The jewel of the commonwealth

>The jewel of the commonwealth

Attached: Diamond_City_overview.jpg (1920x1080, 1.33M)

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what do they eat?


Bethesda can't make games

Hasn't it been literally centuries since the bombs fell? I'll never understand why the world of Fallout looks like like some ultra-generic "just got nuked yesterday" shithole populated solely by bands of 50 IQ raiders sparsely intererspersed with 15-people-large governmentless townships made of plywood and sheet metal. It's like people can't even be bothered to sweep their floors in the future.

DUDE dont't be like that some very special dev team suffering from all kinds of mental illnesses worked REALLY hard making that.
Stop being MEAM :(

F4 even has a working smeltery and people still live in rusted hobo shacks

Fallout has a layer of comic relief to its sci fi aspects. There's no point overthinking it.

Pissed me off that there were no tall fucking buildings, don't even care if they were shanty town buildings or whatever make it a diamond CITY not a fucking shelter during Hurricane Katrina that turned into a hobo camp

I don't get how come no one can sweep the fucking floors
bugged me a lot in new vegas where you would have casinos still littered with newspapers and other debris all over the floor

It's like bethesda thinks the world hasn't moved on since fallout 1. Seeing people live in shitty shacks was cool in fallout 1, but 2 and NV meant to show that humanity was moving fowards and actually trying to rebuild civilization.
Hell even in fallout 1 people had build stones houses to live in.

No, you can't use that here. The gameplay relies heavily on you answering this question, i.e., building settlements that produce and sell food.

good point
the series did get stuck stylistically Bethesda should be willing to do something dramatically different or else stop producing the series

Fallout was about the dangers of nuclear weaponry and the effects in the wasteland.
Bethesda never properly understand this, and the result is nothing more than a visual abomination that people see and say: hmm this is fallout because has shitty buildings made from scrap.

Not only do they live in a shitty hobo shack about 50 yards from the fully functional ironworks and cry about the mean old raiders that occupy the place, but once you clear the raiders out they just leave the place to rot and continue farming dirt in their hobo shack.

Baseball stadiums are formed like gems

I think it's supposed to be implied that the Commonwealth can't move forward because the Institute keeps fucking them up, either deliberately or just as a unintended-but-who-gives-a-shit consequence of their experiments.

If you want to be generous, you can even argue that the Minutemen ending is the player character kickstarting its transition from a post-apocalyptic to early post-post-apocalyptic society.

As a masshole, their depiction of my state was kinda shit

I build settlements twice as large looking ten times as good in a matter of an in-game day than they do in two hundred years.

Attached: cathmph.jpg (480x477, 42K)

>Build new house out of salvaged wood
>Decide to fill it with trash a and rubble anyway

Remember, piles of trash everywhere is an aesthetic according to Bethesda.


>relies heavily

lmao no
you can get away with just plonking down the basic shit in sanctuary

>A city built inside a baseball stadium
>Cool idea
>It's an empty boring piece of shit with tons of wasted space because of Gamebryo and consoles

Attached: 1467068322001.jpg (439x550, 165K)

Why doesn't Bethesda just place the games in the earlier 22nd century? Easy explanation

Because they don't give a shit and people will buy it anyway.

Now that you look back at it, all Bethesda settlements are pile of dogshit.

Why? Theres not enough in game taxes? Would a bunch of Mr. Handys manning the toll booths at the Massachusetts Turnpike demanding you pay make it more immersive?


Because everyone is expecting a game about a "post nuclear world" to be tin shacks and radiation. It takes more creativity to imagine the world after that.

That is why I like the setting of FO76, because at least the still destroyed landscape makes sense.

>not using Diamond City Expansion

>That is why I like the setting of FO76

Too bad everything else sucks.

Why is a large settlement in the middle of a constant warzone? Wouldn't it block supply lines?

Tell me about it, I hate multiplayer but like fallout games (yes the bethesda shit). I bought it for a discount, and all I do is run around collecting trash.

>judging a modded game

Attached: 1538849328984.jpg (366x494, 25K)

Not for Diamond city. War was 200 fucking years ago and they still lives in shacks with holes in the roofs, have still rubble all around and there's no reliable source of food in sufficient quantity for the city.

You'd thing they move their arse to at least find a way to make themselve more comfortable but no. They just live all day long in a favela and call that the "jewel of the commonwealth" while there's 1000 buildings better preserved a few hundred yards away they could live in.

>Humans 2000 years ago
>Understand masonry and carpentry
>Humans 200 years from now
>Can only live in rusty shacks and houses that look like they were built by a 1st grader out of popsicle sticks

76 has my favorite Bethesda Fallout map
too bad it's wasted on 76

Can mods even save 76? I mean shit, they could barely do anything to make FO4 better, but a man can hope.

> more than 100 years old
> can maintain robots, laser weapons and other advanced tech
> can't cut straight sheets of metal
> can't clear out a nest of mutants living right next door

Bethesda is so fucking annoying with this shit.

Is it worth getting this game on a sale for tiddy mods?

I know, this is canonically how the west coast looks at the end of FO2.

If Bethesda makes a west coast Fallout you know they'll make it a pure shithole with irregular cut sheet metal everywhere.

Attached: Fo2_Arroyo_Ending.png (640x480, 138K)

What really pisses me off is how anything they actually do build is so over-the-top comically ramshackle it's just retarded. Like why can they not place these planks of wood in a nice straight line? Why is everything made in jagged crooked retard mode with huge gaps in all the walls?

Yeah, that was one of the things that really drove me nuts about the game. I get that they live in the stadium because it's a de facto fortress, but if anything the thing to do would be to knock down all of the directly adjacent buildings so that the guards could defend the city more effectively (less cover for people to sneak up to the walls) and use the bricks from those demolished buildings to build decent new ones inside the stadium.

