Why do so many people want to play with him?

Why do so many people want to play with him?

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he's fun in DMC3 and 4

he's the fun weeb katana man duh

He's a blast in every game he's in

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He's fast, motivated, and powerful.

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>trench coat
>nothin personnel kid attitude
>literally teleports behind you
what's not to love?

Unique playstyle and he has some cool ass moves
>that fucking judgement cut

He's an epitome of an edgy reserved cool katana guy and his gameplay is piss easy to button mash or one-hit KO everything

Lads...I don't think we're getting any DLC for 5

TGS is our last hope


HIM? not so much. The guy is boring.

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Because he's more interesting than Dante, and WAY more interesting than shitty Nero.
>likes poetry, has actual good taste in it too
>grow up completely overshadowed by cocky chad brother
>intensely jealous of dante
>goes full weeb with Yamato and constnatly tries to surpass his brother

He also tends to have the coolest movesets. Dante and his dumb little 4 styles can fuck right off.

>one-hit KO everything
Really? Haven't seen that before.



I wonder who might be behind this post

foolish thread

He's really fun to play in DMC3 and DMC4.

You just have shit-tier taste.
Pizza eating CUHRAZY Dante with pithy one liners is for virgin children
Silent, stoic, and motivated Vergil is for adults
Bonus round: True Chads also like V in DMC5 because making others do your work for you is the best

Get off of Yea Forums Vergil.

>likes poetry, has actual good taste in it too
Seriously? Blake is only one step up from Poe in terms of standard, pretentious twats who like poetry. They're great poets and writers but their work has been appropriated by the pretentious adolescents who want to be dark and edgy.It's the kind of thing you discover in highschool and get all dark and pious over and lets you pretend to be an intellectual. Even lord Byron would've been a less pretentious choice.

Vergil go back to fighting with Dante.

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>less pretentious
What fucking bizarro world do you live in?
Also most of those pretentious twats have probably never heard of Blake. They're too busy masturbating over that dumb raven for the umpteen billionth time.

With next gen graphics do you think Vergil will actually look like this in game?

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Vergil is lame. He doesn't have an interesting arc, and he's monotonous the entire series. Venom Snake was a better character than Vergil.

Right back at (you), buddy.

Why exactly would you prefer the twat that he is in 5? He does nothing and says nothing memorable. All he does in 5 is get insulted and constantly get his ass handed to him and if 5 was his first appearance no one would give a shit about him. Cringe? Fuck right off.

When is TGS, anyways?

You seriously think no edgy teenagers've ever heard of Blake? If Poe is the first step to pretentiousness Blake is the second.


>still seething about Vergil
yawn get a new hobby, he's perfectly fine in 5

Sept 12 to 15

You don't get to act above it all and pretend you're better than the rest when you are seriously on a thread discussing a video game character.

>he's perfectly fine in 5
Name one memorable line or scene.

>create Vergil thread
>turns an argument about poets

Guys, the poems in Blake's book just fit the story. It's not that deep.

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I mean look at him, who wouldn't want to play with a man that looks like that? no homo though

You say the same shit every single time, we get it you don't like vergil

>Name one memorable line or scene.
his entrance, both of his fights, him dunking on nero

vergil had no plot relevance in 4 let alone any memorable line or scene, that doesn't matter though because his gameplay is still great.

>whole game is about his son
>Vergil had no plot relevance

I don't like Vergil in 5. He's boring and a shallow version of who he used to be.

I also don't know who you think I am but this is the first time I've talked about Vergil here, or are you one of those who actually thinks everyone who doesn't like what he does are the same person?

>his entrance, both of his fights, him dunking on nero
It's a good thing you don't make games because if you think any of those qualify as memorable you have low standards and no imagination.

yes, the game is about his son and his brother, not about him. he wasn't even mentioned by name. your point?

I was talking about 5 and his gameplay in 4 was fine. It needed fine tuning but it was fine.

Asking this question is like asking if DMC2 is worth playing. Everyone knows this.

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When is the anime supposed to debut? Have they said anything about since Adi started bragging about getting the rights to it?

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what i'm saying is that people wanted vergil in 4 regardless of him having said or done anything memorable in this game. granted, his entry was a bit lackluster in 5 compared to 3, but to be fair, he was only there for 2 missions.

