Name one game with turn based combat other than pic related where the combat is actually enjoyable...

name one game with turn based combat other than pic related where the combat is actually enjoyable. no fallout/final fantasy-like games

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Final fantasy tactics/tactics ogre. Despite fights taking forever. And similar games of that genre, xcom, banner saga, disgaea, fire emblem etc.

Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga.

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>name a turn based game with enjoyable combat
>but not these ones, they don't count

XCOM and Valkyria Chronicles both spring to mind. Also just dig into the big bag of CRPGs.

Persona 5


Did LISA really? I remember it being charming and fast but very simple

I'll give you 4:
1. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
2. The Legend of Dragoon
3. Etrian Odyssey III
4. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

LISA's combat is ass. Also Mario and Luigi, Civilzation V, and every Disgaea

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fallout and final fantasy don't count because i don't like their combat, that's why i excluded them
the combat itself is nothing special but the attack animations, sound effects and dialogue improved it a lot
i played it and i don't get the appeal
you're ass. but since civ 5 is good i can forgive you

thank you for the suggestions anons, i'll try all of them

It's bog standard RPG maker with the inputmaker plugin

Paper Mario and Paper Mario TTYD.

Paper Mario
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate 2
Neverwinter Nights (especially the xpacs)
just off the top of my head
guess you need to kys OP

Attached: TheComfyYearDoor.png (1215x966, 1.3M)

lisa is shit though

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Mother 3

you're right but buddy is way worse than her
>Baldur's Gate
i did consider playing it but apparently beamdog or whatever they're called fucked up the enhanced edition or something and i didn't know if i should get that or the original version, and then i forgot about it
>guess you need to kys OP
why? i was looking for suggestions and got some

Mother 3

Is funny because Lisa combat is very simple and add nothing new and still is pretty damn fun to play. Maybe is because you have a shit tons of party members to use

Is sad there would never be a game as good as LISA again during all humanity’s life. There isn’t any game that that could make me feel as much as LISA or have the balls to be as dark without ending up over the top edgy. That’s the only thing I hate about this game, it ruined every other game for me

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Gay opinion

Roguelikes, old x-com, heroes 3.

on the topic of LISA, have this.

Attached: infinity ghost.png (680x397, 331K)

LISA had terrible combat, though. It was because the game was interesting in most other ways that you slogged through it, same as OFF.

now this is bait

LISA's combat sucks. LISA was a fun game but the combat was the worst part of it, it was carried by its writing, worldbuilding and sound design.

Only games with turn-based combat where I enjoyed the combat that aren't tactics games or roguelikes are games with action commands, like Paper Mario

it certainly didn't feel like i was slogging through it

played like a damn fiddle