I need some help in lobotomy corporation, anons

I need some help in lobotomy corporation, anons
>on start of day 42, ready to suppress hokma
>all 5 points put into record team
>2 points put into extraction, haven't suppressed binah
>need to get to 5 points before I can suppress
I'll be able to get to 5 points then suppress her on day 45, r-right anons? if I can't I will be so mad, this is my 5th run through

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Other urls found in this thread:


You are fine don't worry. Worst case scenario you memerep to 41, but i think you only need 4th upgrade to do Binah's

this is a day earlier but it says it needs level 5, memrepoing to day 41 will do nothing for me(apart from offsetting any losses that I suffer while suppressing hokma), I put all 5 points into recording team first

Their department has to be fully unlocked to suppress them, memrep if you have to.

Don‘t worry manager, I‘m always here to comfort you.

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I know that, it will be full on day 45, will I be able to suppress binah immediately after reaching rank 5 on that same day? all of her missions are already done, just not the suppression. mem repoing will not help in this situation.

I think you have to wait one day before you can suppress. Sorry manager :(

Depends on how many points you have in Extraction team at day 41. If you only had 1 point there, you are screwed, because you need to reach 5 points at the start of 44, which allows you to do Core Suppression on 45.

oh oops I forgot to post the image, what a dipshit
this is what it looks like

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fuck off with your stealth general thread

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Who would go out of their way to come to a thread just to cry and bitch?

Why are there 4+ smash threads at the same time for all 24 hours of the day? Should that move solely to VG too?

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Time to hit Day 1 my dude, you screwed up exactly the same way as I, you don't have enough days to unlock Bidah's Core Suppression.

Be sure to finish Hokma's Suppression first of course, the reward will set you up for some gigachads nice and early.

Also, not sure if it's just me but, after restarting from Day 1 from this point, Army in Black and Plague Doctor just refuse to show up. I'm on Day 27 and have reset my Days many times, but neither wants to show up. If you want them in your facility at all (which you should if you going to minmax), try maybe farm for them in Central Command where you have more abno options to select from.

Manager, have you not unlocked the managerial tips already? It's like punishment bird, it'll eventually go away.

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It's autism or trolling or both, I fail to believe there is a functional human being out there looking at the catalogue 24/7 for a Lob Corp thread to pop up and shit it up with their nonsense

Yes, retard. Now leave and take Smash threads too.

Go suppress the smash threads then first, then we'll begin work.

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Why does he do it bros?

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It's not my job, find someone else to do it

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He help us improve by showing our weakness. When he can't punish anymore, we are finally worthy.

sorry for shitty edit, pls someone fix

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>this is my 5th run through
>mfw I just started the game two days ago
this is a long one isn't it

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So what is Angela's endgame? She just wants to become a real girl?

Manager, your prudence...........

Based Punished Bird Posters

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Why would I want those cunts? Whitenight is the only aleph whose ego I don't have, but why army for minmaxing?

For me, it's the Big Bird.
You're gonna have to memerepo in order to be able to suppress Binah before Day 45.

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3rd best Head2 Gift, but the only one that isn't a colossal headache to keep around (Yin and Fetus being the other two), also a good bonus for your Army in Black geared chads.

Screenshot is day 41, Memrep can't help him anymore.

Do you have an agent that you restart the day to save?

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I only did one mayor reset from 1 (well actually two, but one was on day 7 and wanted to see how starting from 1 worked) on day 34. If you use Memrep a lot you should be fine, no really much need to restart from 1 unless you fuck up royally

If you HAVE to restart from day 1 and want to make the process a bit faster, get Cheat Engine and increase the game speed youtube.com/watch?v=jEDPgrz1Gl8

Just don't be a scrub using it to farm stats or slow down the game on harder days.

What do you think about the mod that allows you to save employees on meme repo / day 1 restarts?

I thought it was a bit too good but I never had to restart from day 1

I'll swallow my pride and admit i used it but ONLY after i beat the game normally. To get the true ending (100% abnormalities researched) because I thought i needed to beat the game again to get it.

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That's unfortunate, then the only option he has is to reset back to day 1.

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This song slaps so fucking much goddamn, 2020 can't come soon enough.

It's endearing. Kinda like trash-kun from Milky Holmes threads

Bitch how you gonna hold a coffee cup but can’t give me a high five?

She can but won't. Physical contact with the manager would turn her on so much that she would need a core suppression.
Angela has mini orgasm basically everytime she talks to you, that's why she has her eyes closed.

Angela only "looks" like she closes her eyes, its a built in AI mechanism to appear more endearing to the Manager, while inside she feels nothing but disgust.

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Wouldn't you if you were built for his dick and then denied when you were existed?

Library of Ruina is one of the few games I will buy Day 1. I wish the devs could read english so they knew how much we appreciate their efforts.

Let's make a huge collage with messages and OC from the LobCorp thread and send it to the devs.

Maybe a letter too.

All of them.
I'm at 60 hours on day 35

How could you comfort me?

Niggah you better not get too attached to them, I fail to believe you can complete day 49 deathless.

It's been a week and I can't finish Tiphereth's suppression. My facility is way too annoying.

Even if it's only in korean?

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I can only pray that they don't get fucked on translation again.

Consider a day 1 my dude, Tiphereth is the easiest suppression of them all.

More than Netzach?

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I'd tie them both together to be honest, though I admit that on my reset i made sure to pick abnos I was familiar with/memerepped any new annoying ones.

It's not that I can't finish it, I just can't finish with no one dying to the midnight ordeal or little red + wolf having an anime battle.

Guys, question, if i start over, can i reextract the one sin for something better to grind employees from the begginning and not having to wait for stronger abnormalities to pop out?

There's a glitch you can use by restarting from day one after picking an abno

I see, then keep on trying until you get lucky i guess, except the purple midnight all of the others are fairly easy to deal with, only that they take time. But wolf+red sound like hell.

I regret not memrepoing when I had the chance

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>The fucking tree

Okay I feel your pain now, whoever backer came up with that one can die in a fire, I got it at around day 37 and i regret not memrepping it, I "cheesed" it by moving my employees to the other side of the facility because i noticed that when it runs out of clerks, it starts luring ONLY the employees of the department the tree is on. Gave me some more breathing ground to react to it's hypnosis.

Do you have execution bullets?

post facility

Look man, atleast you have some space between the two. In Yea Forumscorp some FUCKER decided it would be a great idea to put them right next to each other

Red and Wolf on the same hallway is the ultimate meme. Biggest reason why Yea Forumscorp is hard.

Is this like, in Geb/Chesed department? Because they'd be in separate hallways at least. If it's in Hokma/Binah's department, my condolences. At least you get to stretch your fingers and practice suppressing multiple ALEPHs at once.

where is Yea Forumscorp at right now anyway?

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They're thankfully not in the same hallway, but at this point I've given up on working on Silent Orchestra

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Move those fuckers here, also a reminder to Tiph's suppression, energy means jackshit, you only need to reach meltdown 10, so feel free to just do the easier abnos in the upper level or ignore the ones that don't breach.

