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At least it was, before I fucked everything up.

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Will playing fighter be hard on bitterblack?


No, Fighter is easy mode in nearly all the fights. Assuming you know how to play Fighter and using good augments.

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Warrior is hard mode then? Also Assassin is easy mode. Sorceror with bolts makes things also pretty easy.

I need help. I was playing magic archer (level 76) with a fully upgraded bow with lighting enchantement that i got from a purification. I was doing good until daimon. I couldn't fucking damage him at all. Took like 10 minutes to get down ONE bar. I felt stuck so decided to try out assassin, maybe physical would do better.

So i changed to assassin and went to the tainted mountain to kill the eliminator there. I had the most expensive bow and sword fully upgraded. It took like 20 minutes to kill kt when i as a magic archer killed a eliminator in 30 seconds.

Im feeling pretty stuck and not sure what to do.

Warrior can be hard in some fights because no Shield, but you can manage using aerial attacks.

Assassin don't have anything interesting you master assassin for the augments, but for skill you have little things like the counters and gouge is a bad class for bow and melee (also boring) if you want to use a Dagger+Bow oriented class Strider is better in everything.

Sorcerer is a beast using Silentium+Lassitude and then nuke them with Comestion/Gicel/Brontide.

M.Atk, Augments and what weapon are you using?
Assassin doesn't go better if you have little investment in P.Atk

i want to slay with MA but i don't want to slodge through 200 levels of sorcerer

What are you even going to do anymore at the point you reach 200

buttfuck BBI

Any news on when the Netflix adaption is releasing?

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Is the ps4 pro port of this game 60fps? If it isn't then is it worth it to get?

Give me back my heart you gigantic piece of lizard shit before I cut open your cloaka, pull out your cock and step on you balls until it cries!

Any Assassin tips, Yea Forums? Was thinking on trying that class out, probably going to use sword/shield and maybe switch to a bow if a fight calls for it.

Finished base game recently but I didn't take to Mystick Knight as well as I had hoped, so my dumb ass started ALL over again sintead of sucking it up and going to NG+

Daimon with M.Archer is a pain in the ass before lv 100 unless you get one of the relic Weapons from BBl

No, it's a shitty 30fps port, get the PC ver instead, you can also add an ENB to make it look way better

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10/10 qt would claw out her heart

I went through it numerous times and I don't thin I ever went past like 140

Just level up MA or get those periapts that increase magic damage for and shoot him with your spellbow till he dead.

Now that the 360 servers are dead can you still get that achievement for hiring a bunch of pawns? Might go back and 100% it.

This game has a pretty cool character creator.

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I'd imagine you could just hire pre-made pawns. I just sit in the rift and hired and dismissed randos until it popped.

Rate me and my pals.

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my mentally retarded clone...

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Neat. Time for some 22fps goodness.

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5 out of "seek help"

Not bad.

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Be sorcerer only when you level up, then.

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fighter and warrior have no ranged attacks and therefore are shit for bitterblack isle

not bad yourself

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Self explanatory

>no Guts and Griffith armor on the port

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the hellfire armor looks like the berserk armor though

but user, I don't want the berserk armor

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Best song in the game:

I wish it was my home.

every single place in this game is a shithole
>cassardis: shithole on the beach
>legion fort: shithole that gets trashed by a hydra
>shitholewoods, nice little shithole abandoned castle inside it so you can explore another shithole after you finish journeying through nothing but trees crammed with dogs
>waycastle: shithole
>gran soren: dreary garbage shithole
>bitterblack isalnd: shithole under the ground in the sea
>catacombs: shithole
>stone quarry: shithole
>50 other shithole caves with nothing interesting about them, here bro have another shitty cave level
this game has nothing but brown shitholes and caves and empty places to explore.

who cares
its gonna be written by some blue haired fuck who doesnt know a single shit about the game

at least the witcher 3's shitty writers have at least might have seen a youtube playthrough on it due to how mainstream it is

>cassardis: shithole on the beach
Cassardis is one of the most comfy towns ever.

Wait, so it gets a TV series, but not a video game sequel? That's really weird.

>implying the ps3 version isn't the best one
>implying the cinematic slow downs don't add to the gameplay experience
>implying i'm not wearing the guts and griffith armor sets all the time
Almost feel sorry for you guys.

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>DDO fucking dies
>R.I.P fullmetal alchemist class
>R.I.P acrobat spellsword class
>R.I.P grappling hook spin2win immolation strider
They better announce DD2 soon and they better bring all this shit back

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>dude implying
kill yourself and grow up

How soulless do you have to be to think this?

Cassardis is a dead lifeless town that doesn't even look good.

someone hasnt played this game

He's right though. 5 min of running around and you'll realize how empty and pointless cassardis is. Its such an bleak empty game.

I just picked up this game and am curious, are the level 10+ vocations just straight upgrades of the base 3 or are they different somehow? I'm not very far still, at like level 8 as the base fighter type guy and was thinking of going into mystic knight.

You mean the hybrid classes? They change gameplay pretty significantly. For example, as a mystic knight, you'd still have a sword and shield, but you'd also be able to equip spells to hit things at range. I'd recommend you stick with fighter until your rank is about 8 or higher, so you have access to augments and core skills that will help you fight better, and then make the jump to mystic knight.

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Witcher Netflix series is based on the books.

