3x3 Thread

Post and rate others

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A Sonyfriend should post their 3x3


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3/4 +Splatoon 2, Pokemon BW, Spectre of Torment -Kirby's Dreamland 3

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based and red sea pilled

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Why is she so white?

That is some very good tastes



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Pretend it's DMC5 instead of 3, I really need to updated that + find space for Ace Combat 3.
MOTHER 3, Danganronpa 2, Splatton 2 and Cave Story.
F-Zero X, Melee, Super Monkey Ball 2, Dawn of Sorrow, The World Ends With You and Strange Journey.
Thief 2, Hotline Miami, REmake, Super Metroid, God Hand, Dark Souls, Blood and Fallout 2.
Resident Evil 4, Shadow of the Colossus, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Persona 5, Mass Effect 2 and Tetris.

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But, user, 3 is better than 5.

Pooping and phoneposting, is there a site I can use to make a 3x3 easier?

What are you guys playing? I've been trying out the Metal Slug series since there was an executable ROMpack posted by an user recently. Also Tekken 7 sets with a friend.

4/4 (BW, DL3, Specter, Tetris Attack)
2/3 (+Puzzle League +Monkey Ball -Melee)
2/2 (SM, GH)
2/2 (God Hand, Vice City)

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>What are you guys playing?

Attached: Blood Shotgun.webm (640x480, 2.96M)

That's what I was looking for, thanks buddy!

Is it the sourceport version or the remastered one?

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Three Houses, Astral Chain, Monster Hunter: Iceborne, Borderlands 3 soon.
Too much. Very fun.

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Source port, obviously.

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+Shovel Knight, Transformers Devastation, W101, DMC5, UMVC3
Playing Fire Emblem Three Houses, on Blue Lions as my first route, on Blue and Lion rematch, and having a blast.
+F:NV, GTAIV, Deus Ex, AC2, RE2make
+SMT3, DMC3, KOTOR2, Bloodborne, Last of Us
honestly it was really hard to decide on TLOU
still yet to play Tenchu, sorry buddy.
is it fine to jump into Wrath of Heaven?
I love that Sal's canonically a sub quickshot
+Hotline Miami, REmake, God Hand

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2/3 +SMB, melee -TWEWY
+Hotline miami, RE, ~dark souls ~super metroid 3/4

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Don't laugh, don't laugh, I would rate others but everyone is playing games I haven't played yet

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Here is one for games from this year so far. Pretty good year.

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1/1 25th Ward

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>persona 5
brian damage

This year's been good even to a picky niche motherfucker like me:
>Samurai Shodown
>Ninja Warriors Once Again
>Astral Chain
>Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2
>My Friend Pedro
>Teppen (good enough to make me care about mobage)
Katana Zero & MUA3 look good too. Looking forward to Daemon X Machina.

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8/8 I plan on checking out Jak and Daxter
5/5 I also loved EYE
6/6 Here's to waiting on Bachelor
6/6 WTC5 in one month. Did you check out the demo?
4/4 I have a feeling I would like 25th Ward but haven't gotten around to it.

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Played a little bit of Dragon's Dogma but it couldn't hold my attention
I haven't played any of these
>DK 64
Interesting choices. I know most people give Brawl shit but it had the best amount and variety of SP content
3/4 -E.Y.E
This is basically Cult Classics:the 3x3

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You seem to really like jank kino. Have you played the Gothic games?

Attached: Gothic 1 First Adventure.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Gothic games are one of those games I want to play but never get around to. I do plan to play them.

>I plan on checking out Jak and Daxter
Really great 3D platformer if that's your kind of thing

Its more of smash in general, but Brawl was probably the one I've had the best memories in, DK64 on the other hand is just a masterpiece to me, good tastes by the way

>DK64 on the other hand is just a masterpiece to me
Wait until you play DKC2 and Tropical Freeze.

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I did not, no; I kinda want to experience it all in one go.
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Did you play Supergiants' other games?

>Played a little bit of Dragon's Dogma but it couldn't hold my attention
It starts very slow, once you get the oxcart to Gran Soren it opens up, and from there you just have to find the vocation that makes the combat "click" with you, and then that will carry you through the rest of the main game; the endgame and postgame give you way more interesting stuff about the world and Bitterblack is just straight dungeon crawling with an interesting side story that adds nuance to the setting.