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And/or calling the Bunny Team on Red/Wolf

Got it, thanks for the tips user

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damn, central and welfare look pretty rough; at least wolf and red arent in the same hallway though it sounds like that doesnt help much

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Speakign of which


Villains that do evil deeds but are portrayed as a good guy. Can't be stopped without angering everyone because they're technically "good".

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So why do you get limited LOB but new clerks come in free on time every day?

So close, but I've never done this ordeal before and apparently it's the hardest.


Purple? also if you are on meltdown 9 you could make a "run for it" and get everyone inside a chamber to reach 10 as fast as possible

Yup, I think I'll give your idea a try

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Hiring protocol.
Finding Agents with potential is more expensive than finding some fag that's used as canon fodder.

What if the cannon fodder has hidden talent?

Also a protip, the elevators at the bottom right and left corners of your facility are 90% safe unless you get really unlucky

It gets promoted to agent? Have you heard of BASED clerks that take down Noon monoliths, stop dawns entirely or overpower Chad agents?

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Cheesed the fuck out of it, thanks user.


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Fuck it I'm moving on.
These first two sound like fun, just going by the memes I've seen on here

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If I can't remember who died they must've not been important

Every employee is important.

>binahfag realizes binah is nothing more than a box

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I'm just coming to terms that this is going to end in a Day 1 reset

See Zeta, you're a clerk for having that sympathetic expression on your face for a Binahfag.

There’s a goddess in that box, make no mistake

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Doing a day 1 reset isnt all bad user; youll be able to better prepare for the future encounters since youve got gear and dont need to worry about meltdowns for a bit

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>Implying this changes anything

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Is this what NT looks like without the perception filter?

There is a way out of this shit. There should be "disable backer's abnormalities" in options. If you select that and reload the save, the fucking tree (and any other backer abnos) will get replaced by random abno of the same level. Ofc the EGO will dissapear, but at least you won't want to fucking kill yourself each time the seed counter reaches 5. Also, you can re-enable that option if you want to get melting love, just take care not to select the fucking tree again.

>Melty love aka "generic slime girl waifu" is a shitty abno designed by a backer.
Makes sense.

Also it goes without saying, but make a spare copy of your savefile, just to be safe.

Also, question to you anons - is there anyone here who have done Hokmah surpression deathless? I am on day 42 (after few mem repositories, I still have possibility of doing Binah before day 45). I am still in 'deathless' state, and I've grown very attached to my cute nugget patrol, but for the love of YHVH, final part of Hokmah is just murdering me. Even if I manage to reach the 9th level before memory leak kills my game (8 GB ram =/), last time I attempted, the Orange midnight decimated my team. Any tips? Also, when does exactly that mission finish? After reaching level 10 or 11?

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either that or this

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Reaching, and completing one more meltdown from Meltdown level 10 with full energy
And yeah I've done deathless Hokma a few times, the worst is getting Violet Midnight. Had no option but to call the rabbits.

Out of all the abnos NT is the one that creeps me out the most

What's your tactic for the mass qulipoth meltdowns on level 10 then? Just focus on stopping the alephs and try to deal in other way with the rest? Is there a way to activate a pause at level 10 and somehow get away without losing a nugget?

streamable.com/7e7hy Hokma supp in question
So long as you know what kind of tism your abnos are capable of, it's a simple suppression. Just keep an eye out on the important stuff.


I've only ever had to deal with a max of 3 at the very end, maybe it has to do with doing Binah first? I guess in your case, you'll have to just rush for the important things like your ALEPHs melting down, and let the lesser things escape.

There's a 50/50 (roughly) that you get panics instead of deaths. But you're gonna have to be fast to suppress those panicking nuggets.

I did, it depends on what abnos you got really, It's all about taking it slowly, truth be told Orange midnight is the best ordeal to get out of them all, just stick everyone into the elevator next to the security/training facility and wait until the worms spawn in there, then clean up by attacking the medium sized worms from behind.

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Tell me more about it, please.

Binah is dedicated to her job and will transfer you out of her department when she realizes you're always taking creepshots of her and you're also in her room at night trying to open her box.

yeah, the idea of some monster basically hollowing out your body, living within it, and replacing you is pretty horrifying

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My employee keeps running into the monk when studying, im worried.

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Manager! Manager! _______!

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How could I forget Fumi on the team? Rectified that mistake

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>It's my turn to be the department captain.

Wow, great attempt, I agree tho that purple = rabbits, it would be impossible otherwise. Also, what is that Bird-of-Night-esque cape that all your nuggets have? And btw, how to get custom names for your nuggets?

Man, this game has great music. Does someone have a link to full ost laying around?

Is Binah easier? I have yet to make any kind of attempt.
I'd rather not risk that, I don't have a lot of reliable white weapons to deal with panic outbursts.
I assume that they are not spawning indefinietly? But then how to deal with the giant worms? Don't they have instakill attack upon leaving/entering the room?

>is Binah easier

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When you hire, click the orange box at the bottom with the crane holding an employee silhouette, you can customize appearance and name for 1 LOB

After they spawn a certain ammount of medium sized worms they stop spawning them, and the huge worms got no attacks on their own except when they enter a room, so feel free to deathball the shit out of them, and after they leave just stick everyone back into the elevator until they appear again

>is Binah easier

Just gonna saythat i had a facility filled with level IV's and V's, and i lost 12 of them that day. Saw that as a win.

what sephirah would try hitting on their agents

>is Binah easier
Uhhh timewise yes. It should only take you 4 minutes to beat her. This is from... Well, you'll see.

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Hod in an attempt to put some half-researched training method into effect (which was really an old world manual on how to avoid sexual harassment that she misread because she's a ditz and it's so worn-out).
Netzach if he's really, truly shitfaced to the point he's barely conscious and is slurring his words as a reflection of how he has barely any idea what he's doing.

now you got me spooked user

>what is that cape
There's a particular crew of three birds, and they have a wonderful surprise in store for any unprepared manager!

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Not that user, but if that's what I think it is, you take any and all deaths and move forwards, even if you are left with a single employee.

Fuck, I knew about custom apprerance, but didn't know that you can get your own names.
Wow, that's going to change everything. Gonna give it another go tomorrow.
Shit, I have 26 lvl V, and have yet to lose a single one. It's not a good game for perfectionist autists with attachment problems like me.
Also rate my squad.

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>is binah easier
the rabbits can solo her

I fucking hate that image.

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literally do meltdowns while the bunnies bunny her

Post your favorite nuggers

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Nice try PB, but you're an abnormality not a nugger. Back into the containment with thee

>tfw Yea Forumscorp did things in such a way we had to fight Binah with no bunnies
1 death is OK, if I find the file again I'll attempt a deathless because regular Binah is easy as hell compared to the other version I did a deathless of.

>no BongBong
0/10 user

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Bongbong is an abnormality that goes from ZAYIN to ALEPH, do not have it in your facility.

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Which abno tastes the best?

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Gigachads of course

Wellcheers and clerk meat if you're wearing The Smile

>Talks about all the ways you can cook shrimp while you work on it
>Managerial tips tell you what the soda tastes like

Magic girl's pussy

What does the Insight soda taste like?

ywn eat QoH eggs

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> Was supposed to finish this today
Dear god I hate my lack of motivation.