No I meant the ones directly "above" the classes. Is Ranger just Strider but better? etc

not him but iirc ranger has access to longbows which have better range and damage. Their arrow skills shoot more arrows and do more damage but they move slower while aiming. Strider can only use shortbows but they are the fastest at climbing monsters and have a couple of dagger abilities that Ranger can't access I think.
Essentially ranger for long range damage and strider for clambering on monsters and spamming thousand kisses and helm splitter

I have though. I posted thisI adore vidya towns but DD's towns aren't good at all. Gran Soren is alright because of its size but that's literally it. They're pretty damn lifeless by any standard

this is correct but also strider has access to downpour volley which can nuke things like no other class can when you have the ring on and blast arrows

Warrior is boring mode.

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magic in this game was ridiculously fun

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Damn well done.

I thought it was kind of disappointing, personally. It's mostly just standing still for 20 seconds to charge a big spell, then letting it go and hoping that it hits something, because you can't really aim it with much precision and it's slow enough that it's fairly likely the enemy will move out of range by the time you've actually cast it.


playing the game with instant cast magic is cool, the class should have been balanced around that

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you lock mobs in place with stuff like torpor and then spellsync to call down the big ass nukes. its pretty awesome watching the monsters ragdoll from so much damage then going in with lightning whip to finish the job. i had a blast with all the spells.

That's Magick Archer, the best class. Warrior is still shit.

Replied to myself by accident

Meant for

>the Netflix adaption
I forgot that was a thing. Why did you remind me?

it's both combined

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What was your playstyle like? Sorcerer spells work best on large enemies (like boss fights) while using the wyrmking ring, and having utilitarian pawns around you mirroring your spell. Almost every vocation requires some synergy with your pawns, or specialized gear to really reach full potential.

>dude sit in one place and hold a button until something happens lmao

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>Magic is not just colored arrows
>People complain

Yep sounds about right.

At least colored arrows can be aimed.

I never got very good at coordinating/synergizing with the pawns. I tried to run a traditional balanced party, with me as a sorcerer, my main pawn as a warrior, and the two others usually being archers or fighters. I've since learned that this is apparently the exact wrong way to play the game and your main pawn is supposed to have the same class as you, but by the time I learned that, I was done with the game.

did you at least use the inclination potions?

>E3 trailer vs release

reddit is that way

I don't think so. I kind of gave up on trying to understand all the underlying pawn mechanics, because as far as I could tell, the game didn't really do much to explain them, and I didn't care to alt-tab every half hour or so to check the wiki for stuff the game forgot to tell me. From what I understand, using the potions might not have helped anyway, because the pawns change inclination of their own accord depending on how you yourself fight, which means they would've eventually started trying to fight like a sorcerer even though they weren't sorcerers. It's a little weird that they were apparently trying make a western-style RPG, but had some mechanics that aren't really intuitive for someone who's used to how WRPGs do things.

If I remember right, pawns' inclinations change according to the commands you give, like "come/help/go". I set my sorcerer to utilitarian/challenger and then entirely stopped using commands, and 30 levels later, she's still utilitarian/challenger.
>Trying to fight like a sorcerer even thought they weren't sorcerers.
I always thought it was cute just how much pawns could learn from the player's behavior.

man, it makes my peepee diamonds thinking about itsuno working on the sequel now with a much bigger budget and backing of based capcom, like, it literally makes life worth living

Harder than MA, that's for sure.

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the potions increase the inclination to such an extent its effectively permanent until you use the reset potion. they're also used for switching classes so when you play a mage with a sync pawn and want to play another class and switch your pawn's class you just feed them a reset potion and then a bunch of whatever inclination you need them to be.

No, the upgraded classes have a higher emphasis on offense based on the base class, warrior hits harder than fighter but loses its shield, range is amazing at long range combat but pretty mediocre at close quarters, sorcerer has devastating spells but take a long ass time to cast and loses its healing and support capabilities from mage. In short, they are made for different situations and they aren't better/worse than the base classes

You can aim 90% of spells by pressing R3 while casting

How to get good screenshots of my pawn? They always walk away from the camera

Just look for high level pawns in the rift and message the owners asking if you can add them to use their pawn for free. I played through as an assassin with a sword and bow with my pawn as a sorcerer, my brothers lvl 200 assassin pawn with bow and daggers and another lvl 200 mage pawn for heals. Honestly my party wasn't as OP as you'd expect, it was still challenging at some points. Kinda do wanna play again with not OP pawns though

you can beat the entire game as a solo red, but some enemies will be an absolute nightmare in BBI. Wraiths and living armors come to mind formost. For living armors you pretty much won't be able to kill them unless you have some sort of weird MAG build with Cursed Light, or you knock them off the ledge/kill them with gravity.
Otherwise, fighter is great and has lots of really fantastic skills. Try and get a ring from BBI with Sheltered Fusillade on it because it's quick to activate and does ass loads of damage. You can also use it with something a Rusted Shield to rapidly inflict torpor or Dragon's Roost for -strength.

just get good augments and use something with a bow, 10 fold arrow with blast arrows and chug those potions 4 times each, forgot the names

found assasin the best, daggers to beat that end game dragon and bow to rape bbi

Fucking what? DD Netflix series? What the ever fuck is even happening?

Did it really die? Haha wow. These japs are incompetent. Capcom is so retarded.



I could never force myself to play this class because of the retarded big magic circle on every skill
Very distasteful

The bouncy arrows are pretty great though, theres not many things that survive 3 shots in a narrow hallway.


Who is best girl/boy?

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my girl

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Magick Archer > Every class in the game


>included pawn manager settings
This is a blessed post.