Nobody wants her in smash besides faggots prove me wrong Yea Forums oh wait you can't

Nobody wants her in smash besides faggots prove me wrong Yea Forums oh wait you can't

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>faggots want a woman
i bet you kiss girls faggot

I want her because Ive come to accept I'll never get Hector and she's the next best option

based and axe pilled

god that design is so shit no wonder

I don't want more (((bisexual))) representation in Smash.

Wait your turn, spawn.

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>only faggots want her!!!
>shoves dildo in harder
>starts to cut himself
>eats a printed Edelgard picture

What is this, an Edelgard for ants?

op btfo

NG+ hair fixes here completely t b q h

bunch of autist fag nincels in here

excuse me while I play some actual games

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Shes so manipulative, she let the twistd think they are in control, she let byleth think shes a victim that needs rescuing to stand in front of her against Rhea, she let her classmates think church is evil and needs taken down.

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That's where you're wron-hold on


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We'll get Hilda's brother, that's the best possible option

The 3H smash rep should be either Dimitri or Bernadetta. Prove me wrong

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The only thing that makes Edelgard interesting at all is the possibility of a Hector Echo fighter. If it wasn't for that I would fee as indifferent to her as I did for Chroms announcement.

>Y-you're not allowed to like this male character unless you're gay!
Waifufags were a mistake. Enjoy your fap session with "best girl", weeb.

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Rather Claude a archer character would be neat.

How does she even move around like that?

Absolutely based, trapniggers and husbandocunts BTFO.

She'd be better than Byleth because she has a personality and is an axe user and a villain

>its OK if they're annoying as fuck as long as they have a sad backstory
both her and Marianne are terrible

>being this angry about the only female house leader in an Otome game.
You autistic retards are so transparent. I love seeing you faggots get BTFO when you step outside your echochamber.

unironically the best choice for smash

>Mad about female leader
If that helps you feel better, sure.
Personally, I have more qualifications than "is a girl" for deciding who I like as a character.
If you don't, that's fine.

It'll be Byleth and (s)he WILL play the exact same as every Marth clone to date. And yes, you will buy it anyway.


Hillary supporter detected.


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at worst, no more so than Rhea

This. Honestly having both Lucina and Robin was the exception. Every other FE rep as been the one single main character of each game. Everyone who thinks that Edelgard is going to be added is kidding themselves.

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cope harder, faggot

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>literally hundreds, if not thousands of possibilities
>yeah uh give me fe person with counter down b number 4675
>an axe is totally the coolest possible thing a newcomer can have

>implying Byleth wont use Ivy's function. plus a down B counter

Who cares if no one wants her? Smash shouldn't be a popularity contest about who the most people want, it should be about who makes the most sense to add.

I want her because she'd cause a massive anal rampage from both Smashtards and Dimitrifags

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I drather his sister anna or fjorn, please no more swords


Claude is the OBJECTIVE best 3H rep for Smash. Deal with it losers.

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Did you even play the game? Byleth will be a Robin semi-clone (sword+magic user) with an extendo sword.

>Saying this when Edelgard is literally the only non-straight lord of the three
She doesn't even want to marry you, waifufags because you're a commoner. Despite wanting to remove social status, she still values it enough to reject your proposal. Fucking pathetic.

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Based retard. Byleth would play more like the Belmonts or Robin. Did you actually play the fucking game?

>ignoring the obvious homosexual implications of the Dedue+Dimitri ending

FE needs an antagonist and someone who doesn't use a sword. I want her in.

t. someone who is married and has a kid whom has sex with his wife in the missionary position for the soul purpose of procreation

>Dimitri would be best overall choice
>Claude would be a bit like Link, but more Bow-centric
>Edelgard is shit but would at least have an axe
>We'll probably just get Byleth as a Robin echo but he uses a sword-whip instead of Levin sword.

>Edelgard accepts your ring and proposal in her S-rank
>Her ending with Byleth heavily implies they're lovers
>Edelgard never spergs out over "but muh sensei is a commoner, woe is me"

No need to lie about why you hate Edelgard, there are other perfectly valid reasons to never side with her

>Byleth is just Robin, but has no durability, just always somewhere Bronze and Levin Robin

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It's Byleth but before battle you choose between Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude as your adjutant. All your B moves will call whatever adjutant you chose to assist you, basically Byleth +. lords as custom specials

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So Byleth Pokemon trainer, expect the Lords are only for specials? Mite b cool. What's Byleth's base kit for tilts, smashes, and aerials, Sword of the Creator?
Would be cool to base all of Byleth's pallets on Faculty and then all the Lords on people in their House.

Why not have down b act as Pokémon trainers to switch between all the lords, and allow byleth to have all three in one match?

Stop posting shit here. This isn't a scat fetish website OP.