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Blue Raspberry is my guess

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Since the other sodas are grape and cherry, and the tips talk about it being an ordorless carbonated drink, either just carbonated water or some kind of tonic?

Yo user what the fuck is that

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Bongbong, whatever you're doing, is against regulations. Please stop this.

You take the soda, however you just noticed that wellcheers is in a bad mood.

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everybody suffering til the shrimp start dancin

Nice digits user

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how dare you fucking hijack my vg posting on smash threads to a decent looking game.
if i could i'd smash your head in with a hammer you cunt

This game worth getting? The gameplay is hard to stitch together from your posts

Game is so hard not everyone makes it past day 20
You are not some kind of casualfag right?

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It's SCP zoo tycoon with a weird fucking story. If any of those things appeal to you, I'd at least give it a look.

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Pirate it first, it's not a game for everyone, and the two hours you get from steam are not enough to scratch the surface

Pirate it first to see if you like it, as the subtitle on Steam suggests it's a management game and it's definitely not for everyone. The game may take over the refund limit to pick up beyond TETH and HE easy mode hell dependent on how quickly you go through it and figure out the mechanics.
Someone will probably post the pasta soon if they haven't already by the time I hit "Post."

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It's a management game, NOT a base management game and NOT a rouge-like for starters

how to cheat the tree: use an item abnormality over and over until it triggers the tree, keep doing this until it selects a clerk, line up 5 clerks and have them turn into trees, then ignore the trees. If you have the tree in somewhere inconvient like central, then choose 1 agent as a sacrifice and then hide them away somewhere so the agent tree doesnt accidently get suppressed. As long as the people-trees are up, the main tree wont call for people anymore. I had to do this when I was doing hokma's suppression, it was basically impossible to save anyone when the facility was set to ludicrous speed.

>but not base management


what is it?

Finally managed to get all 3 birds. Gonna kick Apoc Bird's ass tomorrow after work

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You cannot edit the base. It's a common misconception from people who haven't seen gameplay. I hesitate to post a video showcasing the gameplay because this game is best experienced blind.

bery well, will pirate then play for a bit

The facility expands in a pre-determined fashion with certain amounts of abnormalities in certain places. You can't move any containment units. The only say you get is when you're able to expand one of two departments, where you can choose which department will take the abnormality you picked, but it's going to go into a predetermined slot dependent on which number abnormality it is in that department.


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>nuggets having anything other than round heads
Get rid of the neanderthal jaw

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I aint the greatest artist, I kept trying to fix the dam face to have a shape similar to them in game but dammit I couldn't fix it. I wish lewd mod sensei was here since he helped me with a previous comic I made.

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Lewd Mod user really is the hero we need but do not deserve

I am always lurking, what's up.

Is there some sort of external agent customizer dealie where I can freely change a nuggets appearance, gear and gifts?
I want to see how ridiculous I can make a gigachad so I know what abnos I need to farm.

Make a nugget but as sephirah

Lewd mod sensei, what's a good way to color in a drawing with SAI (that's what the program I think you gave me is called) anytime I do the colors are always lighter/darker based on how hard I press, so it mixes up the coloring when I typically want a solid color.

Aight I am dumb and didn't read what you were asking for help, here you go, this may help a bit

Could be neat to do but currently drawing a FFXIV character getting dicked

Which tool are you using? if you use the Brush tool that will happen, I use the Pencil one for lineart.

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To explain it better, all are the same "color" but each tool has a different result

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Your bump ticket!

I want to befriend and learn about BongBong Verde until we understand eachother as friends!!!!!!!!

I'm going to show them my CENSORED so they panic and I can kill them legally.

Shitty drawanon here. I downloaded Blender today and spent the last couple hours figuring it out, this is my progress. No idea how to color and render it though.

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What the heck i have studied every single abnormality in the game and im at 97%, what am i missing?

Make a 3d agent, would be cool even if they're static.

That's pretty good for a few hours.
The one time I tried blender I spent like 5 hours and couldn't get anything that didn't look like a malformed blob.

huh, thats pretty damn good progress for using blender for the first time!

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Isnt fighting the pale fixer with justitia dumb since its inmune to pale damage?

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That's really good work, this would take me forever

please stop, I'm still mad that that a motherfucking clerk killed my nugget and I had to restart.

Yea Forums is in a sorry state where trash games like gacha shit and this mobile port gets regular threads


Yea Forums is based

Where is the damn mobile version I keep hearing.

user, please report for scarecrow duty.
it doesn't exist

i wish lobocorp was mobile, i would play it all day on the train ride to and from work

im sorry manager, I'm a clerk.

Yea Forums is trash but the LC threads are very high quality.

OP here, I'm back from work, thanks for all the replies. Unfortunate to have to reset, I really like my abnormality layout in this run. A few questions before I get my ass kicked by this old man:
>should I unlock every abnormality information before I try to REALLY finish the game? I'm at like 95%, missing a single digit amount(including wh*tenight)
>are there any ways to fix this at all? some way to, like, cheat the upgrade into place or something? or make the reset less painful? I really dislike cheating but I've come so far and I really want to keep the determination to finish this game, it's so fucking good


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>inarticulate screaming

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>abno info
Not necessary, you can fill the codex after beating the game and it'll automatically unlock the final ending.
>fix issue
Nope, you're stuck having to Day 1 this. You'll keep all suppression bonuses and mission completion though, so all you'll have to do in your second run is Binah's suppression. Until then you can kick back and enjoy easy mode while you train your nuggets into unstoppable chads.

its kinda spooky to think that Nothing There is just mimicking things spoken around him, so all those screams and such came from others, probably "Hello?" too. I like to think that the only non-mimicked thing he says is Goodbye

LC threads is one of the two only reasons why I frequent this cesspool of a board. The other is discussion of new or niche games, before they get inevitably ruined by mainstream appeal.

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It feels wierd to think that there are people who didn't get SO in central.

literally a fleshpound but with a ballsack instead of big fucking flesh pounders
0/10 would shoot once with m99

>Not necessary, you can fill the codex after beating the game and it'll automatically unlock the final ending.
I'm aware, it just feels more like proper order to unlock all the info before beating the rest of the game, I feel like the hardest shit(whatever is coming on the last few days) should be saved for last
>second run
this will be my 6th run, user, pray for my soul

what's he thinking about?

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With my current skills that would look horrendous. I'll work up to it, eventually I might have some half decent models to give you guys, but for now I'll just practice occasionally.
>Could be neat to do but currently drawing a FFXIV character getting dicked
Based af, post it here too when you're done safely of course don't ban yourself
Buddy I know you're doing your best, and it doesn't look bad, but I had to draw this.

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I wonder what that Yesod-cosplaying user ended up doing.

Probably got his brain cut out and stuffed into a metal box

Geb may be the Red Mist, but our nugger BongBong is the motherfucking Crimson Chin. She has no chance

Attached: A0460116-F385-4D5B-B93D-B190F9CC3F3A.png (1381x2243, 197K)


Agents are very simple. The only hard part is the hair, really. The rest is just a small doll.

