Is this game any good?
Is this game any good?
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play it
don't play it
If you're a incel, yeah.
You either hate it for limited battle scale and first person combat or you put 700 hours into it
Might as well cut your penis off
the combat is janky and not the most fun.
the rest of the game is cool though.
I found it pretty boring but worth a pirate. I had fun for maybe 3-4 hours until the story just got laughably bad and the combat became samey bullshit that was easy to cheese after a while. Just play warband modded honestly
Not for everyone, but it's definitely unique and I like what they were going for.
It's a true RPG to a degree few other games are, the combat sucks though.
If you want to play for the rpg elements then yes, it's really good, if you are looking for a game with good combat or a hack n slash this game is not for you.
best rpg ever made
Eh, it was alright. DLC was fucking worthless, though.
it's really fuckin good. probably the best "rpg" since the bitcher 3
one of the best. it's actually really hard though at first because your character sucks at everything.
Yes, don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
It's pretty unique.
The only major flaw is combat against mobs. It becomes pretty clunky fighting against multiple enemies. 1v1 is alright.
>It becomes pretty clunky fighting against multiple enemies
it was perfect prior to version 1.9, that's where they fucked it up
Yeah, it's pretty good. Genuine sense of progression, a fair amount of content, quests don't hold your hand, no niggers or strong warrior women, lots of customization options, you can mod out some of tedious survival and "realism" stuff easily.
great story (quest with priest is a masterpiece), satisfying combat system, the game does not lead by the hand, amazing landscape
Not him, but the game was released by Daniel Vavra who was a very vocal person during the whole gamergate bullshit. Anti-SJW.
As such, he's gotten himself blacklisted by SJWs and even mentioning the game in a hellhole like resetera is almost a bannable offense.
I was beginning to like the game. It's nice going from just having a shirt on your back to slowly kitting yourself up in a proper panoply.
UNFORTUNATELY, the game had a bad habit of crashing on me quite often (even though my setup isn't too bad - Ryzen 5 2600x, RX 590, 8 gigs of ram) resulting in plenty of lost progress, so I eventually hung up my hat.
I was starting to like the combat system which felt clunky at first.
Get it on a deep discount, though.
I don't remember crashing while i played it. And my setup is a medium one like yours. An i5, 8gb and GTX 1050. It's a laptop.
I don't know if it's because I have the settings cranked too high or what. I have the HD textures installed.
Must be it then. I didn't even try because the normal game already consumed much of my RAM dn VRAM. If you could debug and see how much it's consuming in yours, you can find the culprit. I would turn them off if i were you.
It's really fun and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Combat seems clunky until you get a hang of it then it's pretty sweet. Multiple enemies is a problem though. If it's on sale snag it for sure
i never bothered with the hd textures because dont play on 4k and this game on ultra does nothing but eat fps with barely any difference. i played on high except for shadows i think and it ran really nice except when you first enter rattay and around the shops in the other big city but those drops are momentary.
yeah, it was pretty good.
is worth playing just for henry
such a fucking good main character
They do a good job making Henry enough of a character while giving you the ability to make him your own. Learning how to read was also a neat touch
The story is alright, Henry is an autismus supremus so he's kind of a shit vehicle to experience it through, world is beautiful, combat is absolute god tier until theres 3+ enemies on screen then it's the worst shit ever. DLC is mostly worthless and should be avoided, A Woman's Lot is okay but the other two are "blink and you'll miss it" levels of content to the point where even six bucks feels like way too much money for them
Is royal edition worth it? it includes all the dlcs but double the price of basegame($15)
>whole gamergate bullshit. Anti-SJW.
this is a problem why, you faggot zoomer?
Prolly not
get the base game and that maps DLC that add OP armor and weapons and you are done
Tbh it's a high iq game. You need to have the mental capacity to figure out the combat, it's not like souls either where it's enough to learn the patterns.
alchemy was fun but getting to routine took way too long and the fun of the minigame wore thin too fast. it would be cool if you could have gotten access to fancier brewing techniques after you learned how to read that yielded more xp. repairing your sword for free by using the grind stone was great, wish there was some kind of minigame for armor and clothing repair though. it would be funny to walk around with a really sloppy repair job and have people make fun of you or make your clothes really nice where the nobility got jealous. the horse skill was just kind of there would have been cool if there was more involved ways of leveling it. i finished it before all the dlcs came out i need to get those.
