Who's the cutest 13 Sentinel, Yea Forums?

Who's the cutest 13 Sentinel, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

gematsu.com/?s=13 sentinels

Ponytail Ryuko

What game

Yuki, Megumi, Iori, and Ryouko are waifu material

the ponytail one in the black uniform. Sukeban style.

Is this that Vanillaware game they teased years ago?

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I wonder what the reason is for them to have the start button on different parts of their body.

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I'm a real sucker for the librarian girl look so braids and glasses are a no-brainer for me.


Nice 5head fetish.

correct, you have no brains


Wow, rude.

How much of the game is robot combar and how much of it is visual novel?

Is there any new information about the game yet? They show the adventure and dialog parts, but still hardly any of the action parts and what they're about. Is it really mostly an adventure/VN game with some periodic tower defense stuff?

More story than game.
Also, too expensive to animate so they just stand and talk in place for long periods of time.

twin braids

It's more of a traditional adventure game than the other stuff they've done.

I'm not sure about that. You probably need to finish those 3 segments to unlock the ending, maybe even progress in the other segments.

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I miss bloomers on teen girls

Vanillaware always makes their girls look a little too demure for me, but bandages is easily the best next to short hair.

>Vanillaware go from great beat'em-ups to this shit

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Bandaged girl.
Followed by grey hair girl.

Have you never played grimgrimoire?

I would have loved more combat/gameplay. Oh well. I'm still interested tho'.

I bet braids is a freak.

And with that very mouth you shit on Soulsborne, Call of Duty and Far Cry for rehashing the same game again and again and again and again.

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If it's not in their heart to keep hacking at making brawlers, why bother?

>traditional adventure game
I'm sorry, George. I don't think I'll be supporting your game. Hope it sells well.

>Grand Knights History
>Muramasa, which got remade
>Odin Sphere, which got remade
>Dragon's Crown, which got ported
They haven't always been beat 'em ups. Besides, they were all shit compared to Princess Crown.

I'm only concerned if the combat parts will require thought besides pressing the big nuke button on the mechs and clearing the screen.

>great beat 'em ups
They only made three. The rest of their library is different genres.

I wonder if a PC remake is on the table.

> I’m not sure about that
The prologue that was just story had a runtime of 3 hours. The prologue is only 10% of the whole story.
You really think they’re making RTS gameplay that lasts for more than 10 hours?

>convoluted time travel sci-fi techno babble over inflated story good

deep symbolism

I love how nobody played it yet, but everyone alrleady think that everything about it is shit.

The prologue is enough evidence to show that they aren’t good story tellers
Just like with Odin’s Sphere


This shit honestly looks fucking awesome. I really like the giant city grid and it looks like you have plenty of options between your multiple pilots, mech skills, movement, and charging/meter.

I hear people complaining about a lack of SWR-esque attacks, but I the splash art they have showing off the skills (3:48) really does it for me instead.

Woah now you leave Odin Sphere out of this.

Name one Vanillaware game where the plot wasn't a mess.

God knows that SRW attack animations are fantastic but people start skipping them a couple stages in.

I too wish they made a cool game. Not necessarily a beat em up, but certainly not a gay VN

It’s just a worse fire emblem with glittery visuals.
The enemies aren’t even a threat.

23, 15, and 17 do it for me.

dude the story is not memorable in the slightest, it’s just consists of lore dumps and people telling you where you need to go and why

megumi is probably the cutest, but for me a natsuno-tomi hybrid is best

your autism is off the charts

Bottom left is best.

I like the aesthetic, the only thing that bothers me is that "TV frame" around the edges. I hope you can turn it off.

Wait, is it a sort of strategy game of sorts? I thought it was a VN only.

Sign me the fuck up; I love leading my own army and number crunching.


I wonder how hectic this shit can get. They were saying you have to attack aswell, so maybe there will be giant maps where you have to multitask a lot.

>tfw those are the exact 3 that got my attention as well

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>enemies come in as red outlines like everything's scanned by a radar, including an enemy mech and floating drones
>you can move all your own mechs through the city street lines for a certain distance
>skills are shown to be AOE attacks, single targets, and assists like shields
>there's some type of charge feature and a big ass x10 METER they don't use

It's a fucking SRPG design to look like a cross between a war room table and cybercool radar. Are people just feigning facetiousness when they say this looks incomprehensible?

I actually like that bit. Combined with the skill previews, it sort of creates a found footage look to it, like the battle perspective is that from a helpless, on-the-ground onlooker.

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Will this be on the Vita???

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Don't think so. When I searched the only platform that showed up was PS4, which is a damn shame since it's a lot more convenient for me to play it on a Vita.

Vita version was canceled. Which is stupid cause VNs are retarded to play on a console

They had to chose one platform since development was being delayed, they rocovered cost by cutting one release.
And since vita is dead that’s the best option.
Weird how full body got a vita release tho.
Probably because the persona team has a bigger budget.

Vanillaware games I own copies of:
>Odin Sphere
>Odin Sphere Lefthandsphere
>Dragon's Crown x 2

Vanillaware games I've actually finished:

Looks like I'm adding another one to the pile because that looks cool as shit. Goddammit, George.

take some ritalin and play it

Has there been new news on this? i dont think ive heard anything new for the past 3 or 4 years

The news is that they’ve gotten out of a 4 year development hell.

gematsu.com/?s=13 sentinels

Did you expect anyone to call you when they release news? There have been plenty.

Its more like up until right now, i haven't seen any discussion or mention of it.

we have threads now and then
always get this one poster that's upset that it's not dragon's crown

Which is funny because we have a thread up shitting on dragon's crown right now.

23 > 21 > 17 > 14 > 16 > 15

Can't prove me wrong on that one.

I'm ready to suffer.