>tfw the fucking worst 3D Zelda will never receive a remaster/remake in any form because of its control scheme
There is some justice in the world.
Tfw the fucking worst 3D Zelda will never receive a remaster/remake in any form because of its control scheme
good, fuck this game, I'm literally unable to play it because of this shit control scheme
this game was so bad not even the zelda cycle could save it
But I can't actually prove that it's the worst if I can't ever play it
>the fucking worst 3D Zelda
Not when TP/WW exist.
The worst 3D Zelda already received a remaster, though. Not hard since its control scheme is just QTEs.
But it could work on switch
But Majora's Mask and Twilight princess already had a remake? And there's nothing unique about its controller schemes
>Majora's Mask
Now that's some low quality taste.
TP was good tho and so was MM.
Maybe it's the worst but I still always liked it. Also, it could easily be remastered onto the switch. If they took out some of the hand holding and clunky menu shit (like pulling you into your inventory every time you picked up an item) it'd be much better.
>worst 3D Zelda will never receive a remaster/remake in any form because of its control scheme
>Pic related literally teleports behind you.
Give it time OP. Give it time.
2021, an hd remaster with better controls for its tenth anniversary.
WW HD and TP HD both came out about 10 years after their initial release
TP was passable at best, on top of suffering from the issues plaguing most 3D Zeldas (low difficulty, basic puzzles), it's bland as hell.
The Switch's joycons are motion capable
>people had issues with controls
Still cannot find why as it worked for me :)
People dislike gesture based motion controls on principal. Tilt controls are more tolerable because they can be more seamlessly integrated into traditional controls.
TP feels ridiculously unfinished.
I'm getting toward the end of TP and I'm enjoying it.
In what way?
3D Zelda outside of Ocarina of Time aren't worth discussing, and even then it doesn't really hold up, it's just important historically.
Nintendo can't into video games in the 21st century.
I actually want a remake with different controls, because I'm sure not finishing the game with a dildo.
Which means you have shit taste, really.
Well for once: It's literally unfinished. I don't know if you have the physical Gamecube/wii edition but the backcover shows a screenshot of a part that's literally not in the game, featuring a magic bar that's also not in the game.
The game is absolutely barren, there's fuck all to do in Hyrule field or the desert. There's a few gimmicks here and there, but basically Nintendo thought that filling the castle town with a bunch of random NPCs you can't even interact with that literally just walk in circles would be a good replacement for content.
It also has the worst pacing in the Zelda franchise and it's also one of the easiest games in it.
Don't even get me started on the vomit inducing bloom filter the game had
Joycon motion controls are unresponsive, shaky, inaccurate dogshit even by OG Wiimote standards. Also needs to take into account handheld mode.
that's literally WW
Compared to what? It actually feels more complete then a lot of the games, especially fucking WW.
I lol'd OP
>The game is absolutely barren, there's fuck all to do in Hyrule field or the desert
It had plenty of secrets in it. Meanwhile SS, WW, and OoT had 99% empty overworlds.
>It also has the worst pacing in the Zelda franchise
It has the same pacing as every other 3d Zelda. OoT has deku tree full of padding and unskippable text boxes/cutscenes. MM had cutscenes and the entire deku cycle. WW had outset island fuckery, a terrible stealth section, windfall island fuckery, and fuck tons of sailing to slow the game down horribly. Don't get me started on SS.
>also one of the easiest games in it.
All of the 3d games are easy.
Thank god I'm not this braindead
The hell are you going on about? Wind Waker had a normal control scheme AND it got a remaster.
What? TP was finished for a full year before it got released and it doesn't feel like it's missing anything crucial. There's nothing on the level of Greatfish Isle or the Triforce quest in terms of feeling completely off.
Recently played this for the first time. I dreaded going to the sky every single time
Skyward Sword fags getting BTFO with everyone still sucking BoTW's dick will never cease to amuse me.
I can say the exact same thing which many of its two-faced fags can't admit how hard it's art style carried what was otherwise an unironically awful and rushed game.
SS is better than BotW but neither are great games. OoT, MM and TP all shit on both of them.
it looks like link is exposing his green panties