Attached: E015305E-82F1-4CFB-9826-20AF926D7B2F.jpg (1400x1000, 113K)

He said he was going to a London con right?

>qt slime
>but she'll inadvertently kill me

Attached: 1557288782169.png (691x518, 267K)

It's just the sketch atm, but if you want to see it here you go imgur.com/a/pHDxFjU

Your prudence...

Attached: tsundere.png (824x380, 326K)

Making pretty rounded shapes and faces though... I'll do it later. Let me figure out how to add textures first.
Link is borked broski

imgur.com/a/KKnH0R0 should work now

Like this?

Attached: 45.png (800x1500, 182K)

do you have social media or is this for Yea Forums

Not the dude that requested it but that shit looks legitimately good


Santystuffs on twatter
This is dope and adorable



Needs to be Bongbong

Holy shit user

That's a nice from me dog
This too. Way to blow the rest of us out of the water.

Attached: Shydenfraude.jpg (1100x800, 115K)

Can somebody who knows how to do it replace one of the seraphs during a cutscene with this? Or better yet can somebody post the mod guide?

Is it time for LobCorp Golden Age V2?

Attached: 1566523900556.jpg (794x643, 131K)

You can just skip right through Midnight since you don't actually have to clear it to reach meltdown X.
Station your nuggets in the corridors and send all of them to work just before you reach Midnight.
You'll need to deal with it eventually anyway, but doing so during Tiphereth is annoying.

I ended up doing that after another user suggested it. A nugget still died like 3 meltdowns before that I somehow never noticed but I compromised my morals and kept going.

This. Does anybody have the mod guide for replacing portraits?

Anons, do you know who speaks to us at days 46-49 when screen is pitch black or it's just our Innet thought. BecauseI think it's Carmen

ayyy lmao

wish i had the small guide russian mod user made but i can make a quick one

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 477K)

Is this the power of Justice chads?

I want to pick this game up again but all I do is panic and reset when one of my agents die. It sucks when the problem you have with the game is yourself.

user yes please

Attached: E39F2636-DB8D-466D-94B7-5E72326B0806.gif (480x360, 1.98M)

Pick a handful of agents you like the most then, and make them as broken overpowered as you can. The rest are there to hopefully survive long enough to see another day :)
At some point everything will just become a background task for you so it'll be easy to deathless even the harder days

Attached: Screenshot_212.png (947x337, 495K)

This one?

Attached: lobcorp mod.png (1396x7976, 981K)

Exactly that one! this is the one tutorial i used to make the nude mods, so if anyone wants to edit the in-game art just follow this.

Also since you are here bud I actually had a small question, is there any way to easily install the "mods" i make? at the moment all i've been doing was sharing the resource.assets files with anons but maybe there is a better way in case someone wants to mix things up in case i get on doing the bunny suits sephirah's

how many times do i have to go back to day 1 to get the fucking plague doctor to show up

Its not over yet.

Attached: defend.png (1652x767, 44K)

It can show up pretty early, best tip i can give you is to try to reach day 21 to 25, the game forces you to pick two abnos, if by day 25 you didn't got him then memerep back to 21

I love you user

I see

Attached: Eyes.gif (740x640, 1.53M)

Thanks user! Would I be able to edit text boxes during cutscenes in a similar way to this?

with lobotomy corporation 2 being all but confirmed for some day, what would you do, apart from shit like "add abnos/cut content"? for instance
>repression work replenishes qliphoth counter

not that guy but the most description how to mod I've found is here, doesn't have anything for Sephira but has for Abnos and EGos

That’s pretty fucking rad

God fucking damnit anons, I need to sleep but I don’t want to miss anything that happens here. Why do these threads have to be so good


Attached: LilHod.gif (740x640, 648K)

I sense a FILTHY HOD nearby.

After getting to 49th day I don't think Binah is as sadistic as many anons paint her

Attached: 1567612215407.jpg (885x838, 134K)

God Hod is so STUPID i LOVE it. I just want to invite her out on a dinner date, and after we’ve had a great meal and the dates going fantastically, I’ll invite her over to my place. At first she’ll be flustered but I know she’ll agree to come. And so we’ll arrive back at my place and i’ll pop open some wine and we’ll drink until she’s nice and bubbly. Then i’ll bring her to be bedroom and grab her by the hair and slam twenty left hooks RIGHT into her STUPID CUTE face. She’ll be in so much pain and be so confused that she won’t react and instead give me an adorably confused bloodied face. Then i’ll give her a swift right hook to knock her out and throw her on the ground. Then when she wake up in the morning not remembering what happened, i’ll explain to her how she accidentally fell down the concrete stairs outside my place after drinking too much wine and i’ll get off scott free

Attached: B68CB8D3-F2A1-4149-8694-4DF0C3B7E4A3.png (233x215, 33K)

>after getting to Day 49
All that's left is to beat it, user!

Yeah, that's gonna be a HOPELESS for me Manager. I'm opening Punishing Bird's cell right now.

Attached: 1562346156206.jpg (750x594, 55K)

I love Binah, even if she would rather do nothing more than to give me the worst suffering imaginable.

Attached: F01969B8-784E-4B2A-91BD-74FDF0C787C6.png (800x810, 423K)

An actual challenge mode that's not just simply more days + bigger energy quota
>Environmental damage caused by Employees or Abnos, ranging from a few seconds to a few days during the playthrough
>Facility Upgrades, ranging from a temporary buffs that lasts a few seconds (like bullets) to permanent upgrades, which consume LOB points.
>more range of Ordeals for each color variant and degree to make it so its more harder to predict.
>the normal Ordeal range can also undergo unpredictable glitches when it begins due to the TT2 protocol fucking up and change to another color, have another lower-risk Ordeal occur simultaneously or have an Environmental Ordeal occur for its duration
>more range of EGO weapons and armor types with weird unique effects like dershooty
>additionally, some shit that can only be unlocked via testing and experiencing kind of like Wolf, Fiery Bird or Ice Queen
>e.g. experiencing NT's screen fuckery and being able to suppress it, La Luna/Black Swan breach and suppression, having Employees get fucked but still survive from Burrowing Heaven, Dreaming Current, etc
>Abnormalities, especially HE's and under get 1-2 additional attacks or gimmicks to make them less of a beatstick and to push management skills
>IMBA every Abnormality but balance it out by doing the EGO shit above
>Abnormality variants, which increase their risk level if they sit on 999 P.E Boxes or are left alone for too long over days, to make sure every Abno remains relatively formidable and something to be looked out for rather than free space
>Core Suppressions occur over the course of two days due to their intensity, with the first being the same normal conditions but the second, increasing in intensity and possibly providing additional factors.
>Tool rebalance because they basically range from +1 HP and instadeath to set and forget for free stats
>Day 50 Core Suppression
Might add more when I think of other shit

I like the idea of needing to experience the effect of a managerial tip before unlocking it. Would make working an unknown abno feel more dangerous.

I haven't been in a LobCo thread for around a month since I got caught up in other games, why is this Bongbong so popular now?