You can play the game without ever touching that stuff and nothing changes.

> and there's no reliable source of food in sufficient quantity for the city.
They literally have an entire farm inside the city, and all the trade caravans go to Diamond City, and numerous farms like the Abernathy's mention selling their excess crop to Diamond City.

Every time I see shit like this it makes me wonder if anyone has actually played these games.

Diamond city is fucking 150 years old.

They know how to maintain robots and laser guns but they can't cut sheet metal and they let a literal child run their water supply becuse lol that's funny.

>First time I get to Diamond City
>Walking around checking it out
>Generic piles of trash everywhere
>Start thinking "who the fuck dragged this giant truck tire into the stadium just to toss it in this pile?"

They don't give a fuck about world-building at all. Just make some garbage shacks, sprinkle trash all over the place, and call it a day. Like why are so many places just filled with trash? Even "upscale" places like that fancy bar in DC are covered in trash.

>I know, this is canonically how the west coast looks at the end of FO2.
Nope, that is how Arroyo looks after the use of a GECK.

The West coast looks like pic related for the most part. aka, people living in half collapsed buildings with holes in the roofs

Attached: Fo1_Boneyard_Adytum.jpg (1759x1028, 963K)


Shit makes no sense.

> from the fully functional ironworks
The ironworks isn't fully functional, in fact, they mention how most of the small machinery in the factories has rusted to the point it isn't usable.

> FO1
> Boneyard

The point is that the West coast has civilized societies and actually rebuilt cities. Of course not everything is perfect.

fallout 4 was the pinnacle of lost opportunities in re-stylizing the games
they should've gone for a neo-colonial/federal style with Boston and had that permeate the game
like taverns, farms, walled towns, etc.

there is a tall building, there's one that's almost 20 feet tall

Oh yeah, forgot about all the apocalyptic trash collectors making a living in the Fallout universe.
As if places in India don't look like that BEFORE being nuked lol

True. It's extra lulzy considering you can literally nuke one off the map in 3 within 5 minutes of leaving the vault.

Yeah I guess before the invention of the garbage truck humans just lived in constant filth and never swept their floors or anything.

>The point is that the West coast has civilized societies and actually rebuilt cities
There are no rebuilt cites on the west coast. Places like the Hub are massive metal shack collections, and places like shady Sands, Vault city, and Arroyo, were made using Gecks.

All pre-war cities like LA, San Fran, Sacremento, Bakersfield, etc. etc. are still massive shitholes made up of decrypt buildings.

And, again, the NCR only got as far as they did because they have used like 4-5 GECKs

You'll be swarmed by retards shouting about muh medieval no washing and other hollywood lies they've learned.

This is a home from 3700 BC, for reference.

Attached: Knapp_of_Howar_2.jpg (1024x768, 195K)

Anyone have a link to a download of the dlc of this? Looking to try it again but I only have the base game

> Within a year of the Enclave's destruction, the Wright Family turned from criminal activity to legitimate pursuits. Several schools and churches were established in New Reno, along with a law enforcement body that crippled the influence of the families. Though New Reno lost much of its edge, the city obtained a certain solidity that appealed to newcomers. Many came to Reno, not to visit, but to live, and the population increased threefold. Today the test scores of New Reno high school graduates are greater than many Californian schools before the War.

>no one remembers how to make proper roads, housing, paint, clothing.
This pisses me off about all post apocalyptic games.

This isn't canon. New Vegas mentions Reno is still a giant shithole where the mob families run everything.


> Fallout: New Vegas establishes the continued presence of the Wrights in New Reno as canon.

IIRc, it was one of the guys you can recruit for the top's performance act. He mentions he was from New Reno and talks about it.

>The Courier: "What's your story?"
>Clayton Ettienne: "Well, I've lived in Nevada all my life. Started out in New Reno, but headed down here as soon as I got the chance. If you can believe it, things are even worse back home. The whole city's still run by crime families. Used to be the Mordinos and Wrights. Now it's the Wrights and Van Graffs. Seems like things never get better. Anyway, that's all behind me now."

Mad-max ruined post-apoc. Everyone and their grandma uses Mad Max as the goto for post-apoc aesthetics w/o actually thinking about why Mad Max has that aesthetic in the first place. People who make post-apoc works have this tendency to not bother studying actual real life historical post collapse societies. They just want punk biker gang raiders and wall-to-wall rusting industrial decay, even if it makes no damn sense in setting for those to still be a thing.

Attached: b39b6e440d5f32b1c35e176bb1aa2e81.jpg (560x423, 57K)

> They used da Gecks, dats cheating!!!

Ok based retard.

It wasn't even good when Mad Max did it. They did it because it was cheap.

Mad Max actually makes sense though because Australia is a shithole that's 90 percent desert and already filled with crazies.

>Diamond City surround on all sides by buildings and skyscrapers
>clearly have access to turrets and manpower
>sole survivor can potentially revive the minutemen which would give Commonwealth even more man power
>could've had a quest where you slowly take back downtown Boston one piece at a time
>nope instead everyone lives on top of each other in the rundown baseball stadium
Isn't one of the interesting aspects of Fallout seeing various parts of America thrive and regain some sense of society? Why is Commonwealth somehow more of a rundown shit hole than Mojave despite clearly having access to more resources?

Attached: why.gif (320x240, 3.94M)

Looks like modern America desu

>comparing the stone age to post-apocalyptic nuclear age societies

Man, how long did it took to learn how to make roof?

It took a Volcano for it to be commonplace

Explain further.