Beat Three Houses and want more FE...

Beat Three Houses and want more FE, is Conquest's gameplay and maps being amazing a meme or is it worth it for the gameplay? I'm well aware the plot and cast is shit but I could care less, just want fun battles. Been thinking of pirating it but want to know if its worth my time actually, thanks.

Fire Emblem thread

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best fe girl is in it so yes, it's worth your time

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Some are actually good, some are horribly gimmicky with hordes of reinforcements to make them "hard", which makes them tedious as fuck.

he liked 3h, he's not in it for the girls. Clearly he's a gay.

3H has better girls then Fates.

Downloading the cia now, what difficulty do you guys recommend? The cia has all the dlc as well, not sure if that matters or how good any of it is.


Hard/casual, especially if you're going in blind

Thanks, wasn't sure if hard would be too easy and I should try lunatic. My only serious complaint with 3H is it being too easy, I did two runs on hard/casual and enjoyed it but found it too easy beside a few maps like the final BL map and some paralogues.

Conquest on Hard is harder than Awakening on Lunatic

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What's the difference between birthright and conquest?

Here's your problem. Three houses is already piss easy thanks to free rewinds.
Fates on normal is harder than three houses on hard. Unless you're playing on casual in which case you might as well just let the AI do everything for you.

>reinforcement spam
>barebones enemies
>can grind
>weak bosses
>weeb faction with no good classes aside from Swordmaster
>rout and kill boss only
>reinforcements used for spice
>enemies all have skills, utility staff users are everywhere and enemy formations are well thought out
>varied map objectives
>bosses are powerful
>can't grind

Right here OP

What about special edition?

There's also Revelations which is a gauntelt of weird gimmicks.
I recommend not using kids in Birthright and Conquest and then using them exclusively in Revelations so you get to use new units for the third run.
Just plan the parents in advance and grind supports to pop the bastards as soon as both parents get recruited.

Sorry, I meant hard/classic actually, casual is dumb with the spinwheel.
I plan to only play Conquest, are the kids needed to beat the main story? I really hate playing matchmaker and getting units to fuck the right unit so their kid is as overpowered as possible, would like to avoid that if possible.

They aren't needed, they are basically just access to more units if necessary provided you are willing to go through their paralogue.

They're not """""required"""", but you WILL want to do Odin's kid's chapter. There are items in there you can't get anywhere else and they're incredibly useful. The dude's trying to fuck your run.

its just all the routes on one cart

conquest is very very good, some maps are stinkers but for the most part it's got a lot of great and challenging maps

You don't really need to minmax them. They turn out fine either way. Just ship the units based on personalities, classes or do it randomly.
Planning is only needed to make sure everyone is covered and you're not stuck with leftovers who don't want to fuck each other.
Since you're pirating the game anyway, there's no reason to skip the other two campaigns.

CIA is installing. Give me advice on how to make the ugliest looking Corrin possible.

Thanks. I know some people really love it but the eugenics stuff is the thing I care the least about.

What about awakening?

If you completely disregard the shit writing and bad character interactions, Conquest is extremely fun and offers a good challenge without it being completely bs. I jump back into it from time to time, but I do regret getting Revelations and Birthright alongside it.

It's there.
No harm in playing it.
No harm in skipping it either.

If you want a FE where positioning is irrelevant and the only thing that matters is how high your stats are, it's the game for you

Sorry to be a faggot but does anyone have a link to the cia for the complete version or even just conquest? I tried the one from and it won't work for some reason. Going to try redownloading it but would appreciate an alternative link.

I just did the whole pairing thing for more free shit and battle bonuses, but ended up using a few units like Ophelia, Sophie and Velouria.

So I'll tell you the philosphy of Conquest's maps.
Awakening's Lunatic mode was stupid. Enemies were stronger than yours, and there were always more of them. It was designed to be a timesink.
Conquest's maps were designed to be "puzzles". The idea being that the only inherently difficult thing about a map was figuring out how to approach it. Trying to figure out when to activate certain dragon veins, should I be in attack stance or guard stance here?
Many people, including myself, consider Conquest chapter 10 to be among the most difficult and satisfying maps in the series.
But FUCK the ninja rape cave. It's fucking stupid.

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I never struggled with the ninja cave, but Ryoma's chapter where every fucker throws you around the map like a ragdoll had me seething. I don't know how I'll manage shit like that on Lunatic.

Reminder to patch GGG if you're going to play Conquest and care at all about plot.

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>care at all about plot.
Why would anyone playing Fates do that?

Broken start button

Is there a Gwendolyn in this game or is everyone pretty balanced?

>If you want a FE where positioning is irrelevant
brainlet here, is positioning important in say the gba games and 3H?

So Im on the final mission to beat BE route how do you deal with the Fiery Floor tiles? Am I just supposed to eat the damage.

Eat the damage, the bigger problem is how it limits movement. Be cautious of Cyril who sits right by her, little fucker is surprisingly strong and fast.

>have a bunch of cavalry
>final map forces them to dismount anyway

As if I needed anything else to convince me that fliers are the best.

Its probably the 1st time FE maps have done more to challenge a player beyond "throw more high stat enemies at the player" though this does still happen a majority of the maps are more like a puzzle, problem with these puzzles is a lot of times the ways to solve them can be limited at times.

Just dont look at anything related to plot, its the biggest shitshow of the series

like putting a band aid on an axe wound honestly with how much is wrong in conquest's story

ninja rape cave is just too damn long for a map that you have to turtle your way through, and it doesnt help that there are no way to mitigate shuriken debuffs outside of rallies. it's also at a point where a lot of your units will be promoting in the middle of the mission, and the boss is a bastard even by conquest's standards.

the conquest maps that encourage turtling are all the weakest in that game, come to think of it. the best maps usually have you separating your units into groups to rush objectives across the map

In FE6 and 7 there is more focus on position.

To expand on the other user's post: positioning is irrelevant in Awakening because the objective of pretty much every map is to kill all the enemies. Positioning becomes more important when you have objectives that force you to move to a specific space, like to kill a boss, Seize, or Escape.

Camilla/xander are pretty good but nothing too busted, on the other hand gunter is probably irredeemably shit. Everyone else is more than serviceable

Gunter can be surgically grafted to Corrin for his sweet personal skill. He can also reclass to Wyvern Lord for Hinoka's endgame chapter.

Fair i forgot his personal skill that makes him a great backpack, as a unit on his own though im pretty sure hes worthless in combat when he comes back, may be misremembering though

So you just make Gunther a backpack unit for Corrin throughout the game?

Someone give me tips for FE6 Hard Mode I forgot everything about the normal mode run I did 9 years ago

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