Uh oh, Binahfags are back. Only one thing can save us now

Attached: HELLO.gif (640x360, 414K)

But she doesn't want Manager to suffer. Anyone else though...

>everything below HE gets an instakill/highly damaging move while also turning into WhiteNigger tier abnos if you dare not touch them
I'm sure people would enjoy that

How about add personality traits and gender that affect abno success rate or trigger special conditions, haha

And then you could dress up boys in cute dresses so that they’d have the female traits when working with abnos haha

Attached: DDB99A93-C782-43E2-BA22-13CAD9D7CA5C.jpg (800x800, 113K)

can this nigga pop a good soutenjin?

100% agree but only safely lewd not full-lewd

Who says that I like to self-insert as the manager, although you do have a point

You don't self insert as a filthy cl*rk, do you?

in legacy there was gender, spider bud instakilled male employees and red shoes took control of female employees

user I actually do usually self insert as a clerk or level one agent. It’s uncommon but not rare though that I self insert as the manager.

Attached: 1F2C95B5-9879-4332-A6A0-9B204942200D.png (354x471, 79K)

Anons, have you ever wondered why I named character traits and gender, two things that existed in beta and not something else?

>womanlets, when will they learn


Attached: lobcorp shocked elijah.png (480x470, 140K)


Attached: D3P_dtZUUAARiGI.jpg (2896x4096, 415K)

How do you get 100% seed of light? Also how can you activate Plague Doctor with 12 fresh agents in one day?

How do you get 100% seed of light?
Fully research every abno
Also how can you activate Plague Doctor with 12 fresh agents in one day?
By having them work on him until all 12 are blessed

describe what happens to the clerk

check codex, it needs to be 100% then you get full seed of light

>Actually self inserts as a cl*rk
What a fucking degenerate

>second thing
Yeah. And if you're good enough with microing your nuggets, could even get his weapon before either of his armor pieces.

Attached: Screenshot_48.png (951x376, 211K)

how strong are Binah toes that Manager and her are not falling in that pic?

This clerk is defective

Attached: Hokmagun.jpg (549x1200, 62K)

No way
Must be your imagination

Attached: 10.jpg (3307x4677, 2.17M)

In regards to WhiteKnight: whats the deal with the 12th guy, how come he just gets a mask? I havent beaten this encounter yet

Attached: WhiteKnight.png (640x640, 466K)


Attached: lmao2skull.png (808x573, 274K)

Anti-christ Judas

aight, im guessing hes a key to winning this fight, guess ill see how el hijo fits in

haha what if it was white

hod is white, manager, long bird already hanged all the blacks in the universe

some user asked a few times about art of myo with rabbit ear-like bangs. i tried.
this game makes me wanna get back into drawing.

Attached: rabbit.png (600x658, 133K)

Do you think I'd get banned if I literally took a fill bucket and made it white, maybe drawing one line to make it not blend in with her mouth? Because that would be pretty comical.

>white noon spawns at the same meltdown as Binah
Ahaha, that will be a restart for me

I double nugget dare you

For traits you can grab the Title Overhaul mod. Does some silly shit

Was already working on it when I posted.

Attached: 50 days in MSPaint.jpg (3307x4677, 770K)

It's been a long time since I last made this mistake

Attached: 1557364605299.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)


Add ! fear effect to explain why her earbuns jumped up

not the requester, but good work user

Attached: 1556249746542.jpg (838x1143, 178K)

Just beat day 47, and I'm starting to think bringing WhiteNight along for the end of the ride was a mistake. Lost four brave Agents already.Almost had a deathless run but fucked up right at the end. Then I got WN's left wing so I just stuck with it.

Attached: Mabel47.jpg (592x724, 62K)

where can I download this lewd mod?

Got any tips. I might be able to field 26 all EX agents when that happens

I strongly reccomend work macro mod for whitenight, fuck the timers

Speaking of lewd mods, where is the drawfriend that edited all the sephirah nude outfits?
Is there a gallery for all of them?

last time I saw him in threads he hasn't finished Binah

One of the damage types heals WN, and that one damage type heals faster than the other three can deal damage combined. So weapons that do rainbow damage (only two, to be honest) shouldn't be used. After that you can easily find which of the four damage types heals.
For me, the days would've been just a tad more difficult without two sets of damage-be-gone armor, the armor is still good without WN but the upgrade is really nice.
It also helped me learn to keep track of important things, now things like Train are just a reflex (haven't tried the parasyte tree yet, and I don't think I ever will)

What a shame, those two weapons are great for healing. Is the damage type immunity random or pale?

The damage type is set in stone, so if things don't work out the first time and you somehow didn't scout which of the damages heals him, you can unlock his escape info to see what damage type heals him.

>start day 49
>fuck up
>Dawn and Binah spawn at the same meltdown
>Dawn and Binah at same meltdown again
>Get to her without Dawn, can't use rabbits because Binah spawns meltdown in her room
Useless slut, your only job is to make Arbiter easier. Why would anyone need you otherwise? I also can't sent nuggets in time to clear Binah 13 meltdowns before they expire without using time stop, but clock still should clear 13+5 meltdowns in her second phase right?

Attached: myo.jpg (474x669, 28K)

I got through to day 46 once already, managed to blind run most of it and still get all my suppressions done, but I wanted to hit 100% codex first. Hadn't even had to deal with apoc bird or WN my first time. But I had the tree and the train in central, so that wasn't fun.

I'm hoping it goes smoother from here on with WN, since I won't have the stat nerfs and work switch going on.

Why not put a few 1 lob nuglets in her hallway to deal with any meltdowns?

Attached: big think.png (598x555, 378K)

fuck which do i take

Attached: 1557204331430.jpg (1934x1084, 260K)

Rabbit start can't work with anyone in her department because they auto-panic nuggets. But I already fill every empty spot with 1 lobs for meltdown clearing duties


Dare I say, we will meet again


Attached: WHIRRRRRR.gif (1100x800, 221K)

alright, middle or left next

Attached: 1545737954737.png (1934x1084, 713K)

>sneed of light progress: 90%
What next?

D-01-105 is one of my favourite abnos

left has most kino weapon

Have you done day 50?
Get 100% observation on every abno to get 100% seed of light germination.

get all abnos to MAX level observation

Yeah but it also morphs its arm into different weapons and he has a long range super accurate high damage attack also and a instagib close combat one also. So berserks and sharpshooters die to it easily.
If anything imagine a Patriarch that also morphs and spams taunt.

Hod is dumb. DUMB.

Fucking finally.

Look at this handsome boy.

Whenever my agents go crazy and fight each other I'm always reminded of this gif

Attached: 1566382264678.gif (540x498, 3.75M)

Is white NOON ALWAYS spawn on 5th meltdown?

Attached: 72gi.gif (480x480, 405K)

Can be 5, 6, or 7 or maybe it’s 456, whichever is before during and after binah’s meltdown

then I had the worst luck ever four times in a row they were to spawn with Binah

The best part is when two guys equipped with white damage weapons start duking it out, stopping only to kill random clerks passing by.

