Who's at the top of the tower, Yea Forums?

Who's at the top of the tower, Yea Forums?

Attached: princess?.jpg (3150x1140, 514K)


A black man.

A bear

Attached: bear princess.png (1500x1000, 257K)

I understood that reference.

Is it 2014 again? Holy shit.

It devolved to shitty muh speshul oc waifuism super fast.
Vanilla or bust.

Attached: princess rescue.png (1185x758, 65K)

He better not lay a hand on her, or Sir Bearington will have a fit.

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Attached: Sonic.png (2452x887, 710K)

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Attached: Tranny.png (2452x887, 1.37M)

Attached: thank you but.png (3150x1140, 566K)

Skeleton Princess has zero downsides.

Why doesnt Insect Princess have the short lifespan listed?

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Attached: ohio.jpg (3150x1140, 745K)


They've got a proper video game in the works that's actually pretty fun. They also had a real fucking jackass in the past too, but the less said about his special snowflake RPG maker porn game and bottomless autism, the better.

Attached: princess.png (800x289, 245K)



This one is 10/10