>Did you play Supergiants' other games?

Of course, I have all of the ones on Steam and am waiting for Hades to finish before I give that a real play. Transistor had a great aesthetic and beautiful songs but it wasn't as good of a game as Bastion. Pyre was an interesting experience but was basically just a VN

>is it find to jump into Wrath of Heaven?

Gameplay wise it's the most polished game in the series and has aged incredibly well. The only way in which it's dated is with the camera being a bit finicky sometimes. Storywise it makes several references to the first two games and has returning characters from both of them. However, the story of WOH is so hilariously bad and the devs cared so little about writing a good story that one of the game's unlockable features is a Ghost Stories-esque parody dub. The game is almost God Hand levels of goofy and at points and yet it has a deathly serious and foreboding atmosphere despite this. It's obvious that they designed the levels and bosses first and then just wrote a vague story connecting them all without thinking about it too much.

If you really want to get up to date with all the references then play the first two games first. They have a much better story, but also have much jankier gameplay with less content. No matter what you do, play WOH eventually. It's one of the most underrated games ever made IMO and I will shill it until I die.

Also, the opening FMV is one of the best in vidya history and such a perfect representation of the game's tone, so I'll shill that too:


Thanks, I'll play WOH now and play the rest later.
After this and the last time you talked about it, I'm really interested in it, so I'll get to it as soon as I can! Thanks!

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2/2 BB and SH3
3.5/4 +SH, DeS, RE ~DMC
2.5/4 +SotC, BB ~DMC -TLoU
2.5/3 +SH, GTA ~God Hand
4.5/6 +RE, SotC, Tetris ~Jak, OoT -MM
2.5/3 +RE, DaS ~God Hand

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>~God Hand

absolute retard
massive faggot
faggot redditor
huge faggot
chokes on dicks
12 year old normalfag redditor
ultra faggot, literally cannot stop sucking cocks
sucks dicks
absolutely disgusting
worst so far
edgy faggot
a big fat faggot

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Yeah, I know you're not allowed to say anything but praise about that game on Yea Forums but the humor in that game is the real source of cringe if anything.


>this action game is bad because i dont like the humor

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Holy based.

>he puts pokemon in his 3x3

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That wasn't the only reason. The humor was cringy, the levels were linear and empty and the enemy variety was bad. Objects kept disappearing from the screen when you looked in a certain direction and overall the game just felt janky and almost unfinished. Now yes, I know, git gud shitter. I guess I'm just not a fan of this type of gameplay. The customizable moveset was neat but that's about it. It sure as hell wasn't the 10/10 flawless masterpiece that Yea Forums claims it to be.

Cool. My advice to you would be the following when playing:
>read the tutorials on the main menu before starting the game, they explain a lot of basic mechanics that make the game easier
>the only completely useless item in the game is the coloured rice. Everything else can be made to work with creative thinking.
>Complete every mission in the game with all three characters achieving the Grand Master rating, then check the main menu to unlock a new option in the menu (I won't spoil the suprise)
>press the block button to skip stealth kill animations (the tutorial doesn't tell you about this)

Let me know if you like it. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it.

>the opening FMV is one of the best in vidya history
lol what, not even remotely close

>These are the people posting on Yea Forums

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>I guess I'm just not a fan of this type of gameplay.
>I'm not a fan of action games

4/4 +M3, DR2, CS, SK. much aesthetic
4/5 +Shiren, DoS, Spelunky, SJ. -melee
4/4 +SK, NGS, DMC5, UMVC3. Currently playing Dirge of Cerberus. Doesn't seem so bad to me.
3/4 +Payne, BB, Heretic. -gungeon. I don't like having to mash the trigger in a twinstick shooter.

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Alright, this better be good or I'm coming for your ass.

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What is it with the obnoxious fanbase of these cuhrayzee games? Say anything even remotely bad about DMC or God Hand and you always have a bunch of people just greentexting and throwing meaningless insults and reaction images because they can't understand how people could have different tastes in vidya. Ninja Gaiden fanbase for whatever reason is pretty reasonable and can usually take criticism but with God Hand it always goes like this.
>>I'm not a fan of action games
Cool strawman. Can't like any action games if you don't love God Hand.