/r/'ing for that one Sephirah height chart, gotta use it as reference

Do chad clerk next time

I have another question if game fucked me over one way or another If abnormality breaches when Golden/Dark meltdown on it, does it mean it won't active damage bonus/stun on Binah or game just decided not to give me last dark meltdown?

Yeah, if something like breaching that stops you being able to work one of the meltdown happens you won't be able to activate the meltdowns effects until the next batch. It made having 4 clerklovers+red for the suppression an absolute bitch, though that's less of a problem for day 49.

Punishing bird fucks me over once again


Attached: 1556499693470.png (1689x1445, 275K)

Clerks are actually hired workers, agents hired with Lob points are Clerks upgraded with lobotomy.

So in summary I need to
1. Declerk the facility without timestop but aiming bullets/Der Freeshooter
2. but not in the single meltdown because then Bitch of hatred goes ballistic if I don't kill any clerks on next meltdowns
3. Pray NOON doesn't drop on 5th meltdown
4. Pray white fixer spawn closer to central and doesn't fire her nuke 10 seconds after spawning
5. Force Punishing bird to breach before I go into 5th meltdown
and that's all before I can even taste mane dish of the day

Attached: SanityZero.jpg (645x756, 158K)

Here you go, friendo

Attached: 1556199740552.jpg (850x477, 103K)

Why bully?

Attached: 996d04cfffee280e21f08b61fe7dd3fb.jpg (811x992, 115K)

>worrying about QoH breaching
Just send a gigachad to pump n'dump her every meltdown and it should be fine.

Because you suck in not a good way and upside is so minuscule you're worse than Red Riding hood

no u

Attached: do your best today anon.png (844x737, 464K)

QoH should give blowjobs to make up for her trashyness!

Finished up two new modsuits, will probably release them next weekend once I iron out the ingame placement bugs.

Attached: newsuits.png (508x491, 87K)

Holy hell. Nice work

Attached: 1566194319708.png (600x600, 179K)

So how do the console commands work? I'm trying to test some gigachad builds and I can't for the life of me figure out what sort of commands I need to be using.

Attached: mountain.png (475x377, 208K)

>Supress 3 Aleph
>All I have is SO, NT, [CENSORED] and BS.
>Can actually deal with all of them
>also have QoH and Big bird so eventually one of them gets pissed off
Guys, this day shouldn't be as hard as it is. I swear to god it's always a minor fuck up that ends up killing all my agents.
>All energy completed so I only need to suppress BS to end the mission and the day.
>Don't notice my low level chad walks into the room, goes crazy, this makes my other low level chads drop to like 1% and then they got hit by BS pulse making them all go Crazy WHICH MEANT MY GIGA CHADS ALSO WENT CRAZY.
I fucking hate myself

how many 5 lvl chads you have? With good numbers SO, CENSORED and BS are actually not that bad to suppress, you don't have to do them all at the same time

I have 10 chads and 5 almost giga chads.
All my facility except for 2 guys are level 5 but those guys I use to breach BS.
My mistake was suppressing it with all my agents which caused the chain reaction.
NT is not too bad as long as the agent with Mimicry tanks his attacks and SO is Ez Pz.
I guess the biggest problem is how time consuming this mission is.


What has she seen Yea Forums?

Attached: MyoNervous.png (385x604, 96K)

Nothing There with a pulsating degloved horse wiener.

Attached: 42bf6bee190f63d86cd1ad6a92c0285f.png (280x316, 54K)

the posts about her

She'd get turned on by those

What if fighting game but with abnos

Attached: bonyboi.gif (338x518, 976K)

So is anyone here gonna participate in the art contest?

this is canon now

This is the best one yet where is wound at ribs?

Can you commission art to submit? I mean, you are the idea guy behind it at least.

Attached: IMG_20190909_090330.png (1788x2850, 2.54M)

Hod can only be deduced by knowing other three


Well Underrail is 3rd of steams most sold game at the moment, and Lobotomy Corporation is far better than that, maybe is singing a contract whit the African devil but that guy is going to boost LC sales by a large margin… the follow up is going to suck but hey maybe I finally get some new Geb material

Attached: 1561703438211.png (800x800, 300K)

Fairly sure you can't. Want me to ask regardless?

I will gatekeep harder than ive ever gate kept before
I refuse to kneel to Sseething's army of retards
They will be punished

I suck too much to draw without it being heavily traced of another drawing.

Attached: 1560670036573.gif (602x476, 89K)

that will require generous donation from merchant guild

Attached: 1486835962269.jpg (433x177, 18K)

Man. I just hope the video is funny, the underail one wasn't that good.

no she would be disgusted by them

Nah, it would be stupid if it was allowed

Attached: 70622180_p17.jpg (480x640, 23K)

What? No, Myo is a slut and she'd love to personally give a sloppy blowjob and swallow to every one of her fans.

nice headcanon

Underrail is a great game though. Its incredibly cost effective for how much play time you get out of it, and as long as you follow a build you'll have a lot of fun.

Lobo Corp is a better story driven game, but the actual gameplay will only appeal to a very niche type of people, while Underrail is pretty much just a rebuilt Fallout 2 with better and more varied options.

Attached: 1565592505508.gif (339x480, 204K)

I think Myo might actually have a decent personality based on her remark when she complained about how forgetful Manager is. The pout she does is adorable.

Attached: rabbit3.png (600x773, 220K)

I hope so too if we are goanna get sent to /vg/ because of him at least let me have something to show for it.
Also I wonder if he would steal some stories from here again, I wonder if he is going to steal stories from here some I’ve seen some that are really good for example.
>dude who got owned by a clerk
>guy who offed Red mist by crushing her under Great love for us
>guy who had his ass handed by one sin and refunded the game
>arbiter getting countered by the umbrella and killing herself
>the original umbrella dude on punishing bird

Can I ask how exactly you plan to do that?

>>guy who had his ass handed by one sin and refunded the game
What the fuck.

her pout is dumb

Attached: 1550328126319.png (436x532, 107K)

>getting killed by one sin

Attached: 1566514115583.png (225x179, 62K)

He was either storing his employees in the hallways like a retard (leading them to panic since they couldn’t regen) or had the armor, I can’t remember


Needs blushing and mouth breathing!

she IS blushing

Stupid albino rabbit!

Attached: caught between a little red and a soft place.jpg (850x1200, 701K)

i honestly don't want to edit it anymore. the quality is already ruined, anything more would make it look like complete shit.
i really like how these threads are full of drawfags

Attached: binah1.png (1000x1050, 211K)

>blushing and mouth breathing
How'd you guess what I was drawing right now

how hard is it to contain/suppress mountain?

Very easy, unless you give it the opportunity to gobble up some clerks. Just get a couple chads to beat on him and he goes down pretty quick

Very easy if you have declerked properly, very hard if you let it grab snacks.

Attached: 1562793714061.png (179x202, 41K)

Park single Jailer in Mimicri gear

About how long does a playthrough take with this game?

twenty hours minimum, if you're not really good that number would go up to forty hours or maybe even sixty-seventy with all retries and day 1 restarts

Place chad outside with good dark resist and a red damage weapon, laugh as the mountain gets snapped in half.

