Why are people so unwilling to barter in minecraft multiplayer?

Why are people so unwilling to barter in minecraft multiplayer?

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you guys are gross

What if it pops out though

silly gamer

her socks say pink, but they are black?


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Cool pic op

kill yourself, please.

I wish I was a girl :(

What is the context of this image?

Indeed her socks say pink but are black, very good user

The socks aren't pink though

they were BLACKED

No, you can't use my penis to dilate you mentally ill freak


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I have a buttplug in right now.


Attached: 1567967025754.png (1310x1570, 1.15M)

1 out of every 15 women you pass by is wearing one of those. Have you ever seen one fall to the floor?

Pink is a brand name


user that's a boy tho, Also is a cuck you're not a freak you're a beautiful person and are loved.

Dude I've had butt plugs in my ass before and they aren't just popping out lol. Your ass has to be destroyed for them not to stay in.

women are worthless

that's kinda gay bro

Imagine if she brapped and hit the guy taking the picture in the head with her butt plug.

I'm imagining it's me

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Hah, too late. I already jacked off to it

I want my ass destroyed

would bury my face in that butt and eat him out n lap his balls

pink Is a colour, silly user.


Can I see?

Post pics.

Stop it

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1 out of every 15 women walk around with that thing in their ass hole? why?

based coomer

I don't even know wether these xbrain threads are made by discord raiders to bait anymore or that people are actually taking this meme too serious.

Post the voocaroo

You know the one

cause it's sexy

Nuke America. Now.

Literally impossible.

It's cool, now. Everyone is obsessed with anal, ass-eating and buttplugs.

Citation needed.

Cause they don't you fucking retard.

>being a faggot

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If either of you were my boyfriend, sure. But you're not, and I'm going to his house in two hours or so.

I'd honestly rather just see her naked ass

think about it though, it's like she's dildoing her ass but she can hide it under her clothes

Yeah where did that come from?

>But you're not
You don't know that


It's symbolic. Pink (white) pussy belongs together with black (African American) cock.

holy fucking shit

That number seems really high but i do hope it accurate

please be girl

Where does any zoomer trend come from.

it's the spirit of sodom and gomorrah running rampant in these last days before the return of Jesus

what is she wearing?

who cares I cum anyway

Black people think it's disgusting too.
LGBT crowd in general loves it.

Is she shoplifting a thermometer?

>White women

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I guess that's technically true, but I would hope he'd be making me a nice dinner right before I come over instead of shitposting on Yea Forums.

>tfw every girl wants to be choked and slapped and you literally have to eat her shitty asshole for sex now
Times are a changin

Oh my sweet innocent user, perhaps you should leave this thread before we ruin you further.

is the "XD COOOM COOOMING" meme the most pathetic attempt by /pol/ to shift board culture?

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won't it start smelling bad after wearing it for an hour or two?

ther is nothin hotter than when a girl tells you to eat her ass

god i hope

Yeah that's not true at all though and you'd know that if you actually had sex.

A lot of people blame easily accessible hardcore porn. They're right, in part. What they need to do is look behind the curtain to see what, or who, is really to blame.

No, it's a color

It spawned from the mods filtering c u m b r a i n. Its literally the moderations doing.

what do you mean? explain

It's from /fit/ you reddit nigger.

Simply one week ago I'd say bullshit, but yesterday I was standing in line at a bank and the woman in front of me was texting up a storm to her boyfriend about how she really needed to fart and she didn't want the thing to pop out. He was being all faux-dom, saying that that discomfort was the price she had to pay.

I wouldn't have been reading it except her text was set to grandma-size, on one of those easy-to-read retina display phones. Possibly part of her dom/sub embarrassing punishment.

Not if she has a good diet and cleaned herself before going out with it in.

i mean if you treat them like dirt, they'll stick to you like mud.

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Rectal thermometers don't have gaudy fake jewels on them user, no matter what your uncle told you as a kid.

Buttplugs are okay I guess but when are we going to get a fluffy tail trend?

All their anti-porn stuff is kind of pathetic, since most of the people spamming it are zoomers.
Imagine coming to Yea Forums and whining about porn as if that's not going to make people more likely to post even more porn.

I bet you could have got away with something there, if you were willing to take the risk.

Imagine actually thinking this retarded PUA tier shit, no wonder you guys are virgins lmao


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Yiff in hell furfag

>TFW no gf
>TFW no slutty girlfriend


I still don't understand if that meme is praising or making fun of jizzbrains.

