bros.

God, I want to breed Pharah.

if they add some decent exclusive skins maybe I'll care

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I want to be Pharah and get bred by huge white cocks

me too

Op literally posted one of the best.

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Ana's like 80 years old, how the fuck is she best?


Use lan cable?

Hats on women is probably the worst thing ever

->announcing report

How is she not?

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Because she's like 80 my dude. One of my former coworkers when I worked at a grocery store was an 83 y/o woman. She was disgusting

>Is Overwatch still worth playing?
>Are you gonna play it on the Switch?
Fuck no. The game's terrible enough already, I don't need it in 30fps with worse controls.

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Overwatch on consoles was fucking awful.

>Character like hanzo, tracer and genji dominated everything because it was hard as fuck to position yourself to aim at them while they had fre reign to aim whenever they liked.
>character like torb were nerffed to the ground because people were too retarded to avoid sentries.
>it takes way longer to find a match on consoles.

overwatch was good for one things, and that is the porn, noting more or less.

>3D trash
make way for us artchads

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>30 fps

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The 3D models are cartoony enough to get a pass I think. Besides 2D drawings just look like anime and at that point why wouldn't you just go for the huge amount of infinitely more attractive anime characters?

how many 2d animations can you shit out on a monthly basis huh?

3D is king now get over it

Role lock has killed the game for me. I don't get why they have to force their esports into casual play. Having it for ranked play? Sure. But there is no reason why it needs to be present in quick play.

I was really surprised to see it was in both modes and not just competitive

I wanna fuck Pharah and Ana

No and no

At the same time?

Hell yeah my man. 3d is garbage.

one at time

is it just a still?

>2d animations
oh no, how can we compete with the amazing 0.1 second long sfm gifs

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she looks like she fucks white guys

>soulless generic animu face
It can't compete.



It's the artist name at the bottom that matters.

I'm considering it, there's still novelty in playing first person shooters on portable systems in all honesty.
I should also add that I want Brigette and Pharah to double team me

Honestly, I kind of agree with having it in qp. Without it, there's nothing stopping you from having to practice by playing dps with no shields into Hanzo Widow and vice versa
I somewhat agree. Good thing that there's more than one art style for me to post, unlike 3D

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The Switch is easily the worst system for Overwatch. Worst performance/visuals, worst communication, terrible fit for a game that can only be played online.
Overwatch has been on a downward trend for some time now, so it's the worst time to get into the game.

i was excited about sigma until i realized he was just another barrier, another stun, another defense matrix clone that gives him more shielding (because yes the game already didn't have enough armor, shields, healing, hp, etc.)

I'm amazed they didn't either announce a single player option for the game to go along with the port or just make Overwatch 2 with solo play on switch

There is a huge difference between 30 and 60 though. It raises your skill ceiling tremendously. That being said, I don't buy into the XL resolution meme. My monitor is 1080p but I run OW and TF2 in 1366x768 fullscreen and play just as well. Better in other games even, thanks to the boost in frames.
If what you do works for you, that's awesome, and keep doing it. Games are meant to be fun, so have fun your way.

Pharah really is very sexually attractive

this game is officially just as bad as DOA. just another excuse to coompost, no one gives a shit about the game

As long as it makes you SJWs mad.

you have an image limit.
I expect you to reach it

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I tell you, I would very much like to have sexual intercourse with her, if you know what I mean.

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Cry more, newfag.

Companies really ought to port games to new systems starting with the earliest version of the game for fans to experience again, especially with what you all wrote in here about the game's current state.

I don’t follow

not enough Pharah

Why is he just yelling "gamer"?

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I want to racemix with pharah.

That's the best way to do it.


literally only good for the porn

faggot overwatch is an SJW game owned ran and operated by an SJW company. by supporting it one shred you already supported SJWs.


I've never played and don't really intend to play Overwatch, but I've masturbated to a lot of the porn.

The right can't meme.

He would like to engage in the process of procreation with the female known as Fareeha "Pharah" Amari

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who wouldnt wanna copulate with a gorgeous fictional Egyptian woman?


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The first few seconds sound like a familiar song, anyone know which one I mean?

no, close but not this, I meant the "uh uh ahh" part not the clapping

I just signed on in the first time for months to find you had to pick roles and are locked into those roles the whole game. WTF did Blizz do to this game?

That's great.

Seeing how much rage it caused with my brother and with my roommate I say no (to be fair though both are not good at controlling their emotions)

My friend bought me this a few months ago because he was complaining that we don't play any games together.
The game feels unbalanced and the matchmaking is terrible. I'm either on the enemy spawn point, killing them as they come out or they're doing the same to me. There is rarely any middle ground.
An example of a bad game would be.

>Go Ashe
>Flank the enemy as they're walking up to the point.
>Get lucky and hit 5 of them with my bomb, I end up killing 3 of them with some additional fire.
>Get chased by a roadhog for 30 seconds while the rest of my team fight a 2 v 5 on the point
>My team lose the 2 v 5
>Ask how they could have possibly lost 2 v 5
>Get reported for being toxic

No, the song I mean is very very popular, like a pop song from the 90ies?
It starts like this "ehh, ahh-ahh" and then music starts playing

Because you were getting 6 people picking DPS and auto losing. Go play Classic when its up. 99% of the time, you'll get 5-6 dps and maybe a Mercy if you're lucky. If you don't go tank, nobody will.

If anything, it's made the shitty dps players who can't panic switch to tank/support anymore even more toxic


I've seen this happen. You'll get a pretty good tank/healer but you slowly lose because you have have no damage. The game is pretty much over by that point.

Might buy and pay on switch because of gyro unless they also add it to PS4. Otherwise I'll just fap to the porn

D.Va's hands are larger than her feet and her arms are almost as long as her legs.

Down with the sickness?

>Blizzard making poor decisions and not knowing what they're doing

Color me fucking shocked

>OWL loosing viewers because of goats comp
>panic hot fix the game but manage to fuck it up because all the talented Blizzard employees left befor OWL took over


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Thanks so it's safe to say it's a very good game. Yea Forums's shitty taste never fails me

it's worth nothing but for porn

I think I know what you're talking about but I dont know it either.

hnnnnng this reminds me of my sexdoll

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Do you honestly think others are going to do the same? You even need an attachment to use the damn cable.

No and no

Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing?

kek what the fuck

idk I just tried to look it up before

Wish he did more of these three
His other stuff isn't as great

No idea how the hell they came up with a meta as bad as GOATS in just a month. Only way to save things at this point is to give Moira her old ability to heal through shields and letting Zen and Lucio ults penetrate shields too.

look at that god awful noise.

I hope so, I love me some arab girls.


Post your top 3 Overlook™ porn animators
>Ellowas (rip)

Oh, nvm, I think it was a dumb gachi song

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Are these SFMs artists?

It was never worth playing. That's why I've never played it.


I'm waiting till they add a character I actually want to try and that isnt another old gay dude or a stupid animal.

Not always, some like pewposterous do them on Blender others use SFM, it's a matter of taste which one lets you get your rocks off easier

I cant even play shooters at 60 fps, 30 fps must be truly awful.

blowup doll feet

Imagine giving a fuck about SFM/Blender animators who UNIRONICALLY make fucking 10second loops.
Get some fucking standards please

I'd still fuck them.