>generate a comic
>recommend a game based on it
Attached: 1567973277700.png (720x352, 90K)
Attached: bideo chames.png (1024x517, 178K)
dude weed lmao
Attached: Untitled.png (879x427, 135K)
death stranding
Attached: ghame.png (821x416, 82K)
obvious I guess
Attached: 123.png (857x410, 86K)
Attached: Untitled2.png (822x398, 134K)
Attached: Capture.png (845x415, 86K)
>I've decided to kill myself
>I can't believe that worked!
lobotomy corporation
Attached: lobcorp painless death.png (437x299, 130K)
Attached: unknown.png (834x425, 158K)
Attached: Untitled.png (821x412, 156K)
First one generated when I loaded up the page.
Attached: god.png (837x420, 127K)
Attached: bad trip.png (1024x517, 156K)
>cyanide and happiness in 2012+7
The swordplay game with a pal is pretty fun
Attached: Wii Sports Resort.png (1023x515, 129K)
Attached: selfcest.png (836x419, 157K)
Attached: aids.png (826x420, 126K)
Attached: 1548554929290.gif (400x372, 533K)
Any Sony game
Attached: file.png (853x419, 142K)
There's a psychological video game in here somewhere...
Attached: 3F0A6F99E8BF.png (275x398, 14K)
Diablo Immortal
Attached: 43344.png (984x455, 122K)
games for this feel?
Attached: rwainwhpj.png (825x417, 47K)
Attached: fcsa.jpg (842x418, 58K)
Attached: 1549110895264.png (730x290, 152K)
Hotline Miami 2
New Vegas Independent Run
Attached: promotion.png (825x417, 69K)
Attached: Okthen.png (1269x475, 183K)
degrees of lewdity
Attached: 8.png (275x398, 26K)
Attached: 32513412.png (831x420, 144K)
Attached: 0714.png (1194x605, 151K)
Attached: Capture.png (929x477, 125K)
Attached: file.png (837x421, 163K)
Don't you mean Fallout 4?
Attached: 3423414231321.png (834x420, 70K)
sure thing
Attached: 1565301426503.jpg (463x431, 40K)
well okay
Attached: uh.png (832x423, 81K)
Any AAA game with microtransactions
>GTA3, SR2
>getting busted after first mission
Attached: Untitled.png (833x427, 93K)
Attached: lfnlzurin.png (825x417, 46K)
This one actually looks like it's from vidya I guess
Attached: iersifrum.png (825x417, 56K)
>cunny threads
Attached: qcewcgplg.png (825x417, 51K)
Attached: mgykqpljy.png (825x417, 50K)
Attached: NEVER EVER.png (730x290, 36K)
Attached: qzaakgrka.png (825x417, 42K)
Attached: 8.png (825x425, 103K)
Attached: 86.png (857x427, 104K)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Attached: grsjcnyzw.png (825x417, 53K)
>avarage thread on Yea Forums
Attached: xtrhkysqb.png (825x417, 40K)
Attached: wubuamsxl.png (825x417, 57K)
Resident Evil 2.
Attached: comic.png (864x420, 117K)
Tropico 5: Epstein Edition
Mass Effect
Attached: Capture.png (827x418, 164K)
Attached: penis.png (825x414, 115K)
Any good father son incest games?
Attached: dad.png (1237x620, 178K)
>Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Attached: 1538281019361.png (825x417, 51K)
Attached: a.png (825x417, 41K)
Attached: dPcZezg[1].png (826x416, 93K)
super mario odyssey for the nintendo switcj
Any games where you are literally the only thing that truly exists?
Attached: b.png (825x417, 41K)
Attached: twerew.png (833x419, 107K)
If you're going to cheat, crop the locks faggot.
Attached: random.png (1037x504, 204K)
even random fucking chance is disgusted by cucks
ntr is such a bad fetish universal fucking forces are chiming in
Attached: 1561571784796.png (850x422, 128K)
The Painting Goblin from Sims 3
Attached: nvsshknui.png (825x417, 51K)
Attached: I should go.png (825x417, 47K)
Attached: 1566263287689.png (832x435, 108K)
Euphoria with the scat scenes
Attached: waifu threads.png (830x427, 84K)
Attached: coffee.png (834x418, 86K)
I swear this could fit something but nothing comes to mind
Attached: DE626E21228B.png (871x427, 88K)
The opening of Deus ex human revolution
Literally every thread on Yea Forums since it's 99% false flagging and sock puppeting now
OP is definitely Honey Select.
Fuck, he broke the laws of robotics
Attached: chrome_RenlciOnNK.png (957x477, 101K)
Attached: 0.png (877x421, 140K)
Attached: mcpijpczs.png (825x417, 94K)
Attached: 289892359.png (922x451, 136K)
Attached: file.png (794x400, 123K)
Attached: high elves.png (907x449, 132K)
The only thing that's missing is greentext and a poorly edited soijak in panel two
Attached: NO FUN ALLOWED.png (825x417, 44K)
Attached: Untitled.png (860x451, 196K)
Binding of Isaac
Attached: BBFECF5184C6.png (275x398, 18K)
Attached: sketch-1567988805357.png (1280x652, 233K)
Can't get aids from kissing.
Got to dlsite, sort by loli then throw darts at the screen.