>Also, the opening FMV is one of the best in vidya history
nah this one won a grammy

>Can't like any action games if you don't love God Hand.
This but unironically.

Attached: DevilHand.webm (720x480, 2.83M)

how do we get nu/v/ to stop playing exclusively console games

Rangeban everyone who hasn't played Blood.

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Nice job making your collage look great. Can't say I think too highly of the games you chose though. Bloodborne is cool at least.

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>Dark Souls 3

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all the garbage in that 3x3 and DaS 3 is what triggers you

DaS3 is the worst game there.

Good taste

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botw, melee, halo 2, and tony hawk are on there

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how can one of your favorite games of all time be a shitty fan service VN that is a shameless knockoff of a more successful but also shitty VN

cringe thread

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Because it's comfy.


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Based and Slavpilled.

how is a game about annoying hyperactive high school kids screeching at each other and getting murdered be comfy

It speaks to me on a spiritual level.

+Spl2n, +Cave Story
+Super Metroid, Dark Souls
+Kotor 2 (currently playing)
After Burner bros rise up. Been dying to try W101. About to get a WiiU...
What's bottom right? Ace Combat 3?
+Paper Mario
+Battlefront II ... prefer the first one though
ugh. weighing in on this meme post. Kingdom Hearts 3 was a disappointment. I don't knwo what I was expecting, but the story was pretty awful to me. Sekiro was too hard. DMCV looks ok, but kind of soulless compared to the old ones. Ion Fury and Control look terrible. Ace 7 was the only one I liked out of these, and it's not flawless.
+Bastion, +Persona 4 (original better than Golden)
+Spyro YotD
youre doing it wrong. sigh.
+AOEII, WC3, Ace 4, +FTL, +AoM
+BOTW, +Halo 2

...figuring out my tastes. People who know me will see changes. Recommend me similar games pls.


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I'm retard.

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knockoff of 999? danganronpa is definitely the better game and more commercially successful too

it's just doom, and is also not to my tastes ...

>recommend me similiar games
>its a bunch of random garbage
you would probably like undertale

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Someone sell me on Pathologic 1 or 2.
I'm intrigued by the premise, but survival doesn't sound like my thing.

I've been playing lots of Slay the Spire currently but I'm pretty much close to burned out on that. I really need to find something new to waste 60 hours or more on.

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>AB:C, KI:U, S&P, and SW:RA2 are all rail shooters.
>With the exception of Wii Sports, they're all adventure games with upbeat pacing/stories.
>With the exception of Bionicle and maybe Crystal Bearers, they're all arcade style

...user, Undertale actually is right up my alley with its bullet hell and light story. I should maybe play it ... I've just been turned off by it's meme status and fanbase.

Why no Crash?
Also what makes dk94 so special

>Afterburner Climax
My fucking man. Play the 3DS version of II if you haven't. It's a fantastic version of II, but the Extra mode you unlock is essentially a new game with II's assets, with new mechanics even.

>Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Holy based. Also if you like Kirby then maybe try Super Kirby Clash; it's basically Babby's First Monster Hunter with Kirby stuff. Classes are suped-up ARPG variants of Sword, Hammer, Beam, and Doctor (an ability from one of the 3DS games).

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3/5. is akatsuki's game any good?

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Not him but Blitzkampf is great. It has that 00s doujin fighter flavor but with SNK & Third Strike influence. Characters are straight-forward but manage to be super varied for a modestly-sized roster. Also one of them is a tank. Also the grappler is a qt.

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+Wada, CS, BW, KD3, SK, TA

+SJ, Drakengard

+KHIII, Baba Is You



+Akatsuki Bltzkampf, KSS

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>I've been playing lots of Slay the Spire currently but I'm pretty much close to burned out on that

new character is coming out tomorrow tho

Get into SupCom.

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World/Iceborne is my first MH game before I get yelled at.

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I've played them, they are outstanding, but they shouldn't be compared because they're so different

>Also what makes dk94 so special
It has the move set very similiar Super Mario 64, before 64 came out, in a 2D game and has very dense, clever platforming spread over 100 levels. One of the greatest platformers of all time.
>Why no Crash?
I like Crash but meh.

just go play touhou, faggot

that's a pretty bizarre mix user

Never played Bloody Roar, but damn food or look and sound nice.

>food or look

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