There should be ability to either spawn rabbit teleporters/close doors between hallways manually. It's strange to me that we, Manager, can't forcefully do it to stop wandering nuggets/clerks or abnos

>all of my agents are lvl 2 or higher
>Got forsaken incel's hammers
>No casualties
>All ordeals getting BTFO
>9% dissolution
Things going much more smoothly this run

>lvl 2 or higher
>forsaken incel's hammers
> smoothly
should we tell him?

Oh no no no no

Attached: !!!.png (419x248, 143K)

I would focus instead on leveling a select group of employees user, not everyone can be chads.

Attached: 1556671208762.jpg (903x473, 58K)

That's a very comfy Binah.

you should start getting HE gear now user

My control team is 3 lvl 3s. Research team is three lvl 2s. I dont like to have more abnormalities in any given department than employees in case of meltdown. I was lucky enough to correctly upgrade my lvl 2 nuggets while fucking around in stat allocation because what I normally wouldve upgraded wouldve resulted in them being silenced apparently.
The only HE ordeal Ive ever fought were those wood plank robot monsters
They were tough but I was able to defeat them. I restarted day 8 though because murderer escaped and killed one of my lvl 2s right as the day was ending. Was kind of frustrating.

i meant that you should start getting abnormalities of HE level and getting weapon/armor of that strength. Ordeals should never be higher level than your gear

The moment you get an HE is when you should start giga training a nugget. The game becomes really challenging once you get an abno you can't handle becuase you don't have a nugget strong enough to work on them.

if you spam works on him pre-netzach buff you'll eventually panic from the white damage piling up

user, you need to control your obsession over me, it’s affecting your work productivity. I’m not allowed to kick you out of my department, but i’ve seen your room and how it’s covered wall to wall with pictures of me and i’m thinking about requesting for you to be let go. Please have some self control and temper your obsession. It’s creepy and unproductive

Attached: 86E94032-3B0F-4842-BA90-AB4056EBA55E.jpg (721x1024, 181K)

>we get better translations
>majority of well known and infamois abnos get their names change
Would you say yes to it?


>true story
>fapping to perfect goddess gebura
>literal killing machine
>about to cum
>suddenly starting thinking about binah
I'm a binahfag now? ;_;

>good art
>the suits meant for humans never fit the artstyle of the game for one reason or another
>i.e. being too bulky, weird hands, weird legs, generally not following the standard ego suit mesh
wtf, i ordered SOUL

I don’t know user, how does this make you feel?

Attached: D866F982-05A3-4DCA-9952-3FD2DF926EF2.png (350x670, 81K)

Attached: 6EDF7A69-A358-4F03-97FB-7F5C20B28CA2.png (781x538, 156K)

If you don't want to be called creepy, then don't be creepy. It's that easy!

Yeah. I hate saying big and mighty wolf when we all know it's the big bad wolf

Moders go for quality over substance that's why it looks weird.

it's big and might be bad wolf, user

Attached: 8af10fca2eddb12723d2a0778ba532389dea59ba.png (560x790, 17K)

>Guy who refunded because of One Sin
Holy shit I remembered that guy, wasn't it like 3 months ago?
Also you can't forget
>Chad /fa/shion Commander vs Virgin user only to get killed anyway by raid boss bird
>Armour btfo'ing everyone in Yea Forums for a moment
>Tren Negro betfo'ing everyone in Yea Forums for a moment
>Red Mist blendering that one guy's agents all at once
>Every Ordeal story
>Schadman btfo'ing everyone in Yea Forums for a moment
There's more but i don't really remember it off the top of my head, there are some really good ones too

Attached: 1558758707294.png (1817x1374, 3.81M)

come on... are you REALLY playing Lobotomy corp so you can jack off to nugget tits?

Semenminds please report to Big Bird for punishment.

Attached: 1557633985064.png (2240x1412, 825K)

autist who doesn't speak woman here
describe how acting creepy is done please? I don't know what it actually refers to.

Attached: turn that frown upside down.gif (100x100, 869K)

Remember....darkest dungeon....omen seeker....

good times

>describe how acting creepy is done please?
1. be ugly
2. don't be not ugly

>Staring at women then looking away or not smiling if your eyes meet
>Act negatively in your first interaction, its kind of crazy how long some women will remember you as the "dick who said her dress was ugly", even if you were clearly drunk off your mind at the time
>Not listening, or interrupting, constantly going way beyond normal intimacy or making weird jokes they wont get (aka using Yea Forums tier humour).

Just dont be an autist really.

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Being attractive can help you overcome character flaws where being ugly wont, but an ugly guy arent immediately seen as creeps unless its really, REALLY bad.

Ugly guys can and really SHOULD learn to; not act like manchildren, take care of their body (being ugly and fat is a death sentence), keep up to date with news for convo topics, be able to actually make and hold eye contact with a girl.

Just because attractive people have an easier time doesnt mean youre doomed as an uggo

What is this game? Some sort of weird Jewish magic?

At least that came with abilities and such, these mods are purely aesthetic aren't they? Even with stat changes they won't really add much different to the game as opposed to new characters in DD. I remember using The Lamb or whatever that character was and her abilities were really fun with a Jester + HighwayMan combo.

Best described as SCP + Fallout Shelter (only more complex), you have to work on Abnormalities to gain knowledge how they behave, create weapon/armor out of their essence and primary gain energy that you need to finish a working day. In very Evangelion way the story is and heavily based on Judeo-Christian mythology

>Get energy (money) from seemingly nowhere by talking

Yeah its a jewish game

>Smiling when locking eyes with somebody
That shit is creepy though and can be seen as a unwanted intimacy

oh shit which do i do first

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SCP but you play not as Foundation but bit different group trying to do specific rituals on their own.

Dumbest way to say it is Fallout Shelter + SCP, most people hate to call it that but that's the broadest way to put it. Mostly every day you choose an abnormality out of 3, and you hire agents to work on them to gain your daily energy quota for the day. You have four options to work on the abno's and each abno likes certain works done on them. Abno's will also have unique criterias for each one, like if you send someone too weak or too strong to an abno they can straight up kill your agent or breach their containment cell, which then you have to fight them back into their cell. The energy you collect from each abno can be used to learn more things about them and to obtain gear specific to that abno. As time goes on you have a huge puzzle facility where screwing up on one abno will cause them to murder some employees, and then you forget to pick up your ticket so the train starts chugging along to murder your employees, and then you have an abno that hates seeing employees die so they breach, and then one abno hates seeing other abnos breach so they breach, and since that one just breached and walked by a different abno chilling in their cell, that one breaches. The game's motto of "Face the fear, build the future" really comes into play when you realize that gear you get from the higher difficulty abnormalities is almost a necessity in the later days.

In this game there exists an evil corporate organization called Lobotomy Corporation that captures and imprisons Abnormalities, creatures whose powers and existence defies common sense and common law. Despite the company's assurance that "they contain them for your protection", it becomes gradually more evident that a majority of these Abnos are docile and may in fact be benevolent. What makes it worse is that these poor creatures are experimented on and tortured, all in the name of "science". There's more to the lore but I won't get to that.