Best game of 2018, easily.
Easy, gramps.
There's no problem with him being anti-SJW.
But Gamergate was a fucking stupid mess filled with opportunistic, parasitic, retards on all sides.
best mods?
Yes very good. Only on PC though, but that should go without saying.
how do you kill faggots with shields efficiently?
>1v1 is alright.
1 on 1 is easy bs after less than 10 hours of play
and it was totaly worth it by the amounts of buthurt it still causes today
Finally a game for me
make them use up their stamina and then combo them. also don't forget you can kick and use a mace.
go fowards getting close so you start the "struggle" keep pressing the atack button so you win
when you push the guy back do 2 sideways atacks and back down
glock 9 mod
Unironically this. One big streamer in my country (probably an aspie) got wrecked several times by a random mercenary from a highway event so hard he dropped it on the second day of his playthrough.
Imagine being btfoed from the game by an NPC.
Sequel when?
I just remember how hard every smooth brain freaked the fuck out about this game being even partially historically accurate and began spamming threads like these su cucks we got now.
Yeah I really enjoyed it, Henry is a genuinely good protag and the story is intriguing due to it's common man in a world bigger than him spin done right. At least until the third act.
1v1 is piss easy after you get used to the combat. 1v4 and up is when shit becomes terrible. Unless you massively outgear the enemy and can just take the attack to the face without losing any stamina and just whack them with one hit.
really good sword gameplay, had a lot of fun trying to master combos and get a hand on the system. literally perfect 1st act, after that the story starts to drag on a bit until the very end. really interested to see where they go for the sequel so yeah, really good game, would recommend.
i never took on more than 2 people at once because it just got too annoying walking in circles while attacking one guy, defending, and cycling targets to keep an eye on the other guys so you don't get blindsided. it just ended up being a mess and i'm not even sure the game was designed to take on more than 2 maybe 3 people at once by yourself. when it came to bandit camps i just shot one or two of them with arrows and went toe to toe with the rest or o fit was close to dark i'd just sneak in and kill everyone in their sleep or poison their food.
Someone was rustled.
I liked the game, took me a while to get into it though, but it was fun. Good world building.
I had a great time with it. One of my favorite games this gen.
I'm bad at videogames. Will I enjoy it?
Actually installed it today but kept crashing. Turns out I didn't install any voice pack lmao
lol what
There was a free weekend on steam, I spent longer downloading it that playing it. It might have been good if it wasn't for all the bullshit "realism" that plagues survival games.
There was an auto brew mechanic but it was pretty deep in the perks
I wasn't separating between easy and hard.
It's just a mess to fight a group because you glue to an enemy and switching target is awful, you basically glue from one to another, losing sight of everyone else in the process.
More than once i glitched where my character rotated around while being hit by someone out of my sight while trying to switch target and Henry went spinning like a madmen. It's really bad. The combat as it is is made for 1v1 fights. It's where i mostly enjoy the fights.
How so?
Extremely slow start but becomes a bit addictive.
Very very flawed though. Do yourself a favor and get the mod that prolongs gear durability if you dont want to be fixing broken gear after literally every single minor fight
Know that the combat is basically morrowind's combat but a bit more modern.
That means, it gives the impression taht you're incontrol but this is literally false, most of the combat stuff is handled through RNG like the chance of hits connecting or your character being countered or you countering.
They will tell you something about feints and directional parrying, this is a lie, the game doesn't use this. It did during early development but the devs scraped it and left the dialogue/tutorial about it
Best and most immersive medieval RPG bar none. I should reinstall it and his up whatever mods are out on of these days. Fucking brilliant game.
Glitchy and boring, but it depends on whether or not you're the target audience. My tolerance for Western historical/fantasy RPGs is pretty low. I enjoyed Witcher 3, got bored of Skyrim and couldn't stomach KCD. If you're into heavy historical settings then you might be able to see past the glitchy combat, if not then you probably won't like it.
It's not a survival game you fucking faggot.