Predict the Metascore

Predict the Metascore

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33 because of don corneo section





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yfw 1v1 tifa vs rude fight

holy friggin' based

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last 2 digits of my post

That cover still has too much soul. It's gotta be more bland like this

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10.0 user score

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that disgusting plastic-looking face
they could've at least cheated and used his actual real face for the cover at least

100 metascore

"You can drink tifa piss. 'nuff said." - IGN

seems legit

77 for FF7

97/100 nostalgia


Western critics hate JRPGs, and Square Enix has no idea where to move on after they dropped turn based combat, Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia are a mess gameplay wise, they’re all about looking flashing by mashing the same buttons over and over again.

It'll easily get at least a 90 if not higher. There's no way it'll get under a 90. I'm not trying to be a snoy fanboy, but I'm looking at this rationally.

85/100 then 90/100 the second one