Attached: tv.png (836x382, 102K)
Attached: meaning of life.png (818x418, 88K)
Attached: benis.png (979x491, 127K)
Attached: randumb1.png (825x417, 54K)
Attached: CH .png (823x417, 162K)
Yea Forums: the video game
Attached: Untitled.png (831x425, 130K)
Attached: sunday night at v.png (825x417, 53K)
Attached: game of pretend.png (825x417, 46K)
Attached: 4C3A31293352.png (275x398, 17K)
Attached: my grandma.jpg (825x417, 58K)
Attached: yolwrmrdn.png (825x417, 47K)
Attached: pozzed.png (275x398, 11K)
fuck cropped it wrong
Attached: pozzed.png (840x423, 82K)
Attached: thing.png (847x425, 114K)
Dota 2
Attached: party griefing.png (948x417, 105K)
Attached: randumb2.png (825x417, 52K)
Attached: catholics.png (825x417, 51K)
Attached: Screenshot (191).png (824x411, 124K)
>overwatch general
Attached: Hard Time.png (825x417, 54K)
Attached: wefwf.jpg (993x461, 68K)
Attached: randumb5.png (825x417, 64K)
Attached: 545650.png (861x441, 130K)
Attached: jKYHVX3.png (920x469, 94K)
Attached: Untitled.png (898x424, 150K)
Attached: Planescape Torment.png (825x417, 51K)
Attached: ok.png (948x417, 101K)
Attached: Untitled.png (1008x462, 164K)
Attached: rhuznckpl.png (825x417, 47K)
Attached: a5323.png (825x417, 39K)
Attached: sdf.png (675x345, 82K)
Attached: Capture.png (836x420, 188K)
Attached: 1537498372050.png (825x417, 41K)
Nier Automata
Attached: na.png (825x417, 49K)
Attached: file.png (834x426, 197K)
Attached: Yakuza.png (865x431, 161K)
holy fuck lol
Attached: 0630DFEBADAC.png (832x420, 135K)
Attached: file.png (1045x525, 185K)
Attached: file.png (1047x521, 170K)
Attached: file.png (1053x526, 165K)
Attached: datvftcsa.png (825x417, 49K)
Attached: waifus.png (1035x526, 173K)
Attached: videogames.png (839x418, 79K)
Attached: file.png (1046x525, 189K)
If I was any good at art I would draw leon and chris.
Attached: v.jpg (843x423, 83K)
Attached: vrchat.png (1043x529, 170K)
Attached: die alone.png (730x290, 39K)
Attached: rgc3.png (816x383, 82K)
The edited bottom bit really completes it.
Attached: mind hacks.png (680x693, 685K)
kirby epic yarn
Attached: kirby.png (825x417, 47K)
This would be better if it was green talking in the third pannel.
Sleeping Do-
Attached: qzvbqwerb.png (730x290, 40K)
Attached: 8ED930EAFCF8.png (275x398, 6K)
Attached: file.png (1045x528, 205K)
Attached: !.png (872x402, 116K)
Attached: firefox_2019-09-08.png (1044x525, 156K)
fuck up the post
Attached: 2135252351.png (838x414, 87K)
Attached: infamous.png (730x290, 61K)
Attached: pelwomvsd.png (825x417, 57K)
Attached: jdkbzfrum.png (825x417, 54K)
What games have this feel
Attached: later.jpg (839x411, 64K)
AaaaaAaaaaa A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Dark souls?
Attached: what 4chan thinks of women.png (828x423, 97K)
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Someone should make a generator for ronnie
Attached: 1558934445-2019-05-27-Goof-Oof.png (600x1125, 331K)
ummm neverdead
Attached: fuck.jpg (822x413, 84K)
Attached: file.png (1038x523, 271K)
Attached: e.png (836x411, 133K)
Attached: 721E90012DBF.png (275x398, 7K)
Attached: sokdnyqfc.png (825x417, 49K)
Attached: umineko.png (730x290, 35K)
Attached: file.png (1034x522, 169K)
I'd like to believe Blue is one of Green's dads, just not the dad for fucking.
Attached: accidentally wholesome.jpg (835x496, 119K)
Attached: roleplay server.jpg (848x432, 91K)
Attached: yxurkqdho.png (825x417, 54K)
literally any h-game with a bitchy, bratty cunt as a love interest
Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-08 22-48-06.png (838x418, 161K)
Attached: 87919DD59424.png (275x398, 12K)
Attached: ztceaqywi.png (825x417, 44K)
what game?
Attached: nurmnqmsb.png (825x417, 52K)
Why do half of these panels have something to do with dicks?
Attached: 73E1675ED78F.png (275x398, 12K)
Attached: 654765167.png (852x414, 86K)
Attached: btlaegqob.png (825x417, 49K)
Attached: 968794674.png (859x418, 91K)
Attached: 1561896441900.png (825x424, 91K)
Attached: 65749464.png (850x424, 100K)
This one is for the trannies
Attached: randumb8.png (825x417, 47K)
I mean this one
Attached: randumb9.png (825x417, 40K)
Oh you sweet summer sweety.
Attached: 1560359962845.png (795x753, 823K)
Attached: randumb10.png (825x417, 52K)
This thing has too much weird sex shit in it now.
Attached: nszgrlbnp.png (825x417, 62K)
Attached: randumb11.png (825x417, 49K)
anything but resident evil