I think it's because most resources are fairly easy to get, and for most people it's probably more convenient to just go off and get it yourself than to seek out other players who have what you're looking for.

Literal cope and unwillingly to face reality

Only white guys unironically think it's not true.
If it weren't no ghetto asshole on the planet would ever get laid.

Why does it say Pink when it's a black sock?

100% this is a man.

Literally has never even held a girls hand.

poltrannies at it again

All pussies are pink, virgin.

Where do these shitty wojack rehashes keep coming from? Why does it never fucking end?

PUA, negging, all that stuff genuinely works. The thing is that you need to be good-looking. That's the thing the ugly creep forgets. If you're good-looking then you can treat them like absolute shit and they'll be obsessed with you for life. If you're ugly, then you're creepy and possibly dangerous.

I know you haven't

Based fucking coomer

> /pol/ boogeyman
It might be people are tired of these bait threads that end up shitting the board. Same with the constant "he's in" threads.

Women are disgusting

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Because creativity and originality are dead.

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If we're talking stupid trash people, sure I guess it applies.
It only works on the lowest tier of women though. If you're good looking you don't need to play some cringey game which is why PUA garbage only attracts ugly creeps.

same reason any other meme gets spammed
this is just the new dubsguy edits

>getting this assmad over a dumb joke

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Because women like sex. It's hot. Girls get more pleasure from sex than guys if they're dicked properly. It's why theyll stick with a fucking loser, hes good at giving her the D.

Do you realize how hard you'd have to fart to LAUNCH a butt-plug at someone?

Oh, who am I kidding, you've probably done the math on that already.

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>black people think it's disgusting too
as if, they popularized this meme with their baboon ass worship

I rather be a furfag than a brapper. Besides I only care about half breed shit not full blown furry

>If we're talking stupid trash people
AKA 99% of the human race.

>no u!
lmao have sex

it's a beetle that sprays burning-hot liquid onto things
was in a bug book i had as a kid

It's as transparent as can be. It's how all meme-based propaganda works. Pick thing you don't like, make a meme insulting it, spam it and force it as much as you can, watch as sub-80 IQ retards that frequent this place start hating said thing because the based may may told them to.

>annoying meme spam starts
>people just blame /pol/
Their propaganda is different

PUA garbage attracts those losers. The successful men are just doing it naturally. It's obvious when it's forced.

but walking around with a buttplug isn't sex


small tits > big tits
hard abs > soft tummy
athletic ass > disgusting flabby obese ass
When will you stop worshiping disgusting cows?

The obvious difficulty is that your intestines are elastic and will stretch as pressure builds, so your calculation has to take that into account.

Nah 99% is too high, the about 35% are "stupid trash, then another 50% are "mediocre trash" with the remainder possibly being acceptable levels of trash.

No. Dubsguy did not last for almost a full decade. This is an entirely different monster.

It will be, user. Just as soon as you get home or find a cupboard or the aisle in the store is empty for 5 minutes.

>free speech good
>but ban porn. Bad free speech!

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Only a white person who's delusional about the state of the world would believe that, no wonder you're on the brink of extinction.
Naivety this obvious should hurry up and die out.

that sounds more like r9k's doing. they are pushing the sexual purity hard, even their fags and trannies

You will literally never get a worthwhile mate acting that way.

>29 minutes ago

It still probably feels good and its sexual in nature. She's being penetrated. Girls walk around with vibrators in and turned on to. Women are completely obsessed with sex. When a woman is acting like a bitch its usually because she hasn't been fucked well in a long time. Girls cant just masturbate like a guy and call it day, they need more. So they do shit like this.

you could argue advice dog spinoffs lasted for well longer than that and it was also just the same recycled shit

Ass worship is just wanting to grab it and fuck her pussy. Why the racism?

Yep, just look at Gab.
It's why I don't care about right-wingers whining about free speech, because they don't support it either.
Hope more of them lose their jobs for being racist.

I don't understand what the appeal of jeweled ass plugs is.

this. just go to /gif/ and bare witness to all the THICC threads.

What a boring post.

This shit doesn’t even turn me on anymore, it just makes me angry, angry that I’ll probably date a girl who’s done trashy shit like that, is it too much to ask to have a girl with some restraint? (It is)

>when she tells you to shove it in her ass raw and she immediately starts screaming
Yea Forums, you need to start having sex

You aren't fooling anyone schizo.