You play as a rebel insider, disguising himself/herself as a clerk, and going through hallways collecting information about the facility. Your main objective is to release these poor cute creatures so they can taste freedom again, but the release methods vary and you have to make sure your own position isn't compromised.

Good luck agent.

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Go Malkuth->Yesod->Hod->Netzach

Yesod, really helpful reward to make days go by faster.

This game seems like a hidden redpill.

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This "game" is a documentary.

user, why are you trying to look inside my box? Nothing important is in there. Get out of my room before you're demoted to office worker with your EGO gifts removed.

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Black Swan got out again, send in the gigachads, everyone else get back to work

Same difference.

this thread has been up for 20 hours, I think its enough.

Let's talk about your father.

>Timestamped threads

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We had one stay up for over 48 before. The slowness of the threads is a testament to how poorly it performs/would perform on the other board.

Every and all anti social behavior is seen as creepy. If you use Rohan for more than 2 hours a day that means anti social behavior is second nature to you already and therefore makes you creepy by proxy.

Stuff like not understanding subjectivity, an inflated ego, self deprecation without any sort of improvement...basically all those wojak edits that say shit to make you feel bad.

user, why are you looking through my drawers? There’s nothing in them. Go away already before I call in agents to suppress you.

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Not if you make a forced smile. A small, natural smile is all it takes, user.

Dumb swan poster.

Your only saying that because we exposed it as Jewish kabbalah,shlomo

It's actually the Qliphoth

After all I've done you still haven't called them, hmmm.

It's both, if you think about it

Fine then, have it your way

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Angela is a bitch

The tree of life and the tree death are connected whaaaat?

Indeed, I think giving her Carmen memories was a mistake. Now she wants to experience human life for herself and I'm more than sure that because she was exposed to Carmen life

Being connected and being one tree is two different things

Other threads move faster because they're filled with race/gender arguments, console warfaggotry, contrarian-infested smash threads, and the typical "What was his problem/What did he mean by this?" type ops. If you've skimmed through this thread, you'll notice we keep to the discussion on the game 80% of the time.

If our honesty bothers you this much you're free to go to any other thread and complain about trivial stuff there.

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Not in Jewish mysticism. Them fucking trees and sephirah are cray cray.

spoil that shit boi

Should I use lob points to reinforce personnel?

In the end I just spend 3 every time I get a new department because 4-5 nuggets per department seem like a waste.

When are you going to leave

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What the hell isn't Chesed's problem?

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Why is there a small sect of autists on Yea Forums completely OBSESSED with the lobcorp threads and hates their existence despite clearly never playing the game?

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Gebura fat thighs

You should be able to train your nuggets with your own abnos. Never reinforce justice, too costly also don't reinforce stat you can easily increase from working with abnormalities( for example Insight when you have Ice Queen/Rudolta)

>Manager, please stop telling agents the cognition filter gives me a small dick

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Lets see it then to make sure i’m not wrong

Guess I'll just save my lob points then, or give each dep another nugget.

Just powerful women hating on an earnest nice guy. Chesed is a gamer.

Depends on how you want to style your personnel. If you're going for a skeleton crew (2-3 per department) use all the lob point on 1 or 2 agents whose stats need further refining. This employee setup should be exclusively filled with giga-chads and chads on their way to being giga-chas.

If you're going for a full team (Almost 5 per department) obviously spend 1 lob point per vacancy and then use the remaining points on Temperance. Everytime a new depart opens, move the strongest chads there and fill in the vacancies of the upper levels. This setup will have giga-chads grouped in some departments, chads grouped in other departments, and newbies grouped in the upper layer.

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But user i’m a guy

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Isn’t he well-liked by employees including female ones in-game, though?

That's worse.

Yes but:
That alone makes his life hell
Now it's worse than hell
And both god and satan have a grudge on you.

I mean, being on Angela's bad side alone is probably one of the most frustrating experiences in all of Lobotomy

"Do you know how much I get paid to watch over you emo lesbian freaks?" * unzips cock * "
not enough."

Oh, wait, I’m a prudencelet, I thought you were referring to the small dick post for some reason. Carry on

Dumb caffeine addict

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Because we're having fun and they're not!

They're likely the SCP fans who're upset that they were banished to veegee while we get to stay. Others might see the anime artstyle and, without the lore explanation, immediately assume it's another japanese weebshit game. There might also be people who want the "no-general thread" rule but I have a hard time believing that there are folks here who strictly follows Yea Forums rules like that when they're nowhere to be seen on off-topic threads, which take up 10% of this board.

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I unironically just finished my coffee when I got your response.

user i’m diagnosing you with retard

Being SCP fan in 2019 is curse on it's own


In my defense, I still stick around because I'm still reading the 1000's SCP. They were made during the Golden Age.

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I passed out but thanks everyone for the advice, especially lewd mod sensei. Post nuggets with list of gifts and I'll make them dance from Belief and Promise. Numbers to make them would help too.

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I just don’t understand why they think telling us to move is going to work if reporting doesn’t, though I guess it might if there’s a mod in a bad mood. Is it because the post itself and the replies resulting from it eat up the post limit and make it tank faster?

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Prove your not a lesbian ;)

user, your prudence needs some improvement.
And leave Binah alone, she has more important things to take care of.
The manager isn't going to rape himself you know.

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His name is オリバー

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should be obvious but the gift is Void Dream
Freeshootz pipe optional

>went in a different direction than anticipated
Call back the gigachads, it was a false alarm all along.

>tfw Binah rapes the manager and makes Angela watch

Every behavior of an unnattractive man is seen as creepy
Chads can be autistic pedo animal abusers but its okay because they have a nice jawline face and hair

make Bongbong dance


I wouldn’t be so sure

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you can have my best guy. he likes 9/11

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>Every behavior of an unnattractive man is seen as creepy


>Chads can be autistic pedo animal abusers but its okay because they have a nice jawline face and hair

True. Housemate in 2nd year of uni was 6ft 3, deep voice, aesthetic and good jawline/hair. Dude was an autistic piece of shit who left moldy food everywhere and was generally a cunt to everyone in the house, shit himself on a night out and puked in my friends car.

Managed to get a 8/10 girlfriend and had her over in his disgusting room, they stayed together the whole year I lived in the same house.

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>Angela happily digs in Binah's sloppy seconds and eats her creampie too.

This is my TemperanceChad, the first guy I send to the unknown abnos. He's also the only one who can calm QoH down when she's on her usual hysterics. OneSin bless him.

He has Black Swan's headwear gift, Child of Galaxy's brooch gift, La Luna's brooch gift, Old Lady's eyeglasses gift, Snow Queen's cheek gift and a sixth gift I forgot. Maybe his hands.

Ignore the creeping cl*rk behind him.

Attached: TemperanceChad.png (328x252, 69K)

>eats her creampie too.
"Give his semen back you thieving bitch!"

Bump limit quota reached. Commencing archive refinement.

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Like that one troll that went to tinder roleplaying as Zyzz and casually explained to the girls that he was a pedophile and a sex offender and got matched with a ton of cute girls anyway

Yeah...I cant believe how hard I am right now.