Post songs you would like as Vergil's theme
Pic unrelated, but also slightly related, because it's an action game

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>first time i've talked about Vergil
uh huh

>It's a good thing you don't make games because if you think any of those qualify as memorable you have low standards and no imagination.
>it doesn't count because I say so
>when a majority of youtube videos and discussion is surrounding those scenes even before the game released

Whatever (you) say, bud.

I was never able to get a handle on stance switching, and I don't like Nero's gameplay. Vergil is a happy compromise.

I don't know, Adi still has it in his Insta profile. I just hope he doesn't do something retarded with it. I would like if it just took place after DMC5.

Anyway I want more SOL Anime Vergil if anybody has some to post.

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>One of the few examples of edgelord done not only right, but also actually enjoyable
>Has an actually cool fighting style with his weapon of choice
>Has equally cool moves with his other weapons
>His backstory makes him sympathetic
>Cool anti-villain and equally cool anti-hero
>To top it he looks great and in the end isn't so above it despite his personality

Honestly the people at Capcom are insane for not making him playable in DMC5. Should finally get his own campaign with some new monsters apart of those already existing, bosses unique to his campaign, his own set of styles and an arsenal of his own weapons (including different Summoned Sword types).

What a fun crossover.

>Vergil summons pikachu in his moveset

Anybody know the name of the artist that did these? I see them post but I can't find the source.

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Which moves should I jump cancel?

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>uh huh
Oh, no. Some nobody on te internet doesn't believe me. How will I sleep at night.

>it doesn't count because I say so
It doesn't count because there is nothing worthwhile about any of those. What did he do that made it so memorable? He said nothing outstanding or even out of the ordinary, except for one sword exchange with Dante where none of his moves were that interesting and aside from getting called a dumbass and a fucking asshole there was nothing in those scenes that was worth noting and most definitely nothing HE said or did that would go down as the most bad ass anything involving Vergil.

>*teleports behind you* katana man: the character
he's fun to play as

>never played DMC because im a pcfag
>play dmc5
>sleep the whole way through it
Normal difficulty is too easy and hard is too hard. Has no story worth a shit. Depends entirely on franchise familiarity.
I'm convinced that DMC only survives off nostalgia because DMC5 was just bad.

he's kino

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all of them
it's not a foreign concept to have sequels build on previous entries
also, you're aware that all of the games have been available on pc for years, are you?

keep seething

Alright user thanks for the short answer. Still new to the more advanced tech in this game

watch chasertech's tutorials on dmc4, a lot of it applies to 5 as well

>Start on the 5th entry
>complain about the story
What a fucking retarded nig.

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Having sequels is fine.
Having a game that depends on you knowing the details of 4 games before it (I assume) with no way to inform that player if they don't know that shit isn't.

smug kino at that

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will do

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yes, it is. do you complain about not understanding a movie without seeing the previous entries as well?
this case is even worse because dmc5 gives you the gist of the whole story that has happened before with the press of a single button.

>no way to inform that player
Shouldn't the number next to the title clue you in you retarded nigger.

Vergil is the whole reason for the plot. Arguably the full series


his sword is. he has no involvement with the story, he doesn't appear in it, he's only talked about in one or two sentences, so he has no relevance to the game. mundus and sparda are among the biggest reasons for the plot of dmc too, but they have no relevance to the story of 4 anyhow.


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Dante > virgin

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He's one of the reasons the series turned to shit. Shilling him repeatedly caused stagnation. Nothing to like about the guy. He gets beat up by his brother 24/7 whines. Then get beats up by his son. He's a bigger disapointment than Loki after Thor Ragnarok.

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Vergil is in 1. Also he's the driving force for Dante's actions throughout most of the games. Mundus and Sparda don't mean as much to Dante

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I don't understand, you said Dante > dante

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family bonding time

That's not allowed.

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You know, most parents might just put their kids in the corner or something.

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It's supposed to bother me that you cringe why?
I don't give a fuck if you're uncomfortable, user. That's kind of a you problem.

Adi isn't perfect and he's got some retarded opinions about Indians in the Simpsons, but he did a pretty fine job converting Castlevania into a series. I think with a larger budget, team and timeline he could do some really nice stuff with DMC.

If you unironically think continuity is bad you're a brainlet.